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Works (9)
2024 journal article
Effect of <i>S</i>-metolachlor and flumioxazin herbicides on sweetpotato treated with and without activated charcoal applied through transplant water
2024 journal article
Response of stevia to reduced-risk synthetic and nonsynthetic herbicides applied post-transplant

2023 article
Evaluation of electrical and mechanical Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) management in cucumber, peanut, and sweetpotato
Moore, L. D. D., Jennings, K. M. M., Monks, D. W. W., Boyette, M. D. D., Leon, R. G. G., Jordan, D. L. L., … Chang, P. (2023, January 22). WEED TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 1.

2022 journal article
Effect of simulated synthetic auxin herbicide sprayer contamination in sweetpotato propagation beds
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 36(3), 379–383.

2021 journal article
Evaluating shade cloth to simulate Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) competition in sweetpotato
WEED SCIENCE, 69(4), 478–484.

2021 journal article
Herbicide systems including linuron for Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) control in sweetpotato
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 35(1), 49–56.

2021 journal article
Influence of herbicides on germination and quality of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) seed
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 35(5), 786–789.

2021 journal article
Safety and efficacy of linuron with or without an adjuvant or S-metolachlor for POST control of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in sweetpotato
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 35(3), 471–475.

2021 article
Susceptibility of Palmer amaranth accessions in North Carolina to atrazine, dicamba, S-metolachlor, and 2,4-D
Moore, L. D., Jennings, K. M., Monks, D. W., Jordan, D. L., Boyette, M. D., Leon, R. G., … Cahoon, C. W. (2021, November 24). CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT, Vol. 11.