Works (121)
2024 conference paper
A socioecological approach to motivational trajectories for physical activity
International Society for Physical Activity and Health Conference. Presented at the International Society for Physical Activity and Health Conference, Paris, France.
Event: International Society for Physical Activity and Health Conference at Paris, France
2024 journal article
Adult Sports Participation and Physical Activity: How About Curling?
Journal of Healthy Eating and Active Living, 4(2), 107–117.
2024 journal article
Patient capital and no net loss: Applying institutional theory to understand publicly‐owned mitigation banking in an urban context at a United States port
Public Administration, 7.

2024 journal article
The relationship between the environment and physical activity-related motivational trajectories
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 75, 102719.
2023 journal article
Community building in virtual participation charity sport events
Journal of Marketing Management, 39(17-18), 1738–1764.

2023 report
Curling in America: A profile of participants and opportunities for continued growth
USA Curling.
2023 conference paper
Mapping playspace equity in 3 localized communities in Colorado
Active Living Conference. Presented at the Active Living Conference, Bethesda, MD.
Event: Active Living Conference at Bethesda, MD
2023 journal article
Parental decisions on return to youth sport during a global pandemic: Examining parental decisions by race, gender, and socio-economic status
Journal of Sport Behavior, 46(1), 1–17.
2023 journal article
Paying for <scp>nature‐based</scp> solutions: A review of funding and financing mechanisms for ecosystem services and their impacts on social equity
Paying for nature‐based solutions: A review of funding and financing mechanisms for ecosystem services and their impacts on social equity. Sustainable Development.

2023 conference paper
Significant others sacrificing for sport: Examining the experiences of sport employees and their partners
North American Society of Sport Management Conference. Presented at the North American Society of Sport Management Conference, Montreal, CA.
Event: North American Society of Sport Management Conference at Montreal, CA
2023 journal article
The Role of Organizational Values for Sustainable Development: The Case of Forest Green Rovers and the Promotion of Plant-based Diets
Marketing ZFP, 45(2), 49–66.
2023 report
The state of playspace equity in three Colorado communities
2023 conference paper
Water-Based historical trauma as a barrier to sport for black Americans: A conceptual framework
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, New Orleans, LA.
Event: North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at New Orleans, LA
2022 chapter
12 • BODIES OF WATER Intra-actions among Water, Sport, and the Body Politic
In Sport, Physical Culture, and the Moving Body (pp. 267–282).
2022 conference paper
Alternative sports as tools for sustainable development: Understanding alternative sports participation and pro-environmental behavior
North American Society of Sport Management Conference. Presented at the North American Society of Sport Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Event: North American Society of Sport Management Conference at Atlanta, GA
2022 journal article
Evaluating Water Delinquency Fees and Financial Assistance Programs Through an Equity Lens
JOURNAL AWWA, 114(8), 26–35.

2022 conference paper
Parental decisions on return to youth sport during a global pandemic: Examining parental comfort by race, gender, and income
North American Society of Sport Management Conference. Presented at the North American Society of Sport Management Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Event: North American Society of Sport Management Conference at Atlanta, GA
2022 report
Review of studies and data on playspace equity for children
Colorado Health Foundation.
2022 chapter
Stadia and Community Stewardship: Community Benefits and Public Finance for New York's Yankee Stadium
In Sport Stadiums and Environmental Justice (pp. 129–142).
2022 conference paper
The Alternative Sports experience: Understanding alternative sports participation, pro-social behavior and mental health
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference. Presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Event: North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference at Montreal, Canada
2022 journal article
The Contribution of Sport in the Rehabilitation Process of Disabled Military Veterans: A Case Study of the 2016 Invictus Games
Journal of Global Sport Management, 9(1), 62–85.

2022 chapter
The role of sport in ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
In B. McCullough, T. Kellison, & E. N. Melton (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Sport and Sustainable Development. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Ed(s): B. McCullough, T. Kellison & E. Melton
2021 journal article
Parental perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 and returning to play based on level of sport
Sport in Society, 25(7), 1273–1290.

2021 journal article
Teamwork makes the <i>net-work</i>: participant-governed networks and athletics sustainability collaboration
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 23(5), 1090–1106.

2021 chapter
The environment and the active body
In R. Pitter, J. I. Newman, & D. Andrews (Eds.), Sociocultural Issues in Sport and Physical Activity. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Ed(s): R. Pitter, J. Newman & D. Andrews
2021 journal article
The holistic wellness of the female student-athlete at a division I power 5 institution
Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 14(1), 501–523.
2021 journal article
“Please Let It Stop”: Fear, Anxiety, and Uncertainty on the Neoliberal Tenure Track
Qualitative Inquiry, 27(8-9), 1040–1047.

2020 journal article
Cancer family caregivers’ quality of life and the meaning of leisure
Health Care for Women International, 42(7-9), 1144–1164.

2020 conference paper
GST-integrated PD to promote interdisciplinary approaches to STEM education
International conference of National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Interactive poster presented at the International conference of National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Portland, OR.
Event: International conference of National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) at Portland, OR
2020 chapter
Political Ecologies and Environmental Considerations in Stadium Development
In Research in the Sociology of Sport: Vol. 13. Sport and the Environment (pp. 123–136).
2019 journal article
A Descriptive Analysis of Corporate Environmental Responsibility in Major League Professional Sport

2019 journal article
Air Pollution at College Football Games: Developing a Methodology for Measuring Air Pollutant Exposure in a Sport Event Microenvironment
Event Management, 23(3), 399–412.
Contributors: , J. Casper* , H. Frey & M. Barrett *

2019 journal article
Assessing the visual Q method online research tool: A usability, reliability, and methods agreement analysis
Methodological Innovations, 12(1), 205979911983219.
2019 conference paper
Athletic department involvement in strategic sustainability management
Annual Conference on College Sport. Presented at the Annual Conference on College Sport, Columbia, South Carolina.
Event: Annual Conference on College Sport at Columbia, South Carolina
2019 conference paper
I have been prescribed Xanax: An autoethnography of a sport scholar battling ambition and anxiety
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference. Presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, Virginia Beach, VA.
Event: North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference at Virginia Beach, VA
2019 chapter
Leveraging sport for educating the populace about the environment
In R. Millington & S. Darnell (Eds.), Sport, Development, and Environmental Sustainability (pp. 51–63). New York: Routledge.
Ed(s): R. Millington & S. Darnell
2019 conference paper
May/June). An organizational network analysis of sustainability partnerships
North American Society for Sport Management Conference. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Event: North American Society for Sport Management Conference at New Orleans, LA
2019 conference paper
Perceptions of zero-waste among college football fans
North American Society for Sport Management Conference. Presented at the North American Society for Sport Management Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Event: North American Society for Sport Management Conference at New Orleans, LA
2019 journal article
Recreational walking decisions in urban away-from-home environments: The relevance of air quality, noise, traffic, and the natural environment
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 65, 363–375.
Contributors: , J. Casper n , J. Hipp n & J. Koenigstorfer * n

2019 journal article
Rural tourism microentrepreneurs’ self-representation through photography: a counter-hegemonic approach
Rural Society, 28(1), 29–51.
Contributors: S. Nazariadli n, D. Morais n , n , P. Baran n & S. Supak n

2019 journal article
The Object-Oriented Politics of Stadium Sustainability: A Case Study of SC Freiburg
Sustainability, 11(23), 6712.

2019 journal article
‘A Nut We Have Officially yet to Crack’: Forcing the Attention of Athletic Departments Toward Sustainability Through Shared Governance
Sustainability, 11(19), 5198.

2018 conference paper
Collective Environmental Action Within the Professional Sport Industry
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Halifax, Canada.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Halifax, Canada
2018 journal article
TOURISM ANALYSIS, 23(2), 275–282.
Contributors: B. Ferreira n, D. Morais n , J. Pollack* & A. Bunds n

2018 conference paper
Developing a rural youth sport program: A case study of a grassroots baseball league
Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Malmo, Sweden.
Event: Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management at Malmo, Sweden
2018 journal article
Examining the Environmental Characteristics of Shared Leadership in a Sport-for-Development Organization
2018 conference paper
Increasing underrepresented high school students’ STEM career awareness and interest: An informal geospatial science program
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Event: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting at Washington, D.C
2018 journal article
Leveraging community sport organizations to promote community capacity: Strategic outcomes, challenges, and theoretical considerations
2018 journal article
Organized youth sports and commuting behavior: The environmental impact of decentralized community sport facilities
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 65, 387–395.

2018 conference paper
Political ecology of a carbon neutral Bundesliga stadium
Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2018 journal article
Sport, Physical Culture, and the Environment: An Introduction
Sociology of Sport Journal, 35(1), 1–7.

2018 conference paper
The impact of sport and physical activity as a rehabilitation tool for Invictus Games competitors
7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress. Presented at the 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, London, United Kingdom.
Event: 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress at London, United Kingdom
2017 journal article
A structural perspective of cross-sector partnerships involving youth sport nonprofit organizations
European Sport Management Quarterly, 18(2), 133–155.
2017 conference paper
An examination of a principal-agent funding relationship involving a SFD organization
Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Bern, Switzerland.
Event: Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management at Bern, Switzerland
2017 conference paper
Challenges to facilitating distributed leadership (DL) in community sport organizations
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Denver, CO.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Denver, CO
2017 journal article
Collaborative Advantages: The Role of Interorganizational Partnerships for Youth Sport Nonprofit Organizations
2017 conference paper
Deciphering emic perceptions of rural realities among tourism microentrepreneurs
Annual Southeastern Recreation Research Conference. Presented at the Annual Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Asheville, NC.
Event: Annual Southeastern Recreation Research Conference at Asheville, NC
2017 conference paper
February) Organized Leisure Activities and Children’s Commuting Behaviour: The Impact of Decentralized Community Sport Facilities
Annual Active Living Research Conference. Presented at the Annual Active Living Research Conference, Clearwater beach, FL.
Event: Annual Active Living Research Conference at Clearwater beach, FL
2017 journal article
Framing democracy: stadium financing and civic paternalism in Test Market, USA
SPORT IN SOCIETY, 20(11), 1548–1564.

2017 conference paper
Go green or get the green: Analyzing the relationship between environmental CSR determinants and outcomes in the professional sport industry
Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Bern, Switzerland.
Event: Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management at Bern, Switzerland
2017 conference paper
Leveraging sport for educating the populace about the environment
University of Toronto Sport and Sustainable Development Symposium. Presented at the University of Toronto Sport and Sustainable Development Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Event: University of Toronto Sport and Sustainable Development Symposium at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2017 conference paper
Measuring transportation and the environmental impact of youth sport programs: A case study
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Denver, CO.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Denver, CO
2017 journal article
Navigating the Corporate University: Reflections on the Politics of Research in Neoliberal Times
2017 journal article
Public parks usage near hydraulic fracturing operations

2017 monograph
Sport, Politics and the Charity Industry
2017 chapter book
Tailgating and air quality
2017 conference paper
The role of politics in sport and the environment
Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at Windsor, Ontario, Canada
2017 conference paper
Toward the operationalization of Tourism e-Microentrepreneurial Self-Efficacy
Proceedings from the 48th Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference. Presented at the 48th Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada.
Event: 48th Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference at Québec City, Québec, Canada
2017 chapter
Water and sports facilities
In Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment (pp. 351–361).
2016 conference paper
A Mixed Methods Study to Develop and Validate the Tourism e-Microentrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Scale
Annual Southeastern Recreation Research Conference. Presented at the Annual Southeastern Recreation Research Conference, Asheville, NC.
Event: Annual Southeastern Recreation Research Conference at Asheville, NC
2016 journal article
An inductive investigation of participants' attachment to charity sports events: the case of team water charity

2016 journal article
An integrative review of sport-based youth development literature
Sport in Society, 20(1), 161–179.
2016 journal article
Are you satisfied when you feel happy and sad concurrently? The role of dialectical thinking
Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 8(2), 33–48.
2016 journal article
Boston Strong Sport, terror/ism, and the spectacle pedagogy of citizenship
Endurance Running: a Socio-Cultural Examination, 51, 111–126.
2016 magazine article
Fracking on parkland in Appalachia: Study looks at the impact of hydraulic fracturing on public park usage
Casper, J., Kellison, T., Bunds, K. S., & Newman, J. (2016, April). Parks & Recreation, 44–45.
2016 conference paper
Healthy air & healthy sport
Healthy air & healthy sport. Annual Green Sport Alliance Summit. Presented at the Annual Green Sport Alliance Summit, Houston, Texas.
Event: Annual Green Sport Alliance Summit at Houston, Texas
2016 conference paper
Major event air pollution monitoring
Annual NC Breathe Conference. Presented at the Annual NC Breathe Conference, Charlotte, NC.
Event: Annual NC Breathe Conference at Charlotte, NC
2016 conference paper
Mentoring Tourism e-Microentrepreneurship: the Self-Efficacy Scale for rural development change agents
Annual Northeastern Recreation Research Conference. Presented at the Annual Northeastern Recreation Research Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Event: Annual Northeastern Recreation Research Conference at Baltimore, MD
2016 journal article
On the messiness of activism from the inside: Global water charities, organizational ethnography, and the politics of change

2016 report
Organized youth sports and commuting behavior: The environmental impact of decentralized community sports facilities
YMCA of the Triangle Association.
2016 journal article
Running for water: A brief history and reflection
Water Resources: Impact, 18(1), 25–28.
2016 conference paper
Same game, greater capital: Club cricket for South Asian immigrants in North America
Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Tampa, FL.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at Tampa, FL
2016 journal article
Special Issue Foreword: On the Political Economy of Amateur Athletics
Journal of Amateur Sport, 2(1), 1–11.
2016 journal article
Sport Management Internship Quality and the Development of Political Skill: A Conceptual Model
Journal of Applied Sport Management, 8(3).
2016 journal article
The salience of sport in cross-race friendship selection
Journal of Amateur Sport, 2(1), 73.
2016 conference paper
The salience of sport in cross-race friendship selection
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Orlando, FL.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Orlando, FL
2016 conference paper
Toward anti-foundationalist sport studies: Qualitative inquiry and the challenge of paradigmatic hysteresis
Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Presented at the Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Event: Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at Champaign-Urbana, IL
2016 journal article
Wrestling to Understand Fan Motivations: Examining the MSSC within the WWE
Journal of Entertainment and Media Studies, 2(1), 110–133.
2015 journal article
Compounding crisis events and the organizational response
International Journal of Sport Management, 16(4), 573–600.
2015 chapter book
Evaluation and Analysis of Environmental Actions

2015 conference paper
February). Sport franchises, civic paternalism, and social division in bankrupt Detroit
Annual conference of the Southern Sport Management Association. Presented at the Annual conference of the Southern Sport Management Association, Baton Rouge, LA.
Event: Annual conference of the Southern Sport Management Association at Baton Rouge, LA
2015 report
Fracking & Parkland: Understanding the impact of hydraulic fracturing on public park usage
Fracking & Parkland: Understanding the impact of hydraulic fracturing on public park usage.
2015 conference paper
Fractured environment(s): A critical examination of hydraulic fracturing and sport
Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Sante Fe, NM.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at Sante Fe, NM
2015 conference paper
Geographic information systems (GIS) techniques for enhanced sport management research
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2015 conference paper
Perceptions of hydraulic fracturing near public parks and recreational facilities: An exploratory investigation
Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management, Dublin, Ireland.
Event: Annual conference of the European Association of Sport Management at Dublin, Ireland
2015 conference paper
Stadial ontologies: Munus as method and (political) ecology
Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Presented at the Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Event: Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at Champaign-Urbana, IL
2015 journal article
The Spectacle of Disposability: Bumfights, Commodity Abjection, and the Politics of Homelessness

2015 journal article
The “Front Porch”: Examining the Increasing Interconnection of University and Athletic Department Funding
ASHE Higher Education Report, 41(5), 1–103.
2015 conference paper
What drives your (my) research in the corporate university? Conversations between a qualitative academician and his mentor
Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Presented at the Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Event: Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at Champaign-Urbana, IL
2014 journal article
Bank Shots: Dude Perfect, Corporatization, and Sporting [Hyper-]Reality
Communication, Culture & Critique, 8(1), 90–107.
2014 conference paper
Compounding crisis events and the organizational response
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Pittsburgh, PA.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Pittsburgh, PA
2014 journal article
Navigating the storm: A counterproductive work behavior and leadership case study in a Division I FBS School
Sport Management Review, 17(2), 219–237.
2014 journal article
Rediscovering the Positive Psychology of Sport Participation: Happiness in a Ski Resort Context
Applied Research in Quality of Life, 9(3), 575–590.
2014 journal article
The Biopolitics of Privilege
Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 14(5), 517–525.
2014 conference paper
Water, Sport Charity, and the Social Reproduction of Human (as) Capital
Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Portland, OR.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at Portland, OR
2013 conference paper
On the messiness of activism from the inside: Global water charities, organizational ethnography, and the politics of change
Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
2013 conference paper
Organizational justice in the NFL
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Austin, TX.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Austin, TX
2013 other
Performing “Blackness”: Barack Obama, Sport, and the Mediated Politics of Identity
2013 conference paper
Sweating for water: Disciplining my body for water charity
Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Presented at the Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Event: Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at Champaign-Urbana, IL
2012 journal article
Book review
Sport Management Review, 15(2), 257–258.

2012 chapter
Celebrate Humanity: Cultural Citizenship and the Global Branding of ‘Multiculturalism’
Celebrate Humanity: Cultural Citizenship and the Global Branding of ‘Multiculturalism.’ In The Palgrave Handbook of Olympic Studies (pp. 337–357).
2012 conference paper
Conceptualizing gratitude in sport sponsorship
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Seattle, WA.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Seattle, WA
2012 conference paper
Family, football, and fete: The relational negotiation of a middle-class white male
Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Presented at the Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Champaign-Urbana, IL.
Event: Annual conference of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry at Champaign-Urbana, IL
2012 conference paper
Is there negotiation in sport participation?
Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association. Presented at the Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association, Orlando, FL.
Event: Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association at Orlando, FL
2012 conference paper
Tapping into feelings of gratitude: A new approach in understanding how sponsorship works
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, Seattle, WA.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at Seattle, WA
2012 conference paper
The spectacle of disposability: Bodies, bumfights, and the neoliberal streets
Annual conference of the Union for Democratic Communications. Presented at the Annual conference of the Union for Democratic Communications, Tallahassee, FL.
Event: Annual conference of the Union for Democratic Communications at Tallahassee, FL
2012 conference paper
Water for sport: Charity: Water's (re)production of crisis
Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, New Orleans, LA.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport at New Orleans, LA
2011 conference paper
A Baudrillardian introduction to the highlight culture
Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association. Presented at the Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association, Houston, TX.
Event: Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association at Houston, TX
2011 conference paper
A conceptual framework for university identification
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, London, Ontario, Canada.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at London, Ontario, Canada
2011 conference paper
Social identification and brand equities in global sporting events
Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association. Presented at the Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association, Houston, TX.
Event: Annual conference of the Sport Marketing Association at Houston, TX
2011 conference paper
Sport organization personnel make the place: Political skill, reputation promotion, and improved consumer perceptions of CSR
Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management. Presented at the Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management, London, Ontario, Canada.
Event: Annual conference of the North American Society for Sport Management at London, Ontario, Canada