@article{horvath_peszlen_gierlinger_peralta_kelley_csoka_2012, title={Distribution of wood polymers within the cell wall of transgenic aspen imaged by Raman microscopy}, volume={66}, ISSN={["1437-434X"]}, DOI={10.1515/hf-2011-0126}, abstractNote={Abstract Little is known about the effect of genetic modification on the chemical composition and structure of wood, which could have a significant effect on reactivity during chemical and enzymatic processing. In this study, information was collected by confocal Raman microscopy (CRM) on the spatial distribution of lignin and polysaccharides in the cell wall of young transgenic aspen with reduced lignin content, increased syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratio, and simultaneously reduced lignin content and increased S/G ratio. CRM revealed that the lignin content of the cell wall and compound middle lamella was reduced by the genetic modification. A higher volume of water was also found in the cell wall of transgenic aspen compared with wild-type aspen, indicating an increase in the hydrophilicity of the cell wall.}, number={6}, journal={HOLZFORSCHUNG}, author={Horvath, Laszlo and Peszlen, Ilona and Gierlinger, Notburga and Peralta, Perry and Kelley, Steve and Csoka, Levente}, year={2012}, month={Aug}, pages={717–725} } @article{horvath_peralta_peszlen_csoka_horvath_jakes_2012, title={Modeling hygroelastic properties of genetically modified Aspen}, volume={44}, number={1}, journal={Wood and Fiber Science}, author={Horvath, L. and Peralta, P. and Peszlen, I. and Csoka, L. and Horvath, B. and Jakes, J.}, year={2012}, pages={22–35} } @article{li_min_wang_peszlen_horvath_horvath_nishimura_jameel_chang_chiang_2011, title={Down-regulation of glycosyltransferase 8D genes in Populus trichocarpa caused reduced mechanical strength and xylan content in wood}, volume={31}, ISSN={["1758-4469"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79953831391&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.1093/treephys/tpr008}, abstractNote={Members of glycosyltransferase protein families GT8, GT43 and GT47 are implicated in the biosynthesis of xylan in the secondary cell walls of Arabidopsis. The Arabidopsis mutant irx8 has a 60% reduction in xylan. However, over-expression of an ortholog of Arabidopsis IRX8, poplar PoGT8D, in Arabidopsis irx8 mutant could not restore xylan synthesis. The functions of tree GT8D genes remain unclear. We identified two GT8 gene homologs, PtrGT8D1 and PtrGT8D2, in Populus trichocarpa. They are the only two GT8D members and are abundantly and specifically expressed in the differentiating xylem of P. trichocarpa. PtrGT8D1 transcript abundance was >7 times that of PtrGT8D2. To elucidate the genetic function of GT8D in P. trichocarpa, the expression of PtrGT8D1 and PtrGT8D2 was simultaneously knocked down through RNAi. Four transgenic lines had 85-94% reduction in transcripts of PtrGT8D1 and PtrGT8D2, resulting in 29-36% reduction in stem wood xylan content. Xylan reduction had essentially no effect on cellulose quantity but caused an 11-25% increase in lignin. These transgenics exhibit a brittle wood phenotype, accompanied by increased vessel diameter and thinner fiber cell walls in stem xylem. Stem modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture were reduced by 17-29% and 16-23%, respectively, and were positively correlated with xylan content but negatively correlated with lignin quantity. These results suggest that PtrGT8Ds play key roles in xylan biosynthesis in wood. Xylan may be a more important factor than lignin affecting the stiffness and fracture strength of wood.}, number={2}, journal={TREE PHYSIOLOGY}, publisher={Oxford University Press (OUP)}, author={Li, Quanzi and Min, Douyong and Wang, Jack Peng-Yu and Peszlen, Ilona and Horvath, Laszlo and Horvath, Balazs and Nishimura, Yufuko and Jameel, Hasan and Chang, Hou-Min and Chiang, Vincent L.}, year={2011}, month={Feb}, pages={226–236} } @article{horvath_peszlen_peralta_kasal_li_2010, title={Mechanical properties of genetically engineered young aspen with modified lignin content and/or structure}, volume={42}, number={3}, journal={Wood and Fiber Science}, author={Horvath, L. and Peszlen, I. and Peralta, P. and Kasal, B. and Li, L. G.}, year={2010}, pages={310–317} } @article{horvath_peszlen_peralta_kelley_2011, title={Use of transmittance near-infrared spectroscopy to predict the mechanical properties of 1-and 2-year-old transgenic aspen}, volume={45}, ISSN={["1432-5225"]}, DOI={10.1007/s00226-010-0330-x}, number={2}, journal={WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, author={Horvath, Laszlo and Peszlen, Ilona and Peralta, Perry and Kelley, Steve}, year={2011}, month={May}, pages={303–314} }