@misc{chimene_queener_ko_mcshane_daniele_2024, title={Insertable Biosensors: Combining Implanted Sensing Materials with Wearable Monitors}, volume={26}, ISSN={["1545-4274"]}, DOI={10.1146/annurev-bioeng-110222-101045}, abstractNote={Insertable biosensor systems are medical diagnostic devices with two primary components: an implantable biosensor within the body and a wearable monitor that can remotely interrogate the biosensor from outside the body. Because the biosensor does not require a physical connection to the electronic monitor, insertable biosensor systems promise improved patient comfort, reduced inflammation and infection risk, and extended operational lifetimes relative to established percutaneous biosensor systems. However, the lack of physical connection also presents technical challenges that have necessitated new innovations in developing sensing chemistries, transduction methods, and communication modalities. In this review, we discuss the key developments that have made insertables a promising option for longitudinal biometric monitoring and highlight the essential needs and existing development challenges to realizing the next generation of insertables for extended-use diagnostic and prognostic devices. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, Volume 26 is May 2024. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.}, journal={ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING}, author={Chimene, David and Queener, Kirstie M. K. and Ko, Brian S. and McShane, Mike and Daniele, Michael}, year={2024}, pages={197–221} } @article{queener_ahmmed_victorio_twiddy_dehn_brewer_lobaton_bozkurt_pozdin_daniele_2023, place={Vienna, Austria}, title={Conformal Micropatterned Organic-Metal Electrodes for Physiological Recording}, ISSN={["1930-0395"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/sensors56945.2023.10324963}, DOI={10.1109/sensors56945.2023.10324963}, abstractNote={Conformal electrodes provide a soft and conforming interface with the skin for reduced impedance, comfortable skin contact, and improved signal quality compared to commercial electrodes. In this paper, we present conformal micropatterned organic-metal (CMOM) electrodes and our investigation on the effect of perforation micropatterning and PEDOT:PSS coating. CMOM electrodes were characterized then evaluated in vivo against commercial-off-the-shelf electrodes. PEDOT:PSS was found to reduce the overall impedance in each electrode variant, resulting in a >97% decrease in impedance at low frequencies. The change in impedance at high frequencies was not significant for the control or $30\ \mu \mathrm{m}$ vias electrodes, but the impedance was significantly greater following EPD for $60\ \mu \mathrm{m}$ vias electrodes.}, journal={2023 IEEE SENSORS}, author={Queener, Kirstie M. and Ahmmed, Parvez and Victorio, Mauro and Twiddy, Jack and Dehn, Ashley and Brewer, Alec and Lobaton, Edgar and Bozkurt, Alper and Pozdin, Vladimir and Daniele, Michael}, year={2023} }