@article{kretchman_2022, title={Understanding International Mechanical Code Section 510: Research Laboratory Application}, volume={29}, ISSN={["1878-0504"]}, DOI={10.1021/acs.chas.1c00091}, abstractNote={A key engineering control to prevent overexposure to laboratory chemicals is the use of enclosed chemical processes connected to exhaust ventilation. The vast majority of the US states have adopted the International Mechanical Code which provides guidance on the design of mechanical systems, including exhaust ventilation systems. This code contains Chapter 510, which addresses hazardous exhaust systems. This article explains where and how this often misunderstood chapter applies to research laboratory exhaust systems.}, number={2}, journal={ACS CHEMICAL HEALTH & SAFETY}, author={Kretchman, Kenneth W.}, year={2022}, month={Mar}, pages={119–123} }