Works (3)
2024 journal article
Solid state synthesis of BiFeO<sub>3</sub> occurs through the intermediate Bi<sub>25</sub>FeO<sub>39</sub> compound
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 107(6), 3716–3723.
Contributors: C. Wesley n, n, J. Forrester n, E. Dickey* , I. Reaney * & J. Jones n

2023 article
'Impact of oxygen content on phase constitution and ferroelectric behavior of hafnium oxide thin films deposited by reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering' (vol 239, 118220, 2022)
Jaszewski, S. T., Hoglund, E. R., Costine, A., Weber, M. H., Fields, S. S., Sales, M. G., … Ihlefeld, J. F. (2023, January 1). ACTA MATERIALIA, Vol. 244.
2022 journal article
Impact of oxygen content on phase constitution and ferroelectric behavior of hafnium oxide thin films deposited by reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering
Acta Materialia, 239, 118220.