Works (11)
2024 article
Assessing Stock Photos for Farmworker Health and Safety Education Materials
LePrevost, C. E., Harwell, E. L., Zahra, A. G., Jewell, M. A., Arvizu, J. A. R., & Lee, J. G. L. (2024, June 22). JOURNAL OF AGROMEDICINE, Vol. 6.

2023 journal article
Nature's chefs: Uniting the hidden diversity of food making and preparing species across the tree of life
BioScience, 73(6), 408–421.

2023 article
The Cost of Diversity: An Analysis of Representation and Cost Barriers in Stock Photo Libraries for Health Education Materials, 2021
Chichester, Z. A., Jewell, M. A., LePrevost, C. E., & Lee, J. G. L. (2023, February 1). HEALTH PROMOTION PRACTICE, Vol. 2.

2020 journal article
New insights into the trophic ecology of young white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in waters off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
Marine Biology, 167(5).
Contributors: E. Tamburin *, F. Elorriaga-Verplancken *, C. Estupiñan-Montaño *, D. Madigan *, A. Sánchez-González, M. Padilla, M. Wcisel *, F. Galván-Magaña *

2018 journal article
Future research directions on the "elusive" white shark
Frontiers in Marine Science, 5(DEC).
Contributors: C. Huveneers *, K. Apps*, E. Becerril-García *, B. Bruce *, P. Butcher *, A. Carlisle*, T. Chapple*, H. Christiansen *

2014 journal article
Core habitat use of an apex predator in a complex marine landscape
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 506, 231–242.
Contributors: O. Jewell *, M. Wcisel *, A. Towner*, W. Chivell*, L. Merwe * & M. Bester*

2014 journal article
The role of refugia in reducing predation risk for Cape fur seals by white sharks
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(1), 127–138.
Contributors: M. Wcisel *, M. O’Riain *, A. Vos * & W. Chivell*

2013 journal article
Gauging the Threat: The First Population Estimate for White Sharks in South Africa Using Photo Identification and Automated Software
PLoS ONE, 8(6).
Contributors: A. Towner*, M. Wcisel *, R. Reisinger *, D. Edwards * & O. Jewell *
2012 journal article
A leatherback turtle stranding at Danger Point, Gansbaai, South Africa
African Journal of Wildlife Research, 42(2), 147–150.
Contributors: O. Jewell * & M. Wcisel *

2011 journal article
Effects of smart position only (SPOT) tag deployment on white sharks carcharodon carcharias in South Africa
PLoS ONE, 6(11).
Contributors: O. Jewell *, M. Wcisel *, E. Gennari *, A. Towner*, M. Bester *, R. Johnson*, S. Singh*

2010 journal article
A potential predation attempt by a great white shark on an indo-pacific humpback dolphin
African Journal of Wildlife Research, 40(2), 184–187.
Contributors: M. Wcisel *, W. Chivell* & M. Gottfried *

Updated: July 18th, 2023 09:55
2019 - present
Updated: July 18th, 2023 09:56