Lingjuan Wang Li
air quality engineering, food animal production system engineering, sustainability
Works (76)
2024 journal article
Field Implementation of Precision Livestock Farming: Selected Proceedings from the 2nd US Precision Livestock Farming Conference
ANIMALS, 14(7).

2024 journal article
Impacts of Air Velocity Treatments Under Summer Conditions: Part III-Litter Characteristics, Ammonia Emissions, and Leg Health of Heavy Broilers
ANIMALS, 14(23).
2024 journal article
Proof-of-Concept Recirculating Air Cleaner Evaluation in a Pig Nursery
AgriEngineering, 6(4), 3686–3703.
2023 journal article
Low Airspeed Impacts on Tom Turkey Response to Moderate Heat Stress
AgriEngineering, 5(4), 1971–1988.

2023 journal article
Low-cost Calibration Method for the Infrared Camera
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 39(5), 529–534.

2022 journal article
Identification of Size-segregated Bioaerosol Community and Pathogenic Bacteria in a Tunnel-ventilated Layer House: Effect of Manure Removal
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(3).

2022 journal article
Impacts of Air Velocity Treatments under Summer Condition: Part I—Heavy Broiler’s Surface Temperature Response
Animals, 12(3), 328.
2022 journal article
Impacts of Air Velocity Treatments under Summer Conditions: Part II—Heavy Broiler’s Behavioral Response
Animals, 12(9), 1050.
2022 journal article
Performance of a Thermodynamic Model for Predicting Inorganic Aerosols in the Southeastern U.S.
Atmosphere, 13(12), 1977.

2022 journal article
Size-segregated physicochemical properties of inhalable particulate matter in a tunnel-ventilated layer house in China
Environmental Research, 204, 112064.

2021 journal article
Characteristics of Particulate Matter Emissions from Swine and Poultry Production Houses in the United States
Transactions of the ASABE, 64(5), 1569–1579.
2021 journal article
Inverse AERMOD and SCIPUFF Dispersion Modeling for Farm-Level PM10 Emission Rate Assessment
Transactions of the ASABE, 64(3), 801–817.

2021 journal article
Partitioning of NH3-NH4+ in the Southeastern U.S.
Atmosphere, 12(12), 1681.

2021 journal article
Spatial and temporal variations of atmospheric chemical condition in the Southeastern U.S.
Atmospheric Research, 248, 105190.

2020 journal article
Effect of dietary coarse corn inclusion on broiler live performance, litter characteristics, and ammonia emission
Poultry Science, 99(2), 869–878.
2019 journal article
Responses of Secondary Inorganic PM2.5 to Precursor Gases in an Ammonia Abundant Area In North Carolina
Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19(5), 1126–1138.
Contributors: B. Cheng n & L. Wang-Li n

2019 journal article
Spatial and Temporal Variations of PM2.5 in North Carolina
Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19(4), 698–710.
Contributors: B. Cheng n & L. Wang-Li n

2019 journal article
Spatial and temporal variations of PM2.5 mass closure and inorganic PM2.5 in the Southeastern U.S.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(32), 33181–33191.
Contributors: B. Cheng n, L. Wang-Li n, N. Meskhidze n , J. Classen n & P. Bloomfield n

2019 journal article
Watch for Opening Doors
Resource Magazine, 26(2), 26–27.
2019 journal article
Windbreak Wall-Vegetative Strip System to Reduce Air Emissions from Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Barns: Part 2—Swine House Evaluation
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 230(12), 289.
Contributors: A. Ajami *, S. Shah n , L. Wang-Li n, P. Kolar n & M. Castillo n

2019 journal article
Windbreak Wall-Vegetative Strip System to Reduce Air Emissions from Mechanically Ventilated Livestock Barns—Part 3: Layer House Evaluation
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 230(12).
Contributors: A. Ajami *, S. Shah n , L. Wang-Li n, P. Kolar n & M. Castillo n

2018 journal article
Experiential Learning in Environmental Control of Animal Production for Minority Students
NACTA Journal Abstracts, 62(1), 57.
2018 journal article
Instructor experiences in implementing eCEAP eLearning curriculum
NACTA Journal, 62(Supplement 1), 109.
2018 journal article
Technology-enhanced faculty development in controlled environment animal production
NACTA Journal Abstracts, 62(1), 57–58.
2017 journal article
Measurements and visualization of the fluid field of the plume from an animal housing ventilation fan
Journal of Environmental Protection.
2017 journal article
Modeling plume-rise of air emissions from animal housing systems: inverse AERMOD
Journal of Environmental Protection, 8(11), 1254–1269.
2017 journal article
Research progress on pollution and monitoring technology of particulate matter from livestock and poultry farms
Transactions of Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 48(6), 232–241.
2016 journal article
Development of MOS sensor-based NH3 monitor for use in poultry houses
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 127, 708–715.
Contributors: T. Lin n, S. Shah n , L. Wang-Li n, E. Oviedo-Rondón n & J. Post n
2016 journal article
Performance analysis of a poultry engineering chamber complex for animal environment, air quality, and welfare studies
Transactions of the ASABE, 59(5), 1371–1382.
Contributors: A. Padavagod Shivkumar, L. Wang-Li, S. Shah, L. Stikeleather & M. Fuentes
2016 journal article
Size Distributions of Bioaerosols in an Egg Production Facility and Its Vicinity
Contributors: D. Hu n, L. Wang-Li n, O. Simmons n, J. Classen n & J. Osborne n

2016 journal article
The National Air Emissions Monitoring study's southeast layer site: Part V. Hydrogen sulfide and volatile organic compounds
Transactions of the ASABE, 59(2), 681–693.
Contributors: K. Wang, Q. Li, L. Wang-Li, E. Cortus, B. Bogan, I. Kilic, W. Liang, C. Xiao
2015 journal article
Biofiltration of Ammonia and GHGs from Swine Gestation Barn Pit Exhaust
Transactions of the ASABE, 58(3), 771–782.
Contributors: M. Hood, S. Shah , P. Kolar, L. Wang Li & L. Stikeleather
2015 journal article
Elemental Composition and Chemical Mass Closure of Fine Particulate in an Animal Feeding Operation Facility and Its Vicinity
Journal of Environmental Protection.
2015 journal article
Insights to the formation of secondary inorganic PM<inf>2.5</inf>: Current knowledge and future needs
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 8(2), 1–13.
Contributors: L. Wang-Li

2015 journal article
Spatiotemporal variations of bioaerosols in the vicinity of an animal feeding operation facility in the U.S
Journal of Environmental Protection.
2014 journal article
Ammonia concentrations and modeling of inorganic particulate matter in the vicinity of an egg production facility in Southeastern USA
Contributors: Q. Li *, L. Wang-Li n, S. Shah n , R. Jayanty* & P. Bloomfield n

2014 journal article
Bioaerosol concentrations and emissions from tunnel-ventilated high-rise layer houses in north carolina
Transactions of the ASABE, 57(3), 915–925.
Contributors: D. Hu, L. Wang-Li, O. Simmons, J. Classen, J. Osborne & G. Byfield
2014 journal article
Major ionic compositions of fine particulate matter in an animal feeding operation facility and its vicinity
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 64(11), 1279–1287.
Contributors: Q. Li *, L. Wang-Li n, Z. Liu *, R. Jayanty*, S. Shah n & P. Bloomfield n

2014 report
Poultry waste stockpiling method: environmental impacts and their mitigation
(NCCES Bulletin No. AG-788W).
2013 journal article
Concentration and particle size distribution of particulate matter inside tunnel-ventilated high-rise layer operation houses
Contributors: L. Wang-Li n, Z. Cao n, Q. Li n, Z. Liu n & D. Beasley*

2013 journal article
Identification of Bioaerosols Released from an Egg Production Facility in the Southeast United States
Contributors: L. Wang-Li n, Q. Li n & G. Byfield*

2013 journal article
Organic and elemental carbons in atmospheric fine particulate in an animal agriculture intensive area in North Carolina: estimation of secondary organic carbon concentration
Open Journal of Air Pollution.
2013 chapter
Techniques for Characterization of Particulate Matter Emitted from Animal Feeding Operations
In ACS Symposium Series (Vol. 1126, pp. 15–39).
Contributors: L. Wang-Li n

2013 journal article
Techniques for measuring particle size distribution of particulate matter emitted from animal feeding operations
Contributors: L. Wang-Li n, Z. Cao n, M. Buser *, D. Whitelock *, C. Parnell* & Y. Zhang *

2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's Southeast Layer Site: Part I. Site characteristics and monitoring methodology
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1157–1161.
Contributors: L. Wang-Li n, Q. Li n, K. Wang n, B. Bogan n, J. Ni n, E. Cortus n, A. Heber n
2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's Southeast Layer Site: Part II. Particulate matter
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1173–1184.
Contributors: Q. Li, L. Wang-Li, K. Wang, L. Chai, E. Cortus, I. Kilic, B. Bogan, J. Ni, A. Heber
2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's Southeast Layer Site: Part III. Ammonia concentrations and emissions
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1185–1197.
Contributors: L. Wang-Li, Q. Li, L. Chai, E. Cortus, K. Wang, I. Kilic, B. Bogan, J. Ni, A. Heber
2013 journal article
The national air emissions monitoring study's southeast layer site: Part iv. Effects of farm management
Transactions of the ASABE, 56(3), 1199–1209.
Contributors: Q. Li, L. Wang-Li, B. Bogan, K. Wang, L. Chai, J. Ni, A. Heber
2012 report
Bioaerosol Sampling in Animal Environments
2012 journal article
Field evaluation of particulate matter measurements using tapered element oscillating microbalance in a layer house
Contributors: Q. Li n, L. Wang-Li n, Z. Liu * & A. Heber*

2012 journal article
Impact of downwind sampling location and height on inverse-Gaussian dispersion modeling: A theoretical study
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 5(4).
Contributors: H. Jones, L. Wang-Li & B. Boroujeni
2012 journal article
Influence of Distance from Source and Height Above Canopy on Palmer Amaranth Pollen Distribution
Crop Management, 11(1), 1–8.
2012 journal article
Particulate matter in the vicinity of an egg production facility: Concentrations, statistical distributions, and upwind and downwind comparison
Transactions of the ASABE, 55(5), 1965–1973.
Contributors: Q. Li, L. Wang-Li, J. Walker, S. Shah, P. Bloomfield & R. Jayanty
2011 journal article
Ammonia emissions from broiler cake stockpiled in a naturally ventilated shed
Transactions of the ASABE, 54(5), 1893–1904.
Contributors: H. Yao, S. Shah, D. Willits, P. Westerman, L. Wang Li & T. Marshall
2011 journal article
Fine particulate matter in a high-rise layer house and its vicinity
Transactions of the ASABE, 54(6), 2299–2310.
Contributors: Q. Li, L. Wang-Li, S. Shah, R. Jayanty & P. Bloomfield
2011 journal article
Validation and uncertainty analysis of an ammonia emission model for broiler litter
Transactions of the ASABE, 54(3), 1051–1057.
Contributors: Z. Liu, L. Wang-Li, D. Beasley & S. Shah
2010 journal article
Effect of ozonation on particulate matter in broiler houses
POULTRY SCIENCE, 89(10), 2052–2062.
Contributors: Q. Li n, L. Wang n, E. Oviedo-Rondón n & C. Parnell*

2010 journal article
Farm-Scale Evaluation of Ozonation for Mitigating Ammonia Concentrations in Broiler Houses
Contributors: L. Wang n, E. Oviedo-Rondón n , J. Small n, Z. Liu n, B. Sheldon n, G. Havenstein n, C. Williams n

2010 report
National Air Emission Monitoring Study: Emission Data from Two Tunnel-ventilated Layer Houses in North Carolina-Site NC2B
2009 journal article
Could ozonation technology really work for mitigating air emissions from animal feeding operations?
Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 59(10), 1239–1246.

2009 journal article
Modeling ammonia emissions from broiler litter at laboratory scale
Transactions of the ASABE, 52(5), 1683–1694.
Contributors: Z. Liu*, L. Wang, D. Beasley* & S. Shah*

2009 journal article
Performance evaluation of six different aerosol samplers in a particulate matter generation chamber
Atmospheric Environment, 43(2), 280–289.
Contributors: J. Park*, J. Rock*, L. Wang n, Y. Seo *, A. Bhatnagar * & S. Kim *

2008 conference paper
Comparison of three techniques for determining ammonia emission fluxes from broiler litter
Transactions of the ASABE, 51(5), 1783–1790.
2008 journal article
Comparison of three techniques for determining ammonia emission fluxes from broiler litter
Transactions of the ASABE, 51(5), 1783–1790.
Contributors: Z. Liu, L. Wang & D. Beasley
2008 journal article
Effect of air ozonation on commercial broiler houses
Poultry Science, 87, 142.
2007 journal article
Collection efficiency evaluation of baffle-type pre-separator configurations: Effects of baffle location and inlet velocities
Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 23(3), 347–355.
Contributors: M. Buser, D. Whitelock, G. Holt, C. Armijo & L. Wang
2007 journal article
Effect of moisture content on ammonia emissions from broiler litter: A laboratory study
Contributors: Z. Liu n, L. Wang n, D. Beasley n & E. Oviedo n
2007 journal article
Theoretical study of the impact of particulate matter gravitational settling on ambient coarse particulate matter monitoring for agricultural emissions

2006 journal article
A theoretical approach for predicting number of turns and cyclone pressure drop
Transactions of the ASABE, 49(2), 491–503.
Contributors: L. Wang, C. Parnell, B. Shaw & R. Lacey
2006 journal article
Comparison of CALPUFF and ISCST3 models for predicting downwind odor and source emission rates
Contributors: L. Wang n, D. Parker*, C. Parnell*, R. Lacey * & B. Shaw *

2005 journal article
Correcting PM<inf>10</inf> over-sampling problems for agricultural particulate matter emissions: Preliminary study
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 48(2), 749–755.
Contributors: L. Wang, C. Parnell, B. Shaw, R. Lacey, M. Buser, L. Goodrich, S. Capareda

2005 journal article
Performance characteristics of a low-volume PM10 sampler
Transactions of the ASAE, 48(2), 739–748.
2005 journal article
Performance characteristics of a low-volume PM<inf>10</inf> sampler
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 48(2), 739–748.
Contributors: L. Wang, J. Wanjura, C. Parnell, R. Lacey & B. Shaw
2003 journal article
Effect of Air Density on Cyclone Performance and System Design
Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 46(4), 1193–1201.
Contributors: L. Wang, M. Buser, C. Parnell & B. Shaw
2002 journal article
A Study of the cyclone fractional efficiency curves
Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development, IV, BC02002.
2002 journal article
Performance characteristics of cyclones in cotton-gin dust removal
Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development, IV, BC02001.
Updated: December 23rd, 2019 21:34
2016 - present
2011 - 2016
2005 - 2011
2004 - 2004
1985 - 1998
Updated: December 23rd, 2019 21:35
2001 - 2004
1999 - 2000
1981 - 1985
Funding History
Funding history based on the linked ORCID record. Updated: October 10th, 2024 17:27