@article{aruna_laarman_araman_cubbage_1997, title={An analysis of wood pellets for export: A case study of Sweden as an importer}, volume={47}, number={6}, journal={Forest Products Journal}, author={Aruna, P. B. and Laarman, J. G. and Araman, P. and Cubbage, F. W.}, year={1997}, pages={49–52} } @article{aruna_laarman_araman_coulter_cubbage_1997, title={Used pallets as a source of pellet fuel: current industry status}, volume={47}, number={9}, journal={Forest Products Journal}, author={Aruna, P. B. and Laarman, J. G. and Araman, P. and Coulter, E. and Cubbage, F. W.}, year={1997}, pages={51–56} } @article{laarman_gregersen_1996, title={Pricing policy in nature-based tourism}, volume={17}, ISSN={["0261-5177"]}, DOI={10.1016/0261-5177(96)00016-7}, abstractNote={Visitors to publicly owned national parks, wildlife reserves and other natural areas pay entrance fees and other charges for their access and use. What principles and criteria contribute to an appropriate pricing policy? The answers to this are complex because of multiple pricing objectives, visitor categories, visitor activities, fee instruments and philosophical positions. In this review paper, these issues are examined from the perspective of public agencies that are working to improve their pricing practices. Pricing is a potentially powerful tool to move towards greater efficiency, fairness and environmentally sustainable management. To date, this tool is underutilized.}, number={4}, journal={TOURISM MANAGEMENT}, author={Laarman, JG and Gregersen, HM}, year={1996}, month={Jun}, pages={247–254} } @article{laarman_stewart_dugan_1995, title={THE ECONOMICS OF EXTRACTION IN PHILIPPINE FORESTS - WHEN TIMBER TURNS TO GOLD}, volume={15}, ISSN={["0276-4741"]}, DOI={10.2307/3673878}, abstractNote={The present analysis compares the income from harvesting timber and non-timber forest products in the Philippine uplands. It draws from detailed profiles of forests and communities in three cases: Paranas in a rugged hilly region of the Visayas islands, San Pablo at the base of the Sierra Madre mountains in northern Luzon, and Lianga Bay in a karstic region of eastern Mindanao. Each case represents an area where industrial timber concessions have recently ended and where second-growth forests have potential for community forestry. The matter of income generation is an empirical question varying with local circumstances. However, timber comprises a high proportion of forest assets and income potential in each of the three cases. In view of the private profitability of logging, a central issue is how to grant sensible timber cutting rights within a larger framework of forest protection and regeneration. Management planning addresses this by recommending against harvesting in areas above 1,200 m elevation, on slopes exceeding 50 percent, and in strips 20 m wide on each side of rivers and creeks. R SUME L''conomie de l'extraction dans lesforits des Philippines: lorsque le bois d'oeuvre se transforme en or La presente analyse compare le revenu issu de l'exploitation du bois d'oeuvre et des produits non ligneux dans les hautes terres des Philippines. Elle s'appuie sur les caracteristiques d6taillees de trois cas distincts: Paranas dans la r6gion accident6e des fles Visayas, San Pablo situe au pied des montagnes de la Sierra Madre dans le nord de Luzon, et la Baie de Lianga dans la region karstique de l'est de Mindanao. Chaque cas correspond 't une region marquee par l'abandon r6cent des concessions forestieres industrielles, et ofi les revenues constituent une ressource potentielle pour la foresterie communautaire. Le question de la generation de revenu est une question empirique, qui varie selon les circonstances locales. Neanmoins, dans les trois cas, le bois d'oeuvre repr6sente une forte proportion du capital forestier et une source potentielle de revenu. Du fait de la rentabilit6 l'exploitation forestiere a titre priv6, une question essentielle est de savoir comment octroyer les droits de coupe sur une base juste et equitable, dans le contexte plus large de la protection et de la r6g6n6ration des forets. La planification de la gestion repond a cette question en recommandant l'interdiction de l'abattage dans les zones situees 'a plus de 1,200 metres d'altitude, sur les pentes exc6dant 50 pourcent, et sur une bande de terrain de 20 metres de large de chaque c6te des rivieres et des ruisseaux. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die Wirtschaftlichkeit des Kahlschlages in den philippinischen Wdldern: Wenn Nutzholz zu Gold wird. Die vorliegende Untersuchung betrifft die Hochlande der Philippinen. Sie vergleicht die Einkfinfte aus der Nutzholzgewinnung mit denen aus dem Verkauf von anderen Waldprodukten. Als Quelle dienen drei Fallstudien mit detaillierten Angaben fiber Waldbestinde und Gemeindestruktur: Paranas, ein unzugfingliches, hfigeliges Gebiet der Visayas Inseln; San Pablo am FuBe der Sierra Madre Gebirgskette im n6rdlichen Luzon und die Lianga Bucht in einem Karstgebiet des 6stlichen Mindanao. Jede dieser Gemeinden muB sich mit den Problemen von gerade abgelaufenen industriellen Nutzholzkonzessionen auseinandersetzen, und dabei versuchen, ihr Wirtschaftspotential durch Ertraige aus Sekundirwildern zu verbessern. Das Problem, Einkommen zu erzeugen, wird empirisch untersucht, wobei lokale Umstfinde besonders berficksichtigt werden. In allen drei Fallstudien hat Nutzholz den gr6Bten Anteil am Wert des Waldbestandes und am Einkommenspotential. Das Hauptproblem hinsichtlich privaten Profits aus der Holzwirtschaft ist die Frage nach einer fairen Vergabe der Konzessionen, wobei die Auflagen des Waldschutzes und der Aufforstung berficksichtigt werden mfissen. Management Empfehlungen gehen dahin, die Holzgewinnung in Gebieten oberhalb von 1.200 m, an Hingen, die steiler als 50% sind und auf einem 20 m breiten Landstreifen beiderseits von FluBbetten und Bichen, zu verbieten.}, number={2}, journal={MOUNTAIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT}, author={LAARMAN, JG and STEWART, EJ and DUGAN, PC}, year={1995}, month={May}, pages={153–164} } @book{laarman_gregersen_1994, title={Making nature-based tourism contribute to sustainable development: A policy framework}, number={5}, journal={Making nature-based tourism contribute to sustainable development: a policy framework}, publisher={Madison, WI : EPAT/MUCIA Research & Training, University of Wisconsin-Madison}, author={Laarman, J. and Gregersen, H.}, year={1994}, pages={6} } @book{laarman_1993, title={Evaluating environmental impacts of rural development projects}, number={8}, journal={Evaluating environmental impacts of rural development projects}, publisher={Madison, Wis. : Environmental and Natural Resources Policy and Training Project}, author={Laarman, J. G.}, year={1993}, pages={14} } @article{laarman_prestemon_1989, title={Employment and resource efficiency in forest products industries of Ecuador}, number={40}, journal={Working Paper (Forestry Private Enterprise Initiative)}, publisher={Southeastern Center for Forest Economics Research}, author={Laarman, J. G. and Prestemon, J. P.}, year={1989}, pages={13} } @article{laarman_stewart_prestemon_1989, title={International travel by US conservation groups and professional societies}, volume={28}, DOI={10.1177/004728758902800103}, abstractNote={ The U.S. conservation organizations, together with the U.S. scientific and professional societies most closely allied to natural resources, are termed the “conservation sector.” This sector was surveyed to determine the volumes, destinations, objectives, and decisionmaking criteria for international travel. The resulting profile indicates a small, high-cost, and immature market segment driven mainly by the desire to provide educational and professional experiences. }, number={1}, journal={Journal of Travel Research}, author={Laarman, J. G. and Stewart, T. P. and Prestemon, J. P.}, year={1989}, pages={12} } @article{laarman_perdue_1989, title={SCIENCE TOURISM IN COSTA-RICA}, volume={16}, ISSN={["0160-7383"]}, DOI={10.1016/0160-7383(89)90068-6}, abstractNote={Natural history is an important special interest sector of Costa Rica's small tourism industry. International visitors who travel to Costa Rica for natural history include a substantial number of tropical biologists from the USA. Many are students, researchers, and professors who undertake training and research in Costa Rica under the auspices of the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS). A survey of OTS participants and associates determined a high incidence of return visitation to Costa Rica, mainly for professional reasons. Return visitation appears related to some measure of professional seniority combined with freedom to travel. Individuals in OTS claim to influence many other persons to visit Costa Rica. The results suggest that science tourism, regarded as a subcomponent of nature tourism, merits serious attention in certain small countries like Costa Rica. Le tourisme scientifique au Costa Rica. L'histoire naturelle est un secteur important des vacances à thème pour la petite industrie touristique du Costa Rica. Parmi les visiteurs internationaux qui voyagent au Costa Rica pour l'histoire naturelle sont un nombre considérable de biologistes tropicaux des Etats-Unis. Beaucoup d'entre eux sont des étudiants, des chercheurs et des professeurs qui entreprennent un stage ou des recherches au Costa Rica sous les auspices de l'Organization for Tropical Studies (Organisation pour les Etudes Tropicales) ou OTS. Une enquête parmi les participants et les associés de l'OTS a établi une fréquence élevée de visites postérieures au Costa Rica, principalement pour des raisons professionnelles. Les visites postérieures semblent avoir rapport à une certaine mesure d'ancienneté professionnelle et à la liberté de voyager. Les particuliers dans l'OTS declarent avoir influencé beaucoup d'autres personnes à visiter le Costa Rica. Les résultats suggèrent que le tourisme scientifique, qu'on considère comme un élément du tourisme de la nature, mérite une attention sérieuse dans certains petits pays tels que le Costa Rica.}, number={2}, journal={ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH}, author={LAARMAN, JG and PERDUE, RR}, year={1989}, pages={205–215} } @article{laarman_perdue_1989, title={Tropical science and tourism. The case of OTS in Costa Rica}, volume={10}, DOI={10.1016/0261-5177(89)90032-0}, abstractNote={Expenditure in support of tropical science may have a measurable impact on the tourist sectors of certain small economies. This hypothesis is tested through estimation of spending attributable to the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS), with field stations in Costa Rica. Although containing wide margins of uncertainty, a simple expenditure model suggests that OTS accounts for perhaps 2–3% of Costa Rica's national tourist receipts. Important qualitative dimensions of OTS expenditure are rapid growth, sustainable activity, and relatively small economic leakages. Indirectly, OTS generates additional tourism exports by laying a technical-scientific base for management of Costa Rica's national parks and other wildlands.}, number={1}, journal={Tourism Management}, author={Laarman, J. G. and Perdue, R. R.}, year={1989}, pages={29} } @article{laarman_schreuder_anderson_1988, title={An overview of forest products trade in Latin America and the Caribbean Basin}, ISBN={0295966823}, journal={Forest products trade: market trends and technical developments}, publisher={Seattle: University of Washington Press}, author={Laarman, J. G. and Schreuder, G. F. and Anderson, E. T.}, year={1988}, pages={3} } @article{laarman_stewart_prestemon_1988, title={International travel by US conservation groups and professional societies}, number={37}, journal={Working Paper (Forestry Private Enterprise Initiative)}, publisher={Southeastern Center for Forest Economics}, author={Laarman, J. G. and Stewart, T. P. and Prestemon, J. P.}, year={1988}, pages={18} } @article{laarman_perdue_1988, title={Tropical tourism as economic activity: OTS in Costa Rica}, number={33}, journal={Working Paper (Forestry Private Enterprise Initiative)}, publisher={Southeastern Center for Forest Economics}, author={Laarman, J. G. and Perdue, R. R.}, year={1988}, pages={25} } @article{laarman_perdue_1987, title={A survey of return visits to Costa Rica by OTS participants and associates}, number={29}, journal={Working Paper (Forestry Private Enterprise Initiative)}, publisher={Southeastern Center for Forest Economics}, author={Laarman, J. G. and Perdue, R. R.}, year={1987}, pages={32} }