@article{strickland_coles_southern_2013, title={JobTIPS: A Transition to Employment Program for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders}, volume={43}, ISSN={["1573-3432"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10803-013-1800-4}, abstractNote={This study evaluated the effectiveness of an internet accessed training program that included Theory of Mind-based guidance, video models, visual supports, and virtual reality practice sessions in teaching appropriate job interview skills to individuals with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders. In a randomized study, twenty-two youth, ages 16–19, were evaluated during two employment interviews. Half received a training intervention following the initial interview and the half who served as a contrast group did not. Their performance pre and post intervention was assessed by four independent raters using a scale that included evaluation of both Content and Delivery. Results suggest that youth who completed the JobTIPS employment program demonstrated significantly more effective verbal content skills than those who did not.}, number={10}, journal={JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS}, author={Strickland, Dorothy C. and Coles, Claire D. and Southern, Louise B.}, year={2013}, month={Oct}, pages={2472–2483} }