Works (42)
2024 article
Decision Making in the Real World: Unpacking the Black Box of the Decision Process for Youth Violence
Gibbs, C., Cobbina-Dungy, J. E., De Biasi, A., Rivers, L., Light, J., & Momenee, T. (2024, February 23). CRIME & DELINQUENCY.

2023 article
A Community-Engaged Oral History Study as a Tool for Understanding Environmental Justice Aspects of Human Exposures to Hazardous Waste Thermal Treatment Emissions in Colfax, LA
Odera, M., Kelley, B., Rivers III, L., Wilson, A., Tran, J., Patel, K., … Richmond-Bryant, J. (2023, October 18). ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, Vol. 10.

2023 journal article
Environmental justice in disaster recovery: Recognition of the Latinx community by nonprofit leaders

2023 article
Oral histories document community mobilisation to participate in decision-making regarding a hazardous waste thermal treatment facility
Local Environment.

2022 journal article
An antiracist, anticolonial agenda for urban greening and conservation
Conservation Letters, 15(4).

2022 article
COVID-19 and youth violence: views from the frontline
Gibbs, C., De Biasi, A., Cobbina-Dungy, J. E., Speers, M., Costantino, M., & Rivers, L., III. (2022, May 6). JOURNAL OF CRIME & JUSTICE, Vol. 5.

2022 article
Golden Wildebeest Days: Fragmentation and Value in South Africa's Wildlife Economy After Apartheid
Bunn, D., Buscher, B., McHale, M. R., Cadenasso, M. L., Childers, D. L., Pickett, S. T. A., … Swemmer, L. (2022, November 8). JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN AFRICAN STUDIES, Vol. 11.

2021 journal article
Decision-making capacity to address climate-induced food insecurity within women-led groups in Southern Mali

2021 journal article
Natural Gas Gathering and Transmission Pipelines and Social Vulnerability in the United States

2021 journal article
Public Vulnerability to the Police: A Quantitative Inquiry

2020 journal article
Green infrastructure site selection in the Walnut Creek wetland community: A case study from southeast Raleigh, North Carolina

2019 journal article
A Resilience Approach to Community-Scale Climate Adaptation
Contributors: O. Choko *, L. Olabisi *, R. Onyeneke *, S. Chiemela *, L. Liverpool-Tasie * & n

2019 journal article
Examining climate change and food security in Ghana through an intersectional framework
Journal of Peasant Studies.
Contributors: A. Wood *, P. Ansah*, * & A. Ligmann-Zielinska *
2019 journal article
Rooted in Recognition: Indigenous Environmental Justice and the Genetically Engineered American Chestnut Tree
Society & Natural Resources, 33(1), 83–100.
Contributors: S. Barnhill-Dilling n, n & J. Delborne n

2018 journal article
A holistic vision for food security research
Environment Systems and Decisions, 38(1), 3–5.

2018 journal article
An integrated approach to place Green Infrastructure strategies in marginalized communities and evaluate stormwater mitigation
Journal of Hydrology, 559, 648–660.
Contributors: L. Garcia-Cuerva n, E. Berglund n & n

2018 journal article
Correction to: Mental models of food security in rural Mali (Environment Systems and Decisions, (2018), 38, 1, (33-51), 10.1007/s10669-017-9669-y)
Environment Systems and Decisions, 38(2), 274.
Contributors: , U. Sanga *, A. Sidibe *, A. Wood n, R. Paudel*, S. Marquart-Pyatt*, A. Ligmann-Zielinska *, L. Olabisi *, E. Du*, S. Liverpool-Tasie* n

2018 review
Democratization of ecosystem services-a radical approach for assessing nature's benefits in the face of urbanization
Contributors: M. McHale *, S. Beck *, S. Pickett *, D. Childers *, M. Cadenasso *, n , L. Swemmer *, L. Ebersohn *, W. Twine *, D. Bunn*

2018 journal article
Moving beyond panaceas in fisheries governance
Contributors: O. Young *, D. Webster *, M. Cox *, J. Raakjær *, L. Blaxekjær*, N. Einarsson *, R. Virginia *, J. Acheson*

2018 journal article
Understanding social and behavioral drivers and impacts of air quality sensor use
Contributors: B. Hubbell *, A. Kaufman *, n , K. Schulte *, G. Hagler *, J. Clougherty *, W. Cascio *, D. Costa*

2018 article
Using big data to accomplish a huge job
Rivers, L., III. (2018, October). NATURE SUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 1, pp. 537–537.
2017 journal article
Applicability of Benford's Law to Compliance Assessment of Self-Reported Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Data
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 19(4).
Contributors: P. Beiglou*, C. Gibbs *, n , U. Adhikari * & J. Mitchell *

2017 journal article
Climate-induced migration: using mental models to explore aggregate and individual decision-making
Journal of Risk Research, 21(8), 1019–1035.
Contributors: C. Whitley *, n , S. Mattes *, S. Marquart-Pyatt*, A. Ligmann-Zielinska *, L. Olabisi *, J. Du *

2017 chapter
Conservation criminology and the global trade in electronic waste: Applying a multi-disciplinary research framework
In Transnational Environmental Crime (pp. 297–320).
2017 journal article
Food security in Africa: a cross-scale, empirical investigation using structural equation modeling
Environment Systems and Decisions, 38(1), 6–22.
Contributors: R. Denny *, S. Marquart-Pyatt*, A. Ligmann-Zielinska *, L. Olabisi *, n , J. Du *, L. Liverpool-Tasie *

2017 review
Integrating Criminological and Decision Research Theory: Implications for Understanding and Addressing Crime in Marginalized Communities
[Review of ]. DEVIANT BEHAVIOR, 38(1), 74–93.
Contributors: , C. Gibbs * & R. Paternoster * n

2017 journal article
Mental models of food security in rural Mali
Environment Systems and Decisions, 38(1), 33–51.
Contributors: , U. Sanga *, A. Sidibe *, A. Wood n, R. Paudel*, S. Marquart-Pyatt*, A. Ligmann-Zielinska *, L. Olabisi *, E. Du*, S. Liverpool-Tasie* n

2017 journal article
Using participatory modeling processes to identify sources of climate risk in West Africa
Environment Systems and Decisions, 38(1), 23–32.
Contributors: L. Schmitt Olabisi *, S. Liverpool-Tasie*, n , A. Ligmann-Zielinska *, J. Du *, R. Denny *, S. Marquart-Pyatt*, A. Sidibé *
2016 conference paper
Exploring Strategies for LID Implementation in Marginalized Communities and Urbanizing Watersheds
World Environmental And Water Resources Congress 2016: Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater and Urban Watershed Symposium - Papers from Sessions of the Proceedings of the 2016 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, 41–50.
Contributors: L. Garcia-Cuerva n, E. Berglund n & n
2016 journal article
Third thursday thing: A success story for reaching underserved clients
Journal of Extension, 54(4).
2015 journal article
Environmental Regulation and Enforcement: Structures, Processes and the Use of Data for Fraud Detection
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 17(4).
Contributors: , T. Dempsey*, J. Mitchell * & C. Gibbs * n

2015 journal article
The new global urban realm: Complex, connected, diffuse, and diverse social-ecological systems
Sustainability (Switzerland), 7(5), 5211–5240.
Contributors: M. McHale n, S. Pickett *, O. Barbosa *, D. Bunn*, M. Cadenasso *, D. Childers *, M. Gartin *, G. Hess n

2013 journal article
A routine activities analysis of white-collar crime in carbon markets
Law and Policy, 35(4), 341–374.
2013 book
Effective risk communication
In Effective Risk Communication (pp. 1–342).
Contributors: J. Árvai & L. Rivers III

2012 journal article
An expert guide to understanding grower decisions related to fresh fruit and vegetable contamination prevention and control
Food Control, 26(1), 107–116.
Contributors: J. Parker*, R. Wilson *, J. LeJeune*, * & D. Doohan *
2012 journal article
Mental model of the drug market intervention
Journal of Drug Issues, 42(1), 59–81.
Contributors: , A. Norris* & E. McGarrell * *
2010 journal article
Beyond a simple case of black and white: Searching for the white male effect in the African-American community
Risk Analysis, 30(1), 65–77.
Contributors: , J. Arvai * & P. Slovic * *
2010 journal article
Introducing conservation criminology towards interdisciplinary scholarship on environmental crimes and risks
British Journal of Criminology, 50(1), 124–144.
Contributors: C. Gibbs, M. Gore, E. McGarrell & L. Rivers III

2007 journal article
Mobility of dimethoate residues from spring broccoli field
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, 42(1), 9–14.

2007 journal article
Win some, lose some: The effect of chronic losses on decision making under risk
Journal of Risk Research, 10(8), 1085–1099.
Contributors: & J. Arvai * *

2006 journal article
A post-Katrina call to action for the risk analysis community [1]
Risk Analysis, 26(1), 1–2.

2004 journal article
Teaching Students to Make Better Decisions About the Environment: Lessons From the Decision Sciences
Journal of Environmental Education, 36(1), 33–44.
Contributors: J. Arvai *, V. Campbell*, A. Baird* & *