Bo Liu
Works (7)
2013 journal article
Kernel smoothed profile likelihood estimation in the accelerated failure time frailty model for clustered survival data
BIOMETRIKA, 100(3), 741–755.

2012 journal article
A rapid qualitative molecular method for the identification of Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporioides

2011 journal article
First report of anthracnose caused by colletotrichum fragariae on cyclamen in North Carolina
Plant Disease, 95(11), 1480–1481.
2008 journal article
Trichoderma communities in soils from organic, sustainable, and conventional farms, and their relation with Southern blight of tomato
SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 40(5), 1124–1136.

2007 journal article
Effect of organnic, sustainable, and conventional management strategies in grower fields on soil physical, chemical, and biological factors and the incidence of Southern blight
APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY, 37(3), 202–214.
Contributors: C. Tu n, S. Hu n , M. Gumpertz n & J. Ristaino n n,

2007 journal article
Identification of the tobacco blue mold pathogen, Peronospora tabacina, by polymerase chain reaction
PLANT DISEASE, 91(6), 685–691.
Contributors: J. Ristaino n , A. Johnson n, M. Blanco-Meneses n & n

2007 journal article
Long-term effects of organic and synthetic soil fertility amendments on soil microbial communities and the development of southern blight
SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY, 39(9), 2302–2316.
Contributors: M. Gumpertz n, S. Hu n & J. Ristaino n n,