@article{pharr_cooper_evans_moorman_voss_vukomanovic_marra_2023, title={Using citizen science data to investigate annual survival rates of resident birds in relation to noise and light pollution}, volume={7}, ISSN={["1573-1642"]}, url={https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-023-01403-2}, DOI={10.1007/s11252-023-01403-2}, abstractNote={AbstractExponential increases in anthropogenic noise and light pollution have accompanied growth of the built environment. Noise and light cause negative consequences for birds, such as disrupted navigation during migration, mortality from collisions with windows and other infrastructure, and reduced reproductive success, as well as some positive consequences, such as expanded night niches for behaviors associated with feeding, territoriality, and mating. Relatively less is known about noise and light effects on annual survival of non-migratory birds, so we conducted an exploratory study to examine variation in adult survival rates of seven avian species in relation to noise and light pollution. We used 20 years of band-resight data collected as a part of the Neighborhood Nestwatch Program (NN), a citizen science project run by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, at 242 sites in greater Washington, D.C. USA. We estimated apparent survival and documented species-specific relationships with light and noise. Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) and House Wren (Thryothorus aedon) survival decreased and American Robin (Turdus migratorius) survival increased with greater amounts of anthropogenic light. Anthropogenic noise had no relationship with apparent survival for any of the seven species. Life-history trade-offs between survival and reproduction may account for differences in species-specific effects of light pollution. Future research should examine the availability of other fine scale environmental conditions, such as tree canopy cover, that might buffer avian exposure to noise and light pollution.}, journal={URBAN ECOSYSTEMS}, author={Pharr, Lauren D. and Cooper, Caren B. and Evans, Brian and Moorman, Christopher E. and Voss, Margaret A. and Vukomanovic, Jelena and Marra, Peter P.}, year={2023}, month={Jul} } @article{beall_pharr_von furstenberg_barber_casola_vaughn_peterson_larson_2022, title={The influence of YouTube videos on human tolerance of sharks}, volume={26}, ISSN={1367-9430 1469-1795}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acv.12808}, DOI={10.1111/acv.12808}, abstractNote={AbstractSharks are often depicted in the media as violent killers that actively seek out opportunities to harm humans. This framing may impact human tolerance and support of shark conservation, underscoring the need to identify strategies that counteract these negative representations. Social media, given its widespread use, could be an effective platform for shaping public tolerance for sharks and other wildlife species. In this experimental study, we conducted an online pre‐post survey in Spring 2020 to determine how viewing shark‐related YouTube videos impacted tolerance for sharks among residents (n = 335) in the coastal state of North Carolina (NC), USA and neighboring states. The study employed framing theory, which suggests that the ways in which information is presented influence how it is processed and the actions that result from it. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two video treatments where sharks were framed positively or negatively. Each video treatment impacted tolerance for sharks in the direction of their framing: positive framing influenced positive changes in tolerance (70% more positive attitudes toward sharks, a 130% increase in acceptance of sharks and a 46% increase in intended shark conservation behaviors), and negative framing influenced negative changes (25% more negative attitudes toward sharks, a 18% decrease in acceptance of sharks and a 3% decrease in intended shark conservation behaviors). These findings suggest positive messages about sharks on social media promote tolerance of sharks and can be more impactful than negative messages. At least one form of social media, YouTube, appears to be a valuable tool for encouraging tolerance for sharks.}, number={2}, journal={Animal Conservation}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Beall, J. M. and Pharr, L. D. and von Furstenberg, R. and Barber, A. and Casola, W. R. and Vaughn, A. and Peterson, M. N. and Larson, L. R.}, year={2022}, month={Jul}, pages={154–164} }