@article{rangel_drake_butcher_seaton_2024, title={A Synthesis of Research on Principal Internships}, volume={7}, ISSN={0034-6543 1935-1046}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3102/00346543241261984}, DOI={10.3102/00346543241261984}, abstractNote={The internship is a crucial component of principal preparation. This systematic research review aims to build on two prior syntheses of existing research on principal internships. We employed an exhaustive review of five search engines for empirical studies on principal internships in the United States between 2010 and 2023. Our search yielded 92 studies. We extracted key characteristics from each study as well as the main findings. We distributed the findings across the following themes: policy, program redesign, program value, diverse perspectives, coaching and mentoring, internship activities, and internship effects. The literature on internship policy, diverse perspectives, and internship activities is relatively limited. In contrast, there was much more research on program redesign and value, coaching and mentoring, and internship effects. We conclude the review by comparing our findings to two prior research reviews and offering recommendations for future research and practice.}, journal={Review of Educational Research}, publisher={American Educational Research Association (AERA)}, author={Rangel, Virginia Snodgrass and Drake, Timothy A. and Butcher, Keith A. and Seaton, Lacey E.}, year={2024}, month={Jul} } @inproceedings{seaton_hope_vakil_2024, title={Measuring the Impact of Mentoring in School Leader Development}, author={Seaton, L.E. and Hope, S. and Vakil, S.}, year={2024}, month={Nov} } @article{drake_seaton_ivey_2023, title={Isolated or Integrated? Tracing the Principal Mentor–Intern Relationship across an Academic Year}, volume={13}, ISSN={2227-7102}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/educsci13050442}, DOI={10.3390/educsci13050442}, abstractNote={High-quality principal internships are defined, in part, by support from high-quality principal mentors. We traced the development and quality of principal mentor–intern relationships during an academic school year and found that mentors played a significant role in determining the extent to which interns were isolated or integrated into the school leadership team. Specifically, mentors influenced (1) the types of tasks and activities interns were allowed to engage in, (2) the level of autonomy interns were afforded, and (3) the support interns received. Importantly, interns’ own proactivity shaped each of these aspects of their internship experience.}, number={5}, journal={Education Sciences}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Drake, Timothy A. and Seaton, Lacey E. and Ivey, Laura}, year={2023}, month={Apr}, pages={442} } @inproceedings{seaton_smith_2022, title={Educational Leaders Supporting Linguistic Equity}, author={Seaton, L.E. and Smith, C.S.}, year={2022}, month={Jan} } @inproceedings{seaton_ayscue_ainsworth_cadilla_2022, title={School Segregation: A Mixed Methods Examination of Charlottesville City and Albemarle County Schools}, author={Seaton, L.E. and Ayscue, J. and Ainsworth, D. and Cadilla, V.}, year={2022}, month={Nov} } @inbook{fusarelli_seaton_smith_2022, edition={3rd}, title={School administration and classroom management}, booktitle={Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Issues}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Fusarelli, L.D. and Seaton, L.E. and Smith, C.}, editor={Sabornie, E. and Espelage, D.Editors}, year={2022}, pages={271–287} } @inproceedings{drake_seaton_ivey_2022, title={Variation in Levels of Mentorship Throughout the Principal Internship}, author={Drake, T.A. and Seaton, L.E. and Ivey, L.}, year={2022}, month={Apr} } @inproceedings{drake_seaton_ivey_2021, title={Interns’ Reflective Learning During a Full-Time Principal Internship}, author={Drake, T.A. and Seaton, L.E. and Ivey, L.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @inproceedings{drake_seaton_fusarelli_jackson_2021, title={Inwardly Facing Inequitable and Racially Unjust Practices While Outwardly Dealing With the Challenge of the Online Learning Environment Around Implicit Bias and Structural Racism}, author={Drake, T.A. and Seaton, L.E. and Fusarelli, B. and Jackson, M.}, year={2021}, month={Nov} } @article{drake_ivey_seaton_2021, title={Principal Candidates’ Reflective Learning During a Full-Time Internship}, volume={18}, ISSN={1942-7751 1942-7751}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/19427751211062640}, DOI={10.1177/19427751211062640}, abstractNote={ In this case study, we explore how principal candidates made sense of their internship by analyzing their weekly reflections during a school year. We found that candidates’ views of leadership developed from viewing leadership solely through the lens of making decisions and providing direction, to recognizing that much of the work of a school leader came from building relationships and delegating leadership responsibilities. Candidates’ experiences managing student discipline, conducting classroom walkthroughs and teacher evaluations, and leading professional development and professional learning communities (PLCs) were especially developmental. We conclude with implications for preservice training programs and future research. }, number={2}, journal={Journal of Research on Leadership Education}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Drake, Timothy A. and Ivey, Laura and Seaton, Lacey}, year={2021}, month={Dec}, pages={207–227} } @inproceedings{seaton_2021, title={Principals’ Understanding of Equity and Social Justice Practices in Education: A Mixed Study of the Perceived Barriers and Supports Needed to Achieve Equitable Outcomes}, author={Seaton, L.E.}, year={2021}, month={Feb} } @article{egalite_fusarelli_seaton_stallings_2020, title={Early Adopters: Private School Leaders Respond to the Introduction of Targeted School Vouchers}, volume={29}, ISSN={1056-7879}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1056787919886581}, DOI={10.1177/1056787919886581}, abstractNote={The North Carolina Opportunity Scholarship Program awarded private school vouchers to over 7,000 low-income students in 2017-18, yet only 61% of the state’s private schools registered to participate in the Opportunity Scholarship Program and just over half of schools (54%) actually enrolled voucher recipients. Given that the program is anticipated to grow by $10 million per year for 10 years, private school supply will be an important consideration as student participation rises. Using rich focus group and survey data collected from private school leaders between 2014 and 2017, this analysis probes the participation decisions of private school leaders.}, number={2}, journal={International Journal of Educational Reform}, publisher={SAGE Publications}, author={Egalite, Anna J. and Fusarelli, Lance and Seaton, Lacey and Stallings, D. T.}, year={2020}, month={Mar}, pages={123–151} } @inproceedings{drake_seaton_2020, title={The Full-Time Principal Internship: A Mixed-Methods Study of Interns’ Experiences During an Academic Year}, booktitle={University Council for Educational Administration}, publisher={Presentation at the University Council for Educational Administration, Virtual}, author={Drake, T.A. and Seaton, L.E.}, year={2020}, month={Oct} } @inproceedings{egalite_fusarelli_stallings_seaton_2019, title={Early Adopters Versus Cautious Observers: Private School Leaders Respond to the Introduction of Targeted School Vouchers in North Carolina}, booktitle={Annual Conference of the International School Choice and Reform Conference}, author={Egalite, A.J. and Fusarelli, L. and Stallings, D.T. and Seaton, L.E.}, year={2019}, month={Jan} } @misc{seaton_fusarelli_2019, title={Review of the Book Changing the narrative: Socially just leadership education, by K. L. Guthrie & V. S. Chunoo}, journal={Teachers College Record}, publisher={Chunoo]. Teachers College Record}, author={Seaton, L.E. and Fusarelli, B.C.}, year={2019} } @inbook{fusarelli_fusarelli_seaton_vangorder_2019, title={Who’s in charge? A state-level analysis of leadership preparation}, booktitle={Who Controls the Preparation of Education Administrators?}, publisher={Information Age Publishing}, author={Fusarelli, B.C. and Fusarelli, L.D. and Seaton, L.E. and VanGorder, A.}, editor={Danzig, A. and Black, B.Editors}, year={2019}, pages={107–133} } @inproceedings{fusarelli_williams_champion_riddick_swinson_seaton_johnson_bridges_2018, title={School Leadership Development for Rural Schools: Excellent Leaders, Effective Schools, and Enriched Communities}, booktitle={International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement}, author={Fusarelli, B.C. and Williams, C. and Champion, B. and Riddick, F. and Swinson, L. and Seaton, L.E. and Johnson, A. and Bridges, B.}, year={2018}, month={Jan} }