Laura Widman Mccrimmon, J., Widman, L., & Brasileiro, J. (2024, June 22). Adolescent Barriers to Sexual Communication with Their Parents: Differences by Sexual and Gender Identity. JOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH, Vol. 6. Galper, E. F., Widman, L., Brasileiro, J., & Noar, S. M. (2024). Adolescents' pornography viewing frequency and its relationship with condom attitudes. SEXUAL HEALTH, 21(3). Maheux, A. J., Laurenceau, J.-P., Roberts, S. R., Nesi, J., Widman, L., & Choukas-Bradley, S. (2024, May 24). Longitudinal Change in Appearance-Related Social Media Consciousness and Depressive Symptoms: A Within-Person Analysis during Early-to-Middle Adolescence. JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE, Vol. 5. Bibby, E. S., Choukas-Bradley, S., Widman, L., Turpyn, C., Prinstein, M. J., & Telzer, E. H. (2023). A longitudinal assessment of adolescents’ sexual communication with parents, best friends, and dating partners. Developmental Psychology, 59(7), 1300–1314. 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(2022). National trends and disparate access to formal and informal sex education among youth involved with the child welfare system in the USA. Sex Education, 10, 1–17. Evans, R., Stokes, M. K. N., Hope, E. C., Widman, L., & Cryer-Coupet, Q. R. (2022). Parental influence on sexual intentions of Black adolescent girls: Examining the role of gendered-racial socialization. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(2), 318–323. Hurst, J. L., Widman, L., Maheux, A. J., Evans-Paulson, R., Brasileiro, J., & Lipsey, N. (2022). Parent–child communication and adolescent sexual decision making: An application of family communication patterns theory. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(3), 449–457. Maheux, A. J., Roberts, S. R., Nesi, J., Widman, L., & Choukas-Bradley, S. (2022). Psychometric properties and factor structure of the Appearance-Related Social Media Consciousness Scale among emerging adults. BODY IMAGE, 43, 63–74. Widman, L., Maheux, A. J., Craig, E., Evans-Paulson, R., & Choukas-Bradley, S. 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