@article{moshtohry_bellingham-johnstun_elting_laplante_2022, title={Laser ablation reveals the impact of Cdc15p on the stiffness of the contractile ring}, volume={33}, ISSN={["1939-4586"]}, DOI={10.1091/mbc.E21-10-0515}, abstractNote={ We use laser ablation to sever the constricting contractile ring of fission yeast cells and reveal the impact of Cdc15p, a putative anchoring protein, on its mechanical properties. Our work suggests that Cdc15p, and thus the anchoring mechanism, impacts the stiffness of the contractile ring more than the viscous drag. }, number={6}, journal={MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL}, author={Moshtohry, Mohamed and Bellingham-Johnstun, Kimberly and Elting, Mary Williard and Laplante, Caroline}, year={2022}, month={May} }