@article{toomer_maharjan_harding_vu_malheiros_mian_joseph_read_oviedo-rondon_anderson_2024, title={Effects of full-fat high-oleic soybean meal in layer diets on performance, egg quality and chemical composition}, volume={103}, ISSN={["1525-3171"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2024.104074}, DOI={10.1016/j.psj.2024.104074}, abstractNote={The utilization of full-fat high-oleic soybean meal in layer diets could lead to value-added poultry products. To test this idea, 336 hens were randomly assigned to 4 isonitrogenous (18.5% CP) and isocaloric (2,927 kcal/kg) formulated diets and fed the following diets for eight weeks: conventional control solvent-extracted defatted soybean meal (CON); extruded-expelled defatted soybean meal (EENO); full fat normal-oleic soybean meal (FFNO); or full fat high-oleic soybean meal (FFHO). Body weights (BW) were collected at week 0 and week 8. Eggs were collected daily, and the totals counted each week. Feed consumption was measured weekly, and egg quality was measured bi-weekly. Eggs were collected at wk 0 and wk 8 for fatty acid analysis. There were no significant treatment differences in any of the production parameters measured, BW, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio or egg production (P > 0.05). Eggshell strength was significantly greater in eggs produced from the EENO group as compared to the control (P < 0.01), while egg yolk color was significantly darker in eggs of the control and EENO treatment groups relative to the FFNO and FFHO treatments (P < 0.0001). Eggs produced by hens fed the FFHO diet had a 52% increase in monounsaturated n-9 oleic acid content (P < 0.0001) and reduced palmitic (P < 0.01) and stearic (P < 0.0001) saturated fatty acid levels as compared to the conventional controls. These results validate the utilization of FFHO as a value-added poultry feed ingredient to enrich the eggs and/or poultry meat produced.}, number={10}, journal={POULTRY SCIENCE}, author={Toomer, Ondulla T. and Maharjan, Pramir and Harding, Kari L and Vu, Thien Chuong and Malheiros, Ramon and Mian, Rouf and Joseph, Michael and Read, Quentin D. and Oviedo-Rondon, Edgar Orlando and Anderson, Kenneth E.}, year={2024}, month={Oct} } @article{maharjan_rahimi_harding_vu_malheiros_oviedo-rondon_mian_joseph_dean_anderson_et al._2023, title={Effects of full-fat high-oleic soybean meal in layer diets on nutrient digestibility and egg quality parameters of a white laying hen strain}, volume={102}, ISSN={["1525-3171"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psj.2023.102486}, DOI={10.1016/j.psj.2023.102486}, abstractNote={This study was conducted to understand the impact of including full fat high-oleic soybean meal in layer hen diets on nutrient digestibility and added nutritional value in eggs. Forty-eight layers (∼36 wk old) were randomly assigned to one of 4 isonitrogenous (18.5% crude protein) treatment diets with 12 replicate birds per treatment in a 3-wk study. Treatments were 1) solvent extracted defatted soybean meal + corn diet, 2) dry extruded defatted soybean meal + corn, 3) full-fat soybean meal + corn, 4) high-oleic full-fat soybean meal + corn diet. Apparent ileal digestibility of crude fat (CF) and crude protein (CP) were determined using celite (∼2%) as an indigestible marker. Tibia strength and egg quality parameters (egg weight, shell strength, Haugh unit, shell color, and yolk color) were recorded during the study. Fatty acid profiles, including the monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid (C18:1, cis), in eggs and adipogenic tissue (liver, muscle, and fat pad) were measured using gas chromatography (GC-FID). Digestibility values of CF ranged from 71 to 84% and CP varied from 67 to 72% for treatment diets, with treatment mean values being no different (P > 0.05) between treatment diets. No differences between treatment diets in tibia strength or egg quality parameters (egg weight, shell strength, and Haugh unit) were observed (P > 0.05) except for yolk color. Similarly, there were no differences in the total lipids in egg yolk (P > 0.05) between treatment diets. However, oleic acid percentage of total lipid in egg and tissue was significantly higher (P < 0.001) in hens given the high-oleic full-fat soybean meal diet than in other treatment groups. No difference was observed in oleic acid percentage of total lipid in egg between the other 3 treatment diets (P > 0.05). Overall, the results exhibited that the eggs and tissue of layer hens fed the full-fat high-oleic acid soybean meal diet were higher in oleic acid while the CF and CP digestibility remained similar to the digestibility of the other diets.}, number={4}, journal={POULTRY SCIENCE}, author={Maharjan, Pramir and Rahimi, Amin and Harding, Kari L and Vu, Thien Chuong and Malheiros, Ramon and Oviedo-Rondon, Edgar O. and Mian, Rouf and Joseph, Michael and Dean, Lisa and Anderson, Kenneth E. and et al.}, year={2023}, month={Apr} } @article{harding_vu_wysocky_malheiros_anderson_toomer_2021, title={The Effects of Feeding a Whole-in-Shell Peanut-Containing Diet on Layer Performance and the Quality and Chemistry of Eggs Produced}, volume={11}, ISSN={["2077-0472"]}, DOI={10.3390/agriculture11111176}, abstractNote={The abundance of peanut and poultry production within the state of North Carolina and the US Southeast, led us to conduct a layer feeding trial to determine the utilization of whole-in-shell high-oleic peanuts (WPN) and/or unblanched high-oleic peanuts (HOPN) as an alternative feed ingredient for poultry. To meet this objective, we randomly assigned 576 shaver hens to 4 dietary treatments (4 rep/trt). The dietary treatments consisted of a conventional control diet (C1), a diet containing 4% WPN, an 8% HOPN diet, and a control diet containing soy protein isolate (C2). Feed and water were provided for 6 weeks ad libitum. Pen body weights (BW) were recorded at week 0 and week 6 (wk6), and feed weights were recorded bi-weekly. Shell eggs were collected daily and enumerated. Bi-weekly 120 eggs/treatment were collected for quality assessment and egg weight (EW), while 16 eggs/treatment were collected for chemical analysis. There were no significant differences in BW or EW at week 6. Hens fed the C2 produced more total dozen eggs relative to C1 hens over the feeding trial (p < 0.05). Hens fed the C1 diet consumed less total feed relative to the other treatments with the best feed conversion ratio (p < 0.05). Most eggs produced from each treatment were USDA grade A, large eggs. There were no differences in egg quality, with the exception of yolk color, with significantly higher yolk color scores in eggs produced from the C1 and C2 treatments relative to the other treatments (p < 0.05). Eggs produced from the HOPN treatment had significantly reduced stearic and linoleic fatty acid levels relative to the other treatments (p < 0.05). Eggs produced from hens fed the WPN diet had significantly greater β-carotene content relative to eggs from the other treatment groups (p < 0.05). In summary, this study suggests that WPN and/or HOPN may be a suitable alternative layer feed ingredient and a dietary means to enrich the eggs produced while not adversely affecting hen performance.}, number={11}, journal={AGRICULTURE-BASEL}, author={Harding, Kari L. and Vu, Thien and Wysocky, Rebecca and Malheiros, Ramon and Anderson, Kenneth E. and Toomer, Ondulla T.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }