Works (13)
2024 journal article
An economic analysis of bamboo plantations and feedstock delivered cost in the Southern US for the manufacturing of fiber‐based bioproducts
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 18(5), 1455–1474.

2017 journal article
Approaches to agricultural innovation and their effectiveness
AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2(4), 370–373.

2015 journal article
Technoeconomic analysis of jet fuel production from hydrolysis, decarboxylation, and reforming of camelina oil
Biomass and Bioenergy, 75, 23–34.

2014 journal article
Economic sustainability of cellulosic energy cropping systems
Cellulosic Energy Cropping Systems, 281–297.
2011 report
Forests as an alternative for poultry manure application
In Technical Report.
2011 report
Forests as an alternative for swine manure application
In Technical Report.
2011 report
Using animal manures in forest fertilization
In Technical Report. NC Cooperative Extension.
2010 conference paper
Phosphorus recovery from covered digester effluent with a continuous-flow struvite crystallizer
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 26(1), 153–161.

2008 journal article
Applying Target Costing in the Development of Marketable and Environmentally Friendly Products from Swine Waste
The Engineering Economist, 53(2), 156–170.
2002 journal article
Effect of feed withdrawal prior to slaughter on prevalence of gastric ulcers in pigs
Contributors: J. Eisemann n, W. Morrow n, M. See n, P. Davies n & n
2002 article
Effect of withdrawing feed from swine on meat quality and prevalence of Salmonella colonization at slaughter
Morrow, W. E. M., See, M. T., Eisemann, J. H., Davies, P. R., & Zering, K. (2002, February 15). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Vol. 220, pp. 497–502.
Contributors: W. Morrow n, M. See n, J. Eisemann n, P. Davies n & n

2000 conference paper
Evaluation of alternative swine waste treatment systems in comparison with traditional lagoon system
Animal, agricultural and food processing wastes : proceedings of the eighth international symposium : October 9-11, 2000 : Des Moines, Iowa, 679. St. Joseph, Mich. : American Society of Agricultural Engineers.
1989 book
Basis tables for live hogs in selected North Carolina markets, 1984-1988
In Basis tables for live hogs in selected North Carolina markets, 1984-1988. Raleigh, N.C.: Dept. of Economics and Business, N.C. State University.