@article{goodwin_marra_piggott_2016, title={The cost of a GMO-free market basket of food in the US}, volume={49}, journal={Coexistence of genetically modified, organic and conventional foods: government policies and market practices}, author={Goodwin, B. K. and Marra, M. and Piggott, N.}, year={2016}, pages={363–378} } @article{jacobs_thurman_marra_2014, title={The effect of conservation priority areas on bidding behavior in the conservation reserve program}, volume={90}, DOI={10.3368/le.90.1.1}, abstractNote={We explore how a landowner’s bid to enroll in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is influenced by his parcel’s designation as a Conservation Priority Area (CPA). A theoretical model of a landowner’s optimal bid is presented, and we demonstrate the ambiguity in a landowner’s optimal bid response to CPA designations. The bid choice is analyzed using a data set of accepted and unaccepted offers during three CRP sign-up periods. We focus empirically on a subset of offers from the Prairie Pothole CPA to identify whether bid responses to exogenous location factors differ across landowners with varying opportunity costs to enrollment. (JEL Q15, Q18)}, number={1}, journal={Land Economics}, author={Jacobs, K. L. and Thurman, W. N. and Marra, M. C.}, year={2014}, pages={1–25} } @article{marra_rejesus_roberts_english_larson_larkin_martin_2010, title={Estimating the demand and willingness-to-pay for cotton yield monitors}, volume={11}, ISSN={["1573-1618"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11119-009-9127-z}, number={3}, journal={PRECISION AGRICULTURE}, author={Marra, Michele C. and Rejesus, Roderick M. and Roberts, Roland K. and English, Burton C. and Larson, James A. and Larkin, Sherry L. and Martin, Steve}, year={2010}, month={Jun}, pages={215–238} } @article{walton_roberts_lambert_larson_english_larkin_martin_marra_paxton_reeves_2010, title={Grid soil sampling adoption and abandonment in cotton production}, volume={11}, ISSN={["1573-1618"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11119-009-9144-y}, number={2}, journal={PRECISION AGRICULTURE}, author={Walton, Jonathan C. and Roberts, Roland K. and Lambert, Dayton M. and Larson, James A. and English, Burton C. and Larkin, Sherry L. and Martin, Steven W. and Marra, Michele C. and Paxton, Kenneth W. and Reeves, Jeanne M.}, year={2010}, month={Apr}, pages={135–147} } @article{walton_lambert_roberts_larson_english_larkin_martin_marra_paxton_reeves_2008, title={Adoption and abandonment of precision soil sampling in cotton production}, volume={33}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics}, author={Walton, J. C. and Lambert, D. M. and Roberts, R. K. and Larson, J. A. and English, B. C. and Larkin, S. L. and Martin, S. W. and Marra, M. C. and Paxton, K. W. and Reeves, J. M.}, year={2008}, pages={428–448} } @article{vukina_zheng_marra_levy_2008, title={Do farmers value the environment? Evidence from a conservation reserve program auction}, volume={26}, ISSN={["0167-7187"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ijindorg.2008.01.001}, abstractNote={The paper uses data from one Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) auction to elicit farmers' attitudes toward the environment by analyzing their bids. The CRP pays farmers to remove chosen plots of land from agricultural production and put them to a conservation use. An interesting aspect of this auction is that winners are determined by a combination of low bids and environmental scores of individual plots. Using decision theoretic approach to model this auction we show that farmers condition their bids on the strength of their environmental scores and that they value environmental benefits, especially those that increase future soil productivity of their land.}, number={6}, journal={INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION}, author={Vukina, Tomislav and Zheng, Xiaoyong and Marra, Michele and Levy, Amando}, year={2008}, month={Nov}, pages={1323–1332} } @article{larson_roberts_english_larkin_marra_martin_paxton_reeves_2008, title={Factors affecting farmer adoption of remotely sensed imagery for precision management in cotton production}, volume={9}, ISSN={["1385-2256"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11119-008-9065-1}, number={4}, journal={PRECISION AGRICULTURE}, author={Larson, James A. and Roberts, Roland K. and English, Burton C. and Larkin, Sherry L. and Marra, Michele C. and Martin, Steven W. and Paxton, Kenneth W. and Reeves, Jeanne M.}, year={2008}, month={Aug}, pages={195–208} } @article{sydorovych_marra_2007, title={A genetically engineered crop's impact on pesticide use: A revealed-preference index approach}, volume={32}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics}, author={Sydorovych, O. and Marra, M. C.}, year={2007}, pages={476–491} } @article{norwood_marra_2003, title={Pesticide productivity: Of bugs and biases}, volume={28}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics}, author={Norwood, F. B. and Marra, M. C.}, year={2003}, pages={596–610} } @article{marra_pannell_ghadim_2003, title={The economics of risk, uncertainty and learning in the adoption of new agricultural technologies: where are we on the learning curve?}, volume={75}, ISSN={["1873-2267"]}, DOI={10.1016/S0308-521X(02)00066-5}, abstractNote={The roles of risk, uncertainty and learning in the adoption of new technologies are reviewed. Although they have been emphasized in many commentaries about the adoption process, they have been directly addressed in only a minority of the large literature relating to the adoption of innovations. Risk, uncertainty and learning play a number of distinct roles in the process of adopting new technologies. These distinct roles have often been blurred or treated incompletely in past research. Theoretical and empirical literature, which explores and evaluates these various roles is reviewed, with a focus on agricultural technologies. A conceptual framework that captures the main impacts and roles of risk is outlined. A range of research needs and emerging issues for risk and technology adoption in agriculture are discussed.}, number={2-3}, journal={AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS}, author={Marra, M and Pannell, DJ and Ghadim, AA}, year={2003}, pages={215–234} } @article{mueller_barbercheck_bell_brownie_creamer_hitt_hu_king_linker_louws_et al._2002, title={Development and implementation of a long-term agricultural systems study: Challenges and opportunities}, volume={12}, number={3}, journal={HortTechnology}, author={Mueller, J. P. and Barbercheck, M. E. and Bell, M. and Brownie, C. and Creamer, N. G. and Hitt, A. and Hu, S. and King, L. and Linker, H. M. and Louws, F. J. and et al.}, year={2002}, pages={362–368} } @article{marra_pardey_alston_2002, title={The payoffs to transgenic field crops: An assessment of the evidence}, volume={5}, ISBN={1522-936X}, number={2}, journal={Agbioforum}, author={Marra, M. C. and Pardey, P. G. and Alston, J. M.}, year={2002}, pages={43} } @article{marra_hubbell_carlson_2001, title={Information quality, technology depreciation, and Bt cotton adoption in the Southeast}, volume={26}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics}, author={Marra, M. C. and Hubbell, B. J. and Carlson, G. A.}, year={2001}, pages={158–175} } @article{hubbell_marra_carlson_2000, title={Estimating the demand for a new technology: Bt cotton and insecticide policies}, volume={82}, ISSN={["0002-9092"]}, DOI={10.1111/0002-9092.00010}, abstractNote={AbstractThis article examines the potential demand for Bt cotton in the Southeast from information gathered in the first year of commercialization. We combine revealed preference (RP) data on adoption of Bt cotton varieties with stated preference (SP) data on willingness to adopt to estimate demand using a double‐bounded maximum likelihood procedure. Using estimated demand equations, we simulate the costs of reducing conventional insecticide applications through subsidization of Bt cotton. Results indicate that reducing cotton insecticide applications by 40% in the Southeast would require a $@@‐@@21/acre subsidy, with total annual program costs between $@@‐@@53 million and $@@‐@@60 million.}, number={1}, journal={AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS}, author={Hubbell, BJ and Marra, MC and Carlson, GA}, year={2000}, month={Feb}, pages={118–132} } @article{marra_kaval_2000, title={The relative profitability of sustainable grain cropping systems: a meta-analytic comparison}, volume={16}, ISSN={["1044-0046"]}, DOI={10.1300/J064v16n04_04}, abstractNote={ABSTRACT Studies of the profitability of organic and no-till grain cropping systems relative to that of conventional systems were compared and analyzed. In all, enough information was collected from the literature for 321 separate profitability results including 120 direct comparisons of organic production to conventional and 144 no-till vs. conventional direct comparisons for North American grains for a meta-analysis. The first part of the analysis was a standard, descriptive summary of the data. This showed that the relative profitability of organic production was, on average, higher for corn and grain sorghum and if the research was conducted at a research experiment station. No-till averaged higher profitability in on-farm trials and with oilseeds, corn and grain sorghum in the descriptive analysis. Then the study proceeded with a meta-analysis of the economic comparisons. The meta-analysis results indicated that study location (Eastern, Central or Western North America) was a key factor in explaining the relative profitability of each alternative cropping system relative to the conventional system. In addition, study type (on-farm or research station experiment) and type of grain crop (small grain, oilseed, other) were important in explaining the relative profitability of both systems.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE}, author={Marra, MC and Kaval, P}, year={2000}, pages={19–32} } @article{gallandt_alford_liebman_marra_porter_mcburnie_1998, title={Potato cropping systems: Ecology, agronomy and economics}, volume={13}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Production Agriculture}, author={Gallandt, E. and Alford, A. and Liebman, M. and Marra, M. and Porter, G. and McBurnie, J.}, year={1998}, pages={146–161} } @article{marra_1998, title={Sources of and solutions for southern agricultural risk: The view from the coast}, volume={30}, DOI={10.1017/s1074070800008051}, abstractNote={Ray et al. have examined the national agricultural sector impacts of the 1996 FAIR Act using a stochastic simulation model based on the Policy Analysis System (POLYSYS). The model outcomes are predictions of various economic measures, including the coefficient of variation of net returns for corn, wheat, soy-beans, and cotton. Then Knutson et al. use the results of the Ray et al. simulations to predict the distribution of net farm income over the next 10 years for several types of representative southern farms. Any attempt to measure the changes in riskiness in southern agriculture is commendable—even heroic—and I applaud these efforts, both the national modeling effort by Ray et al. and the application to southern representative farms by Knutson et al. This task has a lot in common, I think, with trying to “tease out” the temperature changes associated with the greenhouse effect. The number of factors and mechanisms at work is mind-boggling. It's tough enough to try to get a handle on what might happen to the first moment of net farm income over the next 10 years, let alone the second.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics}, author={Marra, M. C.}, year={1998}, pages={65–67} } @book{marra_1998, title={The 1996 farm bill and North Carolina farmers: The conservation provisions}, publisher={Raleigh, N.C.: N.C. Cooperative Extension Service}, author={Marra, M. C.}, year={1998} } @article{carlson_marra_hubbell_1998, title={Yield, insecticide use, and profit changes from adoption of Bt cotton in the southeast}, volume={2}, number={1998}, journal={Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Proceedings}, author={Carlson, G. A. and Marra, M. C. and Hubbell, B. J.}, year={1998}, pages={973–974} } @article{yarborough_marra_1997, title={Economic thresholds for weeds in wild blueberry fields}, ISBN={["90-6605-839-0"]}, ISSN={["0567-7572"]}, DOI={10.17660/actahortic.1997.446.44}, number={446}, journal={SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON VACCINIUM CULTURE}, author={Yarborough, DE and Marra, MC}, year={1997}, pages={293–301} } @article{carlson_marra_hubbell_1997, title={Transgenic technology for crop protection: The new super seeds}, volume={12}, number={3}, journal={Choices (Ames, Iowa)}, author={Carlson, G. A. and Marra, M. C. and Hubbell, B. J.}, year={1997}, pages={31–36} }