Works (4)
2021 journal article
Replication of Marek's disease vaccines in turkey embryos and their effect on TLR-3 and IFN-gamma transcripts
AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 50(3), 227–233.

2012 journal article
An Outbreak and Source Investigation of Enterococcal Spondylitis in Broilers Caused by Enterococcus cecorum
AVIAN DISEASES, 56(4), 768–773.

2012 journal article
Molecular epidemiology of Enterococcus cecorum isolates recovered from enterococcal spondylitis outbreaks in the southeastern United States
AVIAN PATHOLOGY, 41(5), 479–485.

2011 journal article
Identification of Ascaridia numidae in Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris) and Association with Elevated Mortality
AVIAN DISEASES, 55(1), 151–154.