Kirsti Karra Cole
rhetoric, composition, writing studies, writing enriched curriculum, academic labor, feminist rhetoric, digital rhetoric
Works (60)
2025 conference paper
Where Policy Meets Position: Articulating Usable Disciplinary Knowledge for Administrative Spaces
Computer Love’: Extended Play, B-sides, Remix, Collaboration, and Creativity, CCCC Annual Conference. Presented at the Computer Love’: Extended Play, B-sides, Remix, Collaboration, and Creativity, CCCC Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
2024 chapter
Crisis Pregnancy Centers: Digital Rhetoric, Misinformation, and Trust
In I. N. Larsen, E. Strand, & F. Orban (Eds.), Trust under Threat: Challenges in a Digital Society. Münster, Germany: Waxmann Verlag GmbH.
Ed(s): I. Larsen, E. Strand & F. Orban
2024 conference paper
Digital Collaboration: Modeling Writing and Editing Practices through Horizontal Mentoring
NKRF9: Rhetoric in Digital and Technological Transition. Presented at the NKRF9: Rhetoric in Digital and Technological Transition, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2024 conference paper
Discursive Archetypes: Kamala Harris and Repositioning Stepmotherhood
7th International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR). Presented at the 7th International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR), Barcelona, Spain.
2024 conference paper
Out with the Old: Reconstructing Cognitive Models of Writing when AI Intervenes
ways2write \(w2w)/, EARLI SIG Writing. Presented at the ways2write \(w2w)/, EARLI SIG Writing, Paris Nanterre University, France.
2024 conference paper
Participant: Building the Two-Way Street: A Guide for Two-Year/Four-Year College Writing Program Partnerships
Watson Conference 2024. Presented at the Watson Conference 2024.
2023 chapter book
(E)merging Expertise: Multivocal, Multimodal Preparation and Development of Graduate Teaching Assistants in Writing Programs

2023 monograph
A Faculty Guidebook for Effective Shared Governance and Service in Higher Education
2023 chapter
Challenges to Neoliberal Parenting and The Rise of the Ideal Stepmother
2023 chapter
2023 chapter
Conflicts in Shared Governance and Policy Development
2023 conference paper
Critical Friendship as Literacy Practice: Reconceptualizing a U.S. First-Year Writing Program
Writing Research Across Borders. Presented at the Writing Research Across Borders, Trondheim, Norway.
2023 chapter
Developing Effective, Equitable, and Transparent Policies
2023 chapter
Doing Governance Work
2023 chapter
Engaging in Shared Governance Work to Support Educational Opportunities
2023 chapter
2023 chapter
Introduction: Resisting Rhetorics of Mothering, Intensive Mothering, and Biological Determinism
2023 book
Refiguring Motherhood Beyond Biology
2023 chapter
Shared Governance
2023 chapter
Strategies for Implementing and Assessing Change
2022 conference paper
Equity and Access in Graduate Education: Teaching Graduate Students to Teach Online
Conference on College Composition and Communication. Presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Chicago, IL.
2022 conference paper
Finding Place: Neoliberal Parenting and the Rise of the Ideal Stepmother
National Communication Association. Presented at the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
2021 conference paper
Interrogating Rhetorical Futures of Parenthood: Stepmothers, Trans Mothers, and Alternative Pathways to Conception
National Communication Association. Presented at the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
2021 conference paper
Jill Biden, Resistance, and Stepmothering: Resilience in the Neoliberal Landscape
Southern States Communication Association. Presented at the Southern States Communication Association, Greenville, SC.
2021 book edited
Transformations: Change Work across Writing Programs, Pedagogies, and Practices

2019 book
Academic Labor Beyond the College Classroom
In Routledge Press.
2019 chapter
Activism by accuracy: Women's health and hormonal birth control
In Women's Health Advocacy: Rhetorical Ingenuity for the 21st Century (pp. 163–176).
2019 book
No Body is Disinterested: The Discursive Materiality of Composition in the University
2019 conference paper
Old Stereotypes, Worn Metaphors, Outdated Fairy Tales: Stepmother Self-Help Books as (useless) Equipment for (Barely) Living
Rhetoric in Society 7. Presented at the Rhetoric in Society 7, Ghent, Belgium.
2019 journal article
The Activist Syllabus as Technical Communication and the Technical Communicator as Curator of Public Intellectualism
Technical Communication Quarterly, 29(1), 70–89.
Contributors: K. Bivens *, * & L. Heilig *
2019 journal article
“Evil Is Part of the Territory”: Inventing the Stepmother in Self-Help Books
Women's Studies in Communication, 42(4), 511–533.
Contributors: V. Renegar * & *

2018 conference paper
Creating Collectivity in the Neoliberal Academy: The Case for a Transinstitutional Feminist Collaborative
18th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference “Reinventing Rhetoric. Roundtable presented at the 18th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference “Reinventing Rhetoric, Minneapolis, MN.
2018 conference paper
Evil is Part of the Territory:” Inventing the Stepmother in Self-Help Books
18th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference “Reinventing Rhetoric. Presented at the 18th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference “Reinventing Rhetoric, Minneapolis, MN.
2018 chapter
Feminist Comedy’s Blond Badass: Amy Schumer and the Limits of White Feminism
In K. V. Anderson (Ed.), Women, Feminism, and Pop Politics: From "Bitch" to "Badass" and Beyond (pp. 99–118). New York: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): K. Anderson
2018 chapter
Transgressing the Digital Terrain: Humor in Feminist Responses to Trolling
In J. Manning & J. Dunn (Eds.), Transgressing Feminist Theory and Discourse. London: Routledge.
Ed(s): J. Manning & J. Dunn
2017 journal article
Hush...The Dangers of Silence in the Academic Library
In the Library with a Lead Pipe.
2017 book
Remodeling shared governance: Feminist decision making and resistance to academic neoliberalism
In Surviving Sexism in Academia: Strategies for Feminist Leadership (pp. 13–28).

2017 book
Surviving Sexism in Academia
In Routledge Press.
2017 conference paper
Teaching Methods in Rhetoric and Composition: The Ethics of Feminist Praxis as Teacher Research
11th Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference “Rhetorics, Rights, Revolutions. Presented at the 11th Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference “Rhetorics, Rights, Revolutions, Dayton, OH.
2017 journal article
The Grotesque Protest in Social Media as Embodied, Political Rhetoric
Journal of Communication Inquiry, 42(1), 5–25.
Contributors: K. Bivens * & *
2017 journal article
The Grotesque Protest in Social Media as Embodied, Political Rhetoric
Journal of Communication Inquiry.
2016 conference paper
Collaboration and Convergence: Writing Groups, Retreats, Coaches, and Accountability Circles
2016 Western States Communication Association Conference. Sponsored ORWAC panel presented at the 2016 Western States Communication Association Conference, San Diego, CA.
2016 conference paper
Monsters Like Us: Revisiting Progress in Penny Dreadful Dr. Frankenstein and His Creature
Victorians Like Us III Conference: Progress: A Blessing or A Curse? Presented at the Victorians Like Us III Conference: Progress: A Blessing or A Curse?, Lisbon, Portugal.
2016 chapter
The Wicked Stepmother Online: Maternal Identity and Personal Narrative in Social Media
In L. B. Arnold & B. A. Martin (Eds.), Taking the Village Online: Mothers, Motherhood, and Social Media. Bradford, Ontario: Demeter Press.
Ed(s): L. Arnold & B. Martin
2016 conference paper
The “Wicked Stepmother”: Changing Maternal Identity and Transforming Personal Narrative
17th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference “Rhetoric & Change.” Presented at the 17th Biennial Rhetoric Society of America Conference “Rhetoric & Change.,” Atlanta, GA.
2016 conference paper
Transgressing the Digital Terrain: Humor in Feminist Responses to Trolling
39th Annual Meeting of the Organization of Communication, Language, & Gender “TRANS*GRESSIONS,” IL, 13–16.
2015 journal article
'It's Like She's Eager to Be Verbally Abused': Twitter, Trolls, and
2015 journal article
Multimodality in Composition, Rhetoric, and English Studies: Praxis and Practicalities
2015 conference paper
Stepmonsters: Remixing the Rhetoric of Stepmotherhood
10th Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference. Presented at the 10th Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
2015 journal article
“It's Like She's Eager to be Verbally Abused”: Twitter, Trolls, and (En)Gendering Disciplinary Rhetoric
Feminist Media Studies, 15(2), 356–358.
2014 book
Feminist Challenges or Feminist Rhetorics? Locations, Scholarship, Discourse
In Cambridge Scholars Press.
2014 conference paper
Shifting a Culture: Writing, WAC, and Assessment
13th International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Presented at the 13th International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.
2014 conference paper
Stepmonsters: Stepmothers, Labor, and the Rhetoric of Motherhood
National Women’s Studies Association Conference. Presented at the National Women’s Studies Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2013 conference paper
"It’s Been a Weird Week:” Kairos in the 21st Century
Nineteenth Biennial Conference of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric. Presented at the Nineteenth Biennial Conference of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric, Chicago, IL.
2013 conference paper
"Remember, Baby Units, register your uterus by Friday to retain your voting privileges:” A Brief History of the Womb as a Rhetorical Trope
Contemporary Rhetorical Citizenship: Purposes, Practices, Perspectives, Rhetoric in Society 4. Presented at the Contemporary Rhetorical Citizenship: Purposes, Practices, Perspectives, Rhetoric in Society 4, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2013 book
Sisyphus Rolls On: Reframing Women's Ways of 'Making It' in Rhetoric and Composition
2008 book
(Post)Modern Psychoanalysis: A Re-Vis(ion)ing of Edgar Allan Poe
2008 journal article
Of Being and Passing Away: Performativity and Women's Activist Rhetoric
2007 journal article
Feminist Social Projects: Building Bridges between Communities and Universities
College English, 69(3), 238–259.

2007 journal article
Feminist Social Projects: Building Bridges between Communities and Universities
Updated: January 7th, 2025 11:33
2023 - present
2008 - 2023
Updated: October 9th, 2017 11:00
2001 - 2008
1998 - 2001