Lingfeng He
ceramics, nanocomposites, nuclear materials, radiation damage, corrosion
Dr. Lingfeng He received his B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering from the Central South University in 2003 and a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. He was a postdoctoral researcher and assistant scientist at Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison before joining Idaho National Laboratory (INL) as a staff scientist in 2014. He was a distinguished staff scientist (Level V) and High-Resolution Materials Characterization group lead at INL prior to joining NC State as an Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering in August 2022. Dr. He is interested in materials behavior in radiation, corrosion, stress and ultrahigh temperature extremes. His main research areas include ceramics and composites, nuclear fuels, structural materials, spent nuclear fuels, nuclear waste forms, synthesis/manufacturing, advanced characterization, radiation effects, molten salt corrosion, oxidation, mechanical properties and thermal properties.
Works (172)
2024 journal article
Comparison of microstructural and micro-chemical evolutions in the irradiated fuel kernels of AGR-1 and AGR-2 TRISO fuel particles

2024 journal article
Compositionally complex carbide ceramics: A perspective on irradiation damage
2024 article
Dislocation channel broadening-A new mechanism to improve irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking resistance of additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel
Yang, J., Hawkins, L., Shang, Z., Tsai, B. K., He, L., Lu, Y., … Lou, X. (2024, March 1). ACTA MATERIALIA, Vol. 266.
2024 journal article
Elucidating the Transition of 3D Morphological Evolution of Binary Alloys in Molten Salts with Metal Ion Additives
2024 journal article
Evolution of extended defects in UO<sub>2</sub> during high temperature annealing

2024 article
Selective laser sintering and spark plasma sintering of (Zr,Nb,Ta,Ti,W)C compositionally complex carbide ceramics
Trinh, L., Hua, Z., Bawane, K., He, L., Malakkal, L., Chen, X., … Cui, B. (2024, July 23). JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Vol. 7.
2023 journal article
Evolution of dislocation loops and voids in post-irradiation annealed ThO<sub>2</sub>: A combined <i>in-situ</i> TEM and cluster dynamics investigation

2023 journal article
Intragranular irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) of 316L stainless steel made by laser direct energy deposition additive manufacturing: Delta ferrite-dislocation channel interaction
2023 journal article
STEM/EDS and APT study on the microstructure and microchemistry of neutron irradiated ZIRLOTM
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 573, 154139.
2023 journal article
Temperature-Dependent Morphological Evolution during Corrosion of the Ni-20Cr Alloy in Molten Salt Revealed by Multiscale Imaging

2023 journal article
The effect of secondary phases on microstructure and irradiation damage in an as-built additively manufactured 316 L stainless steel with a hafnium compositional gradient

2023 journal article
Transmission electron microscopy investigation of phase transformation and fuel constituent redistribution in neutron irradiated U-10wt.%Zr fuel

2023 journal article
Void swelling in additively manufactured 316L stainless steel with hafnium composition gradient under self-ion irradiation
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 578, 154351.
2022 journal article
A combined theoretical-experimental investigation of thermal transport in low-dose irradiated thorium dioxide
Acta Materialia, 241, 118379.

2022 journal article
Assessing the interfacial corrosion mechanism of Inconel 617 in chloride molten salt corrosion using multi-modal advanced characterization techniques
Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering, 1.
2022 journal article
Chemical and elemental mapping of spent nuclear fuel sections by soft X-ray spectromicroscopy
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 29(1), 67–79.
2022 journal article
Compositionally graded specimen made by laser additive manufacturing as a high-throughput method to study radiation damages and irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 560, 153493.

2022 journal article
Comprehensive characterization of irradiation induced defects in ceria: Impact of point defects on vibrational and optical properties
Journal of Applied Physics.
2022 journal article
Dislocation loop evolution in Kr‐irradiated ThO2
Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
2022 journal article
Effect of dpa rate on the temperature regime of void swelling in ion-irradiated pure chromium
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 561, 153519.

2022 journal article
Electrochemical noise studies on localized corrosion of Ni and Ni-20Cr in molten ZnCl2
Electrochimica Acta, 431, 141126.
2022 journal article
In situ</i> TEM Observations of Thermally Activated Phenomena in Materials Under Far-From-Equilibrium Conditions
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28(S1), 1844–1846.
2022 journal article
Measurement of grain boundary strength of Inconel X-750 superalloy using in-situ micro-tensile testing techniques in FIB/SEM system
Materials Science and Engineering: A, 849, 143475.
2022 journal article
Microstructural changes of proton irradiated Hastelloy-N and in situ micropillar compression testing of one single grain at different local damage levels
Journal of Nuclear Materials.
2022 journal article
Phase stability, mechanical properties, and ion irradiation effects in face-centered cubic CrFeMnNi compositionally complex solid-solution alloys at high temperatures
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 565, 153733.
2022 journal article
Preparation and strengthening mechanism of prestressed ceramic tile components
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.
2022 journal article
Real-time, On-Microscope Automated Quantification of Features in Microcopy Experiments Using Machine Learning and Edge Computing
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28(S1), 2046–2048.
2022 journal article
Sensitization, desensitization, and carbide evolution of Alloy 800H made by laser powder bed fusion
Additive Manufacturing, 50, 102547.
2022 journal article
Synthesis and characterization of uranium trichloride in alkali-metal chloride media
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 565, 153728.
2022 journal article
Thermal Energy Transport in Oxide Nuclear Fuel
Chemical Reviews.

2022 journal article
Unraveling small-scale defects in irradiated ThO2 using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations
Scripta Materialia.
2022 journal article
Visualizing time-dependent microstructural and chemical evolution during molten salt corrosion of Ni-20Cr model alloy using correlative quasi in situ TEM and in situ synchrotron X-ray nano-tomography
Corrosion Science, 195, 109962.
2021 journal article
Advanced Characterization of Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel for Nuclear Applications
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(S1), 2160–2161.
2021 journal article
An integrated experimental and computational investigation of defect and microstructural effects on thermal transport in thorium dioxide
Acta Materialia, 213, 116934.

2021 journal article
Determining oxidation states of transition metals in molten salt corrosion using electron energy loss spectroscopy
Scripta Materialia, 197, 113790.

2021 journal article
Dislocation Loops in Proton Irradiated Uranium-Nitrogen-Oxygen System
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 557, 153244.
2021 journal article
Early-stage microstructural evolution and phase stability in neutron-irradiated ferritic-martensitic steel T91
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 557, 153207.
2021 journal article
Effects of heat treatment on corrosion fatigue and stress corrosion crack growth of additive-manufactured Alloy 800H in high-temperature water
Corrosion Science, 191, 109739.

2021 journal article
First principle studies of effects of solute segregation on grain boundary strength in Ni-based alloys
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 874, 159795.
2021 journal article
Fuel-cladding chemical interaction of a prototype annular U-10Zr fuel with Fe-12Cr ferritic/martensitic HT-9 cladding
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 544, 152588.
2021 journal article
In situ monitoring of microstructure evolution during thermal processing of uranium-zirconium alloys using laser-generated ultrasound
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 4, 153005.
2021 journal article
Indirect characterization of point defects in proton irradiated ceria
Materialia, 15, 101019.
2021 journal article
Investigating corrosion behavior of Ni and Ni-20Cr in molten ZnCl2
Corrosion Science, 179, 109105.
2021 journal article
Isotopic Analysis of Irradiated Ceramic Fuel for Burnup and Microchemical Assessment Using Atom Probe Tomography.
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(S1), 416–417.
2021 journal article
Machine Learning Based Precision Orientation and Strain Mapping from 4D Diffraction Datasets
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27(S1), 1276–1278.
2021 journal article
Metallic Fast Reactor Separate Effect Studies for Fuel Safety
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 7(4).
2021 journal article
Nanoscale redistribution of alloying elements in high-burnup AXIOM-2 (X2®) and their effects on in-reactor corrosion
Corrosion Science, 190, 109652.
2021 journal article
Phase and defect evolution in uranium-nitrogen-oxygen system under irradiation
Acta Materialia.

2021 journal article
Phase stability and microstructural evolution in neutron-irradiated ferritic-martensitic steel HT9
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 557, 153252.
2021 journal article
Proton irradiation-induced blistering in UO2
MRS Advances, 11.
2021 journal article
Structure of the pellet-cladding interaction layer of a high-burnup Zr-Nb-O nuclear fuel cladding
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 556, 153196.
2021 journal article
TEM Characterization of Dislocation Loops in Proton Irradiated Single Crystal ThO2
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 4, 152998.
2021 journal article
Thermal conductivity of ThO2: Effect of point defect disorder
Journal of Applied Physics.

2021 journal article
Training artificial neural networks for precision orientation and strain mapping using 4D electron diffraction datasets
Ultramicroscopy, 3, 113256.
2021 journal article
Understanding spinodal and binodal phase transformations in U-50Zr
Materialia, 16, 101092.
2020 journal article
A transmission electron microscopy study of EBR-II neutron-irradiated austenitic stainless steel 304 and nickel-base alloy X-750
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 528, 151851.
2020 journal article
Atom Probe Tomography for Burnup and Fission Product Analysis for Nuclear Fuels
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 26(S2), 3086–3088.
2020 journal article
Combining mesoscale thermal transport and x-ray diffraction measurements to characterize early-stage evolution of irradiation-induced defects in ceramics
Acta Materialia, 193, 61–70.
2020 journal article
Degradation mechanism of lead-vanado-iodoapatite in NaCl solution
Corrosion Science, 172, 108720.
2020 journal article
Development of a grain growth model for U3Si2 using experimental data, phase field simulation and molecular dynamics
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 532, 152069.

2020 journal article
Dual Functional Ni<sub>3</sub>S<sub>2</sub>@Ni Core–Shell Nanoparticles Decorating Nanoporous Carbon as Cathode Scaffolds for Lithium–Sulfur Battery with Lean Electrolytes
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 3(5), 4173–4179.

2020 journal article
Effect of proton pre-irradiation on corrosion of Zr-0.5Nb model alloys with different Nb distributions
Corrosion Science, 173, 108790.
2020 journal article
Electron microscopy characterization of fast reactor MOX Joint Oxyde-Gaine (JOG)
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 531, 151964.

2020 journal article
Enhanced Resistance to Irradiation Induced Ferritic Transformation in Nanostructured Austenitic Steels
2020 journal article
Experimental evidence for ‘buckle, ruck and tuck’ in neutron irradiated graphite
Carbon, 159, 119–121.
2020 journal article
Fullerene-like defects in high-temperature neutron-irradiated nuclear graphite
Carbon, 166, 113–122.
2020 journal article
Impact of krypton irradiation on a single crystal tungsten: Multi-modal X-ray imaging study
Scripta Materialia, 188, 296–301.
2020 journal article
In situ microstructural evolution in face-centered and body-centered cubic complex concentrated solid-solution alloys under heavy ion irradiation
Acta Materialia, 198, 85–99.

2020 journal article
Intragranular thermal transport in U–50Zr
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 534, 152145.
2020 journal article
On spinodal-like phase decomposition in U–50Zr alloy

2020 journal article
Revealing 3D Morphological and Chemical Evolution Mechanisms of Metals in Molten Salt by Multimodal Microscopy
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(15), 17321–17333.
2020 article proceedings
TEM and APT Characterization of Neutron Irradiated AXIOM-2(X2)
Presented at the 2020 ANS Virtual Winter Meeting.
2020 journal article
The correlation between microstructure and nanoindentation property of neutron-irradiated austenitic alloy D9
Acta Materialia, 195, 433–445.
2020 journal article
The influence of lattice defects, recombination, and clustering on thermal transport in single crystal thorium dioxide
APL Materials.
2020 journal article
α-U and ω-UZr2 in neutron irradiated U-10Zr annular metallic fuel
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 542, 152536.

2019 journal article
A simple way to make pre-stressed ceramics with high strength
Journal of Materiomics, 5(4), 657–662.
2019 journal article
Characterization of U-Pu-Zr alloys with Pd as a minor additive
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 120.
2019 journal article
Diffusion Behavior between Metallic Fuel Alloys with Pd Addition and Fe
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 525, 111–124.
2019 journal article
Diffusion behaviors between Fe and Pd-containing metallic fuel
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 120(1), 412–413.
2019 journal article
Impact of irradiation induced dislocation loops on thermal conductivity in ceramics
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102(12), 7533–7542.
2019 report
Irradiation Testing Strategy for Commercialization of a Molten Chloride Fast Reactor System
2019 journal article
Microstructural characterization of annealed U-20Pu-10Zr-3.86Pd and U-20Pu-10Zr-3.86Pd-4.3Ln
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 518, 287–297.
2019 journal article
Microstructure and microchemistry study of irradiation-induced precipitates in proton irradiated ZrNb alloys
Acta Materialia.
2019 journal article
Self-healing behavior and strength recovery of ytterbium disilicate ceramic reinforced with silicon carbide nanofillers
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 39(10), 3139–3152.
2019 conference paper
Small Scale Tensile Testing of Grain Boundary Strength of X-750 Alloy
Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors. Presented at the 19th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors, Boston, MA.
2018 journal article
Challenges and Opportunities on Elucidating Irradiated Fuels with Atom Probe Tomography
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 24(S1), 2206–2207.
2018 journal article
Evaluation of U3Si2 Fuel Pellets Sintered in an Argon vs. Vacuum Environment
Ceramic Transactions Series, 10, 21–26.
2018 journal article
Formation of tetragonal gas bubble superlattice in bulk molybdenum under helium ion implantation
Scripta Materialia.
2018 journal article
Formation of tetragonal gas bubble superlattice in bulk molybdenum under helium ion implantation
Scripta Materialia, 149, 26–30.

2018 journal article
Hydrothermal synthesis of silicon oxide clad uranium oxide nanowires
Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
2018 journal article
In-situ TEM study of the ion irradiation behavior of U3Si2 and U3Si5
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 511, 56–63.

2018 journal article
Interdiffusion behavior of U3Si2 with FeCrAl via diffusion couple studies
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 502, 356–369.

2018 journal article
Investigating Pd as a Potential Fuel Additive in a Transmutation Fuel to Control FCCI
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 118, 1379–1380.
2018 journal article
Microstructural characterization of annealed U-12Zr-4Pd and U-12Zr-4Pd-5Ln: Investigating Pd as a metallic fuel additive
Journal of Nuclear Materials.
2018 journal article
Microstructural characterization of as-cast U-20Pu-10Zr-3.86Pd and U-20Pu-10Zr-3.86Pd-4.3Ln
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 508, 310–318.
2018 journal article
Radiation-induced grain subdivision and bubble formation in U3Si2 at LWR temperature
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 498, 169–175.

2018 journal article
STEM-EDS/EELS and APT characterization of ZrN coatings on UMo fuel kernels
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 511, 174–182.

2018 journal article
Thermal stability of helium bubble superlattice in Mo under TEM in-situ heating
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 505, 207–211.

2017 journal article
Bubble evolution in Kr-irradiated UO2 during annealing
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 496, 242–250.
2017 journal article
Effects of neutron irradiation of Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2 in the 121–1085°C temperature range
Journal of Nuclear Materials.
2017 chapter
Interdiffusion Behavior of FeCrAl with U3Si2
In J. Jackson, D. Paraventi, & M. Wright (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems – Water Reactors (pp. 1391–1400).
Ed(s): J. Jackson, D. Paraventi & M. Wright
2017 journal article
Interdiffusion Behavior of U3Si2 and FeCrAl via Diffusion Couple Studies
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 116, 403–406.
2017 chapter book
Irradiation effects in Generation IV nuclear reactor materials

2017 journal article
Microstructure studies of interdiffusion behavior of U3Si2/Zircaloy-4 at 800 and 1000 °C
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 486, 274–282.

2017 journal article
Strength improvement and purification of Yb<sub>2 Si<sub>2 O<sub>7 -SiC nanocomposites by surface oxidation treatment
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 100(7), 3122–3131.
2016 journal article
Corrosion-induced microstructural developments in 316 stainless steel during exposure to molten Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) salt
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 482, 147–155.
Contributors: G. Zheng *, * , D. Carpenter* & K. Sridharan*
2016 journal article
Effect of neutron irradiation on defect evolution in Ti3SiC2 and Ti2AlC
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 468, 194–206.
Contributors: D. Tallman *, * , B. Garcia-Diaz *, E. Hoffman *, G. Kohse*, R. Sindelar *, M. Barsoum *
2016 chapter
Irradiation Effects in Generation IV Nuclear Reactor Materials

2016 journal article
MAX Phases for the Nuclear Industry: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 114, 1242–1243.
2016 journal article
Microstructure Evolution in Ion-Irradiated UO2
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 114, 1130–1131.
2016 journal article
Subsurface imaging of grain microstructure using picosecond ultrasonics
Acta Materialia, 112, 209–215.
Contributors: M. Khafizov *, J. Pakarinen *, * , H. Henderson *, M. Manuel *, A. Nelson *, B. Jaques *, D. Butt *, D. Hurley *
2015 journal article
Annealing-induced lattice recovery in room-temperature xenon irradiated CeO2: X-ray diffraction and electron energy loss spectroscopy experiments
Journal of Materials Research, 30(9), 1555–1562.
Contributors: J. Pakarinen *, * , A. Hassan*, Y. Wang *, M. Gupta *, A. El-Azab *, T. Allen *

2015 journal article
Bubble formation and Kr distribution in Kr-irradiated UO2
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 456, 125–132.
Contributors: , B. Valderrama*, A. Hassan*, J. Yu *, M. Gupta *, J. Pakarinen *, H. Henderson *, J. Gan * *
2015 journal article
High-Temperature corrosion of UNS N10003 in Molten Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) Salt
Corrosion, 71(10), 1257–1266.
Contributors: G. Zheng *, B. Kelleher *, * , G. Cao *, M. Anderson *, T. Allen *, K. Sridharan*
2015 journal article
Inert Gas Measurement of Single Bubble in CeO2
Microsc. Microanal.
2015 journal article
Inert Gas Measurement of Single Bubble in CeO2
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21(S3), 751–752.
2014 journal article
2.6 MeV proton irradiation effects on the surface integrity of depleted UO2
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 319, 100–106.
Contributors: J. Pakarinen *, * , M. Gupta *, J. Gan *, A. Nelson *, A. El-Azab *, T. Allen *
2014 journal article
Corrosion behavior of an alumina forming austenitic steel exposed to supercritical carbon dioxide
Corrosion Science, 82, 67–76.
Contributors: , P. Roman*, B. Leng *, K. Sridharan*, M. Anderson * & T. Allen * *
2014 book
Developing yttria-based ceramics having high liquid metal corrosion resistance
In Ceramic Transactions (Vol. 250, pp. 53–63).
2014 journal article
Effect of Grain Boundaries on Krypton Segregation Behavior in Irradiated Uranium Dioxide
JOM, 66(12), 2562–2568.
Contributors: B. Valderrama*, * , H. Henderson *, J. Pakarinen *, B. Jaques *, J. Gan *, D. Butt *, T. Allen *, M. Manuel *
2014 journal article
In Situ TEM Observation of Dislocation Evolution in Polycrystalline UO2
JOM, 66(12), 2553–2561.
Contributors: , M. Gupta *, M. Kirk*, J. Pakarinen *, J. Gan * & T. Allen * *
2014 journal article
Microstructure changes and thermal conductivity reduction in UO2 following 3.9 MeV He2+ ion irradiation
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 454(1-3), 283–289.
Contributors: J. Pakarinen *, M. Khafizov *, * , C. Wetteland*, J. Gan *, A. Nelson *, D. Hurley *, A. El-Azab *, T. Allen *
2014 journal article
Microstructure evolution in Xe-irradiated UO2 at room temperature
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 330, 55–60.
Contributors: , J. Pakarinen *, M. Kirk*, J. Gan *, A. Nelson *, X. Bai *, A. El-Azab *, T. Allen * *

2014 journal article
Synthesis of BN nanosheet/nanotube-Fe nanocomposites by pulsed wire discharge and high-temperature annealing
Materials Letters, 117, 120–123.
Contributors: , J. Shirahata*, H. Suematsu *, T. Nakayama *, T. Suzuki *, W. Jiang *, K. Niihara* *
2014 journal article
Thermal conductivity in nanocrystalline ceria thin films
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97(2), 562–569.
Contributors: M. Khafizov *, I. Park*, A. Chernatynskiy *, * , J. Lin*, J. Moore *, D. Swank*, T. Lillo *

2013 conference paper
Characterization of Oxide Films on Alloys 600 and 690 Exposed to Supercritical and Subcritical Water
16th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors. Presented at the 16th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors, Asheville, NC.
2013 journal article
Fission Products in Nuclear Fuel: Comparison of Simulated Distribution with Correlative Characterization Techniques
2013 journal article
Fission Products in Nuclear Fuel: Comparison of Simulated Distribution with Correlative Characterization Techniques
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19(S2), 968–969.
2013 journal article
In situ TEM observation of dislocation evolution in Kr-irradiated UO 2 single crystal
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 443(1-3), 71–77.
Contributors: T. Allen *, X. Bai *, J. Gan *, M. Gupta *, * , M. Kirk*, J. Pakarinen *, C. Yablinsky *

2013 journal article
Synthesis and structure-property relationships of a new family of layered carbides in Zr-Al(Si)-C and Hf-Al(Si)-C systems
Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
2013 journal article
Transmission electron microscopy investigation of krypton bubbles in polycrystalline CeO2
Nuclear Technology, 182(2), 164–169.
2011 journal article
Effect of Ti dopant on the mechanical properties and oxidation behavior of Zr 2[Al(Si)] 4C 5 ceramics
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94(6), 1872–1877.
Contributors: , X. Lu*, L. Sun*, H. Xiang * & Y. Zhou * *
2011 journal article
Fabrication and characterization of tricalcium silicate bioceramics with high mechanical properties by spark plasma sintering
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 8(3), 501–510.
Contributors: J. Chang *, L. Chen *, * , W. Jiang *, K. Lin *, L. Wang *, W. Zhai*, H. Zhong*
2011 journal article
Mechanical properties and bioactivity of β-Ca 2SiO 4 ceramics synthesized by spark plasma sintering
Ceramics International, 37(7), 2459–2465.
Contributors: J. Chang *, L. Chen *, Y. Fan *, * , W. Jiang *, K. Lin*, L. Wang *, H. Zhong*
2011 journal article
Mechanical properties of Y2Ti2O7
Scripta Materialia, 64(6), 548–551.
Contributors: Y. Bao *, * , I. Ihara*, T. Komatsu *, T. Nakayama *, K. Niihara*, J. Shirahata*, H. Suematsu *, T. Suzuki *
2010 journal article
A new method to improve the high-temperature mechanical properties of Ti3SiC2 by substituting Ti with Zr, Hf, or Nb
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(6), 1749–1753.
Contributors: Y. Bao *, * , D. Wan *, J. Zhang *, L. Zheng* & Y. Zhou *
2010 journal article
Crystal structure and theoretical elastic property of a new ternary ceramic HfAl4C4
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(4), 1164–1168.
2010 journal article
In situ reaction synthesis and mechanical properties of TaC-TaSi 2 composites
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 7(6), 697–703.
2010 journal article
Mechanical and thermal properties of a Hf2[Al(Si)]4C5 ceramic prepared by in situ reaction/hot-pressing
Scripta Materialia, 62(6), 427–430.
2010 journal article
Mechanisms and kinetics of the hydrothermal oxidation of bulk titanium silicon carbide
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(4), 1148–1155.
Contributors: C. Berthold *, T. Chassé *, * , K. Nickel *, V. Presser *, C. Raisch*, X. Wang *, H. Zhang *, Y. Zhou *

2010 journal article
Microstructure, mechanical, thermal, and oxidation properties of a Zr2[Al(Si)]4C5-SiC composite prepared by in situ reaction/hot-pressing
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 30(11), 2147–2154.
2010 journal article
Oxidation behavior of ternary carbide ceramics in Hf-Al-C system in air
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(10), 3427–3431.
2010 journal article
Reciprocating friction and wear behavior of Zr2[Al(Si)] 4C5 and Zr2[Al(Si)]4C 5-SiC composite against Si3N4 ball
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 93(8), 2369–2376.
2010 journal article
Surface strengthening of Ti3SiC2 through magnetron sputtering of Mo and Zr and subsequent annealing
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 30(10), 2123–2130.
Contributors: H. Guo*, * , A. Li *, J. Zhang * & Y. Zhou *
2009 journal article
High-temperature internal friction, stiffness and strength of Zr-Al(Si)-C ceramics
Scripta Materialia, 61(1), 60–63.
2009 journal article
Highly conductive and strengthened copper matrix composite reinforced by Zr2Al3C4 particulates
Scripta Materialia, 60(11), 976–979.
Contributors: , J. Zhang * & Y. Zhou * *
2009 journal article
Mechanical and thermophysical properties of Zr-Al-Si-C ceramics
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92(2), 445–451.
2009 journal article
Microstructure and mechanical and thermal properties of ternary carbides in Hf-Al-C system
Acta Materialia, 57(9), 2765–2774.
2009 journal article
Tribological properties of a Zr2Al3C4 ceramic at ambient temperature
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92(1), 141–146.
2009 journal article
Ultrahigh-temperature oxidation of Zr2Al3C4 via rapid induction heating
Scripta Materialia, 60(7), 547–550.
2009 journal article
Zirconium aluminum carbides: New precursors for synthesizing ZrO 2-Al2O3 composites
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92(11), 2751–2758.
2008 journal article
Atomic-scale microstructure and elastic properties of quaternary Zr-Al-Si-C ceramics
Acta Materialia, 56(9), 2022–2031.
2008 journal article
Crystal structure and theoretical elastic property of two new ternary ceramics Hf3Al4C6 and Hf2Al4C5
Scripta Materialia, 58(8), 679–682.
2008 journal article
Improving the high-temperature oxidation resistance of Zr2 Al3C4 by silicon pack cementation
Journal of Materials Research, 23(8), 2275–2282.
2008 journal article
In Situ
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91(7), 2258–2263.
2008 journal article
In situ reaction synthesis and mechanical properties of V2AlC
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91(12), 4029–4035.
2008 journal article
Isothermal oxidation of bulk Zr2Al3C4 at 500 to 1000 °C in air
Journal of Materials Research, 23(2), 359–366.
2008 journal article
Microstructure and properties of bulk Ta2AlC ceramic synthesized by an in situ reaction/hot pressing method
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 28(8), 1679–1685.
Contributors: Y. Bao *, * , C. Hu *, M. Li*, J. Wang *, J. Zhang *, Y. Zhou *
2008 journal article
Oxidation of Zr<sub>2</sub>[Al(Si)]<sub>4</sub>C<sub>5</sub> and Zr<sub>3</sub>[Al(Si)]<sub>4</sub>C<sub>6</sub> in air
Journal of Materials Research, 23(12), 3339–3346.
2008 journal article
Synthesis, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Al3BC3
2008 journal article
Synthesis, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Al<sub>3
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91(7), 2343–2348.
2007 journal article
Elastic and thermal properties of Zr2 Al3 C4: Experimental investigations and ab initio calculations
Journal of Applied Physics, 102(4).

2007 journal article
In situ synthesis and properties of Ti 3AlC 2/TiB 2 composites
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90(11), 3615–3620.
Contributors: , C. Li *, M. Li*, J. Zhang * & Y. Zhou * *
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Layered stacking characteristics of ternary zirconium aluminum carbides
Journal of Materials Research, 22(11), 3058–3066.
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Physical and mechanical properties of bulk Ta4AlC3 ceramic prepared by an in situ reaction synthesis/hot-pressing method
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90(8), 2542–2548.
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Synthesis and characterization of bulk Zr2Al3C 4 ceramic
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90(11), 3687–3689.
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Synthesis and oxidation of Zr3Al3C5 powders
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Synthesis and oxidation of Zr<inf>3</inf>Al<inf>3</inf>C<inf>5</inf> powders
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Synthesis, physical, and mechanical properties of bulk Zr 3Al3C5 ceramic
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90(4), 1164–1170.
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Corrosion and Interdiffusion Studies of U3Si2
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Updated: September 16th, 2022 08:50
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