Works (5)
2019 journal article
STAYGREEN, STAY HEALTHY: a loss-of-susceptibility mutation in the STAYGREEN gene provides durable, broad-spectrum disease resistances for over 50 years of US cucumber production
NEW PHYTOLOGIST, 221(1), 415–430.

2016 journal article
Downy Mildew Disease Progress in Resistant and Susceptible Cucumbers Tested in the Field at Different Growth Stages
HORTSCIENCE, 51(8), 984–988.
2016 journal article
QTL mapping for downy mildew resistance in cucumber inbred line WI7120 (PI 330628)

2014 journal article
Overexpression of S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase increased tomato tolerance to alkali stress through polyamine metabolism
Plant Biotechnology Journal, 12(6), 694–708.
2013 journal article
Comparative effects of NaCl and NaHCO3 stress on photosynthetic parameters, nutrient metabolism, and the antioxidant system in tomato leaves
Scientia Horticulturae, 157, 1–12.