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Enhancing Engagement Modeling in Game-Based Learning Environments with Student-Agent Discourse Analysis. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION. POSTERS AND LATE BREAKING RESULTS, WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS, INDUSTRY AND INNOVATION TRACKS, PRACTITIONERS, DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM AND BLUE SKY, AIED 2023, Vol. 1831, pp. 681–687. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36336-8_105 Gupta, A., Carpenter, D., Min, W., Mott, B., Glazewski, K., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., & Lester, J. (2023). Enhancing Stealth Assessment in Collaborative Game-Based Learning with Multi-task Learning. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION, AIED 2023, Vol. 13916, pp. 304–315. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36272-9_25 Mott, B., Gupta, A., GlazewskiAnne, K., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., Hmelo-Silver, C., Scribner, A., … Lester, J. (2023). Fostering Upper Elementary AI Education: Iteratively Refining a Use-Modify-Create Scaffolding Progression for AI Planning. 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