Works (116)
2024 journal article
Leadership for the Future: Enhancing Principal Preparation Through Standards and Innovation
2024 journal article
“Fighting an Uphill Battle”: The Pursuit of Equity Through the Every Student Succeeds Act in North Carolina
Educational Administration Quarterly, 60(5), 624–667.
2023 chapter
School administrators and classroom management
In E. J. Sabornie & D. L. Espelage (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management (3rd ed., pp. 271–287). United Kingdom: Routledge.
Ed(s): E. Sabornie & D. Espelage
2023 journal article
What do excellent school leader preparation programs look like?
PHI DELTA KAPPAN, 105(4), 8–13.

2022 journal article
Equity and Early Implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act in State-Designed Plans During COVID
Educational Policy, 37(7), 1917–1949.

2022 entry reference
2020 journal article
Early Adopters: Private School Leaders Respond to the Introduction of Targeted School Vouchers
International Journal of Educational Reform, 29(2), 123–151.
2020 magazine article
If I Only Knew: Reflections for New Faculty Members
Fusarelli, L. D. (2020, August 5). Inside Higher Ed.
2020 journal article
Out of Pocket? Out of Reach: How Hidden Costs Affect Participation in a Means-Tested School Choice Program
Journal of School Choice, 14(2), 159–189.
2019 magazine article
Accountability requires oversight
Fusarelli, L. D., & Ayscue, J. B. (2019, October 4). Phi Delta Kappan.
2019 chapter
Centralization, decentralization, and the preparation of school leaders: A case study of state policymaking
In A. B. Danzig & W. L. Black (Eds.), Who controls the preparation of education administrators? (pp. 107–134). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): A. Danzig & W. Black
2019 journal article

2018 chapter
Developing and sustaining school-university-community collaborative partnerships to develop school leaders in rural areas
In R. M. Reardon & J. Leonard (Eds.), Innovation and implementation in rural places (pp. 3–28). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): R. Reardon & J. Leonard
2018 other
Instructional Supervision in an Era of High‐Stakes Accountability
2018 journal article
Leadership Development in Rural Schools: An Innovative Training Model
Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal, 9(1), 2842–2847.
2018 journal article
NC State’s Principal Leadership Academies: Context, Challenges, and Promising Practices
Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 14(1), 11–30.

2018 journal article
Planning for the Future: Leadership Development and Succession Planning in Education

2018 journal article
Using Grounded Theory to Examine the Readiness of School Counselors to Serve Gang Members
The Professional Counselor, 8(4), 355–368.
2017 magazine article
Advice to State Leaders on ESSA: Be Bold, Not Bureaucrats
Fusarelli, L. D. (2017, August 4). Education Week.
2017 magazine article
Education technology, personalized learning, and virtual schooling: Opportunities and dangers
Fusarelli, L. D. (2017, August 2). Education Week.
2017 magazine article
Educational silos are hindering school-improvement efforts
Fusarelli, L. D. (2017, July 31). Education Week.
2017 journal article
Online Schooling: A Cautionary Tale
Journal of School Choice, 11(1), 29–41.
2017 conference paper
Preparing school leaders for rural schools: An innovative training model
World Congress on Education Proceedings, 88–90.
2017 magazine article
School reform and social policy: A systemic approach to school improvement
Fusarelli, L. D. (2017, August 1). Education Week.
2017 journal article
Teacher Quality, Distribution, and Equity in ESSA
Journal of School Leadership, 27(5), 652–674.

2017 journal article
The Every Student Succeeds Act, the Decline of the Federal Role in Education Policy, and the Curbing of Executive Authority

2017 journal article
Will Decentralization Affect Educational Inequity? The Every Student Succeeds Act

2016 chapter
A growing trend: The cases of home schooling in North Carolina and Ohio
In B. S. Cooper, F. R. Spielhagen, & C. Ricci (Eds.), Homeschooling in new view (2nd ed., pp. 83–93). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Ed(s): B. Cooper, F. Spielhagen & C. Ricci
2016 magazine article
The promise and perils of virtual schooling
Fusarelli, L., & Saultz, A. (2016, November). Public Schools First NC Newsletter.
2016 journal article
Trends in home schooling in North Carolina and Ohio
Homeschooling in New View, Second Edition, 83–93.
2016 journal article
Waivering as Governance: Federalism During the Obama Administration

2015 journal article
Child Welfare, Education, Inequality, and Social Policy in Comparative Perspective
Peabody Journal of Education, 90(5), 677–690.

2015 journal article
Federal education policy from Reagan to Obama convergence, divergence, and "control"
Handbook of Education Politics and Policy, 2nd Edition, 189–210.
2015 journal article
Handbook of education politics and policy second edition PREFACE
Handbook of Education Politics and Policy, 2nd Edition, VII-.
2015 chapter
Politics of Education
In S. Tozer, B. P. Gallegos, A. M. Henry, M. B. Greiner, & P. G. Price (Eds.), Handbook of Research in the Social Foundations of Education.
Ed(s): S. Tozer,, B. Gallegos, A. Henry, M. Greiner & P. Price
2015 journal article
The Politics of Inequality, Social Policy, and Educational Change
Peabody Journal of Education, 90(5), 597–600.

2014 book
2014 journal article
Implementing the Common Core: How Educators Interpret Curriculum Reform
EDUCATIONAL POLICY, 29(1), 111–139.

2014 chapter
The Politics of District-Level Decision Making
In J. C. Lindle (Ed.), Political Contexts of Educational Leadership (pp. 81–98).
Ed(s): J. Lindle

2012 journal article
School boards: Member roles, relationships, and changes
UCEA Review, 53(3), 9–11.
2012 newspaper article
Superintendent search: What Wake schools need now
Fusarelli, L. D. (2012, September 29). The News & Observer, p. 15.
2012 magazine article
The Edu-Capture of NCLB
Fusarelli, L. D. (2012, November 14). Education Next.
2011 journal article
Distributive Leadership, Civic Engagement, and Deliberative Democracy as Vehicles for School Improvement
Leadership and Policy in Schools, 10(1), 43–62.

2011 journal article
School Reform in a Vacuum: Demographic Change, Social Policy, and the Future of Children
Peabody Journal of Education, 86(3), 215–235.
2011 chapter
Treading water: K-12 educational attainment in the South and North Carolina
In D. P. Gitterman & P. A. Coclanis (Eds.), A way forward: Building a globally competitive South (pp. 54–56). Chapel Hill: Global Research Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Ed(s): D. Gitterman & P. Coclanis
2010 chapter
Dancing with elephants: Forming your dissertation committee
In R. Calabrese & P. Smith (Eds.), The faculty mentor’s wisdom: Conceptualizing, writing, and defending the dissertation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Ed(s): R. Calabrese & P. Smith
2010 chapter
Leading schools in an era of change: Toward a “new” culture of accountability?
In S. D. Horsford (Ed.), New perspectives in educational leadership: Exploring social, political, and community contexts and meaning (pp. 111–125). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Ed(s): S. Horsford
2010 journal article
Preparing transformational leaders for 21st century skills
Academic Exchange Quarterly, 14(3).
2009 chapter book
Improvement or Interference?
2009 journal article
Novice superintendents and the efficacy of professional preparation
AASA Journal of Scholarship and Practice, 5(4), 16–26.
2009 chapter
School superintendents and the law: Cages of their own design?
In J. M. Dunn & M. R. West (Eds.), From schoolhouse to courthouse: The judiciary’s role in American education (pp. 49–70). Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Institute and Brookings Institution Press.
Ed(s): J. Dunn & M. West
2008 journal article
Flying (partially) blind: School leaders' use of research in decision making
PHI DELTA KAPPAN, 89(5), 365–368.

2008 chapter
Flying (partially) blind: School leaders’ use of research in decisionmaking
In F. M. Hess (Ed.), When research matters: How scholarship influences education policy (pp. 177–196). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Ed(s): F. Hess
2008 book
2008 journal article
Innovation, NCLB, and the fear factor - The challenge of leading 21st-century schools in an era of accountability
EDUCATIONAL POLICY, 22(1), 181–203.

2008 journal article
Novice Superintendent Perceptions of Preparation Adequacy and Problems of Practice
Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 3(2), 1–22.
2008 chapter
Politics of Interest: Interest Groups and Advocacy Coalitions in American Education
In B. S. Cooper, L. D. Fusarelli, & J. G. Cibulka (Eds.), Handbook of Education Politics and Policy (pp. 209–230).
2008 chapter
Systemic leadership amidst turbulence: Superintendent-school board relations under pressure
In T. L. Alsbury (Ed.), The future of school board governance: Relevancy and revelation (pp. 115–134). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Ed(s): T. Alsbury
2007 book
Effective communication for school administrators: A necessity in an information age
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
2007 article
Introduction - The politics of privatization
EDUCATIONAL POLICY, Vol. 21, pp. 5–6.

2007 journal article
Restricted choices, limited options - Implementing choice and supplemental educational services in no child left behind
EDUCATIONAL POLICY, 21(1), 132–154.

2007 book
The politics of privatization
In Educational Policy (Vol. 21, pp. 1–307). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
2006 journal article
Teaching educational politics: Advances in the field since 1989
PEA Bulletin, 30(3), 6–8.
2006 chapter
Theory Movement, in Educational Administration
In F. W. English (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration.
Ed(s): F. English
2006 chapter
University Council for Educational Administration
In F. W. English (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration.
Ed(s): F. English
2005 chapter
Future research directions and policy implications for superintendent-school board relations
In G. J. Petersen & L. D. Fusarelli (Eds.), The politics of leadership: Superintendents and school boards in changing times (pp. 181–195). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
2005 journal article
Gubernatorial Reactions to No Child Left Behind: Politics, Pressure, and Education Reform
Peabody Journal of Education, 80(2), 120–136.
2005 journal article
Notes from the Guest Editors: <i>The Superintendent and School Board Relationship: Communication, Conflict, and the Community
Journal of School Public Relations, 26(4), 248–251.
2005 chapter
Reconceptualizing the superintendency: Superintendents as applied social scientists and social activists
In L. G. Bjork & T. J. Kowalski (Eds.), The contemporary superintendent: Preparation, practice, and development (pp. 187–206). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Ed(s): L. Bjork & T. Kowalski
2005 journal article
The Importance of Language Games in School Public Relations
Journal of School Public Relations, 26(4), 281–303.

2005 book
The politics of leadership: Superintendents and school boards in changing times
Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
2004 book
Better policies, better schools: Theories and applications
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
2004 journal article
Educational governance and the new public management
Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal, 9(2), 118–127.
2004 journal article
How do we find and retain superintendents?
The School Administrator, 61(8), 56.
2004 journal article
The new consumerism in educational leadership
Education Week, 23(18), 29.
2004 journal article
The potential impact of the No Child Left Behind Act on equity and diversity in American education

2004 journal article
Will vouchers arrive in Colorado?
Education Next, 4(4), 51–55.
2003 book
Political Dynamics of School Choice: Negotiating Contested Terrain

2003 chapter
Reconnecting preparation and practice through the work lives of assistant principals
In F. C. Lunenberg & C. S. Carr (Eds.), Shaping the future: Policy, partnerships, and emerging perspectives (pp. 291–300). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Education.
Ed(s): . F. C. Lunenberg & C. Carr
2003 journal article
Systemic reform and organizational change
Planning and Changing, 34(3&4), 169–177.
2003 journal article
Who will serve? An analysis of superintendent occupational perceptions, career satisfaction, and mobility
Journal of School Leadership, 13(3), 304–327.
2002 chapter
Changing times, changing relationships: An exploration of current trends influencing the relationship between superintendents and boards of education
In G. Perreault & F. C. Lunenburg (Eds.), The changing world of school administration (pp. 282–293). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Ed(s): . G. Perreault & F. Lunenburg
2002 journal article
Charter schools: Implications for teachers and administrators
Clearing House (Teaneck, N.J.), 76(1), 20–24.
2002 journal article
Is ?Superintendent Preparation? an Oxymoron? Analyzing Changes in Programs, Certification, and Control
Leadership and Policy in Schools, 1(3), 242–255.
2002 journal article
Myth of the revolving-door superintendency
School Administrator, 59(5), 28–31.
2002 chapter
Texas: Charter schools and the struggle for equity
In The charter school landscape (pp. 175–191).
2002 book
The Promises and perils facing today?s school superintendent
Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
2002 journal article
The political economy of gubernatorial elections: Implications for education policy
EDUCATIONAL POLICY, 16(1), 139–160.
2002 journal article
Tightly coupled policy in loosely coupled systems: Institutional capacity and organizational change
Journal of Educational Administration, 40(6), 561–575.
2001 journal article
Administrator preparation programs: reforming again, again, and again
UCEA Review, 61(1), 12–15.
2001 review
Book review: Choosing equality: School choice, the constitution, and civil society by J. Viteritti
[Review of ]. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 5(2), 261–263.
2001 article
Charter schools and the accountability puzzle - Introduction
Fusarelli, L. D., & Crawford, JR. (2001, February). EDUCATION AND URBAN SOCIETY, Vol. 33, pp. 107–112.
2001 chapter
Leadership and job satisfaction in the school superintendency
In T. J. Kowalski & G. Perreault (Eds.), 21st century challenges for school administrators (pp. 260–271). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Ed(s): . T. J. Kowalski & G. Perreault
2001 review
The Case for choice: book review of The politics of school choice by H. Morken and J. R. Formicola; and Choosing equality: school choice, the constitution, and civil society by J. Viteritti
[Review of ]. Educational Researcher (American Educational Research Association : 1972), 30(8), 34–37.
2001 journal article
The political construction of accountability - When rhetoric meets reality
2000 book
Career crisis in the school superintendency? The results of a national survey
Arlington, VA: American Association of School Administrators.
2000 journal article
Charter schools come to New York: implications for teachers
Journal of NYACTE, 16, 13–19.
2000 journal article
Education vouchers for religious schools: legal and social justice perspectives
Religion and Education, 27(1), 34–42.
2000 chapter
Leadership in Latino schools: Challenges for the new millennium
In Marching into a new millennium: Challenges to educational leadership (pp. 228–239). Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
1999 review
Book review: Charter schools: another flawed educational reform? by S. Sarason
[Review of ]. Educational Administration Quarterly, 35, 821–826.
1999 chapter
Delta forces: The changing fabric of American society and education
In J. Murphy & K. Seashore-Louis (Eds.), Handbook of research on educational administration (pp. 183–201). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Ed(s): . J. Murphy & K. Seashore-Louis
1999 chapter
Education is more than numbers: Communitarian leadership of schools for the new millennium
In School leadership: Expanding horizons of the mind and spirit (pp. 97–107). Lancaster, PA: Technomic Publishing Co.
1999 chapter
Establishing collaborative governance and leadership
In J. D. S. P. Reyes & A. P. Scribner (Eds.), Lessons from high-performing Hispanic schools: Creating learning communities (pp. 19–35). New York: Teachers College Press.
Ed(s): J. P. Reyes & A. Scribner
1999 journal article
Improving urban schools VIA leadership: preparing administrators for the new millennium
Journal of School Leadership, 9, 534–551.

1999 journal article
Reinventing urban education in Texas - Charter schools, smaller schools, and the new institutionalism

1999 journal article
The Politics of school choice in Texas: implications for New Jersey
NJASA Perspective, 15(2), 21–25.
1999 journal article
Why the NEA and AFT sought to merge--and failed
School Business Affairs, 65(4), 33–38.
1997 journal article
Innovation by accident: facilitating classroom discussion
Innovation Abstracts, 19(29), 2.
1996 book review
Book review: Religion and American education: Rethinking a national dilemma
[Review of Religion and American education: Rethinking a national dilemma, by W. A. Nord]. The Religion & Education Forum, 1(2), 7.
1996 journal article
Religion and political culture: implications for education research
Politics of Education Bulletin, 23(3-4), 9–11.
1996 journal article
Rethinking the nexus between religion and political culture - Implications for educational policy
1995 chapter
Educational politics: And the game goes on
In J. D. Scribner & D. H. Layton (Eds.), The study of educational politics (pp. 201–212). London: Falmer Press.
Ed(s): . J. D. Scribner & D. Layton
1995 book
Governance structures in effective schools: A review of the literature
Austin, TX: The Effective Border Research and Development Initiative, The University of Texas.
1993 book
Mobility in the public school system
(Monograph, Educational Productivity Council. Publication No. 003). Austin, TX: The University of Texas.
Updated: May 24th, 2017 09:48
2003 - present
1998 - 2003
Updated: May 24th, 2017 09:47
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1984 - 1988
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: May 24th, 2017 10:06