Works (3)
2021 journal article
The diversity and function of sourdough starter microbiomes
ELife, 10.
Contributors: E. Landis *, A. Oliverio *, E. McKenney n , L. Nichols n , N. Kfoury *, M. Biango-Daniels *, n, A. Madden n
2020 journal article
The small home ranges and large local ecological impacts of pet cats
Animal Conservation, 23(5), 516–523.
2014 journal article
Ecologists, educators, and writers collaborate with the public to assess backyard diversity in The School of Ants Project
Contributors: A. Lucky n, A. Savage n, L. Nichols n , C. Castracani *, n, D. Grasso *, A. Mori *, R. Dunn n