Marcela Alfaro Cordoba
Assistant Professor of Teaching at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She is interested in developing novel statistical methods to address scientific questions related to the environment and turning those experiences of interdisciplinary collaboration into teaching methods for statistics and data science. Her areas of application include climate models, biophysics, spectrophotometry, among others. Marcela is committed to practicing open science and she believes in mentoring young scientists. Her volunteering activities include being a co-chair of CODATA-RDA Schools of Data Science, being part of the organizing committee of ConectaR2019 and ConectaR2021, the first R Users Conference in Central America. She is a founding member of the R-ladies chapter in San José, Costa Rica.
Works (19)
2022 journal article
Ten simple rules to host an inclusive conference.
PLoS Computational Biology, 7.
2021 journal article
A School and a Network: CODATA-RDA Data Science Summer Schools Alumni Survey
Data Science Journal, 20(1), 10.
2021 journal article
First evidence for an aposematic function of a very common color pattern in small insects
Plos One, 16(2), 0237288.

2021 journal article
Operationalizing Intentionality to Play Hanabi With Human Players
2020 journal article
Aridity Trends in Central America: A Spatial Correlation Analysis

2020 journal article
Use of unconventional mixed Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol solvents for anthocyanin extraction from Purple-Fleshed sweetpotatoes
Food Chemistry, 314, 125959.
Contributors: A. Zuleta-Correa n, M. Chinn n , M. Alfaro-Córdoba *, V. Truong n, G. Yencho n & J. Bruno-Bárcena n

2019 report
A curriculum for foundational Research Data Science skills for Early Career Researchers
In Research Data Alliance.
2019 journal article
Spectral measure of color variation of black-orange-black (BOB) pattern in small parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a statistical approach
PLOS ONE, 14(10).
Contributors: R. Mora-Castro *, M. Hernández-Jiménez *, M. Alfaro-Córdoba *, E. Avendano* & P. Hanson-Snortum*
2018 journal article
A comparison of testing methods in scalar-on-function regression
AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis, 103(3), 411–436.
Contributors: M. Tekbudak n, M. Alfaro-Córdoba *, A. Maity n & A. Staicu n

2017 journal article
A data-driven weighting scheme for multivariate phenotypic endpoints recapitulates zebrafish developmental cascades
Contributors: G. Zhang n, K. Roell n, L. Truong *, R. Tanguay * & D. Reif n

2017 dataset
Data from: The use of functional data analysis to evaluate activity in a spontaneous model of degenerative joint disease associated pain in cats
2017 journal article
The Use of Functional Data Analysis to Evaluate Activity in a Spontaneous Model of Degenerative Joint Disease Associated Pain in Cats
PLOS ONE, 12(1), e0169576.
Contributors: M. Gruen n , M. Alfaro-Córdoba n, A. Thomson n, A. Worth n, A. Staicu n & B. Lascelles n
Ed(s): J. Harezlak

2017 article
Variable Selection Methods with Applications to Atmospheric Sciences
(2017, May 23). North Carolina State University.
2014 journal article
Iodine Quantification to Distinguish Clear Cell from Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma at Dual-Energy Multidetector CT: A Multireader Diagnostic Performance Study
RADIOLOGY, 273(3), 813–820.
Contributors: A. Mileto *, D. Marin *, M. Alfaro-Cordoba n, J. Ramirez-Giraldo, C. Eusemann, E. Scribano*, A. Blandino *, S. Mazziotti *, G. Ascenti *

2014 journal article
Nonlinear Image Blending for Dual-Energy MDCT of the Abdomen: Can Image Quality Be Preserved If the Contrast Medium Dose Is Reduced?
Contributors: A. Mileto *, J. Ramirez-Giraldo *, D. Marin *, M. Alfaro-Cordoba n, C. Eusemann *, E. Scribano*, A. Blandino *, S. Mazziotti *, G. Ascenti *

2010 journal article
Comparación metodológica de encuestas vía telefonía fija y celular en Costa Rica
Revista De Ciencias Económicas.
Multivariate Spatial-Temporal Variable Selection with Applications to Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Modeling
conference paper
An intentional AI for hanabi
Spectral measure of color variation of black - orange - black (BOB) pattern in small parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), a statistical approach
Mora, R., Hernandez-Jimenez, M., Alfaro-Córdoba, M., Avendaño-Soto, E., & Hanson, P.
Updated: July 12th, 2024 13:12
2021 - present
2017 - 2021
2013 - 2017
2009 - 2011
Updated: July 14th, 2017 06:05
2011 - 2017
2007 - 2009
2002 - 2006