Works (12)
2020 journal article
In-Plane and Interfacial Thermal Conduction of Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
Physical Review Applied, 13(3).
2019 journal article
Analysis of the Substrate Effect on the Zero-Backward Scattering Condition of a Cu2O Nanoparticle under Non-Normal Illumination

2018 journal article
Imaging the scattering field of a single GaN nanowire

2017 journal article
Enhancing Multifunctionalities of Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers via Cation Intercalation
ACS Nano, 11(9), 9390–9396.
2017 journal article
Giant Gating Tunability of Optical Refractive Index in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers
NANO LETTERS, 17(6), 3613–3618.

2017 journal article
Realisation of a humidity sensor based on perfect metamaterial absorber
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49(1).
2016 journal article
Atomically Thin MoS2 Narrowband and Broadband Light Superabsorbers
ACS NANO, 10(8), 7493–7499.
Contributors: G. Li n, A. Gurarslan n, Y. Yu n, R. Kirste n, W. Guo n, J. Zhao n, R. Collazo n n,

2016 conference paper
Humidity sensor based on perfect metamaterial absorber
International conference on numerical simulation of optoelectronic, 37–38.
2015 journal article
Deterministic phase engineering for optical Fano resonances with arbitrary lineshape and frequencies
OPTICS EXPRESS, 23(15), 19154–19165.

2014 journal article
Equally Efficient Interlayer Exciton Relaxation and Improved Absorption in Epitaxial and Nonepitaxial MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures
Equally Efficient Inter layer Exciton Relaxation and Improved Absorption in Epitaxial and Nonepitaxial MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures. NANO LETTERS, 15(1), 486–491.

2014 journal article
Semiconductor Solar Superabsorbers

2013 journal article
General Modal Properties of Optical Resonances in Subwavelength Nonspherical Dielectric Structures
NANO LETTERS, 13(8), 3559–3565.