I am an agronomist with a master's degree and a Ph.D. in Plant Physiology from the Federal University of Viçosa. I have worked extensively in research related to the ecophysiology of cultivated species, with a main focus on drought tolerance in crops such as eucalyptus, tomato, soybean, cowpea, and coffee. I am currently a research fellow in the Crops and Soils department at North Carolina State University, actively involved in projects related to drought tolerance in cotton, soybean, corn, and tomato crops.
Works (24)
2024 journal article
Dehydration tolerance rather than avoidance explains drought resistance in zoysiagrass

2024 journal article
Differential content of leaf and fruit pigment in tomatoes culminate in a complex metabolic reprogramming without growth impacts
Journal of Plant Physiology.

2024 journal article
Enhanced drought resistance in tomato via reduced auxin sensitivity: delayed dehydration and improved leaf resistance to embolism

2024 article
Gradients in embolism resistance within stems driven by secondary growth in herbs
Haverroth, E. J., Rimer, I. M., Oliveira, L. A., Lima, L. G. A., Cesarino, I., Martins, S. C. V., … Cardoso, A. A. (2024, April 21). PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 4.

2024 journal article
Linking water-use strategies with drought resistance across herbaceous crops

2024 article
Shoot hydraulic impairments induced by root waterlogging: Parallels and contrasts with drought
Haverroth, E. J., Da-Silva, C. J., Taggart, M., Oliveira, L. A., & Cardoso, A. A. (2024, June 12). PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 6.

2023 article
Abscisic acid acts essentially on stomata, not on the xylem, to improve drought resistance in tomato
Haverroth, E. J., Oliveira, L. A., Andrade, M. T., Taggart, M., McAdam, S. A. M., Zsogon, A., … Cardoso, A. A. (2023, August 1). PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 8.
Contributors: E. Haverroth n, n , M. Andrade *, M. Taggart n, S. McAdam *, A. Zsogon *, A. Thompson *, S. Martins *, A. Cardoso n

2023 journal article
Bioaccumulation and physiological traits qualify Pistia stratiotes as a suitable species for phytoremediation and bioindication of iron-contaminated water
Journal of Hazardous Materials.
2023 journal article
Carbon gain is coordinated with enhanced stomatal conductance and hydraulic architecture in coffee plants acclimated to elevated [CO<sub>2</sub>]: The interplay with irradiance supply
Carbon gain is coordinated with enhanced stomatal conductance and hydraulic architecture in coffee plants acclimated to elevated [CO2]: The interplay with irradiance supply. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 204, 108145.

2023 journal article
Developing a Roadmap to Define a Potential Ideotype for Drought Tolerance in Eucalyptus
Forest Science.
2023 journal article
Growth and Leaf Gas Exchange Upregulation by Elevated [CO2] Is Light Dependent in Coffee Plants

2023 journal article
Metabolic, Nutritional and Morphophysiological Behavior of Eucalypt Genotypes Differing in Dieback Resistance in Field When Submitted to PEG-Induced Water Deficit

2023 article
Woody species grown under sun and shade present similar stomatal speed
Freitas, R. S., Oliveira, L. A., McAdam, S. A. M., Lawson, T., DaMatta, F. M., & Cardoso, A. A. (2023, July 24). THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 7.
Contributors: R. Freitas *, * , S. McAdam *, T. Lawson *, F. DaMatta * & A. Cardoso n

2022 journal article
Elevated [CO2] mitigates the impacts of heat stress in eucalyptus seedlings
Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology.
2022 journal article
Elevated carbon assimilation and metabolic reprogramming in tomato high pigment mutants support the increased production of pigments
Plant Cell Reports.

2022 article
Exploring leaf hydraulic traits to predict drought tolerance of Eucalyptus clones
Oliveira, L. A., Cardoso, A. A., Andrade, M. T., Pereira, T. S., Araujo, W. L., Santos, G. A., … Martins, S. C. (2022, May 15). (S. Pfautsch, Ed.). TREE PHYSIOLOGY, Vol. 4.
Contributors: , A. Cardoso n, M. Andrade *, T. Pereira *, W. Araujo *, G. Santos *, F. Damatta *, S. Martins * *
Ed(s): S. Pfautsch

2022 article
Impaired auxin signaling increases vein and stomatal density but reduces hydraulic efficiency and ultimately net photosynthesis
Andrade, M. T., Oliveira, L. A., Pereira, T. S., Cardoso, A. A., Batista-Silva, W., DaMatta, F. M., … Martins, S. C. (2022, March 21). (T. Lawson, Ed.). JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY.
Contributors: M. Andrade *, * , T. Pereira *, A. Cardoso n, W. Batista-Silva *, F. DaMatta *, A. Zsogon *, S. Martins *
Ed(s): T. Lawson

2021 journal article
Elevated [CO2] benefits coffee growth and photosynthetic performance regardless of light availability
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
2021 journal article
Treasured exceptions: Association of morphoanatomical leaf traits with cup quality of Coffea arabica L. cv. “Catuaí”
Treasured exceptions: Association of morphoanatomical leaf traits with cup quality of Coffea arabica L. cv. “Catuaí.” Food Research International.

2020 journal article
Coffee plants respond to drought and elevated [CO2] through changes in stomatal function, plant hydraulic conductance, and aquaporin expression
Environmental and Experimental Botany, 177, 104148.
Contributors: R. Avila *, A. Cardoso *, W. Almeida *, L. Costa *, K. Machado *, M. Barbosa*, R. Souza*, *
2020 journal article
Deficiency of calcium affects anatomical, biometry and nutritional status of cherry tomato
South African Journal of Botany.

2020 journal article
Histochemical approach of the mobilization of reserve compounds in germinating coffee seeds
Coffee Science, 15, 1–14.
2020 journal article
Leaf hydraulic properties are decoupled from leaf area across coffee species
2016 journal article
Protective action of nitric oxide in sesame seeds submitted to water stress
Journal of Seed Science.

Updated: December 20th, 2023 09:26
2023 - present
Updated: March 15th, 2024 10:03
2020 - 2024
2018 - 2020
2013 - 2018