Works (179)
2024 journal article
Impact of Confinement on Bar Anchorage in Relocated Plastic Hinges
ACI Structural Journal, 121(3), 57–68.
2024 journal article
The strain demand of reinforced concrete bridge columns under seismic loading
EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 40(3), 2137–2160.

2023 journal article
Behavior of large diameter carbon fiber anchors
Construction and Building Materials, 394, 132174.

2023 journal article
Critical Bending Strain and Mechanical Properties of Corroded Reinforcing Bars

2023 journal article
Impact of ground motion directionality (RotDnn) on the coupled and uncoupled inelastic response of RC circular cantilever columns
Earthquake Spectra, 39(3), 1859–1882.

2023 journal article
Influence of Viscous Damping Models on the Inelastic Response of Reinforced Concrete Columns and Bridges

2023 journal article
Nonlinear seismic performance of RC bridges using the ESA, EDA, DDBA, and nonlinear analysis with various viscous damping models
EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 39(1), 242–268.

2023 report
Seismic Behavior of Grade 80 RC Bridge Columns – Phase 2
(CFL Report No. RD 23-01). California Department of Transportation.
2022 journal article
Comparison of Seismic Demands on RC Bridge Columns Using the AASHTO Guide Specification, DDBA, and Nonlinear Analysis for Shallow Crustal and Subduction Tectonic Regimes

2022 report
Condition Dependent Performance Based Seismic Design – Phase 1
[Literature Review Report]. AKDOT&PF.
2022 conference paper
Earthquake Intensity Measure for Peak Tensile Strain of RC Bridge Columns
12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT.
2022 report
Impact Of Response Spectra Definitions And Direct Displacement-Based Design Simplification For Multi-Span Bridges
[Literature Review Report]. AKDOT&PF.
2022 conference paper
Impact of corrosion on the strain demands of RC Columns due to seismic loading
12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT.
2022 report
Literature Review On Seismic Behavior Of High Strength Reinforcing Steel At Low Temperatures
(CFL Report No. RD-22-10; p. 92). Alaska DOT&PF.
2022 report
Rapid Post-Earthquake Displacement-Based Assessment Methodology For Bridges
[Literature Review Report]. AKDOT&PF.
2022 report
Rapid Seismic Repair of Bridge Columns – Phase 2
[Final Report]. AKDOT&PF.
2022 journal article
Recommended Parameters for Takeda Degrading Stiffness Hysteresis for Reinforced Concrete Circular Bridge Columns
ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL, 119(6), 275–288.

2022 journal article
Simplification of Buckled Bar Tension Test through Fiber Modeling
ACI Materials Journal, 119(3), 161–171.

2022 article
Tensile Behavior of Large Diameter Carbon Fiber Anchors

2022 conference paper
Trilinear Modal Damping for the Inelastic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Bridges
12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 12th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Salt Lake City, UT.
2021 report
External pocket and socket connections for the seismic design of Alaska bridges – Literature Review Report
(CFL Report No. RD-21-01). Alaska DOT&PF.
2021 conference paper
Impact of viscous damping model assumptions on the nonlinear analysis of multispan bridge columns
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
2021 conference paper
Influence of response spectra definitions on the bidirectional seismic behavior of RC bridge columns
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
2021 conference paper
Investigating the behavior of high strength steel RC columns
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
2021 conference paper
Predictive fiber model for rebar buckling
17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
2020 report
Influence of response spectra definitions on the design of RC bridge columns under shallow crustal and subduction zone ground motions
(CFL Report No. RD-20-02). Alaska DOT&PF.
2020 book
Proposed AASHTO Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Bridge Design
2020 journal article
Seismic Performance of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced with High-Strength Steel
Journal of Structural Engineering, 146(2), 04019198.

2020 report
Seismic evaluation of Anchorage port access bridge final report
(CFL Report No. RD-20-03). Alaska DOT&PF.
2019 conference paper
A displacement-based approach for the rapid seismic assessment of Alaska bridges
5th international conference on earthquake engineering and seismology. Presented at the 5th international conference on earthquake engineering and seismology, Ankara.
2019 journal article
Critical Bending Strain of Reinforcing Steel and Buckled Bar Tension Test
ACI Materials Journal, 116(3), 53–61.

2019 conference paper
Evaluating the suitability of high strength reinforcement for use in seismic resistant RC columns
Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting. Presented at the Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
2019 conference paper
Influence of spectra definitions on the coupled response of RC Bridge Columns
TRB Podium Session.
2019 chapter
Issues Related to the Rapid Seismic Repair of Concrete Bridge Columns
In Concrete Structures in Earthquake (pp. 351–368).

2019 conference paper
Mean balance ratio to characterize ground motion loading history for performance based design
12th Canadian Conference of Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 12th Canadian Conference of Earthquake Engineering.
2019 journal article
Out-of-plane buckling instability limit state for boundary regions of special RC structural walls
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 17(9), 5159–5182.

2019 report
Rapid Seismic Assessment of Alaska Highway Bridges using a Direct Displacement Based Methodology”
(CFL Report No. RD-19-01.).
2019 journal article
Seismic Repair of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns by Plastic Hinge Relocation with Grouted Annular Ring
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 25(12), 1–35.

2019 conference paper
Strain limits and plastic hinge lengths for displacement-based seismic design of circular bridge columns
3rd International Bridge Seismic Workshop. Presented at the 3rd International Bridge Seismic Workshop, Seattle, WA.
2019 conference paper
Structural Consequences of Grout Deterioration in the Grouted Shear Stud (GSS) Connection
Bridge Engineering Institute Conference. Presented at the Bridge Engineering Institute Conference, Honolulu, HI.
2018 journal article
Boundary Elements of Special Reinforced Concrete Walls Tested under Different Loading Paths
EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 34(3), 1267–1288.

2018 conference paper
Experimental assessment of the out-of-plan stability of ductile structural walls
11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA.
2018 conference paper
Performance limit states of reinforced concrete filled steel tube drilled shafts
11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA.
2018 conference paper
Rapid repair of reinforced concrete bridge columns via plastic hinge relocation utilizing conventional materials
11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA.
2018 report
Repair of reinforced concrete columns by plastic hinge relocation
(Vol. 1-3).
2018 report
Seismic Performance of A706-80 Reinforced Concrete Columns and Critical Bending Strain of Longitudinal Reinforcement
(CFL Report No. RD-18-02). Caltrans.
2018 conference paper
Seismic performance of grade 80 reinforced bridge columns
11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Los Angeles, CA.
2018 journal article
Seismic performance of reinforced concrete filled steel tube drilled shafts with inground plastic hinges
Engineering Structures, 165, 106–119.

2018 conference paper
Stability of structural walls
Houston International Forum: Concrete Structures in Earthquakes. Presented at the Houston International Forum: Concrete Structures in Earthquakes.
2017 article
Closure to "Modified Plastic-Hinge Method for Circular RC Bridge Columns" by Jason C. Goodnight, Mervyn J. Kowalsky, and James M. Nau
Goodnight, J. C., Kowalsky, M. J., & Nau, J. M. (2017, September). JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 143.
2017 book
Direct Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures
(2nd ed.). Pavia Italy: IUSS Press.
2017 journal article
Out-of-Plane Buckling of Ductile Reinforced Structural Walls due to In-Plane Loads

2017 report
Seismic load path effects in reinforced concrete bridge columns and wall Piers
(Vol. 1) [Final report]. AKDOT.
2017 report
Seismic load path effects in reinforced concrete bridge columns and wall Piers
In Out Of Plane instability of Pier Walls (Vol. 2) [Final report]. AKDOT.
2017 report
Seismic performance of reinforced concrete filled steel tubes in soil
[Final report]. AKDOT.
2017 journal article
Stress-strain response of A706 grade 80 reinforcing steel
Construction and Building Materials, 145, 292–302.

2016 journal article
Development of a ductile steel bridge substructure system
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 118, 194–206.

2016 journal article
Equivalent Viscous Damping Model for Short-Period Reinforced Concrete Bridges
Journal of Bridge Engineering, 21(2), 04015047.

2016 journal article
Impact of Damping Scaling Factors on Direct Displacement-Based Design
Earthquake Spectra, 32(2), 843–859.

2016 journal article
Modified Plastic-Hinge Method for Circular RC Bridge Columns
Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(11), 04016103.

2016 journal article
Strain Limit States for Circular RC Bridge Columns
EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 32(3), 1627–1652.

2015 report
A706 Grade 80 reinforcement for Seismic Applications
[Final report]. California Department of Transportation.
2015 journal article
Effect of Seismic Load History on Deformation Limit States for Longitudinal Bar Buckling in RC Circular Columns
Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(8), 04014187.

2015 journal article
Finite-Element Method to Predict Reinforcing Bar Buckling in RC Structures
Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(5), 04014147.

2015 journal article
Grouted shear stud connection for steel bridge substructures
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 109, 72–86.

2015 journal article
Impact of D/t on seismic behavior of reinforced concrete filled steel tubes
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 107, 111–123.

2015 journal article
Influence of Nonviscous Damping on Seismic Inelastic Displacements

2015 report
The effects of load history and design variables on Performance Limit States of Circular Bridge Columns
(Vol. 1-3) [Final report]. Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities.
2014 conference paper
A New Look at Strain Limits and Plastic Hinge Lengths for Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns
Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Presented at the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
2014 report
Behavior Of 30” Diameter Hollow And Concrete Filled Steel Pipe Piles With A Nominal D/T Ratio Of 57.1
(Report No. RD 14-10). Stantec.
2014 conference paper
Deformation Limit States for Longitudinal Bar Buckling In RC Circular Columns Considering The Effect Of Seismic Load History
Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Presented at the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
2014 journal article
Direct Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridges

2014 chapter
Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Bridges
In Bridge Engineering Handbook (pp. 217–252).
2014 conference paper
Experimental Applications of 3D Position Monitoring Systems for Earthquake Engineering Research
Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Presented at the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
2014 journal article
Fiber-Based Modeling of Circular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns

2014 conference paper
Impact of Diameter to Thickness Ratio on the Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Filled Steel Tubes
Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Presented at the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
2014 conference paper
Impact of Viscous Damping Models On Nonlinear Response of SDOF Systems
Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Presented at the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
2014 conference paper
New design details for ductile steel bridge substructure systems
Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Presented at the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
2014 journal article
Repair of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Containing Buckled and Fractured Reinforcement by Plastic Hinge Relocation
Journal of Bridge Engineering, 19(8).

2014 conference paper
Seismic behavior of reinforced concrete bridge members in freezing conditions
Proceedings of the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. Presented at the 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Anchorage, AK.
2014 journal article
Understanding Poor Seismic Performance of Concrete Walls and Design Implications
EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 30(1), 307–334.

2013 journal article
Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Bridges

2013 journal article
Drift, strain limits and ductility demands for RC moment frames designed with displacement-based and force-based design methods

2013 journal article
Effect of Load History on Performance Limit States of Circular Bridge Columns

2013 report
Seismic Performance of Steel Pipe Pile to Cap Beam Moment Resisting Connections
[Final report]. AUTC/AKDOT.
2013 report
Strain Limits for Concrete Filled Steel Tubes in AASHTO Provisions
[Final report]. AUTC/AKDOT.
2012 conference paper
Comparison of the Seismic Performance of Equivalent Straight and Curved Bridges due to Transverse Seismic Excitation
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 journal article
Configuration Optimization of Drilled Shafts Supporting Bridge Structures: Three Case Studies
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 17(3), 93–101.
2012 conference paper
Experimental Observations on the Effect of Load History on Performance Limit States of Circular Bridge Columns
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 conference paper
Fiber-Based Modeling for Investigating the Effect of Load History on the Behavior of RC Bridge Columns
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 conference paper
Repair of Damaged Circular Reinforced Concrete Columns By Plastic Hinge Relocation
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 journal article
Reversed Cyclic Flexural Behavior of Spiral DSAW and Single Seam ERW Steel Pipe Piles

2012 journal article
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Pile/Column Bridge Bents

2012 conference paper
Seismic Performance of Steel Bridge Piers Containing Composite Connections
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal.
2012 report
The Effect of Load History on Reinforced Concrete Column Behavior
[Final Report]. AUTC.
2011 journal article
A Stability-Based Target Displacement for Direct Displacement-Based Design of Bridge Piers
Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 15(5), 754–774.

2011 report
Behavior of hollow steel pipe piles subjected to reverse cyclic loading
(Report No. RD-10-01). USA: Constructed Facilities Laboratory, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University.
2011 report
Effect of Construction Waste on Concrete Compressive Strength
Waste Management.
2011 journal article
Impact of seismic input on strain/displacement response of reinforced concrete members and frames
ACI Structural Journal, 108(2), 178–187.

2011 journal article
Simplified Lateral Analysis of Deep Foundation Supported Bridge Bents: Driven Pile Case Studies

2011 journal article
Validation of a single-mode polymer optical fiber sensor and interrogator for large strain measurements
2010 journal article
Behavior of instrumented prestressed high performance concrete bridge girders

2010 conference paper
Ductility of Welded Steel Pile to Steel Cap Beam Connections
Structures Congress 2010, 216–227.
2010 journal article
Relationship between strain, curvature, and drift in reinforced concrete moment frames in support of performance-based seismic design
ACI Structural Journal, 107(3), 291–299.

2010 conference paper
Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Filled Steel Tube Pile/Column Bridge Bents
9th US and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 9th US and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
2010 journal article
Seismic design of reinforced concrete bridge columns at subfreezing temperatures
ACI Structural Journal, 107(4), 427–433.

2010 journal article
Seismic shear behavior of lightweight aggregate concrete square columns
ACI Structural Journal, 107(6), 680–688.

2009 article
Calibration of a single-mode polymer optical fiber large-strain sensor
Kiesel, S., Peters, K., Hassan, T., & Kowalsky, M. (2009, March). MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 20.

2009 journal article
Cleaving of solid single mode polymer optical fiber for strain sensor applications
Optics Communications, 282(5), 856–861.

2009 journal article
Evaluation of Rotational Stiffness of Elastomeric Bearing Pad-Anchor Bolt Connections on Deep Foundation Bents

2009 report
Reversed Cyclic Testing of Small Scale Pipe Piles
(Report No. IS 09-12). Skyline Steel Corporation.
2009 journal article
Seismic behavior of flexural dominated reinforced concrete bridge columns at low temperatures
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 23(1), 18–42.

2009 journal article
Seismic behavior of shear-dominated reinforced concrete columns at low temperatures
ACI Structural Journal, 106(4), 445–454.

2008 journal article
Cyclic response of reinforced concrete members at low temperatures
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, 22(3), 79–102.

2008 book
Displacement-based seismic design of structures

2008 journal article
Estimation of Frequency‐Dependent Strong Motion Duration Via Wavelets and Its Influence on Nonlinear Seismic Response
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 23(4), 253–264.

2008 journal article
Large deformation in-fiber polymer optical fiber sensor
2008 book
M.J. Nigel Priestley Symposium: August 4-5, 2008, North Tahoe Conference Center, King's Beach, California
Pavia, Italy: IUSS Press.
2008 report
Reversed Cyclic Testing of Full Scale Pipe Piles
(Report No. IS 08-13). Skyline Steel Corporation.
2008 report
Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns at Sub-Freezing Temperatures
(Report No. RD-08-01). USA: Constructed Facilities Laboratory, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University.
2007 conference paper
A Point of Fixity Model for Pile and Shaft Bents
Contemporary Issues In Deep Foundations, 158.
2007 article
Behaviour of intrinsic polymer optical fibre sensor for large-strain applications
Kiesel, S., Peters, K., Hassan, T., & Kowalsky, M. (2007, October). MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 18, pp. 3144–3154.
2007 report
CUMBIA: Set of Codes for Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Members
In Constructed Facilities Laboratory, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering (Report No. RD-07-01). USA: Constructed Facilities Laboratory, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University,
2007 report
Design Criteria for Post and Beam Bents with Drilled Shafts
(NCDOT Final Report Project No. 2006-48.).
2007 book
Direct Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures
Pavia Italy: IUSS Press.
2007 journal article
Direct displacement-based seismic design of unbonddd post-tensioned masonry walls
ACI Structural Journal, 104(5), 560–569.

2007 journal article
Displacement-based seismic design of drilled shaft bents with soil-structure interaction

2007 journal article
Equivalent damping in support of direct displacement-based design

2007 conference paper
Moment transfer in bearing supported Bridges
2007 PCI-FHWA National Bridge Conference, AZ, October 2007.
2007 journal article
Shake table testing of post-tensioned concrete masonry walls containing openings
Publication Pending, 133(11), 1551–1559.

2006 conference paper
Direct Displacement-Based Design of Unbonded Post-tensioned Masonry Walls
8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Presented at the 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, CA.
2006 conference paper
Implementation of Displacement Based Design for Highway Bridges
5th National Seismic Bridge Conference. Presented at the 5th National Seismic Bridge Conference, San Francisco, CA.
2006 journal article
Implementation of inelastic displacement patterns in direct displacement-based design of continuous bridge structures
EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA, 22(3), 631–662.

2006 report
Pile-bent design criteria
(NCDOT Final Report Project No. 2005-19.).
2006 journal article
Shaketable testing of rectangular post-tensioned concrete masonry walls
ACI Structural Journal, 103(4), 587–595.
2005 journal article
Behavior, analysis, and design of an instrumented link-slab bridge
Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE), 10(3), 331–334.

2004 conference paper
Application of Traditional Materials in Non-Traditional ways for Improved Housing Construction
PATH-NSF Housing Workshop. Presented at the PATH-NSF Housing Workshop, Orlando, FL.
2004 report
Catalogue of Post-Tensioned Concrete Masonry Structures
(Report No. RD-04-05). USA: Constructed Facilities Laboratory, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University.
2004 journal article
Compressive behavior of unconfined and confined clay brick masonry
Journal of Structural Engineering (New York, N.Y.), 130(4), 650–661.

2004 conference paper
Development of New Zealand’s First Post-tensioned Concrete Masonry Home
7th Australasian Masonry Conference. Presented at the 7th Australasian Masonry Conference.
2004 conference paper
Examination of the Equivalent Viscous Damping Approach
Seismic Design Methodologies for the Next Generation of Codes Workshop. Presented at the Seismic Design Methodologies for the Next Generation of Codes Workshop, Bled, Slovenia.
2004 journal article
Influence of confinement on the cyclic behavior of reinforced clay brick masonry walls
Masonry Society Journal, 22(1).
2004 conference paper
Performance of a Historic Prestressed Concrete Block Bridge
Proceedings of the 2004 Concrete Bridge Conference, 14.
2004 journal article
Reversed in-plane cyclic behavior of posttensioned clay brick masonry walls
Journal of Structural Engineering (New York, N.Y.), 130(5), 787–798.

2004 article proceedings
Review of Parameters Influencing the Seismic Design of Lightweight Concrete Structures
Presented at the SP-218: High Performance Structural Lightweight Concrete.
2004 report
Revised Interim and Commentary: Performance-Based Seismic Engineering
In SEAOC Bluebook: Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary.
2004 report
Shake Table Testing of Post-tensioned Concrete Masonry Walls
(Report No. RD-04-04). USA: Constructed Facilities Laboratory, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University.
2004 conference paper
Shake Table testing of post-tensioned concrete masonry walls
Proceediings of 13th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, 1059–1068.
2003 report
Analysis of an Instrumented Jointless Bridge
(NCDOT Final Report No. 2001-01). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2003 conference paper
Compressive Behavior of Confined Clay Brick Masonry Prisms
Ninth North American Masonry Conference (9NAMC). Presented at the Ninth North American Masonry Conference (9NAMC)., Clemson, South Carolina.
2003 conference paper
Fatigue Testing of Two Full-Size Pre-Cracked AASHTO Bridge Girders
SP-211: Large-Scale Structural Testing. Presented at the SP-211: Large-Scale Structural Testing.
2003 journal article
Influence of tension strain on buckling of reinforcement in concrete columns
ACI Structural Journal, 100(1), 75–85.
2003 conference paper
Investigation of Alternative Details for Seismic Design of Post-Tensioned Clay Masonry Walls
Ninth North American Masonry Conference (9NAMC). Presented at the Ninth North American Masonry Conference (9NAMC), Clemson, South Carolina.
2003 report
The behavior of prestressed high performance concrete bridge girders for US highway 401 over the Neuse River in Wake County, NC
(NCDOT Final Report No. 2002-17). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2003 article
The limitations and performances of different displacement based design methods

2002 journal article
A Performance-Based Approach for the Seismic Design of Concrete Bridges
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 29(3), 719–747,
2002 journal article
A displacement-based approach for the seismic design of continuous concrete bridges

2002 report
Fatigue Performance of Large-Sized Long-Span Prestressed Concrete Girders Impaired by Transverse Cracks
[NCDOT Final Report]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2002 journal article
In-plane testing of damaged masonry wall repaired with FRP
Advanced Composites Letters, 11(6), 277–283.

2002 chapter book
Reversed in-plane cyclic behavior of post-tensioned clay brick masonry walls for high performance modular housing
2002 report
The Behavior of Prestressed High Performance Concrete Bridge Girders for US Highway 401 Over the Neuse River in Raleigh, NC
[NCDOT Final Report]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2001 report
Influence of Tension Strain on Buckling of RC Bridge Columns
(Structural Engineering and Mechanics Research Report SEMR No. 2001/01). Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2001 conference paper
Investigation of Equivalent Viscous Damping for direct Displacement-Based Design
3rd US-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Presented at the 3rd US-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Seattle, WA.
2001 journal article
RC structural walls designed according to UBC and displacement-based methods
Journal of Structural Engineering (New York, N.Y.), 127(5), 506–516.

2000 journal article
Deformation limit states for circular reinforced concrete bridge columns
Journal of Structural Engineering (New York, N.Y.), 126(8), 869–878.

2000 journal article
Direct displacement-based seismic design of concrete buildings
Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, 33(4), 421–444.
2000 journal article
Displacement-based seismic design of concrete buildings
Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, 7(2), 421–444.

2000 journal article
Dynamic behavior of lightweight concrete bridges
ACI Structural Journal, 97(4), 602–618.

2000 journal article
Improved analytical model for shear strength of circular reinforced concrete columns in seismic regions
ACI Structural Journal, 97(3), 388–396.

1999 journal article
Shear and flexural behavior of lightweight concrete bridge columns in seismic regions
ACI Structural Journal, 96(1), 136–148.

1999 report
Tentative Guidelines for Performance-Based Seismic Engineering
In SEAOC Bluebook: Recommended Lateral Force Requirements and Commentary (pp. 361–440).
1998 journal article
Aspects of drift and ductility capacity of rectangular cantilever structural walls
Bulletin of the New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, 31(2), 73–85.
1998 report
Direct displacement-Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Building Frames
(Structural Systems Research Project SSRP No. 98 08). , La Jolla, CA: University of California San Diego.
1997 report
Shake Table Testing of Lightweight Concrete Bridges
(Structural Systems Research Project SSRP No. 97/10). La Jolla, CA: University of California San Diego,
1996 report
Flexural Behavior of Lightweight Concrete Columns Under Seismic Conditions
(Structural Systems Research Project SSRP No. 96/08; pp. – 96 08). La Jolla, CA: University of California San Diego.
1996 conference paper
Shear, Flexural, and Dynamic Behavior of Lightweight Concrete Bridge Systems
Proceedings: International Symposium on Lightweight Concrete Bridges. Presented at the International Symposium on Lightweight Concrete Bridges, Sacramento, CA.
1995 journal article

1995 report
Shear Behavior of Lightweight Concrete Columns Under Seismic Conditions
(Structural Systems Research Project SSRP No. 95/10). La Jolla, CA: University of California San Diego.
1994 report
Displacement-Based Design: A Methodology for Seismic Design Applied to Single Degree of Freedom Reinforced Concrete Structures
(Structural Systems Research Project SSRP No. 94/16). La Jolla, CA: University of California San Diego.