Works (40)
2024 chapter
In P. Hill Collins, Y. Yukawa, H. Matsusaka, A. Sahara, & K. Fujinami, インターセクショナリティの批判的社会理論 = Intāsekushonariti no hihanteki shakai riron = Intersectionality as Critical Social Theory. Tokyo, Japan: Keiso Shobo.
2024 chapter
Shojozo’ de tsunagaru Amerika to Ajia = The Statue of Peace’ connects America and Asia
In R. Lee (Ed.), Amerika wo shiru 50 no kiward = 50 Keywords to Know the United States. Tokyo, Japan: Akashi Shoten.
Ed(s): R. Lee
2024 chapter
Transpacific Feminist Movement: Challenging Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery System
In L. Wong, C. B. Patterson, & C.-ting Lin (Eds.), Transpacific, Undisciplined. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
Ed(s): L. Wong, C. Patterson & C. Lin
2024 conference paper
Transpacific, Undisciplined
Association for Asian American Studies. Roundtable presented at the Association for Asian American Studies, Seattle, Washington.
2024 conference paper
Unveiling Memories, Unraveling Paradoxes: The ‘Women’s Column of Strength’ Memorial and the Complexities of Human Rights in San Francisco
National Women’s Studies Association Annual Meeting. Presented at the National Women’s Studies Association Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI.
2024 conference paper
Zainichi, Nikkei, Asian America: Re-routing Diasporic Identities through a Decolonized Japan
Association for Asian American Studies. Presented at the Association for Asian American Studies, Seattle, Washington.
2023 conference paper
Triangular Collaborations: Diasporic Encounter and Space of Temporal Reunification
Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference. Presented at the Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference, Daegu, South Korea.
2022 journal article
Onlain de jenda to tayosei wo tsunagu: femizemi no torikumi = Bridging Gender and Diversity Online: Femi-zemi’s case
Le Simone, 6, 93–99.
2021 journal article
Senbetsu sareru jinken to mainoriti no seiji = Human Rights Classified, Minority Politics in the Olympics
f Visions, (4), 32–34.
2020 journal article
Dilemma of Multicultural Coexistence: Korean Schools in Japanese Society
Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 19(2), 20–39.
Ed(s): N. Higuchi & Y. Asahina
2020 journal article
Intasekushonariti ni hirakareta ba no tameni = For Intersectional Feminism
Gendai Shiso, 48(4), 147–159.
2019 conference paper
Decolonial Possibilities: Transpacific Feminist Movement for Japan’s Military Sexual Slavery Issue
American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Presented at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai‘i.
2019 chapter
Of Transgression: Zainichi Korean Immigrants’ Search for Home(s) and Belonging
In M. Omi, J. T. Yamashita, & D. Y. Nakano (Eds.), Japanese American Millennials: Identity, Community, and Culture (pp. 137–151). Temple University Press.
Ed(s): M. Omi, J. Yamashita & D. Nakano
2019 conference paper
Transnational Justice Movement: In the Case of San Francisco’s ‘Women’s Column of Strength
Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference. Presented at the Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
2019 conference paper
Transpacific Social Justice Movement and Decolonization
Japan Women’s Studies Association. Presented at the Japan Women’s Studies Association, Tokyo, Japan.
2018 conference paper
Between Recognition and Autonomy: Dilemma of Multicultural Coexistence
Global Migrations Conference. Presented at the Global Migrations Conference - Center for Global Migrations, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.
2018 conference paper
Between Recognition and Autonomy: Dilemma of Multiculturalism
Zainichi Koreans in 21st Century: Assimilation, Re-ethnicization, Education and Next Generation. Presented at the Korean Studies Center, Japan Studies Center, CUPKS Korean Studies Research Group, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
2018 journal article
Kantaiheiyo Shakaiundo no Kanosei: San Furansisuko no ‘Ianfu’ Memoriau ga nagekakerumono = Transnational Justice Movement: In the Case of San Francisco’s Comfort Women Column of Strength
The Report on Japan’s War Responsibility, (90), 2–7.
2018 journal article
The Comfort Women were ‘Prostitutes’: The Japanese consul general in Atlanta’s remarks cause repercussions
The Japan Focus: Asia Pacific Journal, 16(4-2).
2018 conference paper
Transgression as Homing Desire and Practice
Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies, San Francisco, California.
2017 conference paper
Art of Survival: Pro-North Korean Schools in Japan
Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference. Presented at the Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea.
2017 journal article
Cultural politics of transgressive living: socialism meets neoliberalism in pro-North Korean schools in Japan
Social Identities, 24(2), 189–205.
2017 conference paper
Who deserves sympathy and care? Selective distribution of human rights in the case of North Korea’s abduction of Japanese
Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies, Portland, Oregon.
2016 conference paper
Creating Lives in Perpetual State of Exception in (Post-)Colonial Japan
Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference. Presented at the Association for Asian Studies in ASIA Conference, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan.
2016 conference paper
Of Transgression: Remapping of Zainichi Koreans in the Transpacific
Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies, Miami, Florida.
2016 conference paper
Surviving in the War on Terror: Korean Schools at the Nexus of North Korea, South Korea and Japan
Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Annual Meeting. Presented at the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast Annual Meeting, California State University at Northridge, CA.
2016 journal article
Zainichi Koreans [Koreans from Japan] in the U.S.: Negotiating Multiple Displacement and Statelessness
PAN JAPAN: The International Journal of the Japanese Diaspora, 11(1-2), 41–67.
Ed(s): L. Hirabayashi
2015 conference paper
When ‘War on Terror’ and Japan’s ‘Abduction’ Issue Encounter
University of California Center for New Racial Studies, the 5th Annual Conference: Global Raciality: Empire, PostColoniality, Decoloniality. Presented at the University of California Center for New Racial Studies, the 5th Annual Conference, San Diego, California.
2015 conference paper
Zainichi Koreans in the era of Global(ized) ‘War on Terror.’
American Studies Association Annual Meeting. Presented at the American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
2013 conference paper
Perpetual Outsiders: Zainichi Koreans in post-9/17 Japan
Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Presented at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, San Diego, California.
2013 conference paper
Zainichi Korian to Bunka = Zainichi Koreans and Culture
Who Owns Culture?: Beyond Nation-State, 21–31.
2012 journal article
Kankoku Zaigai Tohyo no Jitsugen ga Zainichi Chosenjin ni imisurumonoha = What it Means for Zainichi Koreans to Have Voting Rights in South Korea
Women in the 21st Century, (72), 4.
2012 chapter
Zainichi Koreans (Koreans in/from Japan): Replanting Our Roots
In G. Yoo (Ed.), Koreans in America: History, Culture, Identity (pp. 119–130). Cognella Academic Publishing.
Ed(s): G. Yoo
2012 conference paper
Zainichi Koreans: ‘Quasi-Refugee’ Diaspora at the Nexus of Multiple Nation-States
UCSB-Japan Foundation Summer Institute: Modes of Japanese Multiculturalism: Coexistence and Marginality. Presented at the UCSB-Japan Foundation Summer Institute: Modes of Japanese Multiculturalism: Coexistence and Marginality, University of California, Santa Barbara.
2011 conference paper
Collusion of Japanese and the U.S. Empire and Politics of Transnational Zainichi Korean Resistance
Critical Ethnic Studies Association Conference. Presented at the Critical Ethnic Studies Association Conference, University of California, Riverside.
2010 conference paper
Bodies on the Margin: Displacement, Dispossession, and Resistance
Annual Conference of the National Association for Ethnic Studies. Presented at the Annual Conference of the National Association for Ethnic Studies, Washington D.C.
2010 journal article
Shimonounatsu ni kansuru Ichikosastu: ‘Zaibei’ suru ‘Zainichi’ no shiten kara = Thinking the Fingerprinting in the 21st Century: From the Perspective of Transnational Zainichi.”
The Bulletin of the Institute of Japanese Studies. Osaka University, (29), 75–77.
2010 conference paper
Zainichi Koreans (Koreans from Japan) in the United States: Multiple Displacement, Stateless and Home-Making
Annual Meeting of the Asian Studies Conference in Japan. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Asian Studies Conference in Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
2009 conference paper
Voices of Zainichi Koreans: From the Perspective of Marginalized Nikkei
Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian American Studies, Honolulu, Hawai‘i.
Updated: August 19th, 2024 10:36
2022 - present
2016 - 2022
Updated: August 19th, 2024 10:37