@article{oreja_mahoney_jordan_jennings_vann_leon_2025, title={Crop rotation and herbicide program effects on Palmer amaranth and common ragweed population growth rate}, volume={11}, ISSN={["2374-3832"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.70022}, DOI={10.1002/cft2.70022}, abstractNote={Abstract The success of weed management decisions must be assessed not only in the short‐term within season but also in the long‐term over several seasons. This study investigated the effects of crop rotation and herbicide program structure on the population growth rates of Palmer amaranth ( Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) and common ragweed ( Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.). A field experiment was conducted over a 3‐year period in North Carolina to compare cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L.)–sweetpotato [ Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]–soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.], cotton–peanut ( Arachis hypogaea L.)–soybean, cotton–tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.)–soybean, and cotton–soybean–soybean rotations and preemergence and postemergence herbicide application timings. Results showed that preemergence herbicide application in the soybean phase of the rotation reduced Palmer amaranth populations 79%. However, the preemergence herbicides were only effective at reducing weed populations for the current season, not beyond. Common ragweed population growth rate was highest after the first 2 years ( λ = 1.63) of the cotton–tobacco–soybean rotation. Preemergence herbicides were effective in reducing common ragweed populations, particularly in rotations with cotton–sweetpotato and cotton–peanut. Soybean yields were similar across rotations ranging from 62 bu/ac to 68 bu/ac. Annual use of preemergence herbicides was essential to reduce Palmer amaranth populations. For common ragweed, the effectiveness of preemergence herbicides to mitigate population growth was reduced when poorly competitive crops were part of the rotation.}, number={1}, journal={CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT}, author={Oreja, Fernando H. and Mahoney, Denis J. and Jordan, David L. and Jennings, Katie M. and Vann, Matthew and Leon, Ramon G.}, year={2025}, month={Jun} }
@article{blankenship_jennings_monks_meyers_jordan_schultheis_suchoff_moore_ippolito_2024, title={Effect of S-metolachlor and flumioxazin herbicides on sweetpotato treated with and without activated charcoal applied through transplant water}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2024.48}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2024.48}, abstractNote={Abstract Flumioxazin and S -metolachlor are widely used in conventional sweetpotato production in North Carolina and other states; however, some growers have recently expressed concerns about potential effects of these herbicides on sweetpotato yield and quality. Previous research indicates that activated charcoal has the potential to reduce herbicide injury. Field studies were conducted in 2021 and 2022 to determine whether flumioxazin applied preplant and S -metolachlor applied before and after transplanting negatively affect sweetpotato yield and quality when activated charcoal is applied with transplant water. The studies evaluated five herbicide treatments and two activated charcoal treatments. Herbicide treatments included two flumioxazin rates, one S -metolachlor rate applied immediately before and immediately after transplanting, and no herbicide. Charcoal treatments consisted of activated charcoal applied at 9 kg ha −1 , and no charcoal. No visual injury from herbicides or charcoal was observed. Likewise, no effect of herbicide or charcoal treatment on no. 1, marketable (sum of no. 1 and jumbo grades), or total yield (sum of canner, no. 1, and jumbo grades) was observed. Additionally, shape analysis conducted on calculated length-to-width ratio (LWR) for no. 1 sweetpotato roots found no effect from flumioxazin at either rate on sweetpotato root shape. However, both S -metolachlor treatments resulted in lower LWR of no. 1 sweetpotato roots in 2021. Results are consistent with prior research and indicate that flumioxazin and S -metolachlor are safe for continued use on sweetpotato at registered rates.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Blankenship, Colton D. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Meyers, Stephen L. and Jordan, David L. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Suchoff, David H. and Moore, Levi D. and Ippolito, Stephen J.}, year={2024}, month={Oct} }
@article{cooper_meyers_jennings_adair_gibson_johnson_2024, title={Effect of in-row spacing on weed suppression and yield of 'Covington' and 'Monaco' sweetpotato}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2024.63}, abstractNote={Abstract Organic sweetpotato growers have limited effective weed management options, and most rely on in-season between-row cultivation and hand weeding, which are time consuming, are costly, and deteriorate soil quality. Studies were conducted at the Samuel G. Meigs Horticulture Research Farm, Lafayette, IN, and at the Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center, Vincennes, IN, in 2022 and 2023 to determine the effects of in-row plant spacing and cultivar selection on weed suppression and organic sweetpotato yield. The experiment was a split-split plot design, with in-row spacings of 20, 30, and 40 cm as the main plot factor, weeding frequency (critical weed-free period and weed-free) as the subplot factor, and sweetpotato cultivar (‘Covington’ and ‘Monaco’) as the sub-subplot factor. However, in 2022, we evaluated only in-row spacing and weeding frequency because of the poor establishment of ‘Monaco’. In 2023, sweetpotato canopy at 5 wk after transplanting (WAP) decreased as in-row spacing increased from 20 to 40 cm, and sweetpotato canopy cover of ‘Monaco’ (62%) was greater than that of ‘Covington’ (44%). In-row spacing did not affect weed density at 4, 5, and 6 WAP. As in-row spacing increased from 20 to 40 cm, total sweetpotato yield pooled across both locations in 2023 decreased from 30,223 to 21,209 kg ha −1 for ‘Covington’ and from 24,370 to 20,848 kg ha −1 for ‘Monaco’; however, jumbo yield increased for both cultivars. Findings from this study suggest that an in-row spacing of 20 cm may provide greater yield than the standard spacing of 30 cm for both ‘Monaco’ and ‘Covington’.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Cooper, Emmanuel and Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine and Adair, Ashley and Gibson, Kevin D. and Johnson, William G.}, year={2024}, month={Oct} }
@article{schwarz_chitra_jennings_gorny_2024, title={Evaluation of Weed Species for Host Status to the Root-Knot Nematodes Meloidogyne enterolobii and M. incognita Race 4}, volume={56}, ISSN={2640-396X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/jofnem-2024-0017}, DOI={10.2478/jofnem-2024-0017}, abstractNote={Abstract Weeds that compete with valuable crops can also host plant-parasitic nematodes, acting as a source of nematode inoculum in a field and further damaging crops. The host status of 10 weed species commonly found in North Carolina, USA, was determined for the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne enterolobii and M. incognita race 4 in the greenhouse. Each weed species was challenged with 5,000 eggs/plant of either M. enterolobii or M. incognita race 4, with five replicate plants per treatment in two separate greenhouse trials. Root galling severity and total number of nematode eggs per root system were recorded 60 days after inoculation. Reproduction factor (Rf = final nematode population/initial nematode population) was calculated to determine the host status of each weed species to M. enterolobii and M. incognita race 4. Four weed species ( Datura stramonium, Digitaria sanguinalis, Senna obtusifolia, and Cyperus esculentus ) were poor hosts (Rf < 1) to both nematode species, and roots of these weed plants did not display galling. Four weed species ( Ipomoea hederacea, Amaranthus palmeri, Portulaca pilosa, and Ipomoea lacunosa ) were hosts (Rf > 1) to both nematode species, and all had observable root gall formation. Sida rhombifolia and Cyperus rotundus were poor hosts to M. enterolobii but susceptible hosts to M. incognita . This study documents a differential host status of some common weeds to M. enterolobii and M. incognita race 4, and these results highlight the necessity of managing root-knot nematodes through controlling weeds in order to protect valuable crops.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Nematology}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Schwarz, Tanner and Chitra and Jennings, Katherine and Gorny, Adrienne}, year={2024}, month={Mar} }
@article{jones_bradshaw_contreras_cahoon jr_jennings_leon_everman_2024, title={Growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth escaping glufosinate in cotton with and without grass competition}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2024.68}, abstractNote={Abstract Field experiments were conducted at Clayton and Rocky Mount, NC, during summer 2020 to determine the growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate with and without grass competition in cotton. Glufosinate (590 g ai ha −1 ) was applied to Palmer amaranth early postemergence (5 cm tall), mid-postemergence (7 to 10 cm tall), and late postemergence (>10 cm tall) and at orthogonal combinations of those timings. Nontreated Palmer amaranth was grown in weedy, weed-free in-crop (WFIC) and weed-free fallow (WFNC) conditions for comparisons. Palmer amaranth control decreased as larger plants were treated; no plants survived the sequential glufosinate applications in both experiments. The apical and circumferential growth of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate treatments was reduced by more than 44% compared to the WFIC and WFNC Palmer amaranth in both experiments. The biomass of Palmer amaranth plants surviving glufosinate was reduced by more than 62% when compared with the WFIC and WFNC in all experiments. The fecundity of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate treatments was reduced by more than 73% compared to WFNC Palmer amaranth in all experiments. Remarkably, the plants that survived glufosinate were fecund as WFIC plants only in the Grass Competition experiment. The results prove that despite decreased vegetative growth of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate treatment, plants remain fecund and can be fecund as nontreated plants in cotton. These results suggest that a glufosinate-treated grass weed may not have a significant interspecific competition effect on Palmer amaranth that survives glufosinate. Glufosinate should be applied to 5 to 7 cm Palmer amaranth to cease vegetative and reproductive capacities.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Jones, Eric A. L. and Bradshaw, Colden L. and Contreras, Diego J. and Cahoon Jr, Charles W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2024}, month={Oct} }
@article{jones_bradshaw_contreras_cahoon jr_jennings_leon_everman_2024, title={Growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth escaping glufosinate in soybean with and without grass competition}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2024.29}, abstractNote={Abstract Field experiments were conducted at Clayton and Rocky Mount, North Carolina, during the summer of 2020 to determine the growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate with and without grass competition in soybean crops. Glufosinate (590 g ai ha −1 ) was applied at early postemergence (when Palmer amaranth plants were 5 cm tall), mid-postemergence (7–10 cm), and late postemergence (>10 cm) and at orthogonal combinations of those timings. Nontreated Palmer amaranth was grown in weedy (i.e., intraspecific and grass competition), weed-free in-crop (WFIC), and weed-free fallow (WFNC) conditions for comparisons. No Palmer amaranth plants survived the sequential glufosinate applications and control decreased as the plants were treated at a larger size in both experiments. The apical and circumferential growth rate of Palmer amaranth surviving glufosinate was reduced by more than 44% compared with the WFNC Palmer amaranth. The biomass of Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate was reduced by more than 87% compared with the WFNC Palmer amaranth. The fecundity of Palmer amaranth that survived glufosinate was reduced by more than 70% compared with WFNC Palmer amaranth. Palmer amaranth plants that survived glufosinate were as fecund as the WFIC Palmer amaranth in both experiments in soybean fields. The results prove that despite the significant vegetative growth rate decrease of Palmer amaranth that survived glufosinate, plants can be as fecund as nontreated plants. The trends in growth and fecundity of Palmer amaranth that survives glufosinate with and without grass competition were similar. These results suggest that glufosinate-treated grass weeds may not reduce the growth or fecundity of Palmer amaranth that survives glufosinate.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Jones, Eric A. L. and Bradshaw, Colden L. and Contreras, Diego J. and Cahoon Jr, Charles W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2024}, month={May} }
@article{ippolito_jennings_monks_chaudhari_jordan_moore_blankenship_2024, title={Response of stevia to reduced-risk synthetic and nonsynthetic herbicides applied post-transplant}, volume={38}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2024.20}, abstractNote={Abstract Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine the response of stevia to reduced-risk synthetic and nonsynthetic herbicides applied over-the-top post-transplant. In addition, field trials were conducted with stevia grown in a polyethylene mulch production system to determine crop response and weed control in planting holes to reduced-risk synthetic and nonsynthetic herbicides applied post-transplant directed. Treatments included caprylic acid plus capric acid, clove oil plus cinnamon oil, d-limonene, acetic acid (200 grain), citric acid, pelargonic acid, eugenol, ammonium nonanoate, and ammoniated soap of fatty acids. Stevia yield (dry aboveground biomass) in the greenhouse was reduced by all herbicide treatments. Citric acid and clove oil plus cinnamon oil were the least injurious, reducing yield by 16% to 20%, respectively. In field studies, d-limonene, pelargonic acid, ammonium nonanoate, and ammoniated soap of fatty acids controlled Palmer amaranth (>90% 1 wk after treatment (WAT). In field studies caprylic acid plus capric acid, pelargonic acid, and ammonium nonanoate caused >30% injury to stevia plants at 2 WAT, and d-limonene, citric acid, acetic acid, and ammoniated soap of fatty acids caused 18% to 25% injury 2 WAT. Clove oil plus cinnamon oil and eugenol caused <10% injury. Despite being injurious, herbicides applied in the field did not reduce yield compared to the nontreated check. Based upon yield data, these herbicides have potential for use in stevia; however, these products could delay harvest if applied to established stevia. In particular, clove oil plus cinnamon oil has potential for use for early-season weed management for organic production systems. The application of clove oil plus cinnamon oil over-the-top resulted in <10% injury 28 d after treatment (DAT) in the greenhouse and 3% injury 6 WAT postemergence-directed in the field. In addition, this treatment provided 95% control of Palmer amaranth 4 WAT.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Ippolito, Stephen J. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Jordan, David and Moore, Levi D. and Blankenship, Colton D.}, year={2024}, month={May} }
@article{jones_andres_owen_dunne_contreras_cahoon_jennings_leon_everman_2023, title={Confirmation of a five-way herbicide-resistant Amaranthus tuberculatus population in North Carolina}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1365-3180"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1111/wre.12590}, DOI={10.1111/wre.12590}, abstractNote={AbstractAmaranthus tuberculatus (waterhemp) is a pervasive weed of the Mid‐west and ‐south United States and is not native to North Carolina but infestations in crop fields have been reported recently. Amaranthus tuberculatus has evolved resistance to seven herbicide groups and multiple herbicide‐resistant populations are common where the species is native. The reported A. tuberculatus infestations in North Carolina have not been controlled with herbicides but no formal herbicide resistance characterisation has been conducted to date. Glasshouse dose–response experiments were conducted to determine the susceptibility of a population collected from Surry County, North Carolina to commonly applied postemergence herbicides compared to a herbicide‐susceptible population collected from Story County, Iowa. The Surry County population survived labelled rates of imazethapyr, atrazine, glyphosate, fomesafen, and mesotrione; the Story County population was controlled with these herbicides. Further, 2,4‐D, dicamba, and glufosinate effectively controlled the Surry and Story County populations. Molecular sequencing assays were subsequently conducted to determine if altered target sites facilitated resistance in the acetolactate synthase (ALS), 5‐enolpyruvylshikimate‐3‐phosphate synthase (EPSPS), photosystem II (psbA), and protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPX2) genes. The Surry County population carried a Trp574Leu and ∆Gly210 mutations in the ALS and PPX2 gene, respectively. No mutations that would confer resistance were found in the EPSPS or psbA gene for either population. The results of both experiments provide evidence that a five‐way herbicide‐resistant A. tuberculatus population has encroached North Carolina. More research is needed to determine the mechanisms of resistance to atrazine, glyphosate, and mesotrione.}, journal={WEED RESEARCH}, author={Jones, Eric A. L. and Andres, Ryan J. and Owen, Micheal D. K. and Dunne, Jeffrey C. and Contreras, Diego J. and Cahoon, Charles W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2023}, month={Jul} }
@article{moore_jennings_monks_boyette_leon_jordan_ippolito_blankenship_chang_2023, title={Evaluation of electrical and mechanical Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) management in cucumber, peanut, and sweetpotato}, volume={1}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2023.1}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2023.1}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted to assess the efficacy of physical weed management of Palmer amaranth management in cucumber, peanut, and sweetpotato. Treatments were arranged in a 3 × 4 factorial in which the first factor included a treatment method of electrical, mechanical, or hand-roguing Palmer amaranth control and the second factor consisted of treatments applied when Palmer amaranth was approximately 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, or 1.2 m above the crop canopy. Four wk after treatment (WAT), the electrical applications controlled Palmer amaranth at least 27 percentage points more than the mechanical applications when applied at the 0.3- and 0.6-m timings. At the 0.9- and 1.2-m application timings 4 WAT, electrical and mechanical applications controlled Palmer amaranth by at most 87%. Though hand removal generally resulted in the greatest peanut pod count and total sweetpotato yield, mechanical and electrical control resulted in similar yield to the hand-rogued plots, depending on the treatment timing. With additional research to provide insight into the optimal applications, there is potential for electrical control and mechanical control to be used as alternatives to hand removal. Additional studies were conducted to determine the effects of electrical treatments on Palmer amaranth seed production and viability. Treatments consisted of electricity applied to Palmer amaranth at first visible inflorescence, 2 wk after first visible inflorescence (WAI) or 4 WAI. Treatments at varying reproductive maturities did not reduce the seed production immediately after treatment. However, after treatment, plants primarily died and ceased maturation, reducing seed production assessed at 4 WAI by 93% and 70% when treated at 0 and 2 WAI, respectively. Treatments did not have a negative effect on germination or seedling length.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Moore, Levi D. D. and Jennings, Katherine M. M. and Monks, David W. W. and Boyette, Michael D. D. and Leon, Ramon G. G. and Jordan, David L. L. and Ippolito, Stephen J. J. and Blankenship, Colton D. D. and Chang, Patrick}, year={2023}, month={Jan} }
@article{woodard_schultheis_jennings_woodley_suchoff_2024, title={Horizontal Planting Orientation Can Improve Yield in Organically Grown Sweetpotato}, volume={59}, ISSN={["2327-9834"]}, DOI={10.21273/HORTSCI17352-23}, abstractNote={Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.] is one of North Carolina’s (USA) most important organic commodity crops; however, yields tend to be less when compared with conventionally produced sweetpotato. Standard field establishment uses unrooted stem cuttings that are transplanted vertically in the soil. Producers in other countries typically use other planting orientations, including cuttings transplanted horizontally. Empirical evidence from North Carolina, USA, sweetpotato producers suggests that a horizontal orientation may improve yields. An organically managed field study using ‘Monaco’ sweetpotato was conducted in 2020 and 2021 in Bailey, NC, USA. The study evaluated stem cutting planting orientations (vertical, sleeve, horizontal), stem cutting length (25 cm and 38 cm), and harvest time (early or late) in a full-factorial randomized complete block design. In 2020, marketable yields were 16% greater for the horizontal orientation compared with the vertical orientation, with intermediate yields using the sleeve attachment. However, in 2021, there were no differences in marketable yield among planting orientations. In both years, US No. 1–grade yields were significantly greater when cuttings were planted horizontally compared with vertically, with an average increase of 18%. Delaying harvest until ∼126 days is recommended to increase yields for ‘Monaco’, regardless of planting orientation. This study provides evidence that a horizontal planting orientation could increase premium root yields and improve land-use efficiency for organically produced sweetpotatoes.}, number={1}, journal={HORTSCIENCE}, author={Woodard, Alyssa J. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Woodley, Alex L. and Suchoff, David H.}, year={2024}, month={Jan}, pages={36–42} }
@article{volk_jennings_fennimore_hoffmann_2023, title={Preplant Application of Allyl Isothiocyanate Controls Weeds and Pathogens in Eastern North Carolina Strawberry (Fragaria xananassa cv. Camarosa) with and without Addition of Soil-applied Steam}, volume={58}, ISSN={["2327-9834"]}, DOI={10.21273/HORTSCI17321-23}, abstractNote={Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC) is a colorless aliphatic oil that naturally occurs in many plants of the cabbage and mustard family (Brassicaceae). It has antimicrobial activity and is used as pesticide for a variety of applications. However, AITC as a soil disinfectant has exhibited inconsistent weed and pathogen control, mainly because of its higher viscosity and low vapor pressure (5 mmHg at 25 °C). Steam, however, effectively controls soil-borne pathogens if soil temperatures of 65 °C or more are reached for a minimum duration of 30 minutes. We hypothesized that steam applications targeting lower temperatures, when combined with soil-injected AITC, will provide sufficient weed and pathogen control. We further hypothesized that the combination of AITC and steam will lead to higher strawberry yields compared with either of the components on their own. Two strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa cv. Camarosa) trials were conducted during two consecutive seasons (2020–21 and 2021–22). The trials were conducted at the Central Crops Research Station in Clayton, NC, USA, and the Horticulture Research Station in Castle Hayne, NC, USA. Eight treatments and a nontreated control were established in a randomized complete block design (four replicates each). The treatments were Pic-Clor 60, AITC, AITC followed by 60 minutes of steam injection, AITC followed by 30 minutes of steam injection, AITC followed by 10 minutes of steam injection, 60 minutes of steam injection, 30 minutes of steam injection, and 10 minutes of steam injection. Soilborne pathogen control efficacy was assessed using wet Pythium sp. plating assays. Weed control was assessed through weed seed/tuber germination assays. Our results showed that combining ATIC with steam did not reduce weed or pathogen levels or improve yield when compared with AITC alone or Pic-Clor 60. Moreover, treatment comprising steam alone did not provide sufficient control. However, AITC alone controlled weeds and pathogens as effectively as Pic-Clor 60 during both years and both locations of the study. These results showed that AITC alone could be a potential alternative soil disinfectant for Eastern North Carolina strawberry production.}, number={10}, journal={HORTSCIENCE}, author={Volk, Emma and Jennings, Katie and Fennimore, Steven F. and Hoffmann, Mark}, year={2023}, month={Oct}, pages={1242-+} }
@article{sims_mitchem_jennings_monks_jordan_hoffmann_2023, title={Tolerance of muscadine grape to 2,4-D choline postemergence-directed}, volume={2}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2023.8}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted in commercial muscadine vineyards in western North Carolina in 2018 and eastern North Carolina in 2019, 2020, and 2021 to determine tolerance of younger (< 9 yr) and older (≥ 9 yr) bearing muscadine grapevines to 2,4-D directed beneath the crop postemergence (POST). Treatments included 2,4-D choline at 0, 0.53, 1.06, 1.60, and 2.13 kg ae ha−1 applied as a single treatment in May or June (spring) at immediate pre-bloom, and sequential treatments at 0.53 followed by (fb) 0.53, 1.06 fb 1.06, 1.6 fb 1.6, or 2.13 fb 2.13 kg ha−1. The first sequential treatment was applied in spring fb another application of the same amount in July (summer) at pre-veraison. No differences in injury on muscadine grapevines were observed from 2,4-D treatments. Differences among treatments were not observed for yield of younger vines. However, for older vines, a difference due to 2,4-D rate was observed in 2018, when yield was higher when 2,4-D was applied at 1.6 kg ha−1 compared with nontreated grapevines, and when 2,4-D was applied at 0.53 and 2.13 kg ha−1. A rate-by-timing interaction was observed in 2019 when yield was lower from 0.53 kg ha−1 2,4-D summer application compared with all other summer treatments but similar to the nontreated. However, no biological pattern was observed from either of these differences. No differences among treatments were observed for fruit pH, titratable acidity, or soluble solid content of either younger or older vines.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Sims, Kira C. and Mitchem, Wayne E. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Hoffmann, Mark}, year={2023}, month={Feb} }
@article{basinger_hestir_jennings_monks_everman_jordan_2022, title={Detection of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) with in situ hyperspectral remote sensing. I. Effects of weed density and soybean presence}, volume={70}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2021.81}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2021.81}, abstractNote={AbstractThe utilization of remote sensing in agriculture has great potential to change the methods of field scouting for weeds. Previous remote sensing research has been focused on the ability to detect and differentiate between species. However, these studies have not addressed weed density variability throughout a field. Furthermore, the impact of changing phenology of crops and weeds within and between growing seasons has not been investigated. To address these research gaps, field studies were conducted in 2016 and 2017 at the Horticultural Crops Research Station near Clinton, NC. Two problematic weed species, Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) and large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.], were planted at four densities in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Additionally, these weed densities were grown in the presence and absence of the crop to determine the influence of crop presence on the detection and discrimination of weed species and density. Hyperspectral data were collected over various phenological time points in each year. Differentiation between plant species and weed density was not consistent across cropping systems, phenology, or season. Weed species were distinguishable across more spectra when no soybean was present. In 2016, weed species were not distinguishable, while in 2017, differentiation occurred at 4 wk after planting (WAP) and 15 WAP when weeds were present with soybean. When soybean was not present, differentiation occurred only at 5 WAP in 2016 and at 3 WAP through 15 WAP in 2017. Differentiation between weed densities did occur in both years with and without soybean present, but weed density could be differentiated across more spectra when soybean was not present. This study demonstrates that weed and crop reflectance is dynamic throughout the season and that spectral reflectance can be affected by weed species and density.}, number={2}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Basinger, Nicholas T. and Hestir, Erin L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Everman, Wesley J. and Jordan, David L.}, year={2022}, month={Mar}, pages={198–212} }
@article{oreja_inman_jordan_vann_jennings_leon_2022, title={Effect of cotton herbicide programs on weed population trajectories and frequency of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2022.41}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2022.41}, abstractNote={AbstractThe adoption of dicamba-resistant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars allows using dicamba to reduce weed populations across growing seasons. However, the overuse of this tool risks selecting new herbicide-resistant biotypes. The objectives of this research were to determine the population trajectories of several weed species and track the frequency of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) over 8 yr in dicamba-resistant cotton. An experiment was established in North Carolina in 2011, and during the first 4 yr, different herbicide programs were applied. These programs included postemergence applications of glyphosate, alone or with dicamba, with or without residual herbicides. During the last 4 yr, all programs received glyphosate plus dicamba. Biennial rotations of postemergence applications of glyphosate only and glyphosate plus dicamba postemergence with and without preemergence herbicides were also included. Sequential applications of glyphosate plus dicamba were applied to the entire test area for the final 4 yr of the study. No herbicide program was entirely successful in controlling the weed community. Weed population trajectories were different according to species and herbicide program, creating all possible outcomes; some increased, others decreased, and others remained stable. Density of resistant A. palmeri increased during the first 4 yr with glyphosate-only programs (up to 11,739 plants m−2) and decreased a 96% during the final 4 yr, when glyphosate plus dicamba was implemented. This species had a strong influence on population levels of other weed species in the community. Goosegrass [Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.] was not affected by A. palmeri population levels and even increased its density in some herbicide programs, indicating that not only herbicide resistance but also reproductive rates and competitive dynamics are critical for determining weed population trajectories under intensive herbicide-based control programs. Frequency of glyphosate resistance reached a maximum of 62% after 4 yr, and those levels were maintained until the end of the experiment.}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Oreja, Fernando H. and Inman, Matthew D. and Jordan, David L. and Vann, Matthew and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G.}, year={2022}, month={Jul} }
@article{batts_moore_ippolito_jennings_smith_2022, title={Effect of simulated synthetic auxin herbicide sprayer contamination in sweetpotato propagation beds}, volume={36}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2022.26}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2022.26}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted to determine the effects of synthetic auxin herbicides at simulated exposure rates applied to ‘Covington’ sweetpotato propagation beds on the quality of nonrooted stem cuttings (slips). Treatments included diglycolamine salt of dicamba, 2,4-D choline plus nonionic surfactant (NIS), and 2,4-D choline plus glyphosate at 1/10, 1/33, or 1/66 of a 1X application rate (560 g ae ha−1 dicamba, 1,065 g ae ha−1 2,4-D choline, 1,130 g ae ha−1 glyphosate) applied at 2 or 4 wk after first slip harvest (WASH). Injury to sweetpotato 2 wk after treatment was greatest when herbicides were applied 2 WASH (21%) compared to 4 WASH (16%). More slip injury was caused by 2,4-D choline than by dicamba, and the addition of glyphosate did not increase injury over 2,4-D choline alone. Two weeks after the second application, sweetpotato slips were cut 2 cm above the soil surface and transplanted into production fields. In 2019, sweetpotato ground coverage 8 wk after transplanting was reduced 37% and 26% by the 1/10X rates of dicamba and 2,4-D choline plus NIS, respectively. Though dicamba caused less injury to propagation beds than 2,4-D choline with or without glyphosate, after transplanting, slips treated with 1/10X dicamba did not recover as quickly as those treated with 2,4-D choline. In 2020, sweetpotato ground coverage was 90% or greater for all treatments. Dicamba applied 2 WASH decreased marketable sweetpotato storage root yield by 59% compared to the nontreated check, whereas treatments including 2,4-D choline reduced marketable yield 22% to 29%. All herbicides applied at 4 WASH reduced marketable yield 31% to 36%. The addition of glyphosate to 2,4-D choline did not increase sweetpotato yield. Results indicate that caution should be taken when deciding whether to transplant sweetpotato slips that are suspected to have been exposed to dicamba or 2,4-D choline.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Batts, Thomas M. and Moore, Levi D. and Ippolito, Stephen J. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Smith, Stephen C.}, year={2022}, month={Jun}, pages={379–383} }
@article{smith_jennings_monks_jordan_reberg-horton_schwarz_2022, title={Evaluation of Sweetpotato Cultivars with Varying Canopy Architectures in Conventional and a Reduced-tillage Rye Production System}, volume={32}, ISSN={["1943-7714"]}, DOI={10.21273/HORTTECH04912.21}, number={2}, journal={HORTTECHNOLOGY}, author={Smith, Stephen C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Reberg-Horton, S. Chris and Schwarz, Michael R.}, year={2022}, month={Apr}, pages={158–163} }
@article{smith_jennings_monks_jordan_reberg-horton_schwarz_2022, title={Sweetpotato tolerance and Palmer amaranth control with indaziflam}, volume={3}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2022.13}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2022.13}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted in North Carolina in 2018 and 2019 to determine sweetpotato tolerance to indaziflam and its effectiveness in controlling Palmer amaranth in sweetpotato. Treatments included indaziflam pre-transplant; 7 d after transplanting (DATr) or 14 DATr at 29, 44, 58, or 73 g ai ha−1; and checks (weedy and weed-free). Indaziflam applied postemergence caused transient foliar injury to sweetpotato. Indaziflam pretransplant caused less injury to sweetpotato than other application timings regardless of rate. Palmer amaranth control was greatest when indaziflam was applied pretransplant or 7 DATr. In a weed-free environment, sweetpotato marketable yield decreased as indaziflam application was delayed. No differences in storage root length to width ratio were observed.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Smith, Stephen C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Reberg-Horton, S. Chris and Schwarz, Michael R.}, year={2022}, month={Mar} }
@article{sims_jennings_monks_jordan_hoffmann_mitchem_2022, title={Tolerance of plasticulture strawberry to 2,4-D choline applied to row middles}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2022.27}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies in strawberry grown on polyethylene-mulched raised beds were conducted from 2018 to 2019 and 2019 to 2020 in Clayton, NC, to determine ‘Camarosa’ and ‘Chandler’ strawberry tolerance to 2,4-D directed to the row middle between beds. Treatments included 2,4-D at 0, 0.53, 1.06, 1.60, and 2.13 kg ae ha−1 applied alone and sequential treatments (0.53 followed by [fb] 0.53 or 1.06 fb 1.06 kg ae ha−1). Initial treatments were applied in winter (December 2018 or January 2020) during vegetative growth, and sequential applications were applied in spring (April 2019 or March 2020) during reproductive growth. No differences among treatments were observed for visual foliage injury, strawberry crop canopy, fruit yield, and fruit quality (pH, titratable acidity, and soluble solid content).}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Sims, Kira C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Hoffmann, Mark and Mitchem, Wayne E.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} }
@article{sims_jennings_monks_mitchem_jordan_hoffmann_2022, title={Tolerance of southern highbush blueberry to 2,4-D choline postemergence-directed}, volume={4}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2022.33}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2022.33}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted on southern highbush blueberry in Elizabethtown and Rocky Point, NC, in 2019, 2020, and 2021 to determine tolerance to 2,4-D choline as a postemergence-directed application. In separate trials for younger and older bearing blueberry bushes, both 2,4-D choline rates and application timing were evaluated. Treatments included 2,4-D choline at 0, 0.53, 1.06, 1.60, and 2.13 kg ae ha–1 applied alone in winter during dormancy, and sequential treatments at 0.53 kg ae ha–1 followed by (fb) 0.53, 1.06 fb 1.06, 1.6 fb 1.6, or 2.13 fb 2.13 kg ae ha–1. The first application of the sequential treatments was applied in winter followed by another application in spring during early green fruit. Injury to blueberry from 2,4-D choline treatments was not observed for either maturity stage, and fruit yield was not affected by any of the treatments. Differences among treatments were not observed for fruit soluble solid content (SSC) in older bushes, or for fruit pH, SSC, and titratable acidity (TA) in younger bushes. In older bushes, fruit pH and TA had rate-by-timing interactions, and TA had a farm-year interaction with differences at Rocky Point in 2019 and Elizabethtown in 2020, but biologically no pattern was observed from the treatments.}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Sims, Kira C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Mitchem, Wayne E. and Jordan, David L. and Hoffmann, Mark}, year={2022}, month={Apr} }
@article{jones_austin_dunne_cahoon_jennings_leon_everman_2022, title={Utilization of image-based spectral reflectance to detect herbicide resistance in glufosinate-resistant and glufosinate-susceptible plants: a proof of concept}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2022.68}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2022.68}, abstractNote={AbstractGlufosinate is an effective postemergence herbicide, and overreliance on this herbicide for weed control is likely to increase and select for glufosinate-resistant weeds. Common assays to confirm herbicide resistance are dose–response and molecular sequencing techniques; both can require significant time, labor, unique technical equipment, and a specialized skillset to perform. As an alternative, we propose an image-based approach that uses a relatively inexpensive multispectral sensor designed for unmanned aerial vehicles to measure and quantify surface reflectance from glufosinate-treated leaf disks. Leaf disks were excised from a glufosinate-resistant and glufosinate-susceptible corn (Zea mays L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] varieties and placed into a 24-well plate containing eight different concentrations (0 to 10 mM) of glufosinate for 48 h. Multispectral images were collected after the 48-h incubation period across five discrete wave bands: blue (475 to 507 nm), green (560 to 587 nm), red (668to 682 nm), red edge (717 to 729 nm), and near infrared (842 to 899 nm). The green leaf index (GLI; a metric to measure chlorophyll content) was utilized to determine relationships between measured reflectance from the tested wave bands from the treated leaf disks and the glufosinate concentration. Clear differences of spectral reflectance were observed between the corn, cotton, and soybean leaf disks of the glufosinate-resistant and glufosinate-susceptible varieties at the 10 mM concentration for select wave bands and GLI. Leaf disks from two additional glufosinate-resistant and glufosinate-susceptible varieties of each crop were subjected to a similar assay with two concentrations: 0 and 10 mM. No differences of spectral reflectance were observed from the corn and soybean varieties in all wave bands and the GLI. The leaf disks of the glufosinate-resistant and glufosinate-susceptible cotton varieties were spectrally distinct in the green, blue, and red-edge wave bands. The results provide a basis for rapidly detecting glufosinate-resistant plants via spectral reflectance. Future research will need to determine the glufosinate concentrations, useful wave bands, and susceptible/resistant thresholds for weeds that evolve resistance.}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Jones, Eric A. L. and Austin, Robert and Dunne, Jeffrey C. and Cahoon, Charles W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2022}, month={Dec} }
@article{moore_jennings_monks_jordan_leon_boyette_2021, title={Evaluating shade cloth to simulate Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) competition in sweetpotato}, volume={69}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2021.21}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted in 2019 and 2020 to compare the effects of shade cloth light interception and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeriS. Watson) competition on ‘Covington’ sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas(L.) Lam.]. Treatments consisted of a seven by two factorial arrangement, in which the first factor included shade cloth with an average measured light interception of 41%, 59%, 76%, and 94% andA. palmerithinned to 0.6 or 3.1 plants m−2or a nontreated weed-free check; and the second factor included shade cloth orA. palmeriremoval timing at 6 or 10 wk after planting (WAP).Amaranthus palmerilight interception peaked around 710 to 840 growing degree days (base 10 C) (6 to 7 WAP) with a maximum light interception of 67% and 84% for the 0.6 and 3.1 plants m−2densities, respectively. Increasing shade cloth light interception by 1% linearly increased yield loss by 1% for No. 1, jumbo, and total yield. Yield loss increased by 36%, 23%, and 35% as shade cloth removal was delayed from 6 to 10 WAP for No. 1, jumbo, and total yield, respectively.F-tests comparing reduced versus full models of yield loss provided no evidence that the presence of yield loss fromA. palmerilight interception caused yield loss different than that explained by the shade cloth at similar light-interception levels. Results indicate that shade cloth structures could be used to simulate Covington sweetpotato yield loss fromA. palmericompetition, and light interception could be used as a predictor for expected yield loss fromA. palmericompetition.}, number={4}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Moore, Levi D. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Leon, Ramon G. and Boyette, Michael D.}, year={2021}, month={Jul}, pages={478–484} }
@article{moore_jennings_monks_leon_boyette_jordan_2021, title={Influence of herbicides on germination and quality of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) seed}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2021.71}, abstractNote={AbstractLaboratory and greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of chemical treatments applied to Palmer amaranth seeds or gynoecious plants that retain seeds to determine seed germination and quality. Treatments applied to physiologically mature Palmer amaranth seed included acifluorfen, dicamba, ethephon, flumioxazin, fomesafen, halosulfuron, linuron, metribuzin, oryzalin, pendimethalin, pyroxasulfone, S-metolachlor, saflufenacil, trifluralin, and 2,4-D plus crop oil concentrate applied at 1× and 2× the suggested use rates from the manufacturer. Germination was reduced by 20% when 2,4-D was used, 15% when dicamba was used, and 13% when halosulfuron and pyroxasulfone were used. Use of dicamba, ethephon, halosulfuron, oryzalin, trifluralin, and 2,4-D resulted in decreased seedling length by an average of at least 50%. Due to the observed effect of dicamba, ethephon, halosulfuron, oryzalin, trifluralin, and 2,4-D, these treatments were applied to gynoecious Palmer amaranth inflorescence at the 2× registered application rates to evaluate their effects on progeny seed. Dicamba use resulted in a 24% decrease in seed germination, whereas all other treatment results were similar to those of the control. Crush tests showed that seed viability was greater than 95%, thus dicamba did not have a strong effect on seed viability. No treatments applied to Palmer amaranth inflorescence affected average seedling length; therefore, chemical treatments did not affect the quality of seeds that germinated.}, number={5}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Moore, Levi D. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Leon, Ramon G. and Boyette, Michael D. and Jordan, David L.}, year={2021}, month={Oct}, pages={786–789} }
@article{mahoney_jordan_hare_leon_roma-burgos_vann_jennings_everman_cahoon_2021, title={Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Growth and Seed Production When in Competition with Peanut and Other Crops in North Carolina}, volume={11}, ISSN={["2073-4395"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11091734}, DOI={10.3390/agronomy11091734}, abstractNote={Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats.) is a highly competitive weed that can be difficult to manage in many cropping systems. Research to date has not quantified the growth and development of A. palmeri in a manner that allows direct comparisons across cropping systems. Research was conducted to compare the growth, development, and seed production of A. palmeri when competing with corn (Zea mays L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] when emerging with crops or emerging three weeks after crops emerge. Regardless of when A. palmeri emerged, seed production was greatest and similar in cotton and peanut and exceeded that of corn and soybean; seed production in soybean exceeded that of corn. However, seed production was approximately 10-fold greater when A. palmeri emerged with crops compared with emergence three weeks later. These results illustrate the importance of controlling weeds during the first three weeks of the season relative to contributions of A. palmeri to the weed seed bank and is the first report comparing seed production in presence of these crops in a manner allowing a statistical comparison of seed production and highlighting the importance of crop sequence for seed bank management.}, number={9}, journal={AGRONOMY-BASEL}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Mahoney, Denis J. and Jordan, David L. and Hare, Andrew T. and Leon, Ramon G. and Roma-Burgos, Nilda and Vann, Matthew C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Everman, Wesley J. and Cahoon, Charles W.}, year={2021}, month={Sep} }
@article{moore_jennings_monks_leon_jordan_boyette_2021, title={Safety and efficacy of linuron with or without an adjuvant or S-metolachlor for POST control of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in sweetpotato}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2021.27}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted to evaluate linuron for POST control of Palmer amaranth in sweetpotato to minimize reliance on protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO)-inhibiting herbicides. Treatments were arranged in a two by four factorial in which the first factor consisted of two rates of linuron (420 and 700 g ai ha−1), and the second factor consisted of linuron applied alone or in combinations of linuron plus a nonionic surfactant (NIS; 0.5% vol/vol), linuron plus S-metolachlor (800 g ai ha−1), or linuron plus NIS plus S-metolachlor. In addition, S-metolachlor alone and nontreated weedy and weed-free checks were included for comparison. Treatments were applied to ‘Covington’ sweetpotato 8 d after transplanting (DAP). S-metolachlor alone provided poor Palmer amaranth control because emergence had occurred at applications. All treatments that included linuron resulted in at least 98% and 91% Palmer amaranth control 1 and 2 wk after treatment (WAT), respectively. Including NIS with linuron did not increase Palmer amaranth control compared to linuron alone, but it resulted in greater sweetpotato injury and subsequently decreased total sweetpotato yield by 25%. Including S-metolachlor with linuron resulted in the greatest Palmer amaranth control 4 WAT, but increased crop foliar injury to 36% 1 WAT compared to 17% foliar injury from linuron alone. Marketable and total sweetpotato yields were similar between linuron alone and linuron plus S-metolachlor or S-metolachlor plus NIS treatments, though all treatments resulted in at least 39% less total yield than the weed-free check resulting from herbicide injury and/or Palmer amaranth competition. Because of the excellent POST Palmer amaranth control from linuron 1 WAT, a system that includes linuron applied 7 DAP followed by S-metolachlor applied 14 DAP could help to extend residual Palmer amaranth control further into the critical period of weed control while minimizing sweetpotato injury.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Moore, Levi D. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Leon, Ramon G. and Jordan, David L. and Boyette, Michael D.}, year={2021}, month={Jun}, pages={471–475} }
@article{moore_jennings_monks_jordan_boyette_leon_mahoney_everman_cahoon_2021, title={Susceptibility of Palmer amaranth accessions in North Carolina to atrazine, dicamba, S-metolachlor, and 2,4-D}, volume={11}, ISSN={["2374-3832"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.20136}, DOI={10.1002/cft2.20136}, abstractNote={Core Ideas
All of the 120 accessions of Palmer amaranth collected in the Coastal Plain of North Carolina were controlled by atrazine and dicamba applied at field use rates in the greenhouse.
Reduced sensitivity among accessions was noted when S‐metolachlor and 2,4‐D were applied to Palmer amaranth at field use rates in the greenhouse.
Additional research is needed to determine if reduced sensitivity of Palmer amaranth to S‐metolachlor and 2,4‐D is associated with evolved resistance.
}, journal={CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Moore, Levi D. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Boyette, Michael D. and Leon, Ramon G. and Mahoney, Dennis J. and Everman, Wesley J. and Cahoon, Charles W.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} }
@article{reinhardt piskackova_reberg-horton_richardson_jennings_franca_young_leon_2021, title={Windows of action for controlling palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) using emergence and phenology models}, volume={61}, ISSN={["1365-3180"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1111/wre.12470}, DOI={10.1111/wre.12470}, abstractNote={AbstractAmaranthus palmeri S. Watson is a competitive weed native to North America with many herbicide‐resistant biotypes that have been spreading around the world. Due to its fast growth, farmers need to optimise control timing to reduce the risk of escapes. This study tracked A. palmeri emergence and phenology using days or growing degree days (GDD, Tbase = 15°C; thermal time or hydrothermal time). While A. palmeri has been observed emerging throughout the summer growing season, this study found that 90% of total season A. palmeri emerged before July in the absence of a crop canopy. Using thermal time, emergence could be predicted in different locations and years: reaching 10%, 50% and 90% at 77, 278 and 593 GDD from January 1, respectively. From the time of emergence, 10% of A. palmeri were 10 cm tall after 148 GDD, showed first signs of inflorescence by 212 GDD, and open florets by 419 GDD. Also, 50% of A. palmeri plants had reached the respective stages by 244, 394 and 796 GDD. Using the probability of A. palmeri to reach different phenological stages over time as a function of emergence prediction, critical control windows were determined based on thresholds for risk of escapes. Many tactics and times of action are important for managing this weed. Information about A. palmeri biology indicates these actions could be timed more effectively using weather data and predictive models.}, number={3}, journal={WEED RESEARCH}, author={Reinhardt Piskackova, Theresa A. and Reberg-Horton, Samuel Chris and Richardson, Robert J. and Jennings, Katie M. and Franca, Lucas and Young, Bryan G. and Leon, Ramon G.}, year={2021}, month={Jun}, pages={188–198} }
@article{smith_jennings_monks_chaudhari_schultheis_reberg-horton_2020, title={Critical timing of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) removal in sweetpotato}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.1}, abstractNote={AbstractPalmer amaranth is the most common and troublesome weed in North Carolina sweetpotato. Field studies were conducted in Clinton, NC, in 2016 and 2017 to determine the critical timing of Palmer amaranth removal in ‘Covington’ sweetpotato. Palmer amaranth was grown with sweetpotato from transplanting to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 wk after transplanting (WAP) and maintained weed-free for the remainder of the season. Palmer amaranth height and shoot dry biomass increased as Palmer amaranth removal was delayed. Season-long competition by Palmer amaranth interference reduced marketable yields by 85% and 95% in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Sweetpotato yield loss displayed a strong inverse linear relationship with Palmer amaranth height. A 0.6% and 0.4% decrease in yield was observed for every centimeter of Palmer amaranth growth in 2016 and 2017, respectively. The critical timing for Palmer amaranth removal, based on 5% loss of marketable yield, was determined by fitting a log-logistic model to the relative yield data and was determined to be 2 WAP. These results show that Palmer amaranth is highly competitive with sweetpotato and should be managed as early as possible in the season. The requirement of an early critical timing of weed removal to prevent yield loss emphasizes the importance of early-season scouting and Palmer amaranth removal in sweetpotato fields. Any delay in removal can result in substantial yield reductions and fewer premium quality roots.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Smith, Stephen C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Reberg-Horton, Chris}, year={2020}, month={Aug}, pages={547–551} }
@article{inman_vann_fisher_gannon_jordan_jennings_2021, title={Evaluation of dicamba retention in spray tanks and its impact on flue-cured tobacco}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/wet.2020.73}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.73}, abstractNote={AbstractIn recent years, there has been increased use of dicamba due to the introduction of dicamba-resistant cotton and soybean in the United States. Therefore, there is a potential increase in off-target movement of dicamba and injury to sensitive crops. Flue-cured tobacco is extremely sensitive to auxin herbicides, particularly dicamba. In addition to yield loss, residue from drift or equipment contamination can have severe repercussions for the marketability of the crop. Studies were conducted in 2016, 2017, and 2018 in North Carolina to evaluate spray-tank cleanout efficiency of dicamba using various cleaning procedures. No difference in dicamba recovery was observed regardless of dicamba formulation and cleaning agent. Dicamba residue decreased with the number of rinses. There was no difference in dicamba residue recovered from the third rinse compared with residue from the tank after being refilled for subsequent tank use. Recovery ranged from 2% to 19% of the original concentration rate among the three rinses. Field studies were also conducted in 2018 to evaluate flue-cured tobacco response to reduced rates of dicamba ranging, from 1/5 to 1/10,000 of a labeled rate. Injury and yield reductions varied by environment and application timing. When exposed to 1/500 of a labeled rate at 7 and 11 wk after transplanting, tobacco injury ranged from 39% to 53% and 10% to 16% 24 days after application, respectively. The maximum yield reduction was 62%, with a 55% reduction in value when exposed to 112 g ha−1 of dicamba. Correlations showed significant relationships between crop injury assessment and yield and value reductions, with Pearson values ranging from 0.24 to 0.63. These data can provide guidance to growers and stakeholders and emphasize the need for diligent stewardship when using dicamba technology.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Inman, Matthew D. and Vann, Matthew C. and Fisher, Loren R. and Gannon, Travis W. and Jordan, David L. and Jennings, Katie M.}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={35–42} }
@article{moore_jennings_monks_boyette_jordan_leon_2021, title={Herbicide systems including linuron for Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) control in sweetpotato}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.63}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted to determine sweetpotato tolerance to and weed control from management systems that included linuron. Treatments included flumioxazin preplant (107 g ai ha−1) followed by (fb) S-metolachlor (800 g ai ha−1), oryzalin (840 g ai ha−1), or linuron (280, 420, 560, 700, and 840 g ai ha−1) alone or mixed with S-metolachlor or oryzalin applied 7 d after transplanting. Weeds did not emerge before the treatment applications. Two of the four field studies were maintained weed-free throughout the season to evaluate sweetpotato tolerance without weed interference. The herbicide program with the greatest sweetpotato yield was flumioxazin fb S-metolachlor. Mixing linuron with S-metolachlor did not improve Palmer amaranth management and decreased marketable yield by up to 28% compared with flumioxazin fb S-metolachlor. Thus, linuron should not be applied POST in sweetpotato if Palmer amaranth has not emerged at the time of application.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Moore, Levi D. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Boyette, Michael D. and Jordan, David L. and Leon, Ramon G.}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={49–56} }
@article{batts_miller_griffin_villordon_stephenson_jennings_chaudhari_blouin_copes_smith_2020, title={Impact of reduced rates of 2,4-D and glyphosate on sweetpotato growth and yield}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.57}, abstractNote={AbstractCommercialization of 2,4-D–tolerant crops is a major concern for sweetpotato producers because of potential 2,4-D drift that can cause severe crop injury and yield reduction. A field study was initiated in 2014 and repeated in 2015 to assess impacts of reduced rates of 2,4-D, glyphosate, or a combination of 2,4-D with glyphosate on sweetpotato. In one study, 2,4-D and glyphosate were applied alone and in combination at 1/10, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/750, and 1/1,000 of anticipated field use rates (1.05 kg ha−1 for 2,4-D and 1.12 kg ha−1 for glyphosate) to ‘Beauregard’ sweetpotato at storage root formation (10 days after transplanting [DAP]). In a separate study, all these treatments were applied to ‘Beauregard’ sweetpotato at storage root development (30 DAP). Injury with 2,4-D alone or in combination with glyphosate was generally equal or greater than with glyphosate applied alone at equivalent herbicide rates, indicating that injury is attributable mostly to 2,4-D in the combination. There was a quadratic increase in crop injury and quadratic decrease in crop yield (with respect to most yield grades) with increased rate of 2,4-D applied alone or in combination with glyphosate applied at storage root development. However, neither the results of this relationship nor of the significance of herbicide rate were observed on crop injury or sweetpotato yield when herbicide application occurred at storage root formation, with a few exceptions. In general, crop injury and yield reduction were greatest at the highest rate (1/10×) of 2,4-D applied alone or in combination with glyphosate, although injury observed at lower rates was also a concern after initial observation by sweetpotato producers. However, in some cases, yield reduction of U.S. no.1 and marketable grades was also observed after application of 1/250×, 1/100×, or 1/10× rates of 2,4-D alone or with glyphosate when applied at storage root development.}, number={5}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Batts, Thomas M. and Miller, Donnie K. and Griffin, James L. and Villordon, Arthur O. and Stephenson, Daniel O. and Jennings, Kathrine M. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Blouin, David C. and Copes, Josh T. and Smith, Tara P.}, year={2020}, month={Oct}, pages={631–636} }
@article{batts_miller_griffin_villordon_stephenson_jennings_chaudhari_blouin_copes_smith_2021, title={Impact of reduced rates of dicamba and glyphosate on sweetpotato growth and yield}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.54}, abstractNote={AbstractA major concern of sweetpotato producers is the potential negative effects from herbicide drift or sprayer contamination events when dicamba is applied to nearby dicamba-resistant crops. A field study was initiated in 2014 and repeated in 2015 to assess the effects of reduced rates of N,N-Bis-(3-aminopropyl)methylamine (BAPMA) or diglycloamine (DGA) salt of dicamba, glyphosate, or a combination of these individually in separate trials with glyphosate on sweetpotato. Reduced rates of 1/10, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/750, and 1/1,000 of the 1× use rate of each dicamba formulation at 0.56 kg ha−1, glyphosate at 1.12 kg ha−1, and a combination of the two at aforementioned rates were applied to ‘Beauregard’ sweetpotato at storage root formation (10 d after transplanting) in one trial and storage root development (30 d after transplanting) in a separate trial. Injury with each salt of dicamba (BAPMA or DGA) applied alone or with glyphosate was generally equal to or greater than glyphosate applied alone at equivalent rates, indicating that injury is most attributable to the dicamba in the combination. There was a quadratic increase in crop injury and a quadratic decrease in crop yield (with respect to most yield grades) observed with an increased herbicide rate of dicamba applied alone or in combination with glyphosate applied at storage root development. However, with a few exceptions, neither this relationship nor the significance of herbicide rate was observed on crop injury or sweetpotato yield when herbicide application occurred at the storage root formation stage. In general, crop injury and yield reduction were greatest at the highest rate (1/10×) of either salt of dicamba applied alone or in combination with glyphosate, although injury observed at lower rates would be cause for concern after initial observation by sweetpotato producers. However, in some cases yield reduction of No.1 and marketable grades was observed following 1/250×, 1/100×, or 1/10× application rates of dicamba alone or with glyphosate when applied at storage root development.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Batts, Thomas M. and Miller, Donnie K. and Griffin, James L. and Villordon, Arthur O. and Stephenson, Daniel O. and Jennings, Kathrine M. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Blouin, David C. and Copes, Josh T. and Smith, Tara P.}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={27–34} }
@article{caputo_wadl_mccarty_adelberg_jennings_cutulle_2020, title={In Vitro Safening of Bentazon by Melatonin in Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas)}, volume={55}, ISSN={["2327-9834"]}, DOI={10.21273/HORTSCI15128-20}, abstractNote={Weed competition is a main factor limiting sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] production. Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus L.) is a problematic weed to control due to its ability to quickly infest a field and generate high numbers of tubes and shoots. Compounding this is the lack of a registered herbicide for selective postemergence control of yellow nutsedge. Research was conducted to evaluate the bentazon dose response of two sweetpotato cultivars and one advanced clone and to evaluate the plant hormone melatonin to determine its ability to safen bentazon post emergence. Bioassays using Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with melatonin (0.232 g a.i./L and 0.023 g a.i./L) and bentazon (0.24 g a.i./L) were conducted to evaluate the effect of bentazon on sweetpotato and to determine the interactive response of the Beauregard cultivar to bentazon and exogenous applications of melatonin. Beauregard swas the most tolerant cultivar and required dosages of bentazon that were two-times higher to cause the same injury compared with other cultivars. MS media containing melatonin and bentazon showed fewer injuries and higher plant mass than plants treated with bentazon alone. These results indicate that sweetpotato injury caused by bentazon may be reduced by melatonin.}, number={9}, journal={HORTSCIENCE}, author={Caputo, Giovanni A. and Wadl, Phillip A. and McCarty, Lambert and Adelberg, Jeff and Jennings, Katherine M. and Cutulle, Matthew}, year={2020}, month={Sep}, pages={1406–1410} }
@article{piskackova_reberg-horton_richardson_jennings_leon_2020, title={Incorporating environmental factors to describe wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) seedling emergence and plant phenology}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2020.64}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2020.64}, abstractNote={AbstractWild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum L.) is a weed found globally in agricultural systems. The facultative winter annual nature of this plant and high genetic variability makes modeling its growth and phenology difficult. In the present study, R. raphanistrum natural seedbanks exhibited a biphasic pattern of emergence, with emergence peaks occurring in both fall and spring. Traditional sigmoidal models were inadequate to fit this pattern, regardless of the predictive environmental variable, and a corresponding biphasic model (sigmoidal + Weibull) was used to describe emergence based on the best parameters. Each best-fit chronological, thermal, and hydrothermal model accounted for at least 85% of the variation of the validation data. Observations on phenology progression from four cohorts were used to create a common model that described all cohorts adequately. Different phenological stages were described using chronological, thermal, hydrothermal, daylength-dependent thermal time, and daylength-dependent hydrothermal time. Integrating daylength and temperature into the models was important for predicting reproductive stages of R. raphanistrum.}, number={6}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Piskackova, Theresa Reinhardt and Reberg-Horton, S. Chris and Richardson, Robert J. and Jennings, Katie M. and Leon, Ramon G.}, year={2020}, month={Nov}, pages={627–638} }
@article{piskackova_reberg-horton_richardson_jennings_leon_2020, title={Integrating emergence and phenology models to determine windows of action for weed control: A case study using Senna obtusifolia}, volume={258}, ISSN={["1872-6852"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.fcr.2020.107959}, abstractNote={The success of integrated weed management strategies is contingent on the accuracy of control actions in both time and space. While emphasis has been given to spatial accuracy, timing accuracy has been largely neglected. Weed control timing must consider not only the total duration of weed interference with the crop, as done by the traditional critical period of weed control (CPWC) based on yield protection only, but also weed growth, size, and susceptible phenological stages. In this study, we expand upon the idea of using weed emergence models for timing weed control by integrating them with phenology probability models for key weed growth stages to optimize timing of control actions, here referred as Critical Control Windows (CCW). Combining the CCW with thresholds for yield loss due to weed interference and thresholds for weed survival risk makes it possible determining the frequency with which control actions should be implemented to maintain crop yield and weed populations at desired levels. Using Senna obtusifolia as a study case, vegetative and reproductive phenological stages were modeled as a function of seedling emergence for different cohorts. Chronological and thermal-time models provided robust predictions of S. obtusifolia phenology. CCW did not always coincided with CPWC for several crops when considering 10-cm tall plants as the threshold for control. In general, for summer row crops, CCW required 2 postemergence control actions and sometimes 1 action outside the CPWC. The results of the present research illustrate how predictive models can be used to develop CCW that will complement the traditional CPWC. These two concepts when used complementary can increase not only timing accuracy, but also efficiency of weed control.}, journal={FIELD CROPS RESEARCH}, author={Piskackova, Theresa A. Reinhardt and Reberg-Horton, Chris and Richardson, Robert J. and Jennings, Katie M. and Leon, Ramon G.}, year={2020}, month={Nov} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_monks_mehra_2021, title={Interaction of common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) genotypes}, volume={101}, ISSN={["1918-1833"]}, DOI={10.1139/cjps-2020-0138}, abstractNote={ Greenhouse replacement series studies were conducted to determine the relative competitiveness of NC10-275 (unreleased, drought tolerant; upright, bushy, and vining growth with large leaves) and Covington (the most commonly grown genotype in North Carolina; vining growth with smaller leaves) sweet potato genotypes with weeds. Sweet potato genotypes were grown with Palmer amaranth (tall growing) or common purslane (low growing) at five planting (sweet potato to weed) proportions of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100 at a density of four plants per pot. Reduction in common purslane shoot dry biomass was greater when growing with NC10-275 than when growing with Covington or alone. When growing with common purslane, shoot dry and root fresh biomass of Covington was 18% and 26% lower, respectively, than NC10-275. Relative yield (shoot dry biomass) and aggressivity index (AI) of common purslane was lower than both sweet potato genotypes. Palmer amaranth shoot dry biomass was similar when growing alone or with Covington, whereas it was reduced by 10% when growing with NC10-275 than alone. Palmer amaranth competition reduced shoot dry biomass and root fresh biomass of Covington by 23% and 42%, respectively, relative to NC10-275. Relative yield and AI of Palmer amaranth was greater than Covington but lower than NC10-275. This research indicates that sweet potato genotypes differ in their ability to compete with weeds. Both sweet potato genotypes were more competitive than common purslane, and the following species hierarchy exists: NC10-275 > Covington > common purslane. In contrast, NC10-275 was more competitive than Covington with Palmer amaranth, and the following species hierarchy exists: NC10-275 ≥ Palmer amaranth > Covington. }, number={4}, journal={CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Mehra, Lucky K.}, year={2021}, month={Aug}, pages={447–455} }
@article{basinger_jennings_hestir_monks_jordan_everman_2020, title={Phenology affects differentiation of crop and weed species using hyperspectral remote sensing}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2020.92}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.92}, abstractNote={AbstractThe effect of plant phenology and canopy structure of four crops and four weed species on reflectance spectra were evaluated in 2016 and 2017 using in situ spectroscopy. Leaf-level and canopy-level reflectance were collected at multiple phenologic time points in each growing season. Reflectance values at 2 wk after planting (WAP) in both years indicated strong spectral differences between species across the visible (VIS; 350–700 nm), near-infrared (NIR; 701–1,300 nm), shortwave-infrared I (SWIR1; 1,301–1,900 nm), and shortwave-infrared II (SWIR2; 1,901–2,500 nm) regions. Results from this study indicate that plant spectral reflectance changes with plant phenology and is influenced by plant biophysical characteristics. Canopy-level differences were detected in both years across all dates except for 1 WAP in 2017. Species with similar canopy types (e.g., broadleaf prostrate, broadleaf erect, or grass/sedge) were more readily discriminated from species with different canopy types. Asynchronous phenology between species also resulted in spectral differences between species. SWIR1 and SWIR2 wavelengths are often not included in multispectral sensors but should be considered for species differentiation. Results from this research indicate that wavelengths in SWIR1 and SWIR2 in conjunction with VIS and NIR reflectance can provide differentiation across plant phenologies and, therefore should be considered for use in future sensor technologies for species differentiation.}, number={6}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Basinger, Nicholas T. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Hestir, Erin L. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2020}, month={Dec}, pages={897–908} }
@article{bertucci_bartley_jennings_monks_jackson_2020, title={Quantification of palmer amaranth seed number using a computerized particle analyzer}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2471-9625"]}, DOI={10.1002/ael2.20003}, abstractNote={AbstractWe evaluated the accuracy of a computerized particle analyzer (CPA) for high‐throughput counting of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) seeds and subsequently used the CPA to verify the accuracy of two subsampling methods for estimation of Palmer amaranth seed production. To determine accuracy of the CPA, 55 hand‐counted samples, ranging from 500 to 5000 Palmer amaranth seeds, were drawn from field samples and counted with the CPA. The relationship between hand and CPA seed counts was described by a linear model (R2 = 0.99) with a slope of 0.987 and a y‐intercept of 3.49. Thus, very little discrepancy exists between seed counts conducted by hand or the CPA. Additionally, two published methods for estimation of Palmer amaranth seed production were compared to the CPA and proven to be highly accurate. We conclude from these findings that the CPA offers a high‐throughput alternative for weed scientists who frequently count large quantities of seed.}, number={1}, journal={AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL LETTERS}, author={Bertucci, Matthew B. and Bartley, Paul C., III and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jackson, Brian E.}, year={2020} }
@article{meyers_jennings_miller_shankle_2020, title={Response of sweetpotato to diquat applied pretransplanting}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.27}, abstractNote={AbstractField trials were conducted in North Carolina in 2017 and Louisiana and Mississippi in 2018 to determine the effect of pretransplanting applications of diquat on sweetpotato crop tolerance, yield, and storage root quality. In North Carolina treatments consisted of two rates of diquat (560 or 1,120 g ai ha−1) alone or mixed with 107 g ai ha−1 flumioxazin and applied 1 d before transplanting (DBP), sequential applications of diquat (560 or 1,120 g ha−1) 1 and 17 DBP, 107 g ha−1 flumioxazin alone, and a nontreated check. In Louisiana and Mississippi treatments consisted of diquat (560 or 1,120 g ha−1) applied 1 DBP either alone or followed by (fb) rehipping rows or 107 g ha−1 flumioxazin immediately prior to transplanting. Additional treatments included 546 g ha−1 paraquat applied 1 DBP and a nontreated check. In North Carolina injury was ≤3% for all treatments through 23 d after transplanting (DAP), and no injury was observed after 23 DAP. Visual sweetpotato stunting pooled across the Mississippi and Louisiana trials ranged from 1% to 14%, 0% to 6%, and 0% to 3% at 2, 4, and 6 wk after planting (WAP), respectively, and no crop injury was observed after 6 WAP. Diquat applied 1 DBP and not fb rehipping resulted in greater crop injury (12%) than comparable treatments that were rehipped (2%). In North Carolina single and sequential diquat applications resulted in reduced No. 1 sweetpotato yield (24,230 and 24,280 kg ha−1, respectively) compared with the nontreated check, but No. 1 yield when diquat plus flumioxazin (26,330 kg ha−1) was used was similar to that of the nontreated check. No. 1 yield did not differ by treatment in Louisiana and Mississippi.}, number={5}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Miller, Donnie K. and Shankle, Mark W.}, year={2020}, month={Oct}, pages={637–641} }
@article{mahoney_jordan_roma-burgos_jennings_leon_vann_everman_cahoon_2020, title={Susceptibility of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) to herbicides in accessions collected from the North Carolina Coastal Plain}, volume={68}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2020.67}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2020.67}, abstractNote={AbstractPalmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) populations resistant to acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides and glyphosate are fairly common throughout the state of North Carolina (NC). This has led farm managers to rely more heavily on herbicides with other sites of action (SOA) for A. palmeri control, especially protoporphyrinogen oxidase and glutamine synthetase inhibitors. In the fall of 2016, seeds from A. palmeri populations were collected from the NC Coastal Plain, the state’s most prominent agricultural region. In separate experiments, plants with 2 to 4 leaves from the 110 populations were treated with field use rates of glyphosate, glufosinate-ammonium, fomesafen, mesotrione, or thifensulfuron-methyl. Percent visible control and survival were evaluated 3 wk after treatment. Survival frequencies were highest following glyphosate (99%) or thifensulfuron-methyl (96%) treatment. Known mutations conferring resistance to ALS inhibitors were found in populations surviving thifensulfuron-methyl application (Ala-122-Ser, Pro-197-Ser, Trp-574-Leu, and/or Ser-653-Asn), in addition to a new mutation (Ala-282-Asp) that requires further investigation. Forty-two populations had survivors after mesotrione application, with one population having 17% survival. Four populations survived fomesafen treatment, while none survived glufosinate. Dose–response studies showed an increase in fomesafen needed to kill 50% of two populations (LD50); however, these rates were far below the field use rate (less than 5 g ha−1). In two populations following mesotrione dose–response studies, a 2.4- to 3.3-fold increase was noted, with LD90 values approaching the field use rate (72.8 and 89.8 g ha−1). Screening of the progeny of individuals surviving mesotrione confirmed the presence of resistance alleles, as there were a higher number of survivors at the 1X rate compared with the parent population, confirming resistance to mesotrione. These data suggest A. palmeri resistant to chemistries other than glyphosate and thifensulfuron-methyl are present in NC, which highlights the need for weed management approaches to mitigate the evolution and spread of herbicide-resistant populations.}, number={6}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Mahoney, Denis J. and Jordan, David L. and Roma-Burgos, Nilda and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Vann, Matthew C. and Everman, Wesley J. and Cahoon, Charles W.}, year={2020}, month={Nov}, pages={582–593} }
@article{mahoney_jordan_hare_roma-burgos_jennings_leon_vann_everman_cahoon_2021, title={The influence of soybean population and POST herbicide application timing on in-season and subsequent-season Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) control and economic returns}, volume={35}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2020.87}, abstractNote={AbstractOverreliance on herbicides for weed control has led to the evolution of herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth populations. Farm managers should consider the long-term consequences of their short-term management decisions, especially when considering the soil weed seedbank. The objectives of this research were to (1) determine how soybean population and POST herbicide application timing affects in-season Palmer amaranth control and soybean yield, and (2) how those variables influence Palmer amaranth densities and cotton yields the following season. Soybeans were planted (19-cm row spacing) at a low-, medium-, and high-density population (268,000, 546,000, and 778,000 plants ha–1, respectively). Fomesafen and clethodim (280 and 210 g ai ha–1, respectively) were applied at the VE, V1, or V2 to V3 soybean growth stage. Nontreated plots were also included to assess the effect of soybean population alone. The following season, cotton was planted into these plots so as to understand the effects of soybean planting population on Palmer amaranth densities in the subsequent crop. When an herbicide application occurred at the V1 or V2 to V3 soybean stage, weed control in the high-density soybean population increased 17% to 23% compared to the low-density population. Economic return was not influenced by soybean population and was increased 72% to 94% with herbicide application compared to no treatment. In the subsequent cotton crop, Palmer amaranth densities were 24% to 39% lower 3 wk after planting when following soybean sprayed with herbicides compared to soybean without herbicides. Additionally, Palmer amaranth densities in cotton were 19% lower when soybean was treated at the VE stage compared to later stages. Thus, increasing soybean population can improve Palmer amaranth control without adversely affecting economic returns and can reduce future weed densities. Reducing the weed seedbank and selection pressure from herbicides are critical in mitigating resistance evolution.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Mahoney, Denis J. and Jordan, David L. and Hare, Andrew T. and Roma-Burgos, Nilda and Jennings, Katherine M. and Leon, Ramon G. and Vann, Matthew C. and Everman, Wesley J. and Cahoon, Charles W.}, year={2021}, month={Feb}, pages={106–112} }
@article{basinger_jennings_monks_mitchem_2019, title={Effect of rate and timing of indaziflam on ‘Sunbelt’ and muscadine grape}, volume={33}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.117}, abstractNote={AbstractStudies were conducted at six locations across North Carolina to determine tolerance of ‘Sunbelt’ grape (bunch grape) and muscadine grape (‘Carlos’, ‘Triumph’, ‘Summit’) to indaziflam herbicide. Treatments included indaziflam (0, 50, 73 g ai ha–1) or flumioxazin (213 g ai ha–1) applied alone in April, and sequential applications of indaziflam (36, 50, 73 g ai ha–1) or flumioxazin (213 g ai ha–1) applied in April followed by the same rate applied in June. No crop injury was observed across locations. Muscadine yield was not affected by herbicide treatments. Yield of ‘Sunbelt’ grape increased with sequential applications of indaziflam at 73 g ha–1when compared to a single application of indaziflam at 50 g ha–1or flumioxazin at 213 g ha–1in 2015. Sequential applications of flumioxazin at 213 g ha–1reduced ‘Sunbelt’ yield compared to a single application of indaziflam at 73 g ha–1in 2016. Trunk cross-sectional area was unaffected by herbicide treatments. Fruit quality (soluble solids concentration, titratable acidity, and pH) for muscadine and bunch grape was not affected by herbicide treatments. Indaziflam was safe to use at registered rates and could be integrated into weed management programs for southern US vineyards.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Basinger, Nicholas T. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Mitchem, Wayne E.}, year={2019}, month={Mar}, pages={380–385} }
@article{basinger_jennings_monks_jordan_everman_hestir_waldschmidt_smith_brownie_2019, title={Interspecific and intraspecific interference of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) and large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) in sweetpotato}, volume={67}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2019.16}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted in 2016 and 2017 in Clinton, NC, to determine the interspecific and intraspecific interference of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) or large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.] in ‘Covington’ sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.]. Amaranthus palmeri and D. sanguinalis were established 1 d after sweetpotato transplanting and maintained season-long at 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 0, 1, 2, 4, 16 plants m−1 of row in the presence and absence of sweetpotato, respectively. Predicted yield loss for sweetpotato was 35% to 76% for D. sanguinalis at 1 to 16 plants m−1 of row and 50% to 79% for A. palmeri at 1 to 8 plants m−1 of row. Weed dry biomass per meter of row increased linearly with increasing weed density. Individual dry biomass of A. palmeri and D. sanguinalis was not affected by weed density when grown in the presence of sweetpotato. When grown without sweetpotato, individual weed dry biomass decreased 71% and 62% from 1 to 4 plants m−1 row for A. palmeri and D. sanguinalis, respectively. Individual weed dry biomass was not affected above 4 plants m−1 row to the highest densities of 8 and 16 plants m−1 row for A. palmeri and D. sanguinalis, respectively.}, number={4}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Basinger, Nicholas T. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Everman, Wesley J. and Hestir, Erin L. and Waldschmidt, Matthew D. and Smith, Stephen C. and Brownie, Cavell}, year={2019}, month={Jul}, pages={426–432} }
@article{basinger_jennings_monks_jordan_everman_hestir_bertucci_brownie_2019, title={Large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis) and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) intraspecific and interspecific interference in soybean}, volume={67}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2019.43}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2019.43}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted in 2016 and 2017 at Clinton, NC, to quantify the effects of season-long interference of large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.] and Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson) on ‘AG6536’ soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Weed density treatments consisted of 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 plants m−2 for A. palmeri and 0, 1, 2, 4, and 16 plants m−2 for D. sanguinalis with (interspecific interference) and without (intraspecific interference) soybean to determine the impacts on weed biomass, soybean biomass, and seed yield. Biomass per square meter increased with increasing weed density for both weed species with and without soybean present. Biomass per square meter of D. sanguinalis was 617% and 37% greater when grown without soybean than with soybean, for 1 and 16 plants m−2 respectively. Biomass per square meter of A. palmeri was 272% and 115% greater when grown without soybean than with soybean for 1 and 8 plants m−2, respectively. Biomass per plant for D. sanguinalis and A. palmeri grown without soybean was greatest at the 1 plant m−2 density. Biomass per plant of D. sanguinalis plants across measured densities was 33% to 83% greater when grown without soybean compared with biomass per plant when soybean was present for 1 and 16 plants m−2, respectively. Similarly, biomass per plant for A. palmeri was 56% to 74% greater when grown without soybean for 1 and 8 plants m−2, respectively. Biomass per plant of either weed species was not affected by weed density when grown with soybean due to interspecific competition with soybean. Yield loss for soybean grown with A. palmeri ranged from 14% to 37% for densities of 1 to 8 plants m−2, respectively, with a maximum yield loss estimate of 49%. Similarly, predicted loss for soybean grown with D. sanguinalis was 0 % to 37% for densities of 1 to 16 m−2 with a maximum yield loss estimate of 50%. Soybean biomass was not affected by weed species or density. Results from these studies indicate that A. palmeri is more competitive than D. sanguinalis at lower densities, but that similar yield loss can occur when densities greater than 4 plants m−2 of either weed are present.}, number={6}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Basinger, Nicholas T. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Everman, Wesley J. and Hestir, Erin L. and Bertucci, Matthew B. and Brownie, Cavell}, year={2019}, month={Nov}, pages={649–656} }
@article{meyers_chaudhari_jennings_miller_shankle_2020, title={Response of sweetpotato to pendimethalin application rate and timing}, volume={34}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2019.103}, abstractNote={AbstractField trials were conducted near Pontotoc, Mississippi; Chase, Louisiana; and Clinton, North Carolina, in 2017 and 2018 to determine the effect of pendimethalin rate and timing application on sweetpotato crop tolerance, yield, and storage root quality. Treatments consisted of five pendimethalin rates (266, 532, 1,065, 1,597, and 2,130 g ai ha−1) by two application timings (0 to 1 or 10 to 14 d after transplanting). Additionally, a nontreated check was included for comparison. Crop injury (stunting) was minimal (≤4%) through 6 wk after transplanting (WAP) and no injury was observed from 8 to 14 WAP, regardless of application timing or rate. The nontreated check yielded 6.6, 17.6, 5.5, and 32.1 × 103 kg ha−1 of canner, no. 1, jumbo, and total grades, respectively. Neither pendimethalin application timing nor rate influenced jumbo, no. 1, marketable, or total sweetpotato yield. Overall, these results indicate that pendimethalin will be a valuable addition to the toolkit of sweetpotato growers.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Miller, Donnie K. and Shankle, Mark W.}, year={2020}, month={Apr}, pages={301–304} }
@article{mahoney_jordan_hare_leon_vann_burgos_jennings_2019, title={The Effect of Nozzle Selection and Carrier Volume on Weed Control in Soybean in North Carolina}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2374-3832"]}, DOI={10.2134/cftm2019.05.0037}, abstractNote={Core Ideas Nozzle selection did not affect PRE or POST herbicide efficacy. Carrier volumes from 7.5 to 60 gal/acre generally provided similar weed control. Soybean yield was not affected by nozzle selection or carrier volume. Lower carrier volumes may provide increased farm efficiency.}, number={1}, journal={CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT}, author={Mahoney, Denis J. and Jordan, David L. and Hare, Andrew T. and Leon, Ramon G. and Vann, Matthew C. and Burgos, Nilda R. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2019}, month={Oct} }
@article{mahoney_jordan_hare_leon_vann_burgos_jennings_2019, title={The Influence of Postemergence Herbicide Timing and Frequency on Weed Control and Soybean Yield}, volume={5}, ISSN={["2374-3832"]}, DOI={10.2134/cftm2019.05.0036}, abstractNote={Core Ideas Optimizing herbicide timing and frequency for weed control in soybean is critical. Two or more postemergence herbicide applications were required in twin- and narrow-row soybean. Herbicide programs generally provided similar soybean yield. More intensive herbicide programs did not reduce economic returns. Understanding optimal herbicide timing and frequency is critical for mitigating weed seed return to the soil seedbank and maximizing crop yields. Research was conducted over 2016–2018 in North Carolina to determine postemergence-only herbicide application timing and the frequency necessary for adequate weed control, soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield, and economic return in twin- and narrow-row soybean. Predominant weeds included common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.], Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S.Watson), and Texas millet [Urochloa texana (Buckley) R.D.Webster]. Four postemergence timings included early (EPOST), mid-postemergence, late, and very late postemergence (VLPOST) applications in various combinations. An untreated control was included for comparison. Regardless of planting pattern, broadleaf weed control was 9 to 48% higher when herbicides were applied two or more times than with single EPOST or VLPOST-only applications. Generally, two to three applications were needed to provide 100% annual grass control, whereas single applications only provided 71 to 92% control. Applying herbicides increased yield by 21 to 46% when compared with untreated soybean. In treated soybean, yield following the VLPOST treatment was generally lower than under other regimes. Trends for economic return were similar to those of yield. The data illustrate that multiple postemergence applications are needed for adequate weed control and do not adversely affect net returns. Although yields were protected with the EPOST-only treatment, caution must be taken to mitigate returning weed seed to the soil seedbank, as control for this treatment was lower than when herbicides were applied multiple times.}, number={1}, journal={CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT}, author={Mahoney, Denis J. and Jordan, David L. and Hare, Andrew T. and Leon, Ramon G. and Vann, Matthew C. and Burgos, Nilda R. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2019}, month={Nov} }
@article{smith_jennings_monks_schultheis_reberg-horton_2019, title={Tolerance of Sweetpotato to Herbicides Applied in Plant Propagation Beds}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.103}, abstractNote={AbstractField and greenhouse studies were conducted in 2016 and 2017 to determine sweetpotato tolerance to herbicides applied to plant propagation beds. Herbicide treatments included PRE application of flumioxazin (107 g ai ha−1),S-metolachlor (800 g ai ha−1), fomesafen (280 g ai ha−1), flumioxazin plusS-metolachlor (107 g ai ha−1+ 800 g ai ha−1), fomesafen plusS-metolachlor (280 g ai ha−1+ 800 g ai ha−1), fluridone (1,120 or 2,240 g ai ha−1), fluridone plusS-metolachlor (1,120 g ai ha−1+ 800 g ai ha−1), napropamide (1,120 g ai ha−1), clomazone (420 g ai ha−1), linuron (560 g ai ha−1), linuron plusS-metolachlor (560 g ai ha−1+ 800 g ai ha−1), bicyclopyrone (38 or 49.7 g ai ha−1), pyroxasulfone (149 g ai ha−1), pre-mix of flumioxazin plus pyroxasulfone (81.8 g ai ha−1+ 104.2 g ai ha−1), or metribuzin (294 g ai ha−1). Paraquat plus non-ionic surfactant (280 g ai ha−1+ 0.25% v/v) POST was also included. After plants in the propagation bed were cut and sweetpotato slip number, length, and weight had been determined, the slips were then transplanted to containers and placed either in the greenhouse or on an outdoor pad to determine any effects from the herbicide treatments on initial sweetpotato growth. Sweetpotato slip number, length, and/or weight were affected by flumioxazin with or withoutS-metolachlor,S-metolachlor with or without fomesafen, clomazone, and all fluridone treatments. In the greenhouse studies, initial root growth of plants after transplanting was inhibited by fluridone (1,120 g ai ha−1) and fluridone plusS-metolachlor. However, by 5 wk after transplanting few differences were observed between treatments. Fomesafen, linuron with or withoutS-metolachlor, bicyclopyrone (38 or 49.7 g ai ha−1), pyroxasulfone with or without flumioxazin, metribuzin, and paraquat did not cause injury to sweetpotato slips in any of the studies conducted.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Smith, Stephen C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Reberg-Horton, S. Chris}, year={2019}, month={Feb}, pages={147–152} }
@article{aldridge_jennings_chaudhari_monks_everman_mehra_2019, title={Tolerance of southern highbush and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars to saflufenacil}, volume={3}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.115}, abstractNote={AbstractGreenhouse and field studies were conducted to determine tolerance of blueberry to saflufenacil. Greenhouse studies included five saflufenacil rates (0, 50, 100, 200, and 400 g ai ha−1) and three southern highbush blueberry cultivars (‘Legacy’, ‘New Hanover’, and ‘O’Neal’) and one rabbiteye blueberry cultivar (‘Columbus’). Saflufenacil treatments were soil applied into each pot when blueberry plants were approximately 30-cm tall. Visible injury (purpling/reddening of foliage and leaf abscission) ranged from 3% to 12%, 3% to 42%, 0% to 43%, and 0% to 29% with saflufenacil from 50 to 400 g ha−1 in Columbus, Legacy, New Hanover, and O’Neal, respectively, at 28 d after treatment. Regardless of injury, plant growth (change in height), soil plant analysis development, and whole-plant dry biomass of all cultivars did not differ among saflufenacil rates. Field studies were conducted in Burgaw, NC, to determine the tolerance of nonbearing (<3-yr-old and not mature enough to produce fruit) and bearing (>3-yr-old and mature enough to produce fruit) southern highbush blueberry (‘Duke’) to saflufenacil application at pre-budbreak or during the vegetative growth stage. Treatments included three rates of saflufenacil (50, 100, and 200 g ha−1), glyphosate (870 g ae ha−1), glufosinate (1096 g ai ha−1), glyphosate (870 g ha−1) + saflufenacil (50 g ha−1), glufosinate (1096 g ha−1) + saflufenacil (50 g ha−1), and hexazinone (1,120 g ai ha−1), applied POST-directed to the soil surface beneath blueberry plants in a 76-cm band on both sides of the blueberry planting row. The maximum injury from treatments containing saflufenacil was ≤11% in both nonbearing and bearing blueberry. No negative effects on plant growth or fruit yield were observed from any treatments. Results from both greenhouse and field studies suggest that saflufenacil applied at 50 (1X commercial use rate) and 100 g ha−1 is safe to use in blueberry.}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Aldridge, Ryan B. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Monks, David W. and Everman, Wesley J. and Mehra, Lucky K.}, year={2019}, month={Mar}, pages={1–6} }
@inbook{monks_jennings_meyers_smith_korres_2019, place={Enfield, NH, USA}, edition={1st}, title={Weed Control, Sustainability, Hazards and Risks in Sweetpotato Cropping Systems}, booktitle={Weed Control: Sustainability, Hazards, and Risks in Cropping Systems Worldwide}, publisher={CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group}, author={Monks, D.W. and Jennings, K.M. and Meyers, S.L. and Smith, T.P. and Korres, N.}, editor={Korres, N. and Burgos, N.R. and Duke, S.O.Editors}, year={2019} }
@article{bertucci_suchoff_jennings_monks_gunter_schultheis_louws_2018, title={Comparison of Root System Morphology of Cucurbit Rootstocks for Use in Watermelon Grafting}, volume={28}, ISSN={["1943-7714"]}, url={https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/39930266/}, DOI={10.21273/HORTTECH04098-18}, abstractNote={Grafting of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is an established production practice that provides resistance to soilborne diseases or tolerance to abiotic stresses. Watermelon may be grafted on several cucurbit species (interspecific grafting); however, little research exists to describe root systems of these diverse rootstocks. A greenhouse study was conducted to compare root system morphology of nine commercially available cucurbit rootstocks, representing four species: pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), squash (Cucurbita pepo), bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), and an interspecific hybrid squash (C. maxima × C. moschata). Rootstocks were grafted with a triploid watermelon scion (‘Exclamation’), and root systems were compared with nongrafted (NG) and self-grafted (SG) ‘Exclamation’. Plants were harvested destructively at 1, 2, and 3 weeks after transplant (WAT), and data were collected on scion dry weight, total root length (TRL), average root diameter, root surface area, root:shoot dry-weight ratio, root diameter class proportions, and specific root length. For all response variables, the main effect of rootstock and rootstock species was significant (P < 0.05). The main effect of harvest was significant (P < 0.05) for all response variables, with the exception of TRL proportion in diameter class 2. ‘Ferro’ rootstock produced the largest TRL and root surface area, with observed values 122% and 120% greater than the smallest root system (‘Exclamation’ SG), respectively. Among rootstock species, pumpkin produced the largest TRL and root surface area, with observed values 100% and 82% greater than those of watermelon, respectively. These results demonstrate that substantial differences exist during the initial 3 WAT in root system morphology of rootstocks and rootstock species available for watermelon grafting and that morphologic differences of root systems can be characterized using image analysis.}, number={5}, journal={HORTTECHNOLOGY}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Bertucci, Matthew B. and Suchoff, David H. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Gunter, Christopher C. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Louws, Frank J.}, year={2018}, month={Oct}, pages={629–636} }
@article{mcgowen_jennings_chaudhari_monks_schultheis_reberg-horton_2018, title={Critical Period for Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Pickling Cucumber}, volume={32}, ISSN={0890-037X, 1550-2740}, url={https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/weed-technology/article/critical-period-for-palmer-amaranth-amaranthus-palmeri-control-in-pickling-cucumber/4BCED15B7D9F47DAFB0DF91FC9112015}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.58}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted in North Carolina to determine the critical period for Palmer amaranth control (CPPAC) in pickling cucumber. In removal treatments (REM), emerged Palmer amaranth were allowed to compete with cucumber for 14, 21, 28, or 35 d after sowing (DAS) in 2014 and 14, 21, 35, or 42 DAS in 2015, and cucumber was kept weed-free for the remainder of the season. In the establishment treatments (EST), cucumber was maintained free of Palmer amaranth by hand removal until 14, 21, 28, or 35 DAS in 2014 and until 14, 21, 35, or 42 DAS in 2015; after this, Palmer amaranth was allowed to establish and compete with the cucumber for the remainder of the season. The beginning and end of the CPPAC, based on 5% loss of marketable yield, was determined by fitting log-logistic and Gompertz equations to the relative yield data representing REM and EST, respectively. Season-long competition by Palmer amaranth reduced pickling cucumber yield by 45% to 98% and 88% to 98% during 2014 and 2015, respectively. When cucumber was planted on April 25, 2015, the CPPAC ranged from 570 to 1,002 heat units (HU), which corresponded to 32 to 49 DAS. However, when cucumber planting was delayed 2 to 4 wk (May 7 and May 21, 2014 and May 4, 2015), the CPPAC lasted from 100 to 918 HU (7 to 44 DAS). This research suggested that planting pickling cucumber as early as possible during the season may help to reduce competition by Palmer amaranth and delay the beginning of the CPPAC.}, number={5}, journal={Weed Technology}, author={McGowen, Samuel J. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Reberg-Horton, Chris}, year={2018}, month={Oct}, pages={586–591} }
@article{bertucci_jennings_monks_schultheis_louws_jordan_brownie_2018, title={Critical Period for Weed Control in Grafted and Nongrafted Watermelon Grown in Plasticulture}, volume={67}, ISSN={1550-2759}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2018.76}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2018.76}, abstractNote={AbstractField experiments determined the critical period for weed control (CPWC) in grafted and nongrafted watermelon [Citrullus lanatus(Thumb.) Matsum. & Nakai] grown in plasticulture. Transplant types included ‘Exclamation’ seedless watermelon as the nongrafted control as well as Exclamation grafted onto two interspecific hybrid squash (ISH) rootstocks, ‘Carnivor’ and ‘Kazako’. To simulate weed emergence throughout the season, establishment treatments (EST) consisted of two seedlings each of common purslane (Portulaca oleraceaL.), large crabgrass [Digitaria sanguinalis(L.) Scop.], and yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentusL.) transplanted in a 15 by 15 cm square centered on watermelon plants at 0, 2, 3, 4, and 6 wk after watermelon transplanting (WATr) and remained until the final watermelon harvest at 11 WATr. To simulate weed control at different times in the season, removal treatments (REM) consisted of two seedlings of the same weed species transplanted in a 15 by 15 cm square centered on watermelon plants on the same day of watermelon transplanting and allowed to remain until 2, 3, 4, 6, and 11 WATr, at which time they were removed. Season-long weedy and weed-free controls were included for both EST and REM studies in both years. For all transplant types, aboveground biomass of weeds decreased as weed establishment was delayed and increased as weed removal was delayed. The predicted CPWC for nongrafted Exclamation and Carnivor required only a single weed removal between 2.3 and 2.5 WATr and 1.9 and 2.6 WATr, respectively, while predicted CPWC for Kazako rootstock occurred from 0.3 to 2.6 WATr. Our study results suggest that weed control for this mixed population of weeds would be similar between nongrafted Exclamation and Exclamation grafted onto Carnivor. But the observed CPWC of Exclamation grafted onto Kazako suggests that CPWC may vary with specific rootstock–scion combinations.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Science}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Bertucci, Matthew B. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Louws, Frank J. and Jordan, David L. and Brownie, Cavell}, year={2018}, month={Nov}, pages={221–228} }
@article{bertucci_jennings_monks_schultheis_perkins-veazie_louws_jordan_2018, title={Early Season Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality of Standard and Mini Watermelon Grafted onto Several Commercially Available Cucurbit Rootstocks}, volume={28}, ISSN={["1943-7714"]}, DOI={10.21273/HORTTECH04051-18}, abstractNote={Grafting watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a common practice in many parts of the world and has recently received increased interest in the United States. The present study was designed to evaluate early season growth, yield, and fruit quality of watermelon in response to grafting and in the absence of known disease pressure in a fumigated system. Field experiments were conducted using standard and mini watermelons (cv. Exclamation and Extazy, respectively) grafted onto 20 commercially available cucurbit rootstocks representing four species: giant pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), summer squash (Cucurbita pepo), bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), and interspecific hybrid squash [ISH (C. maxima × Cucurbita moschata)]. Nongrafted ‘Exclamation’ and ‘Extazy’ were included as controls. To determine early season growth, leaf area was measured at 1, 2, and 3 weeks after transplant (WAT). At 1 WAT, nongrafted ‘Exclamation’ produced the smallest leaf area; however, at 3 WAT, nongrafted ‘Exclamation’ produced the largest leaf area in 2015, and no differences were observed in 2016. Leaf area was very similar among rootstocks in the ‘Extazy’ study, with minimal differences observed. Marketable yield included fruit weighing ≥9 and ≥3 lb for ‘Exclamation’ and ‘Extazy’, respectively. In the ‘Exclamation’ study, highest marketable yields were observed in nongrafted ‘Exclamation’, and ‘Exclamation’ grafted to ‘Pelops’, ‘TZ148’, and ‘Coloso’, and lowest marketable yields were observed when using ‘Marvel’ and ‘Kazako’ rootstocks, which produced 47% and 32% of nongrafted ‘Exclamation’ yield, respectively. In the ‘Extazy’ study, the highest marketable yield was observed in nongrafted ‘Extazy’, and ‘Kazako’ produced the lowest yields (48% of nongrafted ‘Extazy’). Fruit quality was determined by measuring fruit acidity (pH), soluble solids concentration (SSC), lycopene content, and flesh firmness from a sample of two fruit from each plot from the initial two harvests of each year. Across both studies, rootstock had no effect on SSC or lycopene content. As reported in previous studies, flesh firmness was increased as a result of grafting, and nongrafted ‘Exclamation’ and ‘Extazy’ had the lowest flesh firmness among standard and mini watermelons, respectively. The present study evaluated two scions with a selection of 20 cucurbit rootstocks and observed no benefits in early season growth, yield, or phytonutrient content. Only three of 20 rootstocks in each study produced marketable yields similar to the nongrafted treatments, and no grafted treatment produced higher yields than nongrafted ‘Exclamation’ or ‘Extazy’. Because grafted seedlings have an associated increase in cost and do not produce increased yields, grafting in these optimized farming systems and using fumigated soils does not offer an advantage in the absence of soilborne pathogens or other stressors that interfere with watermelon production.}, number={4}, journal={HORTTECHNOLOGY}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Bertucci, Matthew B. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Perkins-Veazie, Penelope and Louws, Frank J. and Jordan, David L.}, year={2018}, month={Aug}, pages={459–469} }
@article{bertucci_jennings_monks_jordan_schultheis_louws_waldschmidt_2018, title={Effect of Bicyclopyrone on Triploid Watermelon in Plasticulture}, volume={32}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/WET.2018.36}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.36}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted to determine watermelon tolerance and yield response when treated with bicyclopyrone preplant (PREPLANT), POST, and POST-directed (POST-DIR). Treatments consisted of two rates of bicyclopyrone (37.5 and 50 g ai ha–1), fomesafen (175 g ai ha–1), S-metolachlor (802 g ai ha–1), and a nontreated check. Preplant treatments were applied to formed beds 1 d prior to transplanting and included bicyclopyrone (37.5 and 50 g ha–1) and fomesafen (175 g ha–1), and new polyethylene mulch was subsequently laid above treated beds. POST and POST-DIR treatments were applied 14 ± 1 d after watermelon transplanting and included bicyclopyrone (37.5 and 50 g ha–1) POST and POST-DIR, and S-metolachlor (802 g ai ha–1) POST-DIR. POST-DIR treatments were applied to row middles, ensuring that no herbicide contacted watermelon vines or polyethylene mulch. At 2 wk after transplanting (WAT), 15% foliar bleaching was observed in watermelon treated with bicyclopyrone (50 g ha–1) PRE. At 3 WAT, bicyclopyrone (37.5 and 50 g ha–1) POST caused 16% and 17% foliar bleaching and 8% and 9% crop stunting, respectively. At 4 WAT, initial injury had subsided and bicyclopyrone (37.5 and 50 g ha–1) POST caused 4% and 4% foliar bleaching and 4% and 8% crop stunting, respectively. No symptoms of bleaching or stunting were observed at 6- and 8-WAT ratings. Watermelon total yield, marketable yield, total fruit number, marketable fruit number, and average fruit size were unaffected by herbicide treatments. Therefore, registration of bicyclopyrone (37.5 and 50 g ha–1) PREPLANT, POST, and POST-DIR would offer watermelon producers a safe herbicide option and a novel mode of action for weed management.}, number={4}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Bertucci, Matthew B. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Louws, Frank J. and Waldschmidt, Matthew D.}, year={2018}, month={Jun}, pages={439–443} }
@article{dittmar_schultheis_jennings_monks_chaudhari_meyers_jiang_2018, title={Effect of Cultivar, Ethephon, Flooding, and Storage Duration on Sweetpotato Internal Necrosis}, volume={28}, ISSN={["1943-7714"]}, DOI={10.21273/horttech03917-17}, abstractNote={The reason for internal necrosis occurrences in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) storage roots is not well understood. This disorder begins internally in the storage roots as small light brown spots near the proximal end of the root that eventually can become more enlarged as brown/black regions in the cortex. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of ethephon and flooding on the development of internal necrosis in the sweetpotato cultivars Beauregard, Carolina Ruby, and Covington over storage durations from 9 to 150 days after harvest (DAH) when roots had been cured. Soil moisture treatments were no-flooding, and simulated flooding that was created by applying 10 inches of overhead irrigation during 2 weeks before harvest. Ethephon was applied at 0, 0.75, and 0.98 lb/acre 2 weeks before harvest. Overall, ‘Covington’ and ‘Carolina Ruby’ had greater internal necrosis incidence (22% to 65% and 32% to 51%, respectively) followed by ‘Beauregard’ (9% to 22%) during storage duration from 9 to 150 DAH at both soil moistures. No significant change was observed for either internal necrosis incidence or severity for ‘Beauregard’ and ‘Carolina Ruby’ over the storage duration of 9–150 DAH. However, there was an increase of internal necrosis incidence and severity 9–30 DAH in ‘Covington’, with incidence and severity remaining similar 30–150 DAH. Storage roots in treatments sprayed with 0.75 or 0.98 lb/acre ethephon had higher internal necrosis incidence and severity compared with the nontreated, regardless of cultivars at both soil moistures. This research confirms that sweetpotato cultivars differ in their susceptibility to internal necrosis (incidence and severity), ethephon applied to foliage can contribute to internal necrosis development in storage roots, and internal necrosis incidence reaches a maximum by 30 DAH in ‘Covington’ and 9 DAH in ‘Carolina Ruby’ and ‘Beauregard’.}, number={3}, journal={HORTTECHNOLOGY}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Meyers, Stephen and Jiang, Chen}, year={2018}, month={Jun}, pages={246–251} }
@article{buckelew_mitchem_monks_chaudhari_jennings_mehra_2018, title={Effects of Vegetation-Free Strip Width and Irrigation on Newly Planted Peach}, volume={19}, ISSN={1553-8362 1553-8621}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15538362.2018.1545622}, DOI={10.1080/15538362.2018.1545622}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted at two locations (Clayton and Jackson Springs, NC) to determine the influence of vegetation-free strip width (VFSW) and irrigation on newly planted peach growth and yield in a low-density orchard with a volunteer weedy ground cover. The experiments included VFSW of 0, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 3, or 3.6 m under irrigated or nonirrigated conditions. Seasonal variation in the orchard floor vegetation was observed as different weed species reported in summer and winter. However, this difference was not apparent with respect to VFSF and irrigation. At Jackson Springs, NC, the predicted irrigated VFSW which would produce the same trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) as the grower standard (3-m nonirrigated) was 1.5, 1.3, and 0.8 m for one-, two-, and three-year-old trees, respectively. The predicted irrigated VFSW which would produce the same yield as the grower standard was 1.16 m. At Clayton, TCSA and fruit yield were not different by irrigation, but did increase linearly with VFSW. At both locations, leaf nitrogen (N) concentration was lower in irrigated trees than nonirrigated trees. Leaf N, leaf area, and SPAD were positively related to VFSW at Jackson Springs. In contrast, leaf N concentration was not different by VFSW at Clayton. However, leaf area and SPAD were positively related to VFSW at Clayton. These results suggest that a 1.5 m VFSW combined with proper irrigation and fertilization will produce tree growth and yield in newly planted orchard with volunteer weedy vegetation similar to the current grower standard in the southeastern USA.}, number={1}, journal={International Journal of Fruit Science}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Buckelew, Juliana K. and Mitchem, Wayne E. and Monks, David W. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katie M. and Mehra, Lucky K.}, year={2018}, month={Nov}, pages={75–90} }
@article{buckelew_mitchem_chaudhari_monks_jennings_2018, title={Evaluating weed control and response of newly planted peach trees to herbicides}, volume={18}, ISSN={["1553-8621"]}, DOI={10.1080/15538362.2018.1441772}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted in North Carolina to determine peach response to herbicides. Mesotrione, rimsulfuron, and sulfentrazone did not injure newly planted peach trees. However, halosulfuron at the higher rate caused injury to peach trees, but did not reduce tree cross-sectional area or winter pruning weight. Another field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of herbicide-based programs on weed control. Sulfentrazone alone controlled common lamb’s-quarters and henbit but provided poor control of large crabgrass and yellow foxtail. However, a tank mix of norflurazon or oryzalin with sulfentrazone improved control of these weeds over sulfentrazone alone. Terbacil alone or in tank mix rimsulfuron, and flumioxazin alone gave excellent control of large crabgrass and yellow foxtail.}, number={4}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE}, author={Buckelew, Juliana K. and Mitchem, Wayne E. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katie M.}, year={2018}, pages={383–393} }
@article{bertucci_jennings_monks_schultheis_louws_jordan_2018, title={Interference of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Density in Grafted and Nongrafted Watermelon}, volume={67}, ISSN={1550-2759}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/wsc.2018.77}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2018.77}, abstractNote={AbstractWatermelon [Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai] grafting is commonly used for management of diseases caused by soilborne pathogens; however, little research exists describing the effect of grafting on the weed-competitive ability of watermelon. Field experiments determined the response in yield, fruit number, and fruit quality of grafted and nongrafted watermelon exposed to increasing densities of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeriS. Watson). Grafting treatments included ‘Exclamation’ triploid (seedless) watermelon grafted on two interspecific hybrid squash rootstocks ‘Carnivor’ and ‘Kazako’, with nongrafted Exclamation as the control. Weed treatments includedA. palmeriat densities of 1, 2, 3, and 4A. palmeriplants per watermelon planting hole (0.76-m row) and a weed-free control. IncreasingA. palmeridensities caused significant reductions (P <0.05) in marketable watermelon yield and marketable fruit number. Watermelon yield reduction was described by a rectangular hyperbola model, and 4A. palmeriplants planting hole−1reduced marketable yield 41%, 38%, and 65% for Exclamation, Carnivor, and Kazako, respectively. Neither grafting treatment norA. palmeridensity had a biologically meaningful effect on soluble solids content or on the incidence of hollow heart in watermelon fruit.Amaranthus palmeriseed and biomass production was similar across weed population densities, but seed number per femaleA. palmeridecreased according to a two-parameter exponential decay equation. Thus, increasing weed population densities resulted in increased intraspecific competition amongA. palmeriplants. While grafting may offer benefits for disease resistance, no benefits regarding weed-competitive ability were observed, and a consistent yield penalty was associated with grafting, even in weed-free treatments.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Science}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Bertucci, Matthew B. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Louws, Frank J. and Jordan, David L.}, year={2018}, month={Dec}, pages={229–238} }
@book{beam_jennings_2018, title={Management of yellow nutsedge in sweetpotato}, number={AG-837}, author={Beam, S.C. and Jennings, K.M.}, year={2018}, month={Mar} }
@article{beam_chaudhari_jennings_monks_meyers_schultheis_waldschmidt_main_2018, title={Response of Palmer Amaranth and Sweetpotato to Flumioxazin/Pyroxasulfone}, volume={33}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/wet.2018.80}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.80}, abstractNote={AbstractStudies were conducted to determine the tolerance of sweetpotato and Palmer amaranth control to a premix of flumioxazin and pyroxasulfone pretransplant (PREtr) followed by (fb) irrigation. Greenhouse studies were conducted in a factorial arrangement of four herbicide rates (flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone PREtr at 105/133 and 57/72 g ai ha–1,S-metolachlor PREtr 803 g ai ha–1, nontreated) by three irrigation timings [2, 5, and 14 d after transplanting (DAP)]. Field studies were conducted in a factorial arrangement of seven herbicide treatments (flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone PREtr at 40/51, 57/72, 63/80, and 105/133 g ha–1, 107 g ha–1flumioxazin PREtr fb 803 g ha–1S-metolachlor 7 to 10 DAP, and season-long weedy and weed-free checks) by three 1.9-cm irrigation timings (0 to 2, 3 to 5, or 14 DAP). In greenhouse studies, flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone reduced sweetpotato vine length and shoot and storage root fresh biomass compared to the nontreated check andS-metolachlor. Irrigation timing had no influence on vine length and root fresh biomass. In field studies, Palmer amaranth control was≥91% season-long regardless of flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone rate or irrigation timing. At 38 DAP, sweetpotato injury was≤37 and≤9% at locations 1 and 2, respectively. Visual estimates of sweetpotato injury from flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone were greater when irrigation timing was delayed 3 to 5 or 14 DAP (22 and 20%, respectively) compared to 0 to 2 DAP (7%) at location 1 but similar at location 2. Irrigation timing did not influence no.1, jumbo, or marketable yields or root length-to-width ratio. With the exception of 105/133 g ha–1, all rates of flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone resulted in marketable sweetpotato yield and root length-to-width ratio similar to flumioxazin fbS-metolachlor or the weed-free checks. In conclusion, flumioxazin/pyroxasulfone PREtr at 40/51, 57/72, and 63/80 g ha–1has potential for use in sweetpotato for Palmer amaranth control without causing significant crop injury and yield reduction.}, number={1}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Beam, Shawn C. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Meyers, Stephen L. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Waldschmidt, Mathew and Main, Jeffrey L.}, year={2018}, month={Nov}, pages={128–134} }
@article{beam_jennings_chaudhari_monks_schultheis_waldschmidt_2018, title={Response of Sweetpotato Cultivars to Linuron Rate and Application Time}, volume={32}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.68}, abstractNote={AbstractField studies were conducted in 2015 and 2016 in North Carolina to determine the response of ‘Covington’ and ‘Murasaki-29’ sweetpotato cultivars to four rates of linuron (420, 560, 840, and 1,120 g ai ha–1) alone or withS-metolachlor (803 g ai ha–1) applied 7 or 14 d after transplanting (DAP). Injury (chlorosis/necrosis and stunting) to both cultivars was greater when linuron was applied withS-metolachlor as compared to linuron applied alone. Herbicide application at 14 DAP caused greater injury (chlorosis/necrosis and stunting) to both cultivars than when applied at 7 DAP. At 4 wk after treatment (WAT), stunting of Covington and Murasaki-29 (hereafter Murasaki) from linuron at 420 to 1,120 g ha–1increased from 27% to 50% and 25% to 53%, respectively. At 7 or 8 WAT, crop stunting of 8% or less and 0% was observed in Covington and Murasaki, respectively, regardless of application rate and timing. Murasaki root yields were similar in the linuron alone or withS-metolachlor treatments, and were lower than the nontreated check. In 2016, no. 1 and marketable sweetpotato yields of Covington were similar for the nontreated check, linuron alone, or linuron plusS-metolachlor treatments, but not in 2015. Decreases in no. 1 and marketable root yields were observed when herbicides were applied 14 DAP compared to 7 DAP for Covington in 2015 and for Murasaki in both years. No. 1 and marketable yields of Covington were similar for 420 to 1,120 g ha–1linuron and nontreated check except marketable root yields in 2015. No. 1 and marketable sweetpotato yields of Murasaki decreased as application rates increased.}, number={6}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Beam, Shawn C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Waldschmidt, Mathew}, year={2018}, month={Dec}, pages={665–670} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_meyers_2018, title={Response of Sweetpotato to Oryzalin Application Rate and Timing}, volume={32}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/wet.2018.79}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.79}, abstractNote={AbstractThe investigation of potential herbicides for weed control in sweetpotato is critical due to the limited number of registered herbicides and the development of populations of herbicide- resistant weeds. Therefore, field studies were conducted at the Horticultural Crops Research Station, Clinton, NC and the Pontotoc Ridge–Flatwoods Branch Experiment Station, Pontotoc, MS to determine the effect of oryzalin application rate and timing on sweetpotato tolerance. Oryzalin at 0.6, 1.1, 2.2, 3.4, and 4.5 kg ai ha–1was applied immediately after transplanting or 14 d after sweetpotato transplanting (DAP). At Clinton, oryzalin applied immediately after transplanting resulted in ≤1% leaf distortion 4 and 6 wk after transplanting (WAP) regardless of application rate. However, when oryzalin was applied 14 DAP, greater sweetpotato leaf distortion was observed from 2.2, 3.4, and 4.5 kg ha–1(≤8%) than 0.6 and 1.1 kg ha–1(≤4%). At Pontotoc, oryzalin applied immediately after transplanting resulted in ≤6% leaf distortion 4 WAP regardless of application rate. However, when oryzalin was applied at 14 DAP, greater leaf distortion was reported from 3.4 and 4.5 kg ha–1(11 to 13%) than 0.6, 1.1, and 2.2 kg ha–1(4 to 6%). Oryzalin application rate and timing did not affect yield of no.1, jumbo, or marketable sweetpotato. Based on these results, oryzalin herbicide has potential for registration in sweetpotato.}, number={6}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Meyers, Stephen L.}, year={2018}, month={Dec}, pages={722–725} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_culpepper_batts_bellinder_2018, title={Turnip Tolerance to Preplant Incorporated Trifluralin}, volume={33}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/wet.2018.66}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2018.66}, abstractNote={AbstractField research was conducted in 2012 and 2013 in Georgia, New York, and North Carolina to evaluate the effect of trifluralin PPI on turnip root production. Treatments included trifluralin PPI at 0, 0.42, 0.56, 0.84, 1.12, 1.68, 2.24, and 3.36 kg ai ha−1. Aboveground injury to turnip varied by location and increased from 0% to 85% as trifluralin rate increased from 0.42 to 3.36 kg ha−1. Trifluralin at 0.42 to 0.84 kg ha−1caused ≤7% injury, except at Clayton, NC, and Freeville, NY, where injury ≤32%. Trifluralin at 0.42 to 0.84 kg ha−1reduced turnip root yield ≤11% at all locations, except Clinton, NC, where yield was reduced 29% and 43% by 0.56 and 0.84 kg ha−1, respectively. Turnip roots were not injured internally by trifluralin. Our research results suggest that up to 0.84 kg ha−1trifluralin PPI is safe to use in turnip roots.}, number={1}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Culpepper, Stanley and Batts, Roger B. and Bellinder, Robin}, year={2018}, month={Dec}, pages={123–127} }
@article{basinger_jennings_monks_mitchem_chaudhari_heitman_havlin_howard_spayd_2018, title={Vegetation-Free Strip Width Affects Growth, Berry Composition, and Yield of Cabernet franc in Vigorous Growing Environments}, volume={2}, ISSN={2469-7974 2469-7974}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.5344/catalyst.2018.17005}, DOI={10.5344/catalyst.2018.17005}, abstractNote={Summary Goals: In regions such as the eastern United States, excess vine vigor can be problematic. In this region, it is common to plant a perennial grass between rows, which can compete with vines for water and nutrients. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of vegetation-free strip (VFS) width beneath the planted row on vine growth and fruit quality. The current recommendation for VFS width is 90 to 120 cm. However, modification of the VFS width can provide additional competition, limiting vine vigor. Determining the optimal width and effect of the VFS on vine size, berry composition, and yield would allow growers to optimize groundcover management in this region. Key Findings: Reducing VFS width decreased pruning weight/m cordon, shoot number/m cordon, lateral shoot number/cane, and summer fresh hedging weights. Narrowing the VFS width was most effective in the two of four years with the least rainfall. Yield/m cordon was reduced by narrowing VFS width, but not to below normal adjusted crop loads. Cluster weight, number of berries/cluster, and cluster number/m cordon were also reduced by narrowing VFS width. Berry soluble solids and total anthocyanins increased and TA decreased with decreasing VFS width, improving berry quality. Postveraison natural weed population growth in the VFS did not affect vine growth or fruit yield and composition. Impact and Significance: In the eastern United States, high rainfall and humidity promote excessive vine growth and immense pest pressure for Vitis vinifera production. Improved canopy characteristics could increase fruit quality by reducing pest pressure, by increasing soluble solids and total anthocyanin concentrations, and by improving the balance between pH and titratable acidity (TA). Increasing competition for water and nutrients during the growing season (by narrowing the VFS or allowing late-season weed competition) may be an effective way to accomplish these improvements. In this study, narrower VFS width in a tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea var. ‘Kentucky 31’) groundcover reduced vine vegetative growth and positively influenced berry composition. Vineyard weed populations that established naturally postveraison did not affect vine size, yield, or fruit quality.}, number={1}, journal={Catalyst: Discovery into Practice}, publisher={American Society for Enology and Viticulture}, author={Basinger, Nicholas T. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Mitchem, Wayne E. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Heitman, Joshua L. and Havlin, John L. and Howard, Adam M. and Spayd, Sara E.}, year={2018}, month={Jun}, pages={15–23} }
@article{chaudhari_jordan_grey_prostko_jennings_2018, title={Weed Control and Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Response to Acetochlor Alone and in Combination with Various Herbicides}, volume={45}, ISSN={0095-3679}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3146/PS17-19.1}, DOI={10.3146/ps17-19.1}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT
Acetochlor, a chloroacetamide herbicide, is now registered for preplant (PPI), preemergence (PRE), and postemergence (POST) application in peanut. Field research was conducted during 2011 and 2012 in Georgia and North Carolina to determine peanut response and weed control by acetochlor compared with S-metolachlor alone and in programs with other herbicides. In weed-free experiments, peanut tolerance to acetochlor (1.26 and 2.52 kg ai/ha) and S-metolachlor (1.42 kg ai/ha) were evaluated when applied PPI, PRE, early postemergence (EPOST), or POST. Peanut tolerance to acetochlor was similar to S-metolachlor with no negative impact of either herbicide on peanut yield compared with non-treated peanut in absence of weed interference. When applied PRE, acetochlor controlled Palmer amaranth, pitted morningglory, sicklepod, and Texas millet similarly to S-metolachlor while control of broadleaf signalgrass was greater with S-metolachlor. Weed control programs containing EPOST and/or POST applications of herbicides following PRE herbicides provided the best overall weed control but did not affect yellow nutsedge control regardless of whether acetochlor or S-metolachlor were applied. Herbicide programs including PRE, EPOST, and POST herbicides most often resulted in the greatest yields. There was no difference in peanut yield regardless of the presence of acetochlor or S-metolachlor in a comprehensive herbicide program.}, number={1}, journal={Peanut Science}, publisher={American Peanut Research and Education Society}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jordan, David L. and Grey, Timothy L. and Prostko, Eric P. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2018}, month={Jan}, pages={45–55} }
@article{besançon_jennings_everman_2017, title={Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of Halosulfuron in Cucumber, Summer Squash, and Selected Weeds}, volume={65}, ISSN={1550-2759}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/WSC.2017.15}, DOI={10.1017/wsc.2017.15}, abstractNote={Greenhouse studies were conducted to investigate the absorption, translocation, and metabolism of foliar-applied [14C]halosulfuron-methyl in cucumber, summer squash, pitted morningglory, and velvetleaf. Cucumber and summer squash were treated at the 4-leaf stage, whereas velvetleaf and pitted morningglory were treated at 10 cm. All plants were collected at 4, 24, 48, and 72 h after treatment (HAT) for absorption and translocation studies and an additional 96-HAT interval was included in the metabolism study. Absorption did not exceed 45% in summer squash, whereas it plateaued around 60% in velvetleaf and cucumber and reached 80% in pitted morningglory 72 HAT. None of the four species translocated more than 23% of absorbed halosulfuron out of the treated leaf. Translocation in cucumber and summer squash was predominantly basipetal, while acropetal movement prevailed in velvetleaf. No significant direction of movement was observed for pitted morningglory. Negligible translocation occurred toward the roots, regardless of plant species. Of the total amount of [14C]halosulfuron-methyl absorbed into the plants at 96 HAT, more than 80% remained in the form of the parent compound in velvetleaf, summer squash, and pitted morningglory, whereas less than 20% was detected in cucumber. Rapid and high herbicide metabolism may explain cucumber tolerance to halosulfuron-methyl, while lack of metabolism contributes to summer squash and velvetleaf susceptibility. Pitted morningglory tolerance may be due to limited translocation associated with some level of metabolism, but further research would be needed to investigate other potential causes.}, number={4}, journal={Weed Science}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Besançon, Thierry. E. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Everman, Wesley J.}, year={2017}, month={Jun}, pages={461–467} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_monks_jordan_gunter_louws_2017, title={Absorption, Translocation, and Metabolism of14C-Halosulfuron in Grafted Eggplant and Tomato}, volume={31}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/WET.2017.65}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2017.65}, abstractNote={Grafted plants are a combination of two different interspecific or intraspecific scion and rootstock. Determination of herbicidal selectivity of the grafted plant is critical given their increased use in vegetable production. Differential absorption, translocation, and metabolism play an important role in herbicide selectivity of plant species because these processes affect the herbicide amount delivered to the site of action. Therefore, experiments were conducted to determine absorption, translocation, and metabolism of halosulfuron in grafted and non-grafted tomato and eggplant. Transplant type included non-grafted tomato cultivar Amelia, non-grafted eggplant cultivar Santana, Amelia scion grafted onto Maxifort tomato rootstock (A-Maxifort) and Santana scion grafted onto Maxifort rootstock (S-Maxifort). Plants were treated POST with commercially formulated halosulfuron at 39 g ai ha-1followed by14C-halosulfuron under controlled laboratory conditions. Amount of14C-halosufuron was quantified in leaf wash, treated leaf, scion shoot, rootstock shoot, and root at 6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 h after treatment (HAT) using liquid scintillation spectrometry. No differences were observed between transplant types with regard to absorption and translocation of14C-halosulfuron. Absorption of14C-halosulfuron increased with time, reaching 10 and 74% of applied at 6 and 96 HAT, respectively. Translocation of14C-halosulfuron was limited to the treated leaf, which reached maximum (66% of applied) at 96 HAT, whereas minimal (<4% of applied) translocation occurred in scion shoot, rootstock shoot, and root. Tomato plants metabolized halosulfuron faster compared to eggplant regardless of grafting. Of the total amount of14C-halosulfuron absorbed into the plant, 9 to 14% remained in the form of the parent compound in tomato compared with 25 to 26% in eggplant at 48 HAT. These results indicate that grafting did not affect absorption, translocation, and metabolism of POST halosulfuron in tomato and eggplant.}, number={6}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Gunter, Christopher C. and Louws, Frank J.}, year={2017}, month={Sep}, pages={908–914} }
@article{chaudhari_jordan_york_jennings_cahoon_chandi_inman_2017, title={Biology and Management of Glyphosate-Resistant and Glyphosate-Susceptible Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Phenotypes from a Segregating Population}, volume={65}, ISSN={1550-2759}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/WSC.2017.52}, DOI={10.1017/WSC.2017.52}, abstractNote={Palmer amaranth is the most economically damaging glyphosate-resistant (GR) weed in the southern United States. An understanding of the basic biology, including relative growth and competitiveness of GR and glyphosate-susceptible (GS) Palmer amaranth phenotypes from a segregating population collected from the same geographical location, may yield information helpful in the management of resistant populations. A segregating population of Palmer amaranth collected in North Carolina during 2010 was used as a plant source for both GR and GS traits. Research was conducted in the greenhouse to compare the following: level of resistance and shikimate accumulation in GR and GS phenotypes following glyphosate application; interference from GR and GS phenotypes on early-season vegetative growth of corn, cotton, and peanut; effect of various durations of imposed drought stress on GR and GS phenotypes; and response of GR and GS phenotypes to POST-applied herbicides. The GR50(glyphosate rate providing 50% reduction in shoot dry biomass) was 17 times greater with the GR phenotype compared with the GS phenotype. Shikimate accumulated in both GR and GS phenotypes following glyphosate application, but greater concentrations were found in GS plants. The GR and GS phenotypes responded similarly when subjected to drought stress; grown with corn, cotton, and peanut; or treated with 2,4-D, atrazine, dicamba, fomesafen, glufosinate, paraquat, tembotrione, and thifensulfuron. These results indicate that in the absence of glyphosate selection pressure, resistance to glyphosate does not influence the growth and competitiveness of GR and GS Palmer amaranth phenotypes collected from the same geographical location.}, number={6}, journal={Weed Science}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jordan, David L. and York, Alan C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Cahoon, Charles W. and Chandi, Aman and Inman, Matthew D.}, year={2017}, month={Aug}, pages={755–768} }
@article{chaudhari_jordan_york_jennings_cahoon_chandi_inman_2017, title={Biology and management of Glyphosate-resistant and Glyphosate-susceptible Palmer Amaranth (&ITAmaranthus&IT &ITpalmeri&IT) phenotypes from a segregating population}, volume={65}, number={6}, journal={Weed Science}, author={Chaudhari, S. and Jordan, D. L. and York, A. C. and Jennings, K. M. and Cahoon, C. W. and Chandi, A. and Inman, M. D.}, year={2017}, pages={755–768} }
@inbook{jennings_2017, place={St. Paul, MN, USA}, edition={2nd}, title={Dodder}, booktitle={Compendium of Diseases, Pests, and Disorders for Cucurbits}, publisher={APS Press}, author={Jennings, K.M.}, editor={Keinath, A.Editor}, year={2017} }
@article{dayton_chaudhari_jennings_monks_hoyt_2017, title={Effect of Drip-Applied Metam-Sodium and S-Metolachlor on Yellow Nutsedge and Common Purslane in Polyethylene-Mulched Bell Pepper and Tomato}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2017.16}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted to determine the effect of metam sodium andS-metolachlor applied through drip irrigation on yellow nutsedge, common purslane, bell pepper, and tomato (injury and yield) in plasticulture. Treatments consisted of weed-free, weedy,S-metolachlor alone at 0.85 kg ha-1, methyl bromide, metam sodium (43, 86, 176, and 358 kg ai ha–1) alone, and metam sodium (43, 86, 176, and 358 kg ai ha–1) followed byS-metolachlor at 0.85 kg ha–1. Metam sodium andS-metolachlor was applied preplant 2 wk before and 2 wk after transplanting (WAT) through drip irrigation, respectively. No injury was observed to bell pepper and tomato from metam sodium alone, or metam sodium fbS-metolachlor treatments. With the exception of yellow nutsedge density 15 WAT in bell pepper, herbicide program did not influence yellow nutsedge and common purslane density at 4 and 6 WAT and bell pepper and tomato yield. At 15 WAT, yellow nutsedge density was lower in treatments that received metam sodium fbS-metolachlor compared to those treatments that only received metam sodium. Drip-applied metam sodium at 176 and 358 kg ha–1in both bell pepper and tomato provided similar control of common purslane, and yellow nutsedge, produced comparable yields, and failed to elicit any negative crop growth responses when compared to MeBr. In conclusion, metam sodium at 176 and 358 kg ha–1fbS-metolachlor 0.85 kg ha–1is an effective MeBr alternative for season long weed control in plasticulture bell pepper and tomato.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Dayton, Daniel M. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Hoyt, Greg W.}, year={2017}, pages={421–429} }
@inbook{jennings_2017, place={St. Paul, MN, USA}, edition={2nd}, title={Herbicide injury}, booktitle={Compendium of Diseases, Pests, and Disorders for Cucurbits}, publisher={APS Press}, author={Jennings, K.M.}, editor={Keinath, A.Editor}, year={2017} }
@article{basinger_jennings_monks_mitchem_perkins-veazie_chaudhari_2018, title={In-row Vegetation-free Strip Width Effect on Established 'Navaho' Blackberry}, volume={32}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2017.85}, abstractNote={AbstractA field study was conducted in 2014 and 2015 in an established 5-yr old commercial blackberry planting to determine the effect of vegetation-free strip width (VFSW) on ‘Navaho’ blackberry vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality parameters, identify the optimum VFSW for blackberry plantings in the southeastern USA, and provide practical groundcover management recommendations that can increase the productivity of blackberry plantings. In Fall 2013, tall fescue was seeded in-row and allowed to establish. In Spring 2014, VFSW treatments (0, 0.6, 0.9, 1.2, and 1.8 m) were established in a randomized complete block statistical design with four replications. Blackberry growth measurements included primocane and floricane number, cane diam, individual fruit weight and yield. Fruit quality measurements included, soluble solids concentration (SSC), titratable acidity (TA) and pH. Primocane number increased with increasing VFSW in both years. Floricane number increased with increasing VFSW in 2014. Primocane diam decreased with increasing VFSW in 2014 but had a quadratic response in 2015. Berry weight and cumulative yield increased with increasing VFSW in both years. The only berry quality component affected by VFSW was pH, which decreased as VFSW increased. Results indicate that widening the VFSW in blackberry from the current recommendation of 1.2 m to 1.8 m could provide growers a means to increase plant growth, berry weight, and cumulative yield blackberry of a planting.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Basinger, Nicholas T. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Mitchem, Wayne E. and Perkins-Veazie, Penelope M. and Chaudhari, Sushila}, year={2018}, pages={85–89} }
@article{beam_jennings_monks_schultheis_chaudhari_2017, title={Influence of Herbicides on the Development of Internal Necrosis of Sweetpotato}, volume={31}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/WET.2017.60}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2017.60}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted to determine the influence of herbicides on the development of internal necrosis (IN) in sweetpotato storage roots. In a slip propagation study, herbicide treatments included PRE application (immediately after covering seed roots with soil) of clomazone (0.42, 0.84 kg ai ha-1), flumioxazin (0.11, 0.21 kg ai ha-1), fomesafen (0.28, 0.56 kg ai ha-1), linuron (0.56, 1.12 kg ai ha-1),S-metolachlor (0.8, 1.6 kg ai ha-1), flumioxazin plusS-metolachlor (0.11 + 0.8 or 1.6 kg ha-1), and napropamide (1.12, 2.24 kg ai ha-1), and POST application (2 to 4 wk prior to cutting slips) of ethephon (0.84, 1.26 kg ai ha-1) and paraquat (0.14, 0.28 kg ai ha-1). In a field production study, flumioxazin, fomesafen, linuron, and paraquat were applied PREPLANT (one d prior to sweetpotato transplanting), clomazone,S-metolachlor, and napropamide were applied PRE [4 d after transplanting (DAP)], flumioxazin PREPLANT followed by (fb) S-metolachlor PRE, and ethephon applied POST (2 wk prior to harvest). Herbicide rates were similar to those used in the slip propagation study. Yield of sweetpotato in both studies was not affected by herbicide treatment. In both studies, IN incidence and severity increased with time and was greatest at 60 d after curing. No difference was observed between herbicide treatments for IN incidence and severity in the slip production study which indicates herbicide application at time of slip propagation does not impact the development of IN. In the field production study, the only treatment that increased IN incidence compared to the nontreated was ethephon with 53% and 2.3 incidence and severity, respectively. The presence of IN affected roots in nontreated plots indicates that some other pre- or post-curing factors other than herbicides are responsible for the development of IN. However, the ethephon application prior to sweetpotato root harvest escalates the development of IN.}, number={6}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Beam, Shawn C. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Chaudhari, Sushila}, year={2017}, month={Sep}, pages={863–869} }
@article{inman_jordan_york_jennings_monks_2017, title={Long-term Management of Palmer Amaranth with Herbicides and Cultural Practices in Cotton}, volume={3}, DOI={10.2134/cftm2017.03.0017}, abstractNote={Core Ideas
Deep tillage reduced Palmer amaranth populations
Hand‐removal of Palmer amaranth over 4 yr reduced the soil seedbank and maintained a low frequency of glyphosate resistance
Hand‐removal of Palmer amaranth was more effective than deep tillage in preventing an increase in glyphosate resistance
Glyphosate‐resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S. Watts) has become one of the most problematic weeds in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production systems throughout the southern United States. Research was conducted from 2012 through 2015 in continuous cotton to determine the influence of a single deep tillage operation and annual hand‐removal of Palmer amaranth plants prior to seed production on weed populations, cotton yield, and economic returns when a commercial standard herbicide program was implemented each year. Treatments consisted of both a one‐time deep tillage operation in fall of 2011 and no deep tillage, each with and without annual hand‐removal of Palmer amaranth. The single deep tillage operation reduced Palmer amaranth populations 75% during the 2013 growing season. Differences in weed populations with deep tillage did not always translate into increased yield and economic return. After four growing seasons, cumulative economic return was not affected by deep tillage or hand‐removal. However, hand‐removal of Palmer amaranth plants prior to seed production each year resulted in a lower density and a lower frequency of glyphosate resistance after 4 yr.}, number={1}, journal={cftm}, publisher={American Society of Agronomy}, author={Inman, Matthew D. and Jordan, David L. and York, Alan C. and Jennings, Katie M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2017}, pages={0} }
@article{barkley_chaudhari_schultheis_jennings_bullen_monks_2017, title={Optimizing Sweetpotato Seed Root Density and Size for Slip Production}, volume={27}, ISSN={["1943-7714"]}, DOI={10.21273/horttech03435-16}, abstractNote={There is a research gap with respect to documenting the effects of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) seed root density and size on transplant yield and quality. Field studies were conducted in 2012 and 2014 to determine the effect of sweetpotato seed root (canner size) density [12, 24, 37, 49, 61, 73, and 85 bushels [bu (50 lb)] per 1000 ft2] on ‘Covington’ and ‘Evangeline’ slip production in propagation beds. Another field study was conducted in 2012 and 2013; treatments included canner, no. 1, and jumbo-size ‘Covington’ roots at 49 bu/1000 ft2, to determine the effect of seed root size on slip production. As seed root density increased in the propagation bed, transplant production increased with no change in slip quality as measured by node counts and slip length except for stem diameter. In 2012, the best marketable slip yield was obtained at root densities of 73 and 85 bu/1000 ft2. In 2014, marketable slip production of ‘Evangeline’ increased as seed root density increased at a greater rate than ‘Covington’. In 2014, the best seed root density for marketable slip production was 49 to 85 bu/1000 ft2 for ‘Covington’ and 85 bu/1000 ft2 for ‘Evangeline’. In 2012, potential slip revenues increased with an increase in seed root density up to 73 bu/1000 ft2. In 2014, revenue trend was similar for ‘Covington’ as 2012; however, for ‘Evangeline’, revenue was greatest at 85 bu/1000 ft2. Seed root size had no effect on marketable slip production when using a once-over harvest system. Results suggest growers would use a seed root density from 49 to 85 bu/1000 ft2 depending on variety, and any size roots for production of optimum marketable slips. Selection of optimum seed root density also depends on grower needs; e.g., high seed root density strategy will have a higher risk due to the upfront, higher seed costs, but potentially have higher profits at harvest time. Lower seed root density strategy would be a lower initial risk with a lower seed cost, but also potentially have lower net revenues.}, number={1}, journal={HORTTECHNOLOGY}, author={Barkley, Susan L. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Bullen, Stephen G. and Monks, David W.}, year={2017}, month={Feb}, pages={7–15} }
@article{chaudhari_jordan_jennings_2017, title={Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Response to Carfentrazone-ethyl and Pyraflufen-ethyl Applied Close to Harvest}, volume={44}, ISSN={0095-3679}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3146/PS16-20.1}, DOI={10.3146/ps16-20.1}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT
Morningglory (Ipomoea spp.) and other weeds are often present at peanut harvest and can interfere with digging pods and inverting vines. Carfentrazone-ethyl and pyraflufen-ethyl control large morningglory and could be an effective strategy as harvest aids in peanut. However, crop response to these herbicides has not been determined for Virginia market type peanut cultivars in North Carolina. One experiment was conducted during 2012, 2013, and 2014 to determine peanut response to carfentrazone or pyraflufen-ethyl applied postemergence 1 and 2 weeks prior to digging peanut pods and inverting vines. In a second experiment conducted during 2014 and 2015, peanut response to carfentrazone-ethyl, diclosulam, pyraflufen-ethyl, lactofen, and 2,4-DB applied 4 wk before digging (WBD) was determined. Visible peanut injury from carfentrazone-ethyl and pyraflufen-ethyl did not exceed 40% regardless of application timing or rate, and peanut yield was not affected compared with non-treated peanut regardless of visible injury when applied 1 or 2 WBD. However, when applied 4 WBD, peanut yields were 9 to 10% lower when carfentrazone-ethyl or pyraflufen-ethyl were applied compared with non-treated peanut. Diclosulam, lactofen, and 2,4-DB did not adversely affect yield. These results show that carfentrazone-ethyl and pyraflufen-ethyl will not affect peanut yield within 2 WBD but can reduce yield when applied earlier in the season during pod fill.}, number={1}, journal={Peanut Science}, publisher={American Peanut Research and Education Society}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jordan, David and Jennings, Katherine}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={47–52} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_monks_jordan_gunter_louws_2017, title={Response of Drought-Stressed Grafted and Nongrafted Tomato to Postemergence Metribuzin}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2017.12}, abstractNote={Tomato grafting is practiced worldwide as an innovative approach to manage stress from drought, waterlogging, insects, and diseases. Metribuzin is a commonly used herbicide in tomato but has potential to cause injury after application if plants are under stress. The influence of metribuzin on grafted tomato under drought-stress has not been studied. Greenhouse experiments were conducted in Raleigh, NC to determine the tolerance of drought-stressed grafted and non-grafted tomato to metribuzin. The tomato cultivar ‘Amelia’ was used as the scion in grafted tomato, and for the non-grafted control. Two hybrid tomato ‘Beaufort’ and ‘Maxifort’ were used as rootstocks for grafted plants. Drought-stress treatments included: no drought-stress; 3 d of drought-stress before metribuzin application with no drought-stress after application (3 d DSB); and 3 d of drought-stress before metribuzin application with 3 d of drought-stress after application (3 d DSBA). Metribuzin was applied at 550 g ai ha−1. No difference in injury from metribuzin was observed in grafted and non-grafted plants. However, at 7 and 14 d after metribuzin treatment (DMT), less injury was observed on tomato in the 3 d DSBA treatment (5 and 2% injury, respectively) than on plants in the 3 d DSB treatment (15 and 8% injury, respectively) or those that were never drought-stressed (18 and 11% injury, respectively). Photosynthesis and stomatal conductance measured prior to metribuzin application were reduced similarly in grafted and non-grafted tomato subjected to drought-stress. Photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of grafted and non-grafted tomato at 7 DMT was not different among drought-stress treatments or metribuzin treatments. Grafted and non-grafted tomato plants under drought-stress exhibit similar tolerance to metribuzin. The risk of metribuzin injury to grafted tomato under drought-stress is similar to non-grafted tomato.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Gunter, Christopher C. and Louws, Frank J.}, year={2017}, pages={447–454} }
@article{coneybeer-roberts_jennings_monks_burton_stowe_2017, title={Seed Biology of the Weed Maryland Meadowbeauty (Rhexia mariana L.) in Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)}, volume={17}, ISSN={["1553-8621"]}, DOI={10.1080/15538362.2017.1317316}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Studies were conducted at three locations across the North Carolina coastal plain region to determine sexual reproductive potential, seedbank density, frequency of seed dormancy, and effect of temperature on Maryland meadowbeauty seed germination. Seed capsule density ranged from 500 per m2 to 1124 per m2 across locations. Each capsule contained an average of 74 seeds. Seeds germinated only in the 35/20 °C temperature regime, which represents the hottest month (August) of the growing season in southeastern North Carolina. Total number of germinated seeds differed across locations and ranged from 30% to 57%. The percent (average) of viable (66) and nonviable (26) meadowbeauty seeds was not different across locations. Relative germination and seed dormancy percentages were calculated based on the number of viable seeds. The percent relative germination and seed dormancy were different across locations and ranged from 47% to 86% and 14% to 55%, respectively. The highest number of germination resulted from 90 days of stratification. On average, 27 seeds germinated among soil samples, which is equivalent to 989 seeds per m2. The data indicate that the populations of meadowbeauty in blueberry fields have the potential to sexually reproduce and contribute 5 × 106 to 1.1 × 107 seed capsules/ha and 3.7 × 108 to 8.3 × 108 seeds/ha of infestation. Freshly mature seeds can germinate and contribute 1.79 × 108 to 7.14 × 108 seedlings/ha in the year the seeds are produced and 5.18 × 107 to 4.4 × 108 seeds/ha can be dormant and incorporated into the seed bank on an annual basis. Approximately 9.89 × 106 seeds/ha are dormant and viable in the soil and have the potential to germinate following adequate stratification.}, number={3}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE}, author={Coneybeer-Roberts, Meagan M. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Burton, Michael G. and Stowe, Patricia S.}, year={2017}, pages={323–332} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_2017, title={Sweetpotato Tolerance and Palmer Amaranth Control with Metribuzin and Oryzalin}, volume={31}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/WET.2017.56}, DOI={10.1017/wet.2017.56}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted in Clinton, NC in 2007 and 2009 to determine sweetpotato crop response and Palmer amaranth control with metribuzin and oryzalin. Treatments consisted of 140 and 202 g ai ha−1metribuzin applied immediately after transplanting [0 wk after transplanting (WAP)] or 2 WAP, 560 and 1121 g ha−1oryzalin 0 WAP, and tank mixes of metribuzin (140 or 202 g ha−1) and oryzalin (560 or 1,121 g ha−1) 0 WAP. At 2 WAP, metribuzin alone applied 0 WAP resulted in greater crop injury (33%) than oryzalin alone (1%), and the tank mix of metribuzin plus oryzalin resulted in greater crop injury (49%) than either herbicide applied alone. Greater crop injury occurred when metribuzin was applied at 202 g ha−1(54%) than 140 g ha−1(34%). Levels of injury were similar at 4 WAP (34, 8, and 52% for metribuzin, oryzalin, and the tank mix, respectively). At 4 WAP, injury from metribuzin was greater when it was applied 0 WAP (34%) compared to 2 WAP (18%). By 10 WAP, injury from metribuzin applied at 2 WAP was only 4%. At 4 WAP, Palmer amaranth control was excellent for all treatments and ≥98%. At 10 WAP, control among treatments ranged from 77% to 85%. Palmer amaranth control provided by metribuzin was similar for applications made 0 WAP (78%) and 2 WAP (77%). Oryzalin alone provided similar control (85%) to metribuzin alone 0 WAP, but greater control than the tank mix (77%). Neither metribuzin nor oryzalin rate differed in weed control provided at 10 WAP. Oryzalin 0 WAP and metribuzin 2 WAP provided no. 1 sweetpotato yields equivalent to the hand-weeded check. No. 1 yields of all other treatments were less than the hand-weeded check but greater than the weedy check.}, number={6}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2017}, month={Sep}, pages={903–907} }
@article{thompson_schultheis_chaudhari_monks_jennings_grabow_2017, title={Sweetpotato Transplant Holding Duration Effects on Plant Survival and Yield}, volume={27}, DOI={10.21273/horttech03808-17}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in North Carolina to determine the effect of holding durations (HDs) [0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 days before planting (DBP)] of ‘Covington’ sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) transplants on plant stand and storage root numbers and yield in production fields. In a second field study, the effect of preplant irrigation (PI) treatments (PI and nonirrigation) were evaluated along with the transplant HD on plant stand, storage root numbers, and yield. Transplants held for 7 DBP did not survive as well as the other treatments (lower plant stands) and had lower no. 1, marketable, and total storage root numbers and yields than other holding treatments. HD of 1 or 3 DBP resulted in higher plant stands, and no. 1, marketable, and total numbers of storage roots and yields than holding for 0, 5, or 7 DBP. This study affirms the importance of soil moisture at and shortly after planting for transplant survival and yield. Holding transplants for 1–3 DBP can improve stand establishment and yields when dry conditions occur either before or soon after planting. However, holding transplants for 7 DBP can result in reduced plant stands and yields when stress/dry conditions occur soon after planting.}, number={6}, journal={HortTechnology}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Thompson, William B. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Grabow, Garry L.}, year={2017}, pages={818–823} }
@article{barkley_schultheis_chaudhari_johanningsmeier_jennings_truong_monks_2017, title={Yield and Consumer Acceptability of 'Evangeline' Sweetpotato for Production in North Carolina}, volume={27}, ISSN={["1943-7714"]}, DOI={10.21273/horttech03533-16}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in 2012 and 2013 to compare Evangeline to various sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) varieties (Bayou Belle, Beauregard, Bonita, Covington, NC05-198, and Orleans) for commercial production in North Carolina. In another study, microwaved and oven-baked ‘Evangeline’ and ‘Covington’ sweetpotato roots were subjected to analysis of chemical and physical properties [color, dry matter (DM), texture, and sugar] and to sensory evaluation for determining consumer acceptance. ‘NC05-198’ produced the highest no. 1 grade sweetpotato 600 bushels [bu (50 lb)] per acre and total marketable storage root yield was similar to ‘Bayou Belle’ and ‘Beauregard’ (841, 775, and 759 bu/acre, respectively). No. 1 and marketable root yields were similar between ‘Orleans’ and ‘Beauregard’. However, ‘Orleans’ produced more uniform roots than ‘Beauregard’, in which the latter had higher cull production. ‘Evangeline’ was comparable to no. 1 yield of ‘Bayou Belle’, ‘Orleans’, and ‘Covington’, which indicates the ability of this variety to produce acceptable yields in North Carolina conditions. ‘Covington’ had slightly higher DM than ‘Evangeline’, but instrumental texture analysis showed that these varieties did not differ significantly in firmness after cooking. However, microwaved roots were measurably firmer than oven-baked roots for both varieties. In this study, ‘Evangeline’ had higher levels of fructose and glucose, with similar levels of sucrose and maltose to ‘Covington’. Consumers (n = 100) indicated no difference between varieties in their “just about right” moisture level, texture, and flavor ratings, but showed a preference for Evangeline flesh color over Covington. Consumers in this study preferred oven-baked over microwaved sweetpotato (regardless of variety) and indicated that Evangeline is as acceptable as the standard variety Covington when grown in the North Carolina environment.}, number={2}, journal={HORTTECHNOLOGY}, author={Barkley, Susan L. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Johanningsmeier, Suzanne D. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Truong, Van-Den and Monks, David W.}, year={2017}, month={Apr}, pages={281–290} }
@article{thompson_schultheis_chaudhari_monks_jennings_grabow_2017, title={‘Covington’ Sweetpotato Plant Survival and Yield Response to Preplant Irrigation, Planting Depth, and Transplant Size}, volume={27}, DOI={10.21273/horttech03815-17}, abstractNote={A research gap exists on the effects of irrigation, transplant (nonrooted stem cuttings) size, and planting depth on sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) plant survival and storage root yield. Field studies were conducted in 2012 and 2013 to determine the effects of preplant irrigation, planting depth, and transplant size on sweetpotato plant stand, storage root number, and yield. Treatments included four transplant sizes (3.7, 6.3, 8.5, and 10.7 inches), two planting depths (2 and 6 inches), and preplant irrigation or nonirrigation. Overall, plant stand, storage root number, and yield were greater when transplants of size ≥6.3 inches were planted 6 inches deep as compared with transplants planted 2 inches deep. The use of preplant irrigation had an overall positive impact on plant stand, storage root number, and yield under dry soil conditions. When moisture was readily available, neither plant stand nor storage root numbers were affected by the application of irrigation as observed in 2013. However, sweetpotato yields were greater during both years when preplant irrigation was used. Irrigation during the root initiation phase of plant establishment or extended periods of no rainfall would be beneficial for improving plant stands and yields.}, number={6}, journal={HortTechnology}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Thompson, William B. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Grabow, Garry L.}, year={2017}, pages={824–830} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_monks_jordan_gunter_mcgowen_louws_2016, title={Critical Period for Weed Control in Grafted and Nongrafted Fresh Market Tomato}, volume={64}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/ws-d-15-00049.1}, abstractNote={Field experiments were conducted to determine the critical period for weed control (CPWC) in nongrafted ‘Amelia’ and Amelia grafted onto ‘Maxifort’ tomato rootstock grown in plasticulture. The establishment treatments (EST) consisted of two seedlings each of common purslane, large crabgrass, and yellow nutsedge transplanted at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12 wk after tomato transplanting (WAT) and remained until tomato harvest to simulate weeds emerging at different times. The removal treatments (REM) consisted of the same weeds transplanted on the day of tomato transplanting and removed at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 12 WAT to simulate weeds controlled at different times. The beginning and end of the CPWC, based on a 5% yield loss of marketable tomato, was determined by fitting log-logistic and Gompertz models to the relative yield data representing REM and EST, respectively. In both grafted and nongrafted tomato, plant aboveground dry biomass increased as establishment of weeds was delayed and tomato plant biomass decreased when removal of weeds was delayed. For a given time of weed removal and establishment, grafted tomato plants produced higher biomass than nongrafted. The delay in establishment and removal of weeds resulted in weed biomass decrease and increase of the same magnitude, respectively, regardless of transplant type. The predicted CPWC was from 2.2 to 4.5 WAT in grafted tomato and from 3.3 to 5.8 WAT in nongrafted tomato. The length (2.3 or 2.5 wk) of the CPWC in fresh market tomato was not affected by grafting; however, the CPWC management began and ended 1 wk earlier in grafted tomato than in nongrafted tomato.}, number={3}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Gunter, Christopher C. and McGowen, Samuel J. and Louws, Frank J.}, year={2016}, pages={523–530} }
@article{coleman_chaudhari_jennings_schultheis_meyers_monks_2016, title={Evaluation of Herbicide Timings for Palmer Amaranth Control in a Stale Seedbed Sweetpotato Production System}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-15-00133.1}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in a stale field production system in 2012 and 2013 to determine the effect of herbicide timing on Palmer amaranth control and ‘Covington’ sweetpotato yield and quality. Treatments consisted of flumioxazin at 72, 90, or 109 g ai ha−1applied 45 d before transplanting (DBT) or 1 DBT, or sequentially the same rate at 45 DBT followed by (fb) 1 DBT; flumioxazin 109 g ha−1applied 1 DBT fbS-metolachlor (800 g ai ha−1) at 0, 6 (± 1), or 10 d after treatment (DAT); flumioxazin at 72, 90, or 109 g ha−1plus clomazone (630 g ai ha−1) applied 45 DBT fbS-metolachlor (800 g ha−1) applied 10 DAT; and fomesafen alone at 280 g ai ha−1applied 45 DBT. Nontreated weed-free and weedy controls were included for comparison. Flumioxazin application time had a significant effect on Palmer amaranth control and sweetpotato yields, and the effect of flumioxazin rate was not significant. Treatments consisting of sequential application of flumioxazin 45 DBT fb 1 DBT or flumioxazin plus clomazone 45 DBT fbS-metolachlor 10 DAT provided the maximum Palmer amaranth control and sweetpotato yields (jumbo, No. 1, jumbo plus No. 1, marketable) among all treatments. Delayed flumioxazin application timings until 1 DBT allowed Palmer amaranth emergence on stale seedbeds and resulted only in 65, 62, 48, and 17% control at 14, 32, 68, and 109 DAT, respectively. POST transplantS-metolachlor applications following flumioxazin 1 DBT did not improve Palmer amaranth control, because the majority of Palmer amaranth emerged prior toS-metolachlor application. A control program consisting of flumioxazin 109 g ha−1plus clomazone 630 g ha−1at 45 DBT fbS-metolachlor 800 g ha−1at 0 to 10 DAT provides an effective herbicide program for Palmer amaranth control in stale seedbed production systems in North Carolina sweetpotato.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Coleman, Lauren B. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Meyers, Stephen L. and Monks, David W.}, year={2016}, pages={725–732} }
@article{meyers_jennings_schultheis_monks_2016, title={Evaluation of Wick-Applied Glyphosate for Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Sweetpotato}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-16-00024.1}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in 2007 and 2008 at Clinton, NC to determine the effect of glyphosate applied POST via a Dixie wick applicator on Palmer amaranth control and sweetpotato yield and quality. In 2007, treatments consisted of glyphosate wicked sequentially 6 and 8 wk after transplanting (WAP) and glyphosate wicked sequentially 6 and 8 WAP followed by (fb) rotary mowing 9 WAP. In 2008, treatments consisted of glyphosate wicked once 4 or 7 WAP, wicked sequentially 4 and 7 WAP, mowed once 4 WAP, and mowed 4 WAP fb wicking 7 WAP. In 2008, Palmer amaranth control 6 WAP varied by location and averaged 10 and 58% for plots wicked 4 WAP. Palmer amaranth contacted by the wicking apparatus were controlled, but weeds shorter than the wicking height escaped treatment. Palmer amaranth control 9 WAP was greater than 90% for all treatments wicked 7 WAP. Competition prior to and between glyphosate treatments contributed to large sweetpotato yield losses. Treatments consisting of glyphosate 7 or 8 WAP (in 2007 and 2008, respectively) frequently had greater no. 1 and marketable yields compared to the weedy control. However, jumbo, no. 1, and marketable yields for all glyphosate and mowing treatments were generally less than half the hand-weeded check. Cracked sweetpotato roots were observed in glyphosate treatments and percent cracking (by weight) in those plots ranged from 1 to 12% for no. 1 roots, and 1 to 6% for marketable roots. Findings from this research suggest wicking might be useful in a salvage scenario, but only after currently registered preemergence herbicides and between-row cultivation have failed to control Palmer amaranth and other weed species below the sweetpotato canopy.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Monks, David W.}, year={2016}, pages={765–772} }
@article{barkley_chaudhari_jennings_schultheis_meyers_monks_2016, title={Fomesafen Programs for Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Sweetpotato}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-15-00150.1}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in 2012 and 2013 to determine the effect of fomesafen based Palmer amaranth control program in ‘Covington' and ‘Evangeline' sweetpotato cultivars. Treatments consisted of fomesafen pretransplant alone at 0.20, 0.28, 0.36, 0.42, 0.56, and 0.84 kg ai ha−1or followed by (fb)S-metolachlor at 1.12 kg ai ha−10 to 7 d after transplanting (DAP), fomesafen at 0.28 kg ha−1fbS-metolachlor at 1.12 kg ha−114 DAP, flumioxazin pretransplant at 0.105 kg ai ha−1,S-metolachlor at 1.12 kg ha−10 to 7 DAP, clomazone at 0.63 kg ha−10 to 7 DAP, napropamide at 2.24 kg ha−10 to7 DAP, flumioxazin fbS-metolachlor 0 to 7 DAP, and flumioxazin fb clomazone fbS-metolachlor 14 DAP. Fomesafen pretransplant at 0.28 to 0.84 kg ha−1alone or followed byS-metolachlor at 1.12 kg ha−10 to 7 DAP provided 80 to 100% Palmer amaranth control without reduction of yield and significant (< 13%) injury in Covington and Evangeline sweetpotato. Flumioxazin alone or fbS-metolachlor and flumioxazin fb clomazone fbS-metolachlor provided Palmer amaranth control (≥ 95%) with little injury (≤ 5%) and similar yield to the weed-free check. Clomazone alone did not cause injury, but controlled only 24 to 32% of Palmer amaranth at 50 DAP, which resulted in reduced no. 1, marketable, and total sweetpotato yield. Napropamide provided inconsistent control of Palmer amaranth in both years; therefore jumbo and total sweetpotato yield was reduced as compared to the weed-free check in 2012. Palmer amaranth control, sweetpotato cultivar tolerance, and yield in treatments with fomesafen fbS-metolachlor were similar to flumioxazin fbS-metolachlor. In conclusion, a herbicide program consisting of pretransplant fomesafen (0.28 to 0.42 kg ha−1) fbS-metolachlor (1.12 kg ha−1) is a potential option to control Palmer amaranth without causing significant injury and yield reduction in sweetpotato.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Barkley, Susan L. and Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Meyers, Stephen L. and Monks, David W.}, year={2016}, pages={506–515} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_2017, title={Sweetpotato Response to Simulated Glyphosate Wick Drip}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-16-00073.1}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted in 2009 at Clinton, NC and 2014 at Pontotoc, MS to determine the influence of simulated glyphosate drip on sweetpotato yield and quality. Treatments consisted of three glyphosate solution (140 g ae L–1) drip volumes (0.16, 0.32 and 0.48 ml) by four application timings [(4 wk after transplanting (WAP); 6 WAP; 8 WAP; and 4 WAP followed by (fb) 6 WAP fb 8 WAP]. A non-treated check was included for comparison. Visual sweetpotato injury consisted of chlorosis at the shoot tips approximately 1 wk after treatment fb necrosis and stunting. At 6 WAP and 8 WAP, sweetpotato injury following glyphosate applied 4 WAP was 71 and 65%, respectively. Injury from glyphosate applied 4 WAP fb 6 WAP was 78%. Injury from glyphosate applied 6 WAP was 26% at 8 WAP. In 2009, jumbo, no. 1, canner, and marketable yield of the non-treated check were two to three times greater than glyphosate treatments (0.16, 0.32, 0.48 ml). Likewise, yield of the non-treated check was substantially greater than those treated with 0.16 to 0.48 ml glyphosate solution in 2014. In 2009 and 2014, sweetpotato yield of all grades increased as glyphosate application timing was delayed. In 2009, no. 1 yield from glyphosate 8 WAP (8,210 kg ha–1) was similar to the non-treated check. In 2009, there were no cracked storage roots in the non-treated check. However, sweetpotatoes receiving 0.16 to 0.48 ml glyphosate solution displayed 8 to 17%, 11 to 18%, 5 to 13%, and 11 to 16% cracking (by weight) in jumbo, no. 1, canner, and marketable storage roots, respectively. Compared to the non-treated check, glyphosate applied 4 WAP, 6 WAP, or 4 WAP fb 6 WAP fb 8 WAP had a greater percentage of cracked marketable sweetpotato storage roots.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2017}, pages={130–135} }
@book{neal_goodale_jennings_mitchem_2015, title={Acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/acetolactate-synthase-als-inhibitors}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Neal, J. and Goodale, D. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015} }
@book{neal_goodale_jennings_mitchem_2015, title={Carotenoid pigments herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/carotenoid-pigments}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Neal, J. and Goodale, D. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015} }
@book{neal_goodale_jennings_mitchem_2015, title={Cellulose inhibitors, indaziflam and isoxaben herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/cellulose-inhibitors-indaziflam-and-isoxaben}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Neal, J. and Goodale, D. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015} }
@article{cahoon_york_jordan_seagroves_everman_jennings_2015, title={Cotton response and Palmer amaranth control with pyroxasulfone applied preemergence and postemergence}, volume={19}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Cotton Science}, author={Cahoon, C. W. and York, A. C. and Jordan, D. L. and Seagroves, R. W. and Everman, W. J. and Jennings, K. M.}, year={2015}, pages={212–223} }
@article{cahoon_york_jordan_seagroves_everman_jennings_2015, title={Fluridone carryover to rotational crops following application to cotton}, volume={19}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Cotton Science}, author={Cahoon, C. W. and York, A. C. and Jordan, D. L. and Seagroves, R. W. and Everman, W. J. and Jennings, K. M.}, year={2015}, pages={631–640} }
@book{neal_goodale_jennings_2015, title={Glyphosate herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/glyphosate}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Neal, J. and Goodale, D. and Jennings, K.}, year={2015} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_mitchem_2015, title={Herbicide-Based Weed Management Programs in Erect, Thornless Blackberry}, volume={15}, ISSN={1553-8362 1553-8621}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15538362.2015.1044694}, DOI={10.1080/15538362.2015.1044694}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted in 2009/2010 and 2011 in North Carolina to determine the influence of herbicide-based weed management programs on weed control and blackberry tolerance. Treatments consisted of five programs with a late fall-early winter herbicide application followed by (fb) an early spring herbicide application: flumioxazin fb flumioxazin, simazine fb terbacil, terbacil fb oryzalin plus simazine, norflurazon fb oryzalin plus simazine, and terbacil fb S-metolachlor plus simazine. A sixth program consisted of winter-applied dichlobenil. Crop tolerance and weed control were recorded at the physiological crop stages of budbreak, flowering, and harvest.}, number={4}, journal={International Journal of Fruit Science}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Mitchem, Wayne E.}, year={2015}, month={Aug}, pages={456–464} }
@article{inman_jordan_york_jennings_monks_everman_bollman_fowler_cole_soteres_et al._2016, title={Long-Term Management of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Dicamba-Tolerant Cotton}, volume={64}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/ws-d-15-00058.1}, abstractNote={Research was conducted from 2011 to 2014 to determine weed population dynamics and frequency of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth with herbicide programs consisting of glyphosate, dicamba, and residual herbicides in dicamba-tolerant cotton. Five treatments were maintained in the same plots over the duration of the experiment: three sequential POST applications of glyphosate with or without pendimethalin plus diuron PRE; three sequential POST applications of glyphosate plus dicamba with and without the PRE herbicides; and a POST application of glyphosate plus dicamba plus acetochlor followed by one or two POST applications of glyphosate plus dicamba without PRE herbicides. Additional treatments included alternating years with three sequential POST applications of glyphosate only and glyphosate plus dicamba POST with and without PRE herbicides. The greatest population of Palmer amaranth was observed when glyphosate was the only POST herbicide throughout the experiment. Although diuron plus pendimethalin PRE in a program with only glyphosate POST improved control during the first 2 yr, these herbicides were ineffective by the final 2 yr on the basis of weed counts from soil cores. The lowest population of Palmer amaranth was observed when glyphosate plus dicamba were applied regardless of PRE herbicides or inclusion of acetochlor POST. Frequency of GR Palmer amaranth was 8% or less when the experiment was initiated. Frequency of GR Palmer amaranth varied by herbicide program during 2012 but was similar among all herbicide programs in 2013 and 2014. Similar frequency of GR Palmer amaranth across all treatments at the end of the experiment most likely resulted from pollen movement from Palmer amaranth treated with glyphosate only to any surviving female plants regardless of PRE or POST treatment. These data suggest that GR Palmer amaranth can be controlled by dicamba and that dicamba is an effective alternative mode of action to glyphosate in fields where GR Palmer amaranth exists.}, number={1}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Inman, M. D. and Jordan, D. L. and York, A. C. and Jennings, Katherine and Monks, D. W. and Everman, W. J. and Bollman, S. L. and Fowler, J. T. and Cole, R. M. and Soteres, J. K. and et al.}, year={2016}, pages={161–169} }
@book{goodale_neal_jennings_mitchem_2015, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Metribuzin}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/metribuzin}, journal={Herbicide Injury Factsheets}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Goodale, D. and Neal, J. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015}, month={Dec} }
@book{goodale_neal_jennings_mitchem_2015, title={Natural oils and acids herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/natural-oils-and-acids}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Goodale, D. and Neal, J. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015} }
@article{jiang_perkins-veazie_blankenship_boyette_pesic-vanesbroeck_jennings_schultheis_2015, title={Occurrence, Severity and Initiation of Internal Necrosis in ‘Covington’ Sweetpotato}, volume={6}, DOI={10.21273/horttech.25.3.340}, abstractNote={A series of studies were conducted to better understand the occurrence and causes of internal necrosis (IN) in ‘Covington’ sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas). Assessment of the problem among the industry was done for 2 years and revealed that IN was widespread in commercial storage facilities throughout the state of North Carolina; both incidence and severity were generally low (<10% incidence with minimal severity of symptoms). A few storage rooms had a high percentage of IN with severe storage root symptoms but results were inconsistent across years and among rooms. Preharvest studies with commercially used insecticides did not induce IN, but the harvest aid ethephon consistently induced IN with an incidence higher than 50%. Internal necrosis symptoms were not detectable at harvest, and earliest consistent incidence was observed 6 days after harvest (DAH) during the curing phase. Symptoms became more prevalent and severe at 30 DAH. However, in commercial storage rooms, no relationship was found between IN incidence and postcuring storage temperature or relative humidity (RH) conditions. Sweetpotato storage roots stored in air-tight barrels and exposed to 100 ppm ethylene after curing showed no relationship between the presence of ethylene gas in storage and incidence of IN. Our results indicate that IN incidence of ‘Covington’ is erratic with no obvious cause among storage rooms and that initiation of IN may occur most frequently during the first week following harvest.}, number={3}, journal={HortTechnology}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Jiang, Chen and Perkins-Veazie, Penelope and Blankenship, Sylvia M. and Boyette, Michael D. and Pesic-VanEsbroeck, Zvezdana and Jennings, Katherine M. and Schultheis, Jonathan R.}, year={2015}, month={Jun}, pages={340–348} }
@book{goodale_neal_jennings_mitchem_2015, title={Photosystem I, bipyridillium herbicides herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/photosystem-i-bipyridillium-herbicides}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Goodale, D. and Neal, J. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015} }
@book{neal_goodale_jennings_mitchem_2015, title={Photosystem II –triazine herbicides herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/photosystem-ii-triazine-herbicides}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Neal, J. and Goodale, D. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015} }
@book{goodale_neal_jennings_mitchem_2015, place={Raleigh, NC}, title={Protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) inhibitors}, url={https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/protoporphyrinogen-oxidase-inhibitors}, journal={Herbicide Injury Factsheets}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Goodale, D. and Neal, J. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015}, month={Dec} }
@article{dittmar_batts_jennings_bellinder_meyers_2017, title={Reduced Metribuzin Preharvest Interval on Potato Yield and Tuber Quality}, volume={29}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-14-00098.1}, abstractNote={Metribuzin has a 60-d preharvest interval (PHI) in potato, which limits utility of metribuzin POST in potato. In certain years, the potato may not fully cover the area between the potato rows. This allows for late-season weed emergence and subsequent yield reduction through direct competition or harvest interference. Field experiments were conducted in 2011 at Castle Hayne, NC; Freeville, NY; Hasting, FL; and Plymouth, NC to determine the effect of a 30-d PHI on potato crop tolerance. The cultivars planted were ‘Superior' and ‘Yukon Gold' in Castle Hayne and Plymouth, ‘Castille' and Yukon Gold in Freeville, and ‘Atlantic' in Hastings. Treatments included metribuzin at 278 g ai ha−1PRE, 30, and 60 d before harvest (DBH), and metribuzin at 556 g ha−1at 30 and 60 DBH. Split application treatments included metribuzin at 556 g ha−1at PRE followed by metribuzin at 556 g ha−130 or 60 DBH and metribuzin at 842 g ha−1PRE followed by metribuzin at 278 g ha−1at 30 or 60 DBH. Potato injury was ≤ 8% at all locations, and injury was transient. There were no differences observed between metribuzin rate or application date for individual potato grades or total yield. Reducing the PHI in potato to 30 d would have no effect on yield and would provide a longer period for controlling broadleaf weeds.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Batts, Roger B. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Bellinder, Robin R. and Meyers, Stephen L.}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={335–339} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_monks_jordan_gunter_basinger_louws_2016, title={Response of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) Grafted onto Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Rootstock to Herbicides}, volume={30}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-15-00079.1}, abstractNote={Tomato rootstocks have been successfully used for eggplant production. However, the safety of herbicides registered in tomato has not been tested on grafted eggplant, which is a combination of tomato rootstock and eggplant scion. Greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to determine response of grafted eggplant on tomato rootstock to napropamide, metribuzin, halosulfuron, trifluralin,S-metolachlor, and fomesafen herbicides. In greenhouse experiments, herbicide treatments included pretransplantS-metolachlor (400 and 800 g ai ha−1), pre- or posttransplant metribuzin (140 and 280 g ai ha−1), and posttransplant halosulfuron (18 and 36 g ai ha−1). In field experiments, herbicide treatments included pretransplant fomesafen (280 and 420 g ai ha−1), halosulfuron (39 and 52 g ha−1), metribuzin (280 and 550 g ha−1), napropamide (1,120 and 2,240 g ai ha−1),S-metolachlor (800 and 1,060 g ha−1), and trifluralin (560 and 840 g ai ha−1). The eggplant cultivar ‘Santana' was used as the scion and nongrafted control, and two hybrid tomatoes ‘RST-04−106-T' and ‘Maxifort' were used as rootstocks for grafted plants. In both greenhouse and field experiments, there was no difference between grafted and nongrafted eggplant in terms of injury caused by herbicides. Metribuzin posttransplant at 140 and 280 g ha−1caused 94 and 100% injury to grafted and nongrafted eggplant 4 wk after treatment. In field experiments, pretransplant fomesafen, napropamide,S-metolachlor, and trifluralin caused less than 10% injury and no yield reduction in grafted and nongrafted eggplant. However, metribuzin caused injury and yield reduction in both grafted and nongrafted eggplant. Metribuzin at 550 g ha−1caused 60 and 81% plant stand loss in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Halosulfuron reduced yield 24% in both grafted and nongrafted eggplant compared to nontreated control in 2013 but did not reduce yield in 2014. The pretransplantS-metolachlor, napropamide, fomesafen, and trifluralin are safe to use on eggplant grafted onto tomato rootstock, and will be a valuable addition to the toolkit of eggplant growers.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Gunter, Christopher C. and Basinger, Nicholas T. and Louws, Frank J.}, year={2016}, pages={207–216} }
@article{chaudhari_jennings_monks_jordan_gunter_louws_2015, title={Response of Grafted Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to Herbicides}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-15-00037.1}, abstractNote={Tomato grafting has gained increased attention in the United States as an alternative to methyl bromide to control soilborne pests and diseases. Although several herbicides are registered in tomato production, a lack of information exists on the effect of herbicides on grafted tomato. Greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to determine herbicide tolerance of grafted tomato. In greenhouse experiments, halosulfuron (27, 54, and 108 g ai ha−1), metribuzin (280, 560, and 1,120 g ai ha−1), andS-metolachlor (1,070, 2,140, and 3,200 g ai ha−1) were applied posttransplant to nongrafted ‘Amelia' and Amelia scion grafted onto ‘Maxifort' or ‘RST-04-106-T' tomato rootstocks. Although herbicide injury was observed, no differences were observed in grafted and nongrafted tomato response including visible injury assessments, plant height, and fresh weight. Tomato injury at 3 wk after herbicide application increased from 3 to 12, 1 to 87, and 0 to 37% as rate of halosulfuron, metribuzin, andS-metolachlor increased, respectively. In field experiments under plasticulture, herbicides applied pretransplant included fomesafen (280 and 420 g ai ha−1), halosulfuron (39 and 54 g ha−1), metribuzin (280 and 560 g ha−1), napropamide (1,120 and 2,240 g ha−1),S-metolachlor (800 and 1,070 g ha−1), and trifluralin (560 and 840 g ai ha−1). Amelia was used as the scion and the nongrafted control. ‘Anchor-T', ‘Beaufort', or Maxifort tomato were used as rootstocks for grafted plants. Fomesafen, halosulfuron, napropamide, and trifluralin initially caused greater injury to grafted tomato than to nongrafted tomato regardless of rootstock (Anchor-T, Beaufort, or Maxifort). However, by 4 wk after treatment, all grafted and nongrafted plants had recovered from herbicide injury. A transplant type-by-herbicide interaction was not observed for yield, but grafted A-Maxifort tomato produced greater total and marketable yield than nongrafted Amelia tomato. Grafted tomato exhibited similar tolerance as nongrafted tomato for all herbicides applied post- and pretransplant.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Chaudhari, Sushila and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Gunter, Christopher C. and Louws, Frank J.}, year={2015}, pages={800–809} }
@article{coneybeer-roberts_jennings_monks_2016, title={Response of the Weed Maryland Meadowbeauty (Rhexia mariana L.) and Blueberry to Flumioxazin PRE}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1553-8362"]}, DOI={10.1080/15538362.2015.1108895}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Field studies were conducted in 2007 and 2008 in North Carolina to determine the response of the weed Maryland meadowbeauty and blueberry to flumioxazin PRE (pre-emergence). No injury to non-bearing (blueberry plants not mature enough to produce fruit) or bearing (blueberry plants mature enough to produce fruit) blueberry from flumioxazin PRE was observed. In non-bearing blueberry, control of meadowbeauty was greater than 97% 90 DAT (days after treatment) with the registered rate of 0.42 kg ai ha–1 flumioxazin. Across two studies in bearing blueberry, a single application of flumioxazin at 0.42 kg ai ha–1 controlled meadowbeauty 79% to 92% 90 DAT. Flumioxazin at 0.21 kg ai ha–1 applied twice 60 d apart resulted in greater than 96% meadowbeauty control 90 d after the first application. Treatments of flumioxazin applied as a single application or two applications applied sequentially 60 d apart in bearing blueberry had yields ranging from 3150 to 6065 kg ha–1and 3551 to 5735 kg ha–1, respectively, and did not have a negative effect on blueberry yield regardless of application rate compared to the nontreated check.}, number={3}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE}, author={Coneybeer-Roberts, Meagan M. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2016}, pages={301–309} }
@misc{cahoon_york_jordan_seagroves_everman_jennings_2015, title={Sequential and co-application of glyphosate and glufosinate in cotton}, volume={19}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Cotton Science}, author={Cahoon, C. W. and York, A. C. and Jordan, D. L. and Seagroves, R. W. and Everman, W. J. and Jennings, K. M.}, year={2015}, pages={337–350} }
@book{neal_goodale_jennings_mitchem_2015, title={Shoot inhibitors herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/shoot-inhibitors}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Neal, J. and Goodale, D. and Jennings, K. and Mitchem, W.}, year={2015} }
@book{goodale_neal_jennings_2015, title={Synthetic auxins herbicide injury}, url={http://content.ces.ncsu.edu/synthetic-auxins}, institution={NC Cooperative Extension}, author={Goodale, D. and Neal, J. and Jennings, K.}, year={2015} }
@article{dittmar_monks_jennings_2017, title={Tolerance of Bell Pepper to Herbicides Applied through a Drip Irrigation System}, volume={30}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-15-00114.1}, abstractNote={Drip irrigation is installed under polyethylene mulch to supply irrigation and nutrients to vegetables grown in plasticulture. This irrigation system also provides an alternative method for application of herbicides into the plant bed for control of yellow and purple nutsedge. Greenhouse and field studies were conducted to determine bell pepper tolerance to halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron applied POST (over the top of pepper in greenhouse study, POST-directed in the field study) or soil applied (applied by hand with water in greenhouse study or through drip irrigation in the field study). In greenhouse studies, pepper injury from halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron applied POST was similar at 14 and 21 d after treatment (DAT; 21 to 35% and 54 to 60%, respectively). Halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron soil applied in greenhouse studies caused 6 to 8% and 13 to 20% injury to pepper at 14 and 21 DAT, respectively. Pepper injury in greenhouse studies increased as rate of halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron increased regardless of application method (soil or POST applied). Dry pepper weight at 28 DAT followed an inverse linear response to increasing rates of halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron. In field studies, bell pepper height among herbicide treatments ranged from 32 to 37 cm at 14 DAT and was not different from the nontreated check (36 cm). Number one grade (7.8 to 14.7 MT ha−1) and fancy grade (2.1 to 2.8 MT ha−1) pepper fruit yield was not different in herbicide-treated pepper compared with yield of pepper in the nontreated check (10.0 to 26.6 MT ha−1, respectively). Based on these studies, pepper has excellent crop tolerance to halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron applied through drip irrigation or POST-directed but is not tolerant to POST applications.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={486–491} }
@article{cahoon_york_jordan_everman_seagroves_braswell_jennings_2015, title={Weed Control in Cotton by Combinations of Microencapsulated Acetochlor and Various Residual Herbicides Applied Preemergence}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-15-00061.1}, abstractNote={Residual herbicides are routinely recommended to aid in control of glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth in cotton. Acetochlor, a chloroacetamide herbicide, applied PRE, controls Palmer amaranth. A microencapsulated (ME) formulation of acetochlor is now registered for PRE application in cotton. Field research was conducted in North Carolina to evaluate cotton tolerance and Palmer amaranth control by acetochlor ME alone and in various combinations. Treatments, applied PRE, consisted of acetochlor ME, pendimethalin, or no herbicide arranged factorially with diuron, fluometuron, fomesafen, diuron plus fomesafen, and no herbicide. The PRE herbicides were followed by glufosinate applied twice POST and diuron plus MSMA directed at layby. Acetochlor ME was less injurious to cotton than pendimethalin. Acetochlor ME alone or in combination with other herbicides reduced early season cotton growth 5 to 8%, whereas pendimethalin alone or in combinations injured cotton 11 to 13%. Early season injury was transitory, and by 65 to 84 d after PRE treatment, injury was no longer noticeable. Before the first POST application of glufosinate, acetochlor ME and pendimethalin controlled Palmer amaranth 84 and 64%, respectively. Control by acetochlor ME was similar to control by diuron plus fomesafen and greater than control by diuron, fluometuron, or fomesafen alone. Greater than 90% control was obtained with acetochlor ME mixed with diuron or fomesafen. Palmer amaranth control was similar with acetochlor ME plus a full or reduced rate of fomesafen. Acetochlor ME controlled large crabgrass and goosegrass at 91 and 100% compared with control at 83 and 91%, respectively, by pendimethalin. Following glufosinate, applied twice POST, and diuron plus MSMA, at layby, 96 to 99% control was obtained late in the season by all treatments, and no differences among herbicide treatments were noted for cotton yield. This research demonstrated that acetochlor ME can be safely and effectively used in cotton weed management programs.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Cahoon, Charles W. and York, Alan C. and Jordan, David L. and Everman, Wesley J. and Seagroves, Richard W. and Braswell, Lewis R. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2015}, pages={740–750} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_ballington_jordan_2016, title={Weed Control in Southern Highbush Blueberry with S-metolachlor, Flumioxazin, and Hexazinone}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1553-8362"]}, DOI={10.1080/15538362.2015.1072490}, abstractNote={Abstract Field studies were conducted in 2010, 2011, and 2012 at a commercial blueberry farm near Burgaw, NC to determine weed control and crop tolerance to S-metolachlor and flumioxazin alone or mixed with hexazinone. Herbicides were applied pre-budbreak and postharvest. Pre-budbreak applications consisted of hexazinone at 1.1 or 2.2 kg ai ha−1, S-metolachlor at 1.4 or 2.8 kg ai ha–1, and flumioxazin at 215 g ai ha–1 alone and tank mixes of hexazinone or flumioxazin plus S-metolachlor. Additional treatments consisted of flumioxazin (215 g ha–1), flumioxazin plus S-metolachlor (1.4 and 2.8 kg ha–1), or hexazinone (1.1 kg ha–1) plus S-metolachlor (1.4 and 2.8 kg ha–1) applied pre-budbreak and followed by (fb) a postharvest application of flumioxazin (215 g ha–1). Herbicide programs containing flumioxazin resulted in greater Maryland meadowbeauty control (73%) 5 to 6 weeks after treatment (WAT) than herbicide programs containing hexazinone at 1.1 or 2.2 kg ha–1 (37% and 39%, respectively). Needleleaf rosette grass control remained ≥94% for all herbicide programs through 2 WAT. Hexazinone at 1.1 kg ha–1 provided greater needleleaf rosette grass control (87%) than flumioxazin (71%) 5 to 6 WAT. Meadowbeauty and needleleaf rosette grass control by all herbicide programs was poor (≤39% and ≤57%, respectively) 16 to 18 WAT. Two weeks after post-harvest applications, herbicide programs receiving a post-harvest flumioxazin application had greater meadowbeauty and needleleaf rosette grass control (78% and 84%, respectively) than those programs without a post-harvest flumioxazin application (43% and 71%, respectively).}, number={2}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Ballington, James R. and Jordan, David L.}, year={2016}, pages={150–158} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_2014, title={'Covington' Sweetpotato Tolerance to Flumioxazin Applied POST-Directed}, volume={28}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-13-00092.1}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted at Clinton, NC (2009, 2010), and Kinston, NC (2010), to determine ‘Covington' sweetpotato tolerance to flumioxazin applied after transplanting. Flumioxazin was directed to 25% of the sweetpotato vine beginning at the distal end (shoot tip), 25% of the vine beginning at the proximal end (crown), or to the entire vine (over-the-top) and was applied at 2 or 5 wk after transplanting (WAP). Applications made at 2 WAP resulted in 10 to 16% foliar necrosis at 3 WAP. Necrosis was transient and ≤ 2% by 6 WAP. Stunting injury at 6 WAP for flumioxazin applied at 2 WAP was greatest (12%) with the over-the-top application, followed by crown (5%), and shoot tip (1%) applications. Applications made at 5 WAP resulted in 35, 23, and 15% foliar necrosis at 6 WAP for over-the-top, crown, and shoot tip applications, respectively. By 12 WAP, stunting injury for all treatments was ≤ 3%. No. 1, jumbo, canner, and total marketable sweetpotato yield of the nontreated check was 36,670; 7,610; 7,170; and 51,450 kg ha−1, respectively. No. 1 and total marketable sweetpotato yields were reduced when flumioxazin was applied at 2 or 5 WAP. No. 1 sweetpotato yield was reduced when flumioxazin was applied to the crown or over-the-top (27,240 and 28,330 kg ha−1, respectively). Sweetpotato receiving flumioxazin applied to the shoot tip had similar no. 1 (31,770 kg ha−1) yields as the nontreated check, crown, and over-the-top applications. Total marketable sweetpotato yield was reduced by flumioxazin application to shoot tip, crown, and over-the-top (45,350; 40,100; 40,370 kg ha−1, respectively). Neither flumioxazin application timing nor placement influenced either jumbo- or canner-grade sweetpotato yields. Currently, after-transplant applications of flumioxazin do not appear to be a suitable fit for POST weed control in North Carolina sweetpotato production systems.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2014}, pages={163–167} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_mitchem_2014, title={Effect of Weed-Free Strip Width on Newly Established ‘Navaho' Blackberry Growth, Yield, and Fruit Quality}, volume={28}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1614/wt-d-13-00028.1}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-13-00028.1}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted in 2011 and 2012 at the Sandhills Research Station near Jackson Springs, NC to determine the influence of weed-free strip width (WFSW) on newly planted ‘Navaho' blackberry plant growth, fruit yield, and fruit quality. Treatments consisted of 0-, 0.3-, 0.6-, 1.2-, 1.8-, and 2.4-m WFSW. Predicted blackberry yield increased from 718 to 1,015 kg ha−1at WFSW of 0 to 2.4 m. The currently recommended WFSW of 1.2 m resulted in a blackberry yield of 1,013 kg ha−1. Predicted individual blackberry fruit weight displayed a positive linear response to WFSW and increased from 3.1 to 3.6 g fruit−1at WFSW of 0 to 2.4 m. Soluble solids content (SSC) of dull black blackberry fruit was greatest (15.1 Brix) when WFSW was 0 m. Relative to a WFSW of 0 m, SSC was reduced 2.3 to 3.4% as WFSW increased from 0.3 to 2.4 m, respectively. WFSW did not influence shiny black blackberry fruit SSC, nor titratable acidity, sugar-to-acid ratio, or pH of shiny or dull black blackberry fruit or primocane number, length, and stem caliper.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Mitchem, Wayne E.}, year={2014}, month={Jun}, pages={426–431} }
@article{pekarek_monks_jennings_hoyt_2013, title={Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Tolerance to Imazosulfuron and Thifensulfuron-Methyl}, volume={27}, ISSN={["0890-037X"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-12-00101.1}, abstractNote={Greenhouse and field studies were conducted to evaluate bell pepper tolerance to the sulfonylurea herbicides imazosulfuron and thifensulfuron-methyl. Imazosulfuron was applied at 56, 112, 224, 336, or 448 g ai ha−1. Thifensulfuron-methyl was applied at 2.6, 5.3, 10.5, 21.0, or 31.6 g ai ha−1. In the greenhouse over 2 yr, bell pepper injury due to imazosulfuron POST ranged from 12 to 27%. Reductions in plant height and numbers of nodes, buds, flowers, and fruits were generally minor or not observed. Injury from thifensulfuron-methyl POST ranged from 40 to 60% in the greenhouse. Similar trends were observed for leaf chlorosis and distortion. Thifensulfuron-methyl tended to decrease numbers of buds, flowers, and fruits in the greenhouse. In the field at three sites, bell pepper injury due to imazosulfuron applied POST-directed (POST-DIR) was less than 10% at all rating times, and height and yield were not affected. Total and marketable yield averaged 40,300 and 35,810 kg ha−1, respectively, across environments and years. Bell pepper injury from thifensulfuron-methyl applied POST-DIR in the field was less than 20% with all rates and less than 10% when rates less than 10.6 g ai ha−1 thifensulfuron-methyl were applied. Bell pepper stand (plants ha−1) or height was not affected by thifensulfuron-methyl. Thifensulfuron-methyl did not affect total bell pepper yield (39,310 kg ha−1 averaged across environments); however, reductions in Fancy grade yield were observed. No. 1 and cull yield grades tended to increase with increasing thifensulfuron-methyl rate, apparently compensating for lost Fancy yield.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Pekarek, Ryan A. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Hoyt, Greg D.}, year={2013}, pages={741–746} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_jordan_ballington_2013, title={Effect of PRE and POST Herbicides on Carolina Redroot (Lachnanthes caroliniana) Growth}, volume={27}, ISSN={["0890-037X"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-13-00029.1}, abstractNote={Greenhouse studies were conducted in Raleigh, NC to determine Carolina redroot control by selected PRE and POST herbicides labeled for blueberries. Paraquat, glufosinate, glyphosate, and flumioxazin provided some Carolina redroot shoot control 7 d after POST application (DAPOST) ranging from 48 to 74%. Control 25 DAPOST was greatest for hexazinone at 2.2 kg ai ha−1(90%) followed by glufosinate with 56% control and paraquat and terbacil each with 53% control. Control for most treatments declined between 25 and 63 DAPOST with the exception of glyphosate, which increased to 64%. Carolina redroot shoots per pot were reduced by terbacil, hexazinone at 2.2 kg ha−1, and glyphosate compared with the nontreated check 63 DAPOST. Control of Carolina redroot roots and rhizomes 63 DAPOST ranged from 7 to 68%, with the greatest control provided by terbacil (68%) and hexazinone at 2.2 kg ha−1(64%). Terbacil and hexazinone at 2.2 kg ha−1were the only treatments that reduced both shoot and root/rhizome dry weight compared with the nontreated check.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Jordan, David L. and Ballington, James R.}, year={2013}, pages={747–751} }
@article{dittmar_monks_jennings_schultheis_2013, title={Effects of Halosulfuron POST on Sweetpotato Yield and Storage Root Quality}, volume={27}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-11-00175.1}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted to determine the effect of halosulfuron at 0, 13, 26, 39 or 52 g ha−1 applied 10, 22, and 31 d after planting (DAP) on ‘Beauregard' and ‘Covington' sweetpotato. Storage roots were harvested, graded, cured, and stored in controlled environment for 2 mo. Where injury on storage roots was observed, external injury occurred on the surface of the storage root as a blackened area with blistering and internal injury consisted of small red-brown spots inside the sweetpotato storage root. Total yield of sweetpotato with 13 g ha−1 halosulfuron treatment (155,157 kg ha−1) was similar to the nontreated check (162,002 kg ha−1). However, halosulfuron rates above 13 g ha−1 resulted in a reduction of marketable grade roots and total yield of sweetpotato. Regardless of rate and timing of halosulfuron, external and internal injury to Beauregard storage roots was less than 6 and 9%, respectively. No external injury to Covington was observed from all rates of halosulfuron applied POST at 10 DAP. Halosulfuron at 22 DAP to Covington caused greater external injury to storage roots than was observed on the nontreated. Thus, Beauregard appears more tolerant to halosulfuron POST than Covington. To minimize internal or external injury to storage roots of Covington, halosulfuron must be applied within 10 DAP.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Schultheis, Jonathan R.}, year={2013}, pages={113–116} }
@inbook{monks_shankle_jennings_2013, place={St. Paul, MN, USA}, edition={2nd}, title={Herbicide injury}, booktitle={Compendium of Sweetpotato Diseases, Pests, and Disorders}, publisher={APS Press}, author={Monks, D.W. and Shankle, M.W. and Jennings, K.M.}, editor={Clark, C.A. and Smith, T.P. and Ferrin, D.M. and Holmes, G.J.Editors}, year={2013}, pages={110–119} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_2013, title={Herbicide-Based Weed Management Programs for Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Sweetpotato}, volume={27}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-12-00036.1}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in 2010 and 2011 to determine the effect of herbicide-based Palmer amaranth management systems in ‘Covington' sweetpotato. Treatments consisted of three herbicide application times. Pretransplant applications were flumioxazin at 107 g ai ha−1, fomesafen at 280 g ai ha−1, flumioxazin at 70 g ha−1plus pyroxasulfone at 89 g ai ha−1, or no herbicide. A second herbicide application was applied within 1 d after transplanting (DAP) and consisted ofS-metolachlor at 800 g ai ha−1, clomazone at 630 g ai ha−1, or no herbicide. Two weeks after planting (WAP) plots receivedS-metolachlor at 800 g ha−1, metribuzin at 140 g ai ha−1, a tank mix ofS-metolachlor at 800 g ha−1plus metribuzin at 140 g ha−1, hand-weeding followed by (fb)S-metolachlor at 800 g ha−1, or no herbicide. Crop tolerance, Palmer amaranth control, and sweetpotato yield in systems containing fomesafen pretransplant were similar to flumioxazin-containing systems. Systems containing flumioxazin plus pyroxasulfone pretransplant resulted in increased crop stunting and decreased sweetpotato yield in 2010, compared with systems containing flumioxazin or fomesafen, but were similar to systems with flumioxazin or fomesafen in 2011. In 2010, systems containingS-metolachlor applied within 1 DAP resulted in increased sweetpotato injury, similar Palmer amaranth control, and reduced no. 1, jumbo, and total sweetpotato yield, compared with systems with clomazone. In 2011, systems containing clomazone were more injurious to sweetpotato than systems receivingS-metolachlor, but Palmer amaranth control and sweetpotato yield were similar. Systems containing metribuzin 2 WAP resulted in increased sweetpotato injury and Palmer amaranth control (in 2010) but similar no. 1 and total sweetpotato yields, compared with systems containingS-metolachlor at 2 WAP. Hand-weeding fbS-metolachlor provided greater Palmer amaranth control and no. 1 sweetpotato yield than did systems ofS-metolachlor without a preceding hand-weeding event in 2010.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2013}, pages={331–340} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_ballington_jordan_2013, title={POST Control of Carolina Redroot (Lachnanthes caroliniana)}, volume={27}, ISSN={["0890-037X"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-12-00164.1}, abstractNote={Greenhouse studies were conducted in 2012 in Raleigh, NC to determine Carolina redroot control by ten POST herbicides. Paraquat and glufosinate provided the greatest control 14 (73 and 64%, respectively) and 25 d (82 and 68%, respectively) after treatment (DAT), but control declined between 25 and 63 DAT (72 and 59%, respectively). Glyphosate provided minimal control 14 DAT (18%), and control increased from 14 to 25 DAT (46%) and 25 to 63 DAT (69%). Control of Carolina redroot roots and rhizomes (roots/rhizomes) was greatest in plants treated with paraquat (91%), glyphosate (88%), glufosinate (73%), hexazinone (62%), diuron (60%). Nontreated Carolina redroot shoot and root/rhizome dry weight were 8.3 and 7.6 g, respectively. Paraquat, glufosinate, glyphosate, and diuron reduced both shoot and root/rhizome dry weight (3.1 and 0.7 g, 5.1 and 2.7 g, 5.4 and 1.0, 5.7 and 1.6 g, respectively). Hexazinone reduced root/rhizome dry weight (2.7 g). Fomesafen reduced shoot dry weight (6.1 g), but did not reduce root/rhizome dry weight. Paraquat, glufosinate, glyphosate, hexazinone, diuron, and clopyralid treatments resulted in reduced incidence of Carolina redroot flowering and anthesis.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Ballington, James R. and Jordan, David L.}, year={2013}, pages={534–537} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_miller_shankle_2013, title={Rate and Application Timing Effects on Tolerance of Covington Sweetpotato to S-Metolachlor}, volume={27}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-13-00049.1}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted in 2011 and 2012 at the Horticultural Crops Research Station near Clinton, NC, to determine ‘Covington' sweetpotato tolerance to S-metolachlor rate and application timing. Treatments were a factorial arrangement of four S-metolachlor rates (0, 1.1, 2.2, or 3.4 kg ai ha−1) and six application timings (0, 2, 5, 7, 9, or 14 d after transplanting [DAP]). Immediately following application, 1.9 cm of irrigation was applied to individual plots. Sweetpotato injury was minimal for all treatments (≤ 10%). No. 1 grade sweetpotato yield displayed a negative linear response to S-metolachlor rate, and decreased from 25,110 to 20,100 kg ha−1 as S-metolachlor rate increased from 0 to 3.4 kg ha−1. Conversely, no. 1 sweetpotato yield displayed a positive linear response to S-metolachlor application timing and increased from 19,670 to 27,090 kg ha−1 as timing progressed from 0 to 14 DAP. Total marketable sweetpotato yield displayed a quadratic response to both S-metolachlor application rate and timing. Total marketable yield decreased from 44,950 to 30,690 kg ha−1 as S-metolachlor rate increased from 0 to 3.4 kg ha−1. Total marketable yield increased from 37,800 to 45,780 kg ha−1 as application timing was delayed from 0 to 14 DAP. At 1.1 kg ha−1S-metolachlor, sweetpotato storage root length to width ratio displayed a quadratic relationship to application timing and increased from 1.87 to 2.23 for applications made 0 to 14 DAP. At 2.2 kg ha−1 of S-metolachlor, sweetpotato length to width ratio displayed a quadratic response to application timing, increased from 1.57 to 2.09 for 0 to 10 DAP, and decreased slightly from 2.09 to 2.03 for 10 to 14 DAP. Application timing did not influence length to width ratio of sweetpotato storage roots for those plots treated with S-metolachlor at either 0 or 3.4 kg ha−1.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W. and Miller, Donnie K. and Shankle, Mark W.}, year={2013}, pages={729–734} }
@article{dittmar_monks_jennings_2017, title={Effect of Drip-Applied Herbicides on Yellow Nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) in Plasticulture}, volume={26}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-11-00052.1}, abstractNote={Greenhouse and field studies were conducted to determine the effect of halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron applied through drip irrigation on yellow nutsedge. In greenhouse studies, yellow nutsedge control by halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron was greater (69 to 91%) than the nontreated control (0%). Yellow nutsedge treated with halosulfuron POST had a lower photosynthetic rate (0.6 to 22.6 µmol m−2 s−1) at 4, 7, and 14 d after treatment than the nontreated control (3.3 to 26.2 µmol m−2 s−1). Yellow nutsedge treated with trifloxysulfuron had lower photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance than the nontreated plants. In field studies at Clinton, NC, yellow nutsedge density increased from treatment (day 0) to 56 d after treatment in all treatments. Increase in yellow nutsedge density was 72 and 95% in drip-applied halosulfuron and imazosulfuron treatments compared with yellow nutsedge density increases of 876% for the same period in the nontreated plots. Yellow nutsedge density increased 69 and 57% at Clinton and Kinston, NC, respectively, in the drip-applied 15 g ha−1 trifloxysulfuron treatment compared with 876% in the nontreated control. In field studies at Clinton and Kinston, NC, suppression of yellow nutsedge emergence in POST and drip-applied herbicide treatments was similar. Emergence of yellow nutsedge was similar in the imazosulfuron POST and the nontreated yellow nutsedge. Based on these studies, drip-applied herbicides may be beneficial as a part of a yellow nutsedge control program, but additional measures, such as a POST herbicide, would be needed for effective control. Drip-applied herbicides may give growers an option for herbicide application after drip irrigation tape and polyethylene mulch have been installed in the current vegetable crops. This application method would also allow herbicide treatment under plastic mulch used for multicropping systems.}, number={2}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={243–247} }
@article{meyers_jennings_monks_2017, title={Response of Sweetpotato Cultivars to S-metolachlor Rate and Application Time}, volume={26}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-11-00135.1}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in 2008 and 2009 to determine the effect ofS-metolachlor rate and application time on sweetpotato cultivar injury and storage root shape under conditions of excessive moisture at the time of application.S-metolachlor at 1.1, 2.2, or 3.4 kg ai ha−1was applied immediately after transplanting or 2 wk after transplanting (WATP) to ‘Beauregard’, ‘Covington’, ‘DM02-180’, ‘Hatteras’, and ‘Murasaki-29’ sweetpotato. One and three d afterS-metolachlor application plots received 1.9 cm rainfall or irrigation.S-metolachlor applied immediately after transplanting resulted in increased sweetpotato stunting 4 and 12 WATP, decreased no. 1 and marketable sweetpotato yields, and decreased storage root length to width ratio compared with the nontreated check. Sweetpotato stunting, no. 1 and marketable yields, and storage root length to width ratio in treatments receivingS-metolachlor 2 WATP were similar to the nontreated check. In 2008, Covington and Hattaras stunting 12 WATP was greater at 2.2 and 3.4 kg ha−1(11 to 16%) than 1.1 kg ha−1(1 to 2%). In 2009,S-metolachlor at 3.4 kg ha−1was more injurious 4 WATP than 2.2 kg ha−1and 1.1 kg ha−1. While cultivar by treatment interactions did exist, injury, yield, and storage root length to width ratio trends were similar among all cultivars used in this study.}, number={3}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2017}, month={Jan}, pages={474–479} }
@article{dittmar_monks_jennings_booker_2012, title={Tolerance of Tomato to Herbicides Applied through Drip Irrigation}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-11-00181.1}, abstractNote={Greenhouse and field studies were conducted to determine tolerance of tomato to halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron herbicides applied through drip irrigation. In greenhouse studies, PRE- and POST-applied trifloxysulfuron caused greater tomato injury (14 and 54% injury, respectively) than PRE- and POST-applied halosulfuron (5 and 26% injury, respectively) or imazosulfuron (5 and 23% injury, respectively). All herbicide treatments in the greenhouse studies caused greater injury to tomato than the nontreated. Greater tomato injury was observed in the greenhouse from herbicides applied POST than when soil applied. Tomato injury from POST-applied halosulfuron, imazosulfuron, or trifloxysulfuron followed a linear relationship, with tomato injury increasing with increasing herbicide rate. Tomato photosynthetic rate did not differ among the herbicide treatments (32.7 to 55.0 μmol m−2s−1) and the nontreated (38.0 to 55.0 μmol m−2s−1). At 5 to 16 days after treatment (DAT), tomato treated with imazosulfuron POST (0.26 to 0.46 cm s−1) or trifloxysulfuron POST (0.27 to 0.51 cm s−1) had lower stomatal conductance compared to the stomatal conductance of the nontreated tomato (0.65 to 0.76 cm s−1). Chlorophyll content did not differ among treatments at 0 to 6 DAT. At 7 to 12 DAT, tomato treated with imazosulfuron POST (34.0 to 40.1 SPAD) and trifloxysulfuron POST (35.0 to 41.6 SPAD) had lower chlorophyll content compared to the nontreated (39.1 to 48.1 SPAD). In 2008 and 2009 field studies, no tomato injury was observed. Herbicide, herbicide application method, and herbicide rate had no effect on tomato height (73 to 77 cm 14 DAT, 79 to 84 cm 21 DAT) and total fruit yield (62,722 to 80,328 kg ha−1).}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Booker, Fitzgerald L.}, year={2012}, pages={684–690} }
@book{ivors_sanders_2010, title={Commercial Production of Staked Tomatoes in the Southeast (including Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina and South Carolina)}, number={AG-405}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Ivors, K. and Sanders, D.}, year={2010} }
@article{meyers_jennings_schultheis_monks_2010, title={Evaluation of Flumioxazin and S-metolachlor Rate and Timing for Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Control in Sweetpotato}, volume={24}, ISSN={["0890-037X"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-d-09-00057.1}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in 2007 and 2008 to determine the effect of flumioxazin andS-metolachlor on Palmer amaranth control and ‘Beauregard’ and ‘Covington’ sweetpotato. Flumioxazin at 0, 91, or 109 g ai ha−1was applied pretransplant 2 d before transplanting alone or followed by (fb)S-metolachlor at 0, 0.8, 1.1, or 1.3 kg ai ha−1PRE applied immediately after transplanting or 2 wk after transplanting (WAP). Flumioxazin fbS-metolachlor immediately after transplanting provided greater than 90% season-long Palmer amaranth control.S-metolachlor applied alone immediately after transplanting provided 80 to 93% and 92 to 96% control in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Flumioxazin fbS-metolachlor 2 WAP provided greater than 90% control in 2007 but variable control (38 to 79%) in 2008.S-metolachlor applied alone 2 WAP did not provide acceptable Palmer amaranth control. Control was similar for all rates ofS-metolachlor (0.8, 1.1, and 1.3 kg ha−1). In 2008, greater Palmer amaranth control was observed with flumioxazin at 109 g ha−1than with 91 g ha−1. Sweetpotato crop injury due to treatment was minimal (< 3%), and sweetpotato storage root length to width ratio was similar for all treatments in 2007 (2.5 for Beauregard) and 2008 (2.4 and 1.9 for Beauregard and Covington, respectively). Sweetpotato yield was directly related to Palmer amaranth control. Results indicate that flumioxazin pretransplant fbS-metolachlor after transplanting provides an effective herbicide program for control of Palmer amaranth in sweetpotato.}, number={4}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Monks, David W.}, year={2010}, pages={495–503} }
@book{davis_johnson_jennings_2010, title={Herbicide carryover in hay, manure, compost, and grass clippings: Caution to hay producers, livestock owners, farmers, and home gardeners}, number={AG-727W}, institution={North Carolina State University}, author={Davis, J. and Johnson, S.E. and Jennings, K.M.}, year={2010} }
@article{meyers_jennings_schultheis_monks_2010, title={Interference of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Sweetpotato}, volume={58}, ISSN={["0043-1745"]}, DOI={10.1614/ws-d-09-00048.1}, abstractNote={Field studies were conducted in 2007 and 2008 at Clinton and Faison, NC, to evaluate the influence of Palmer amaranth density on ‘Beauregard’ and ‘Covington’ sweetpotato yield and quality and to quantify the influence of Palmer amaranth on light interception. Palmer amaranth was established at 0, 0.5, 1.1, 1.6, 3.3, and 6.5 plants m−1within the sweetpotato row and densities were maintained season-long. Jumbo, number (no.) 1, and marketable sweetpotato yield losses were fit to a rectangular hyperbola model, and predicted yield loss ranged from 56 to 94%, 30 to 85%, and 36 to 81%, respectively for Palmer amaranth densities of 0.5 to 6.5 plants m−1. Percentage of jumbo, no. 1, and marketable sweetpotato yield loss displayed a positive linear relationship with Palmer amaranth light interception as early as 6 to 7 wk after planting (R2= 0.99, 0.86, and 0.93, respectively). Predicted Palmer amaranth light interception 6 to 7, 10, and 13 to 14 wk after planting ranged from 47 to 68%, 46 to 82%, and 42 to 71%, respectively for Palmer amaranth densities of 0.5 to 6.5 plants m−1. Palmer amaranth height increased from 177 to 197 cm at densities of 0.5 to 4.1 plants m−1and decreased from 197 to 188 cm at densities of 4.1 to 6.5 plants m−1; plant width (69 to 145 cm) and shoot dry biomass plant−1(0.2 to 1.1 kg) decreased linearly as density increased.}, number={3}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, author={Meyers, Stephen L. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Monks, David W.}, year={2010}, pages={199–203} }
@article{dittmar_jennings_monks_2010, title={Response of Diploid Watermelon to Imazosulfuron POST}, volume={24}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-09-033.1}, abstractNote={Field trials were conducted to evaluate imazosulfuron applied POST at 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 kg/ha to watermelon at the two- to four-leaf stage or to vines 30.5 cm long. At 7 d after treatment (DAT), crop injury to watermelon increased linearly for both growth stages as rate increased. The least injury to watermelon observed 7 DAT was 19 and 15%, respectively, for the two- to four-leaf and 30.5-cm growth stages treated with 0.01 kg/ha imazosulfuron. The 0.4 kg/ha imazosulfuron treatment caused the greatest watermelon injury (approximately 30%) at both application timings. Yield of watermelon treated with 0.1 and 0.2 kg/ha imazosulfuron applied at the two- to four-leaf and 30.5-cm stages were similar to the nontreated check (all plots were maintained weed-free). For both application timings, yield decreased linearly as imazosulfuron rate increased. The application of imazosulfuron to watermelon at the 30.5-cm stage averaged across rates resulted in less injury at 15 DAT (16%) and greater yield (92,869 kg/ha) than watermelon treated at two- to four-leaf stage averaged across rates (29%, 83,560 kg/ha). Internal fruit quality was not affected by imazosulfuron.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2010}, pages={127–129} }
@article{pekarek_garvey_monks_jennings_macrae_2010, title={Sulfentrazone Carryover to Vegetables and Cotton}, volume={24}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1614/wt-08-157.1}, DOI={10.1614/wt-08-157.1}, abstractNote={Sulfentrazone is commonly used for weed control in soybeans and tobacco, and vegetable crops and cotton are often rotated with soybeans and tobacco. Studies were conducted to evaluate the potential for sulfentrazone to carryover and injure several vegetable crops and cotton. Sulfentrazone was applied PRE to soybean at 0, 210, 420, and 840 g ai/ha before planting bell pepper, cabbage, cotton, cucumber, onion, snap bean, squash, sweet potato, tomato, and watermelon. Cotton, known to be susceptible to sulfentrazone carryover, was included as an indicator species. Cotton injury ranged from 14 to 18% with a 32% loss of yield in 1 of 2 yr when the labeled use rate of sulfentrazone (210 g/ha) was applied to the preceding crop. High use rates of sulfentrazone caused at least 50% injury with yield loss ranging from 36 to 100%. Bell pepper, snap bean, onion, tomato, and watermelon were injured < 18% by sulfentrazone at 840 g/ha. Squash was injured < 3% and < 36% by sulfentrazone at 210 and 840 g/ha, respectively. Yield of these crops was not affected regardless of sulfentrazone rate. Cabbage and cucumber were injured < 13% by sulfentrazone at 210 and 420 g/ha, and yields were not affected. Sulfentrazone at 840 g/ha injured cabbage up to 46% and reduced yield in 1 of 2 yr. Sulfentrazone injured cucumber up to 63% and reduced yield of No. 2 grade fruits. Sulfentrazone at 210 and 420 g/ha injured sweet potato < 6% and did not affect yield. Sulfentrazone at 840 g/ha injured sweet potato 14% and reduced total yield 26%. Our results suggest little to no adverse effect on bell pepper, cabbage, cucumber, onion, snap bean, squash, sweet potato, tomato, or watermelon from sulfentrazone applied at registered use rates during the preceding year.}, number={1}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Pekarek, Ryan A. and Garvey, Paul V. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Macrae, Andrew W.}, year={2010}, month={Mar}, pages={20–24} }
@article{jennings_2010, title={Tolerance of Fresh-Market Tomato to Postemergence-Directed Imazosulfuron, Halosulfuron, and Trifloxysulfuron}, volume={24}, ISSN={["0890-037X"]}, DOI={10.1614/wt-09-056.1}, abstractNote={A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of imazosulfuron, halosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron POST-directed on six fresh-market tomato varieties. Injury 7 d after treatment (DAT) was 3% or less from all treatments, and no injury was observed 28 DAT. Imazosulfuron, halosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron did not reduce yield relative to the nontreated check. There was no detectable herbicide effect on fruit shape and earliness. Data suggest that imazosulfuron, halosulfuron, and trifloxysulfuron can be applied POST-directed without negatively affecting yield or quality of several fresh-market tomato varieties.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2010}, pages={117–120} }
@inbook{finney_creamer_monks_jennings_mitchem_2008, title={Cultivation practices for organic crops}, url={https://cefs.ncsu.edu/resources/weed-management-on-organic-farms/.}, booktitle={Weed Management on Organic Farms.}, publisher={Center for Environmental Farming Systems}, author={Finney, D.M. and Creamer, N.G. and Monks, D.W. and Jennings, K.M. and Mitchem, W.E.}, editor={Finney, D.M. and Creamer, N.G.Editors}, year={2008}, pages={14–28} }
@article{sydorovych_safley_welker_ferguson_monks_jennings_driver_louws_2008, title={Economic Evaluation of Methyl Bromide Alternatives for the Production of Tomatoes in North Carolina}, volume={1}, ISSN={1063-0198 1943-7714}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.21273/horttech.18.4.705}, DOI={10.21273/horttech.18.4.705}, abstractNote={Partial budget analysis was used to evaluate soil treatment alternatives to methyl bromide (MeBr) based on their efficacy and cost-effectiveness in the production of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). The analysis was conducted for the mountain tomato production region based on 6 years of field test data collected in Fletcher, NC. Fumigation alternatives evaluated included 61.1% 1,3-dichloropropene + 34.7% chloropicrin (Telone-C35™), 60.8% 1,3-dichloropropene + 33.3% chloropicrin (InLine), 99% chloropicrin (Chlor-o-pic), 94% chloropicrin (TriClor EC), 42% metam sodium (4.26 lb/gal a.i., Vapam), and 50% iodomethane + 50% chloropicrin (Midas). The MeBr formulation was 67% methyl bromide and 33% chloropicrin (Terr-O-Gas). Chloropicrin applied at 15 gal/acre provided the greatest returns with an additional return of $907/acre relative to MeBr. Telone-C35 provided an additional return of $848/acre and drip-applied metam sodium provided an additional return of $137/acre. The return associated with broadcast applied metam sodium was about equal to the estimated return a grower would receive when applying MeBr. Fumigating with a combination of chloropicrin and metam sodium; shank-applied chloropicrin at 8 gal/acre; drip-applied chloropicrin, Midas, or InLine; and the nonfumigated soil treatment all resulted in projected losses of $156/acre, $233/acre, $422/acre, $425/acre, $604/acre, and $2133/acre, respectively, relative to MeBr. Although technical issues currently associated with some of the MeBr alternatives may exist, results indicate that there are economically feasible fumigation alternatives to MeBr for production of tomatoes in North Carolina.}, number={4}, journal={HortTechnology}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Sydorovych, Olha and Safley, Charles D. and Welker, Rob M. and Ferguson, Lisa M. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katie and Driver, Jim and Louws, Frank J.}, year={2008}, month={Jan}, pages={705–713} }
@article{dittmar_monks_schultheis_jennings_2008, title={Effects of Postemergence and Postemergence-Directed Halosulfuron on Triploid Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus)}, volume={22}, ISSN={0890-037X 1550-2740}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1614/wt-07-056.1}, DOI={10.1614/wt-07-056.1}, abstractNote={Studies were conducted in 2006 at Clinton and Kinston, NC, to determine the influence of halosulfuron POST (over the crop plant) or POST-directed (to the crop) on growth and yield of transplanted ‘Precious Petite’ and ‘Tri-X-313’ triploid watermelon. Treatments included a nontreated control, 39 g/ha halosulfuron applied POST-directed to 25% of the plant (distal or proximal region), POST-directed to 50% of the plant (distal or proximal; Precious Petite only), and POST. Watermelon treated with halosulfuron displayed chlorotic leaves, shortened internodes, and increased stem splitting. Vines were longest in the nontreated control (Tri-X-313 = 146 cm, Precious Petite = 206 cm) but were shortest in the POST treatment (Tri-X-313 = 88 cm, Precious Petite = 77 cm). Halosulfuron POST to watermelon caused the greatest injury (Tri-X-313 = 64%, Precious Petite = 67%). Halosulfuron directed to 25 or 50% (distal or proximal) of the plant caused less injury than halosulfuron applied POST. Stem splitting was greatest when halosulfuron was applied to the proximal area of the stem compared with POST-directed distal or POST. Internode shortening was greatest in treatments where halosulfuron was applied to the distal region of the stem. However, Tri-X-313 in the POST-directed 25% distal treatment produced similar total and marketable fruit weight as the nontreated control at Clinton. Fruit number did not differ among treatments for either cultivar. At Kinston, Precious Petite nontreated control and POST-directed 25% distal end treatment had greater marketable fruit weight than the POST-directed 50% proximal and POST treatments. The current halosulfuron registration allows POST application between rows or PRE. Limiting halosulfuron contact to no more than 25% of the watermelon plant will likely improve crop tolerance.}, number={3}, journal={Weed Technology}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2008}, month={Sep}, pages={467–471} }
@article{norsworthy_oliveira_jha_malik_buckelew_jennings_monks_2008, title={Palmer amaranth and large crabgrass growth with plasticulture-grown bell pepper}, volume={22}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/WT-07-043.1}, abstractNote={Field experiments were conducted in 2004 and 2005 at Clemson, SC, and in 2004 at Clinton, NC, to quantify Palmer amaranth and large crabgrass growth and interference with plasticulture-grown bell pepper over multiple environments and develop models which can be used on a regional basis to effectively time removal of these weeds. Experiments at both locations consisted of an early and a late spring planting, with the crop and weeds planted alone and in combination. Daily maximum and minimum air temperatures were used to calculate growing degree days (GDD, base 10 C) accumulated following bell pepper transplanting and weed emergence. Linear and nonlinear empirical models were used to describe ht, canopy width, and biomass production as a function of accumulated GDD. Palmer amaranth reduced bell pepper fruit set as early as 6 wk after transplanting (WATP) (648 GDD), whereas large crabgrass did not significantly reduce fruit set until 8 WATP (864 GDD). Using the developed models and assuming Palmer amaranth and large crabgrass emergence on the day of bell pepper transplanting, Palmer amaranth was predicted to be the same ht as bell pepper at 287 GDD (20 cm tall) and large crabgrass the same ht as bell pepper at 580 GDD (34 cm tall). Nomenclature: Large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. DIGSA, Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. AMAPA, bell pepper, Capsicum annuum L. ‘Heritage’}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Norsworthy, Jason K. and Oliveira, Marcos J. and Jha, Prashant and Malik, Mayank and Buckelew, Juliana K. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Monks, David W.}, year={2008}, pages={296–302} }
@article{sanders_reyes_monks_jennings_louws_driver_2006, title={(21) Using Compost Sources as an Alternative to Methyl Bromide in Vegetable Production}, volume={41}, DOI={10.21273/hortsci.41.4.1074a}, abstractNote={Compost sources were used to determine long-term influence on common vegetable cropping systems (tomato, pepper, and cucumber). Three sources of Controlled Microbial Compost (CMC) (20 yd3/A) amended with fumigant Telone-C35 (35 gal/A) and Trichoderma-382 [2.5 oz/yd.3 (T-382)] were used during 3 consecutive years. Tomato showed statistic differences (1%) among compost treatments with higher total yields when CMC was combined with Telone-C35 (21%) and T-382 (8.2%). All treatments but Bio-Compost and control presented al least 25% more marketable yield per acre. No differences in fruit size were found for tomato, except for medium-size fruit when Telone C-35 was added. The CMC alone or combined with Telone C-35 and T-382 increased the total plant dry weight at least 18.6%. Pepper crop showed statistic differences with higher number of No. 1 fruit size when CMC was combined with Telone C-35 and T-382. Number of culls per acre decreased for all three compost sources, with no differences from the control. Cucumber yields differed among treatments for total and marketable yields and No.1 size fruit per acre. Best yields were achieved with CMC and when mixed with Telone C-35 and T-382. The lower numbers of culls per acre were found with Bio-Compost and Lexington sources and CMC+T-382. Total plant dry weight was increased in at least 24% when Bio-Compost or CMC compost were used alone or combined with Telone-C35 or T-382. CMC increased root knot nematode soil counts and percentage of root galling, but tended to improve root vigor in cucumbers. It seems that compost sources combined with Telone C-35 or T-382 could improve the cropping management as alternative to methyl bromide. Weed responses will also be discussed.}, number={4}, journal={HortScience}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Sanders, Douglas C. and Reyes, Luz M. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katie M. and Louws, Frank J. and Driver, Jim G.}, year={2006}, month={Jul}, pages={1074A–1074} }
@article{dittmar_monks_schultheis_jennings_2006, title={EFFECTS OF POSTAPPLICATION HALOSULFURONMETHYL AT VARIOUS PERCENTS OF VINE COVERAGE ON WATERMELON YIELDS}, volume={41}, DOI={10.21273/hortsci.41.3.519a}, abstractNote={Most seedless watermelons are grown on black polyethylene mulch to aid crop establishment, growth, yield, and quality and weed control. However, nutsedge is a persistent problem in this production system, as it can easily penetrate the mulch. Halosulfuron-methyl is registered in some crops and provides excellent yellow nutsedge control. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of reduced halosulfuron-methyl contract to the watermelon plant on fruit yield and quality. The seedless watermelon cultivars, Tri-X-313 and Precious Petite, were transplanted into black polyethylene mulch and sprayed 16 days later. Halosulfuron-methyl at 35 g a.i./ha plus 0.25% (v/v) nonionic surfactant was applied at 187 L·ha–1 with a TeeJet 8002 even tip nozzle. Treatments were no spray, 25% of the vine tips, 25% of the crown, and over the top (entire plant). Plants in each treatment were rated (0% = no damage, 100% = fatality) for herbicide injury and the longest vine was measured on four plants. The no-spray treatment had the longest vines (156 cm). The topical halosulfuron treatment resulted in the shortest vines (94 cm) and the highest visual damage rating (63%). The herbicide caused foliage to yellow, internodes to shorten, and stems to crack. Treatments receiving halosulfuron-methyl applied to 25% of the vine (tip end) or 25% of the vine (crown end) resulted in reduced injury compared to the topical application. Generally, the 25% vine tip application was the safest halosulfuron treatment. The total yield (kg·ha–1) and number of watermelons/ha were similar among treatments. The no-spray treatment produced 4450 kg·ha–1 and 8300 watermelons/ha. The over-top treatment produced 3500 kg·ha–1 and 7300 watermelons/ha. Watermelon in the no-spray treatment weighed 4.4 kg, while watermelons weighed 3.9 kg with the over the top treatment. Halosulfuron-methyl is registered to apply to middles between watermelon rows; however, topical applications are prevented due to the possibility of crop injury. This research suggests that reduction of topical application to only 25% contact of the crop may improve crop tolerance. Thus application to nutsedge patches where limited contact to watermelon occurs may be a possibility in the future.}, number={3}, journal={HortScience}, publisher={American Society for Horticultural Science}, author={Dittmar, Peter J. and Monks, David W. and Schultheis, Jonathan R. and Jennings, Katherine M.}, year={2006}, month={Jun}, pages={519A–519} }
@article{buckelew_monks_jennings_hoyt_walls_2006, title={Eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum) reproduction and interference in transplanted plasticulture tomato}, volume={54}, ISSN={["1550-2759"]}, DOI={10.1614/WS-05-060R.1}, abstractNote={Abstract Studies were conducted to determine the effect of in-row eastern black nightshade establishment and removal timings in plasticulture tomato on tomato yield loss and nightshade berry production and seed viability. Eastern black nightshade was transplanted at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 12 wk after tomato planting (WAP) and remained until tomato harvest, or was established at tomato planting and removed at 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 12 WAP to determine the critical weed-free periods. Eastern black nightshade seed viability increased with berry size and with length of establishment or removal time. The critical weed-free period to avoid viable nightshade seed production was 3–6 WAP. Tomato yield decreased with early weed establishment or with delayed time of weed removal. The critical weed-free period to avoid greater than 20% tomato yield loss for the sum weight of extra large and jumbo grades was 28 to 50 d after tomato transplanting. Nomenclature: Eastern black nightshade, Solanum ptycanthum Dun. SOLPT; tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum.}, number={3}, journal={WEED SCIENCE}, publisher={Cambridge University Press (CUP)}, author={Buckelew, Juliana K. and Monks, David W. and Jennings, Katherine M. and Hoyt, Greg D. and Walls, Robert F., Jr.}, year={2006}, pages={490–495} }
@article{culpepper_york_batts_jennings_2000, title={Weed management in glufosinate- and glyphosate-resistant soybean (Glycine max)}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1614/0890-037X(2000)014[0077:WMIGAG]2.0.CO;2}, abstractNote={Abstract: An experiment was conducted at six locations in North Carolina to compare weed-management treatments using glufosinate postemergence (POST) in glufosinate-resistant soybean, glyphosate POST in glyphosate-resistant soybean, and imazaquin plus SAN 582 preemergence (PRE) followed by chlorimuron POST in nontransgenic soybean. Prickly sida and sicklepod were controlled similarly and 84 to 100% by glufosinate and glyphosate. Glyphosate controlled broadleaf signalgrass, fall panicum, goosegrass, rhizomatous johnsongrass, common lambsquarters, and smooth pigweed at least 90%. Control of these weeds by glyphosate often was greater than control by glufosinate. Mixing fomesafen with glufosinate increased control of these species except johnsongrass. Glufosinate often was more effective than glyphosate on entireleaf and tall morningglories. Fomesafen mixed with glyphosate increased morningglory control but reduced smooth pigweed control. Glufosinate or glyphosate applied sequentially or early postemergence (EPOST) following imazaquin plus SAN 582 PRE often were more effective than glufosinate or glyphosate applied only EPOST. Only rhizomatous johnsongrass was controlled more effectively by glufosinate or glyphosate treatments than by imazaquin plus SAN 582 PRE followed by chlorimuron POST. Yields and net returns with soil-applied herbicides only were often lower than total POST herbicide treatments. Sequential POST herbicide applications or soil-applied herbicides followed by POST herbicides were usually more effective economically than single POST herbicide applications. Nomenclature: Chlorimuron, ethyl 2-[[[[(4-chloro-6-methoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl] amino]sulfonyl]benzoate; SAN 582 (proposed name, dimethenamid), 2-chloro-N-[(1-methyl-2-methoxy)ethyl]-N-(2,4-dimethyl-thien-3-yl)-acetamide; fomesafen, 5-[2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]-N-(methylsulfonyl)-2-nitrobenzamide; glufosinate, 2-amino-4-(hydroxymethylphosphinyl) butanoic acid; glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine; imazaquin, 2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-3-quinolinecarboxylic acid; broadleaf signalgrass, Brachiaria platyphylla (Griseb.) Nash #2 BRAPP; carpetweed, Mollugo verticillata L. # MOLVE; common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. # CHEAL; common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. # AMBEL; cutleaf groundcherry, Physalis angulata L. # PHYAN; eclipta, Eclipta prostrata L. # ECLAL; entireleaf morningglory, Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula Gray # IPOHG; fall panicum, Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx. # PANDI; goosegrass, Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. # ELEIN; johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. # SORHA; prickly sida, Sida spinosa L. # SIDSP; sicklepod, Senna obtusifolia L. Irwin and Barneby # CASOB; smooth pigweed, Amaranthus hybridus L. # AMACH; tall morningglory, Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth # PHBPU; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. ‘Asgrow 5403 LL’, ‘Asgrow 5547 LL’, ‘Asgrow 5602 RR’, ‘Hartz 5566 RR’, ‘Southern States FFR 595’. Additional index words: Herbicide-resistant crops, Liberty Link soybean, nontransgenic soybean, Roundup Ready soybean. Abbreviations: DAT, days after treatment; EPOST, early postemergence; EPSPS, 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase; LPOST, late postemergence; POST, postemergence; PRE, preemergence; THR, transgenic, herbicide-resistant; WAA, weeks after late postemergence application; WAP, weeks after planting.}, number={1}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Culpepper, AS and York, AC and Batts, RB and Jennings, KM}, year={2000}, pages={77–88} }
@article{jennings_culpepper_york_1999, title={Cotton response to temperature and pyrithiobac}, volume={3}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Cotton Science}, author={Jennings, K. M. and Culpepper, A. S. and York, A. C.}, year={1999}, pages={132–138} }
@article{culpepper_york_jennings_batts_1998, title={Interaction of bromoxynil and postemergence graminicides on large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis)}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/s0890037x00044304}, abstractNote={The effect of bromoxynil on large crabgrass control by clethodim, sethoxydim, fluazifop-P, fluazifop-P plus fenoxaprop-P, and quizalofop-P was evaluated in 1996 and 1997 in bromoxynil-tolerant cotton and in fallow areas. Bromoxynil at 560 g ai/ha reduced large crabgrass control 4 weeks after treatment (WAT) when mixed with labeled rates of fluazifop-P, fluazifop-P plus fenoxaprop-P, or quizalofop-P. Control 9 WAT was reduced when bromoxynil was mixed with any of the graminicides. Antagonism with the mixtures was greatest with quizalofop-P, intermediate with fluazifop-P plus fenoxaprop-P and fluazifop-P, and least with clethodim and sethoxydim. Increasing the graminicide rate 50% in mixtures with bromoxynil alleviated antagonism only for clethodim. No antagonism was noted 9 WAT when bromoxynil was applied 3 d before or 3 d after application of clethodim or sethoxydim or when bromoxynil was applied 3 d after fluazifop-P plus fenoxaprop-P. Antagonism was observed when bromoxynil was applied 3 d before fluazifop-P plus fenoxaprop-P or when applied 3 d before or 3 d after fluazifop-P and quizalofop-P. Regardless of bromoxynil application, greatest yields were obtained from cotton treated with clethodim or sethoxydim. Bromoxynil applied 3 d before or 3 d after clethodim, sethoxydim, or fluazifop-P plus fenoxaprop-P did not reduce yield. Yield was reduced when bromoxynil was applied 3 d before or 3 d after application of fluazifop-P or quizalofop-P and when bromoxynil was mixed with any graminicide.}, number={3}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Culpepper, AS and York, AC and Jennings, KM and Batts, RB}, year={1998}, pages={554–559} }
@article{jennings_york_culpepper_batts_1998, title={Staple/MSMA combinations for sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) control in cotton}, volume={1}, number={1998}, journal={Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Proceedings}, author={Jennings, K. M. and York, A. C. and Culpepper, A. S. and Batts, R. B.}, year={1998}, pages={843–844} }
@article{jennings_york_batts_culpepper_1997, title={Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) and entireleaf morningglory (Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula) management in soybean (Glycine max) with flumetsulam}, volume={11}, ISSN={["1550-2740"]}, DOI={10.1017/s0890037x00042883}, abstractNote={Systems consisting of flumetsulam, metribuzin plus chlorimuron, or imazaquin applied PPI with trifluralin or PRE with metolachlor were compared with and without chlorimuron POST for control of sicklepod and entireleaf morningglory in narrow-row soybean at four locations. Control of sicklepod and entireleaf morningglory by soil-applied herbicides was generally inadequate. Control of sicklepod by flumetsulam exceeded control by metribuzin plus chlorimuron or imazaquin at one location. Entireleaf morningglory control by flumetsulam was similar to or less than control by metribuzin plus chlorimuron or imazaquin. Chlorimuron POST was a more important component of management systems for these weeds than was flumetsulam, metribuzin plus chlorimuron, or imazaquin PPI or PRE. Pooled over soil-applied herbicides, chlorimuron POST increased late-season control of sicklepod and entireleaf morningglory 25 to 61% and 22 to 54%, respectively; increased soybean yield 20 to 55%; decreased foreign matter contamination 5 to 13%; and increased net returns $34 to $185/ha. When used in conjunction with chlorimuron POST, flumetsulam, metribuzin plus chlorimuron, and imazaquin applied PPI with trifluralin or PRE with metolachlor increased late-season control of sicklepod and entireleaf morningglory only when control by trifluralin or metolachlor followed by chlorimuron POST was less than 66 and 77%, respectively.}, number={2}, journal={WEED TECHNOLOGY}, author={Jennings, KM and York, AC and Batts, RB and Culpepper, AS}, year={1997}, pages={227–234} }
@article{culpepper_york_batts_jennings_1997, title={Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) management in an ALS-modified soybean (Glycine max)}, volume={11}, DOI={10.1017/s0890037x0004152x}, abstractNote={Herbicide systems consisting of PRE, early POST, and late POST options arranged factorially were compared for control of sicklepod in narrow-row soybean with modified acetolactate synthase (ALS) (E.C. Other weeds present included common cocklebur and mixed infestations of entireleaf, ivyleaf, pitted, and tall morningglories. PRE options were alachlor or alachlor plus metribuzin plus chlorimuron. Early POST options included chlorimuron, chlorimuron plus thifensulfuron, and no herbicide applied 3 wk after planting. Late POST options were chlorimuron and no herbicide applied 5 wk after planting. POST herbicides were more effective than PRE herbicides on all weeds. Chlorimuron and chlorimuron plus thifensulfuron applied early POST were equally effective on these weeds and usually more effective than chlorimuron applied late POST. There was no advantage of two POST applications compared with a single early POST application. Greatest net returns were obtained in systems using only early POST herbicides. There was no economic advantage from using metribuzin plus chlorimuron PRE in systems that included an early POST herbicide.}, number={1}, journal={Weed Technology}, author={Culpepper, A. S. and York, A. C. and Batts, R. B. and Jennings, Katherine}, year={1997}, pages={164–170} }