Lori June Unruh Snyder
Works (9)
2022 journal article
Assessing weediness potential of Brassica carinata (A.) Braun in the southeastern United States

2021 journal article
Bioeconomic Assessment of an Alley Cropping Field Trial in North Carolina, U.S.: Tree Density, Timber Production, and Forage Relationships
Bioeconomic Assessment of an Alley Cropping Field Trial in North Carolina, US: Tree Density, Timber Production, and Forage Relationships. SUSTAINABILITY, 13(20).

2020 article
Program Chair Poster Pick: Late-Breaking Abstract: A Rapid Consumer Survey Capturing the Perceptions of Beef Marketing Before and During COVID-19
Snyder, L. U., & Fisher, M. (2020, November). JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 98, pp. 338–338.

2018 journal article
Expected value of crossbred dairy cattle artificial insemination breeding strategies in virgin heifers and lactating cows

2013 journal article
Effects of Drought on Nutritive Value of Kudzu
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44(22), 3412–3422.
2013 journal article
Effects of feeding corn modified wet distillers grain plus solubles co-ensiled with chopped whole plant corn on heifer growth performance and diet digestibility in beef cattle
JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 91(9), 4366–4373.

2007 journal article
Growth characteristics and allometry of Robinia pseudoacacia as a silvopastoral system component
Agroforestry Systems, 70(1), 41–51.

2007 journal article
Intake, digestibility and nitrogen utilization of Robinia pseudoacacia foliage fed to growing goat wethers
Small Ruminant Research, 71(1-3), 179–193.

2002 journal article
Correcting measurements of pasture forage mass by vacuuming the stubble
Agronomy Journal, 94(4), 860–863.
Updated: February 4th, 2019 15:24
2012 - present