Works (5)
2012 journal article
Distribution of wood polymers within the cell wall of transgenic aspen imaged by Raman microscopy
HOLZFORSCHUNG, 66(6), 717–725.

2012 journal article
Modeling hygroelastic properties of genetically modified Aspen
Wood and Fiber Science, 44(1), 22–35.
2011 journal article
Down-regulation of glycosyltransferase 8D genes in Populus trichocarpa caused reduced mechanical strength and xylan content in wood
TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 31(2), 226–236.
Contributors: Q. Li n, D. Min n, J. Wang n, I. Peszlen n , n, B. Horvath n, Y. Nishimura n, H. Jameel n, H. Chang n, V. Chiang n
2010 journal article
Mechanical properties of genetically engineered young aspen with modified lignin content and/or structure
Wood and Fiber Science, 42(3), 310–317.
2010 journal article
Use of transmittance near-infrared spectroscopy to predict the mechanical properties of 1-and 2-year-old transgenic aspen