Works (6)
2018 journal article
Individual Variation in Social Behaviours of Male Lab-reared Prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) is Non-heritable and Weakly Associated with V1aR Density
Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1396.
Contributors: A. Vogel, H. Patisaul* , S. Arambula, F. Tiezzi & *
2018 journal article
Relationship Between Sequence Homology, Genome Architecture, and Meiotic Behavior of the Sex Chromosomes in North American Voles
GENETICS, 210(1), 83–97.
Contributors: B. Dumont n, C. Williams n, B. Ng *, V. Horncastle*, C. Chambers *, n, D. Adams *, T. Mackay n, M. Breen n

2014 journal article
On a matter of seminal importance
BIOESSAYS, 37(2), 142–147.

2012 journal article
BAC-Based Sequencing of Behaviorally-Relevant Genes in the Prairie Vole
PLOS ONE, 7(1).

2009 journal article
The prairie vole: an emerging model organism for understanding the social brain
Trends in Neurosciences, 33(2), 103–109.
2004 journal article
Genes Regulated by Mating, Sperm, or Seminal Proteins in Mated Female Drosophila melanogaster
Current Biology, 14(16), 1509–1514.