@article{andrade_cardoso_oliveira_pereira_haverroth_souza_damatta_zsogon_martins_2024, title={Enhanced drought resistance in tomato via reduced auxin sensitivity: delayed dehydration and improved leaf resistance to embolism}, volume={176}, ISSN={["1399-3054"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ppl.14408}, DOI={10.1111/ppl.14408}, abstractNote={Abstract Auxins are master regulators of plant development and auxin perception mutants display smaller leaves, lower transpiration, and narrower xylem vessels than their corresponding wild types. Here, we evaluated whether the leaf embolism resistance and overall plant resistance to drought are altered in the auxin perception mutant diageotropica ( dgt ). Our assessments demonstrate that the dgt mutants in tomato exhibit considerably smaller xylem vessels in stems (‐24%), leaf petioles (‐43%), and leaf midribs (‐34%) than the wild type. Alongside narrower vessels, dgt mutants exhibited greater xylem cell wall thickness‐to‐conduit diameter and greater leaf embolism resistance than the wild type. The water potential at 50% cumulative leaf embolism (P 50 ) of dgt and wild type was ‐1.39 and ‐1.14 MPa, respectively. Plants of dgt also exhibited higher stomatal safety margin (water potential difference between stomatal closure and P 50 ), needed a longer time to reach their P 50 in a dry‐down experiment, and showed a faster recovery in leaf gas exchange upon rehydration than the wild type. The impaired auxin signaling resulted in lower canopy area and stomatal conductance, which likely contributed to delaying the time for plants to reach hydraulic damage during drought. These findings demonstrate a clear association between structural and physiological changes and improved resistance against drought‐induced hydraulic dysfunction in the dgt tomato mutant.}, number={3}, journal={PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM}, author={Andrade, Moab T. and Cardoso, Amanda A. and Oliveira, Leonardo A. and Pereira, Talitha S. and Haverroth, Eduardo J. and Souza, Genaina A. and Damatta, Fabio M. and Zsogon, Agustin and Martins, Samuel C. V.}, year={2024}, month={May} } @article{haverroth_rimer_oliveira_lima_cesarino_martins_mcadam_cardoso_2024, title={Gradients in embolism resistance within stems driven by secondary growth in herbs}, ISSN={["1365-3040"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pce.14921}, DOI={10.1111/pce.14921}, abstractNote={Abstract The stems of some herbaceous species can undergo basal secondary growth, leading to a continuum in the degree of woodiness along the stem. Whether the formation of secondary growth in the stem base results in differences in embolism resistance between the base and the upper portions of stems is unknown. We assessed the embolism resistance of leaves and the basal and upper portions of stems simultaneously within the same individuals of two divergent herbaceous species that undergo secondary growth in the mature stem bases. The species were Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) and Senecio minimus (fireweed). Basal stem in mature plants of both species displayed advanced secondary growth and greater resistance to embolism than the upper stem. This also resulted in significant vulnerability segmentation between the basal stem and the leaves in both species. Greater embolism resistance in the woodier stem base was found alongside decreases in the pith‐to‐xylem ratio, increases in the proportion of secondary xylem, and increases in lignin content. We show that there can be considerable variation in embolism resistance across the stem in herbs and that this variation is linked to the degree of secondary growth present. A gradient in embolism resistance across the stem in herbaceous plants could be an adaptation to ensure reproduction or basal resprouting during episodes of drought late in the lifecycle.}, journal={PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT}, author={Haverroth, Eduardo J. and Rimer, Ian M. and Oliveira, Leonardo A. and Lima, Leydson G. A. and Cesarino, Igor and Martins, Samuel C. V. and Mcadam, Scott A. M. and Cardoso, Amanda A.}, year={2024}, month={Apr} } @article{pereira_oliveira_andrade_haverroth_cardoso_martins_2024, title={Linking water-use strategies with drought resistance across herbaceous crops}, volume={176}, ISSN={["1399-3054"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ppl.14114}, DOI={10.1111/ppl.14114}, abstractNote={AbstractWoody plants minimize xylem embolism formation during drought essentially by closing stomata at higher water potentials and/or by increasing the xylem resistance to embolism. Both of these mechanisms result in a higher stomatal safety margin (SSM), which is the water potential difference between stomatal closure and embolism formation. Here, we investigated whether increasing SSM represents a drought resistance mechanism for herbaceous plants and how the different water‐use strategies impact their survival. For that, we exposed four herbaceous crops with contrasting drought resistance to severe water deficit to assess drought‐induced damage and mortality. Unlike woody species, SSM was not associated with plant survival for herbaceous crops. Soybean, which presented the largest SSM across the four crops (1.67 MPa), exhibited the earliest mortality of leaves and whole plants as well as the highest rate of plant mortality (100%) at the end of the drought period. Cowpea, with an SSM of 0.63 MPa, was the most drought‐resistant species, with the latest leaf damage and the highest plant survival (100%). The most effective traits ensuring survival in herbaceous crops under severe drought were those related to drought avoidance mechanisms such as (1) early stomatal closure, (2) very low residual transpiration post‐stomatal closure, and (3) high capacitance pre‐ and post‐turgor loss.}, number={1}, journal={PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM}, author={Pereira, Talitha S. and Oliveira, Leonardo A. and Andrade, Moab T. and Haverroth, Eduardo J. and Cardoso, Amanda A. and Martins, Samuel C. V.}, year={2024}, month={Jan} } @article{haverroth_da-silva_taggart_oliveira_cardoso_2024, title={Shoot hydraulic impairments induced by root waterlogging: Parallels and contrasts with drought}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1532-2548"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1093/plphys/kiae336}, DOI={10.1093/plphys/kiae336}, abstractNote={Soil waterlogging and drought correspond to contrasting water extremes resulting in plant dehydration. Dehydration in response to waterlogging occurs due to impairments to root water transport, but no previous study has addressed whether limitations to water transport occur beyond this organ or whether dehydration alone can explain shoot impairments. Using common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) as a model species, we report that waterlogging also impairs water transport in leaves and stems. During the very first hours of waterlogging, leaves transiently dehydrated to water potentials close to the turgor loss point, possibly driving rapid stomatal closure and partially explaining the decline in leaf hydraulic conductance. The initial decline in leaf hydraulic conductance (occurring within 24 h), however, surpassed the levels predicted to occur based solely on dehydration. Constraints to leaf water transport resulted in a hydraulic disconnection between leaves and stems, furthering leaf dehydration during waterlogging and after soil drainage. As leaves dehydrated later during waterlogging, leaf embolism initiated and extensive embolism levels amplified leaf damage. The hydraulic disconnection between leaves and stems prevented stem water potentials from declining below the threshold for critical embolism levels in response to waterlogging. This allowed plants to survive waterlogging and soil drainage. In summary, leaf and stem dehydration are central in defining plant impairments in response to waterlogging, thus creating similarities between waterlogging and drought. Yet, our findings point to the existence of additional players (likely chemicals) partially controlling the early declines in leaf hydraulic conductance and contributing to leaf damage during waterlogging.}, journal={PLANT PHYSIOLOGY}, author={Haverroth, Eduardo J. and Da-Silva, Cristiane J. and Taggart, Matthew and Oliveira, Leonardo A. and Cardoso, Amanda A.}, year={2024}, month={Jun} } @article{haverroth_oliveira_andrade_taggart_mcadam_zsogon_thompson_martins_cardoso_2023, title={Abscisic acid acts essentially on stomata, not on the xylem, to improve drought resistance in tomato}, volume={8}, ISSN={["1365-3040"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/pce.14676}, DOI={10.1111/pce.14676}, abstractNote={AbstractDrought resistance is essential for plant production under water‐limiting environments. Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a critical role in stomata but its impact on hydraulic function beyond the stomata is far less studied. We selected genotypes differing in their ability to accumulate ABA to investigate its role in drought‐induced dysfunction. All genotypes exhibited similar leaf and stem embolism resistance regardless of differences in ABA levels. Their leaf hydraulic resistance was also similar. Differences were only observed between the two extreme genotypes: sitiens (sit; a strong ABA‐deficient mutant) and sp12 (a transgenic line that constitutively overaccumulates ABA), where the water potential inducing 50% embolism was 0.25 MPa lower in sp12 than in sit. Maximum stomatal and minimum leaf conductances were considerably lower in plants with higher ABA (wild type [WT] and sp12) than in ABA‐deficient mutants. Variations in gas exchange across genotypes were associated with ABA levels and differences in stomatal density and size. The lower water loss in plants with higher ABA meant that lethal water potentials associated with embolism occurred later during drought in sp12 plants, followed by WT, and then by the ABA‐deficient mutants. Therefore, the primary pathway by which ABA enhances drought resistance is via declines in water loss, which delays dehydration and hydraulic dysfunction.}, journal={PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Haverroth, Eduardo J. and Oliveira, Leonardo A. and Andrade, Moab T. and Taggart, Matthew and McAdam, Scott A. M. and Zsogon, Agustin and Thompson, Andrew J. and Martins, Samuel C. V. and Cardoso, Amanda A.}, year={2023}, month={Aug} } @article{oliveira_souza_andrade_oliveira_gouvea_martins_ramalho_cardoso_damatta_2023, title={Carbon gain is coordinated with enhanced stomatal conductance and hydraulic architecture in coffee plants acclimated to elevated [CO2]: The interplay with irradiance supply}, volume={204}, ISSN={["1873-2690"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2023.108145}, DOI={10.1016/j.plaphy.2023.108145}, abstractNote={We recently demonstrated that, under elevated [CO2] (eCa), coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plants grown at high light (HL), but not at low light (LL), display higher stomatal conductance (gs) than at ambient [CO2] (aCa). We then hypothesized that the enhanced gs at eCa/HL, if sustained at the long-term, would lead to adjustments in hydraulic architecture. To test this hypothesis, potted plants of coffee were grown in open-top chambers for 12 months under HL or LL (ca. 9 or 1 mol photons m-2 day-1, respectively); these light treatments were combined with two [CO2] levels (ca. 437 or 705 μmol mol-1, respectively). Under eCa/HL, increased gs was closely accompanied by increases in branch and leaf hydraulic conductances, suggesting a coordinated response between liquid- and vapor-phase water flows throughout the plant. Still under HL, eCa also resulted in increased Huber value (sapwood area-to-total leaf area), sapwood area-to-stem diameter, and root mass-to-total leaf area, thus further improving the water supply to the leaves. Our results demonstrate that Ca is a central player in coffee physiology increasing carbon gain through a close association between stomatal function and an improved hydraulic architecture under HL conditions.}, journal={PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Oliveira, Ueliton S. and Souza, Antonio H. and Andrade, Moab T. and Oliveira, Leonardo A. and Gouvea, Debora G. and Martins, Samuel C. V. and Ramalho, Jose D. C. and Cardoso, Amanda A. and DaMatta, Fabio M.}, year={2023}, month={Nov} } @article{freitas_oliveira_mcadam_lawson_damatta_cardoso_2023, title={Woody species grown under sun and shade present similar stomatal speed}, volume={7}, ISSN={["2197-0025"]}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40626-023-00283-3}, DOI={10.1007/s40626-023-00283-3}, journal={THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PLANT PHYSIOLOGY}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Freitas, Rafael S. and Oliveira, Leonardo A. and McAdam, Scott A. M. and Lawson, Tracy and DaMatta, Fabio M. and Cardoso, Amanda A.}, year={2023}, month={Jul} }