Works (77)
2024 article
A new semi-fossorial thescelosaurine dinosaur from the Cenomanian-age Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah
Avrahami, H. M., Makovicky, P. J., Tucker, R. T., & Zanno, L. E. (2024, July 9). ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, Vol. 7.
2024 journal article
Skull sinuses precluded extinct crocodile relatives from cetacean-style deep diving as they transitioned from land to sea

2024 article
Tectono-sedimentary history of the upper Cedar Mountain Formation, Central Utah, USA
Tucker, R. T., King, M. R., Mohr, M. T., Renaut, R. K., Crowley, J. L., Fekete, J. W., … Zanno, L. E. (2024, July 1). SEDIMENTOLOGY, Vol. 7.

2023 journal article
An early-diverging iguanodontian (Dinosauria: Rhabdodontomorpha) from the Late Cretaceous of North America
PLOS ONE, 18(6).
Ed(s): J. Liu

2023 journal article
Exceptional age constraint on a fossiliferous sedimentary succession preceding the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum
GEOLOGY, 51(10), 962–967.

2023 journal article
Independent Evidence for the Preservation of Endogenous Bone Biochemistry in a Specimen of Tyrannosaurus rex

2023 journal article
Neuroanatomy of the late Cretaceous <i>Thescelosaurus neglectus</i> (Neornithischia: Thescelosauridae) reveals novel ecological specialisations within Dinosauria

2023 journal article
Timing of the Greenhorn transgression and OAE2 in Central Utah using CA-TIMS U-Pb zircon dating

2022 article
A partial tyrannosauroid femur from the mid-Cretaceous Wayan Formation of eastern Idaho, USA
Krumenacker, L. J., Zanno, L. E., & Sues, H.-D. (2022, June 8). JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY, Vol. 6.

2022 journal article
Age, depositional history, and paleoclimatic setting of Early Cretaceous dinosaur assemblages from the Sao Khua Formation (Khorat Group), Thailand

2022 article
Chronic fracture and osteomyelitis in a large-bodied ornithomimosaur with implications for the identification of unusual endosteal bone in the fossil record
Chinzorig, T., Beguesse, K. A., Canoville, A., Phillips, G., & Zanno, L. E. (2022, October 4). ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, Vol. 10.

2022 article
Comment on "The influence of juvenile dinosaurs on community structure and diversity"
Benson, R. B. J., Brown, C. M., Campione, N. E., Cullen, T. M., Evans, D. C., & Zanno, L. E. (2022, January 21). SCIENCE, Vol. 375.

2022 journal article
Dental pathologies in lamniform and carcharhiniform sharks with comments on the classification and homology of double tooth pathologies in vertebrates
PEERJ, 10.

2022 article
Estimating ancient biogeographic patterns with statistical model discrimination
Gates, T. A., Cai, H., Hu, Y., Han, X., Griffith, E., Burgener, L., … Zanno, L. E. (2022, September 23). ANATOMICAL RECORD-ADVANCES IN INTEGRATIVE ANATOMY AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, Vol. 9.

2022 article
Insufficient Evidence for Multiple Species of Tyrannosaurus in the Latest Cretaceous of North America: A Comment on "The Tyrant Lizard King, Queen and Emperor: Multiple Lines of Morphological and Stratigraphic Evidence Support Subtle Evolution and Probable Speciation Within the North American Genus Tyrannosaurus"
Carr, T. D., Napoli, J. G., Brusatte, S. L., Holtz, T. R., Jr., Hone, D. W. E., Williamson, T. E., & Zanno, L. E. (2022, July 25). EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, Vol. 7.

2022 journal article
Large-bodied ornithomimosaurs inhabited Appalachia during the Late Cretaceous of North America
PLOS ONE, 17(10).
Ed(s): L. Claessens

2022 journal article

2022 journal article
Palaeopathological evidence for intraspecific combat in ankylosaurid dinosaurs

2021 journal article
Age constraint for the Moreno Hill Formation (Zuni Basin) by CA-TIMS and LA-ICP-MS detrital zircon geochronology

2021 journal article
An extreme climate gradient-induced ecological regionalization in the Upper Cretaceous Western Interior Basin of North America
Contributors: L. Burgener n, E. Hyland n , E. Griffith n , H. Mitášová n , n & T. Gates n

2021 journal article
Anatomical, morphometric, and stratigraphic analyses of theropod biodiversity in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Dinosaur Park Formation

2021 journal article
Glossifungites gingrasi n. isp., a probable subaqueous insect domicile from the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone, Utah

2021 journal article
Keratan sulfate as a marker for medullary bone in fossil vertebrates
Journal of Anatomy.

2021 journal article
Postcranial osteology of Beipiaosaurus inexpectus (Theropoda: Therizinosauria)
PLOS ONE, 16(9).

2020 journal article
A refined temporal framework for newly discovered fossil assemblages of the upper Cedar Mountain Formation (Mussentuchit Member), Mussentuchit Wash, Central Utah

2020 chapter
Basal Maniraptora
In P. J. Makovicky, M. Carrano, P. Barrett, & D. Weishampel (Eds.), The Dinosauria (3rd Edition). Berkeley: Cambridge University Press.
Ed(s): P. Makovicky, M. Carrano, P. Barrett & D. Weishampel
2020 journal article
Growing up Tyrannosaurus rex : Osteohistology refutes the pygmy “ Nanotyrannus ” and supports ontogenetic niche partitioning in juvenile Tyrannosaurus
Science Advances, 6(1).

2020 journal article
Identifying medullary bone in extinct avemetatarsalians: challenges, implications and perspectives

2020 journal article
Inner ear sensory system changes as extinct crocodylomorphs transitioned from land to water

2020 journal article
Repeated Evolution of Divergent Modes of Herbivory in Non-avian Dinosaurs
CURRENT BIOLOGY, 30(1), 158-+.

2020 journal article
Sampling impacts the assessment of tooth growth and replacement rates in archosaurs: implications for paleontological studies

2020 journal article
Tempo and Pattern of Avian Brain Size Evolution
CURRENT BIOLOGY, 30(11), 2026-+.

2019 journal article
Diminutive fleet-footed tyrannosauroid narrows the 70-million-year gap in the North American fossil record

2019 journal article
Quantifying shape and ecology in avian pedal claws: the relationship between the bony core and keratinous sheath
Ecology and Evolution.

2019 journal article
Systemic distribution of medullary bone in the avian skeleton: ground truthing criteria for the identification of reproductive tissues in extinct Avemetatarsalia
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 19(1).

2019 journal article
Tail Weaponry in Ankylosaurs and Glyptodonts: An Example of a Rare but Strongly Convergent Phenotype
The Anatomical Record, 3.

2018 journal article
A new iguanodontian (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia
PeerJ, 6, e5300.

2018 journal article
A new microvertebrate assemblage from the Mussentuchit Member, Cedar Mountain Formation: insights into the paleobiodiversity and paleobiogeography of early Late Cretaceous ecosystems in western North America
PeerJ, 6, e5883.

2018 journal article
Disparate Growth Strategies within Aetosauria: Novel Histologic Data from the Aetosaur Coahomasuchus chathamensis.
The Anatomical Record Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 302(9), 1504–1515.

2018 journal article
The evolution of tail weaponization in amniotes
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1871), 20172299.
2018 book
Transgressive erosion expressed as a Rhizocorallium -dominated xylic firmground: an example from the Blackhawk Formation, Utah
In PALAIOS (Vol. 33, pp. 29–35).

2018 journal article
Under the armor: X-ray computed tomographic reconstruction of the internal skeleton of Coahomasuchus chathamensis (Archosauria: Aetosauria) from the Upper Triassic of North Carolina, USA, and a phylogenetic analysis of Aetosauria
PeerJ, 6, e4368.

2017 journal article
Anatomy, taphonomy, and phylogenetic implications of a new specimen of Eolambia caroljonesa (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA
PLOS ONE, 12(5), e0176896.
Ed(s): M. Spigelman

2017 journal article
Incremental growth of therizinosaurian dental tissues: implications for dietary transitions in Theropoda
PeerJ, 5, e4129.

2016 journal article
Ankylosaurian dinosaur palaeoenvironmental associations were influenced by extirpation, sea-level fluctuation, and geodispersal
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 449, 289–299.

2016 journal article
Bony cranial ornamentation linked to rapid evolution of gigantic theropod dinosaurs
Nature Communications, 7(1).

2016 journal article
Chemistry supports the identification of gender-specific reproductive tissue in Tyrannosaurus rex
Scientific Reports, 6(1).

2016 journal article
Osteology of Carnufex carolinensis (Archosauria: Psuedosuchia) from the Pekin Formation of North Carolina and Its Implications for Early Crocodylomorph Evolution
PLOS ONE, 11(6), e0157528.
Ed(s): L. Claessens

2016 journal article
Specializations of the mandibular anatomy and dentition of Segnosaurus galbinensis (Theropoda: Therizinosauria)
PeerJ, 4, e1885.

2016 journal article
The furculae of the dromaeosaurid dinosaur Dakotaraptor steini are trionychid turtle entoplastra
PeerJ, 4, e1691.

2015 journal article
Early crocodylomorph increases top tier predator diversity during rise of dinosaurs
Scientific Reports, 5(1).

2015 journal article
The Slothful Claw: Osteology and Taphonomy of Nothronychus mckinleyi and N. graffami (Dinosauria: Theropoda) and Anatomical Considerations for Derived Therizinosaurids
PLOS ONE, 10(6), e0129449.
Ed(s): M. Mihlbachler

2015 journal article
Theropod teeth from the upper Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formation "Sue" Quarry: New morphotypes and faunal comparisons
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 60(1), 131–139.
2014 journal article
Cranial anatomy of Erlikosaurus andrewsi (Dinosauria: Therizinosauria): new insights based on digital reconstruction
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 34(6), 1263–1291.

2013 chapter
Late Cretaceous theropod dinosaurs of southern Utah
In A. Titus & M. A. Loewen (Eds.), At the Top of the Grand Staircase: the Late Cretaceous of southern Utah (pp. 504–525). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Ed(s): A. Titus & M. Loewen
2013 journal article
Neovenatorid theropods are apex predators in the Late Cretaceous of North America
Nature Communications, 4(1).

2013 journal article
No evidence for directional evolution of body mass in herbivorous theropod dinosaurs
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1751), 20122526.

2013 journal article
Theropod teeth from the upper Maastrichtian Hell Creek Formation “Sue” Quarry: new morphotypes and faunal comparisons
Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 60(1), 131–139.

2012 journal article
Mountain building triggered late Cretaceous North American megaherbivore dinosaur radiation
PLoS One, 7(8).
2012 journal article
The Endocranial Anatomy of Therizinosauria and Its Implications for Sensory and Cognitive Function
PLoS ONE, 7(12), e52289.
Ed(s): R. Butler

2011 journal article
A New Troodontid Theropod, Talos sampsoni gen. et sp. nov., from the Upper Cretaceous Western Interior Basin of North America
PLoS ONE, 6(9), e24487.
Ed(s): C. Lalueza-Fox
2011 journal article
New information on the braincase of the North American therizinosaurian (Theropoda, Maniraptora) Falcarius utahensis
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31(2), 387–404.

2011 journal article
On the earliest record of Cretaceous tyrannosauroids in western North America: implications for an Early Cretaceous Laurasian interchange event
Historical Biology, 23(4), 317–325.
2011 book
Theropod diversity and the refinement of avian characteristics
In G. Dyke & G. Kaiser (Eds.), Living Dinosaurs: The Evolutionary History of Modern Birds. (pp. 9–29). Berkeley: University of California Press.
Ed(s): G. Dyke & G. Kaiser
2010 journal article
A taxonomic and phylogenetic re-evaluation of Therizinosauria (Dinosauria: Maniraptora)
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 8(4), 503–543.
2010 journal article
Biogeography of terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates from the late Cretaceous (Campanian) Western Interior of North America
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 291(3-4), 371–387.
2010 chapter
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument: a new and critical window into the world of dinosaurs
In Learning from the land : Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings (Vol. 2, pp. 171–188). Washington, DC: Bureau of Land Management.
Event: Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings at Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah on September 12-14, 2006
2010 journal article
Herbivorous ecomorphology and specialization patterns in theropod dinosaur evolution
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(1), 232–237.
2010 journal article
Osteology of Falcarius utahensis (Dinosauria: Theropoda): characterizing the anatomy of basal therizinosaurs
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 158(1), 196–230.
2010 chapter
Preliminary report on the theropod dinosaur fauna of the late Campanian Kaiparowits Formation, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah
In Learning from the land : Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings (Vol. 2, pp. 204–217). Washington, DC: Bureau of Land Management.
Event: Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument Science Symposium Proceedings at Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah on September 12-14, 2006
2009 journal article
A new North American therizinosaurid and the role of herbivory in “predatory" dinosaur evolution.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1672), 3505–3511.
2007 journal article
Velafrons coahuilensis, a new lambeosaurine hadrosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the late Campanian Cerro del Pueblo Formation, Coahuila, Mexico
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 27(4), 917–930.

2006 journal article
The pectoral girdle and forelimb of the primitive therizinosauroidFalcarius Utahensis(Theropoda, Maniraptora): analyzing evolutionary trends within Therizinosauroidea
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 26(3), 636–650.
2005 journal article
A new Oviraptorosaur (Theropoda, Maniraptora) from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) of Utah
Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 25(4), 897–904.
2005 journal article
A primitive therizinosauroid dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Utah
Nature, 435(7038), 84–87.
2002 chapter
Diminutive Metoposaurid skulls from the Upper Triassic Blue Hills (Adamanian: latest Carnian) of Arizona
In A. B. Heckert & S. G. Lucas (Eds.), Upper Triassic Stratigraphy and Paleontology (pp. 121–125). Albuquerque, New Mexico: New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin.
Ed(s): A. Heckert & S. Lucas
journal article
Fossil eggshell diversity of the Mussentuchit Member, Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah
Ed(s): L. Claessens