Works (203)
2024 article
Contextual Analysis of Scientific Publications for Advancing Writing Skills (CASPArS): Self-Learning for Science Writing Using Top Scientists' Literature
Ohata, J., Martin, J. D., & Ison, A. (2024, December 6). JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION, Vol. 12.
2024 article
Membrane emulsification and de-emulsification by physical and entropic levers
Martin, J. D., & Lucia, L. (2024, September). NATURE WATER, Vol. 2, pp. 809–810.
2024 journal article
Solutes don't crystallize! Insights from phase diagrams demystify the "magic" of crystallization
MATTER, 7(10), 3290–3316.
2023 journal article
Deep Dive into Eutectics: On the Origin of Deep and Elevated Eutectics
2023 journal article
Direct interpretation of the X-ray and neutron three-dimensional difference pair distribution functions (3D-DPDFs) of yttria-stabilized zirconia
2023 article
Water under the influence of solutes: On the non-innocence of a universal solvent
Martin, J. D. (2023, May 3). MATTER, Vol. 6, pp. 1316–1319.
2022 journal article
Differentiating the Structure and Dynamics of Solute-Bound Vs. Bulk Water in Deep-Eutectic Aqueous AlCl3 Solutions
ECS Meeting Abstracts.
2022 journal article
To Freeze or Not to Freeze: Questioning the Origin of the Deep Eutectic in the Zinc Chloride Hydrate System
ECS Meeting Abstracts.
2022 journal article
Understanding the Water-in-Salt to Salt-in-Water Characteristics across the Zinc Chloride : Water Phase Diagram
2021 journal article
Reply to “A Comparison of the Stochastic and Deterministic Approaches in a Nucleation–Growth Type Model of Nanoparticle Formation”
Reply to “A Comparison of the Stochastic and Deterministic Approaches in a Nucleation–Growth Type Model of Nanoparticle Formation.” Chemistry of Materials, 33(13), 5437–5445.
2020 speech
Diffuse vs. Bragg Scattering: Understanding Structure Using 3-D Pair Distribution Function Analysis
Martin, J. (2020, July). Presented at the American Crystallographic Association.
Event: American Crystallographic Association
2020 journal article
K-space algorithmic reconstruction (KAREN): a robust statistical methodology to separate Bragg and diffuse scattering
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 53(1), 159–169.
2020 report
Nutritional supplements comprising dietary metal complexes in a matrix of cellulosic materials
[Provisional Patent].
2020 journal article
Particle Size Is a Primary Determinant for Sigmoidal Kinetics of Nanoparticle Formation: A “Disproof” of the Finke–Watzky (F-W) Nanoparticle Nucleation and Growth Mechanism
Chemistry of Materials, 32(8), 3651–3656.
2020 journal article
Transition Zone Theory Compared to Standard Models: Reexamining the Theory of Crystal Growth from Melts
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(34), 18724–18740.
2019 conference paper
3-D pair distribution function analysis to resolve real structures
Martin, J. (2019, June). Presented at the Neutron Scattering User Meeting, Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN.
Event: Neutron Scattering User Meeting at Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
2019 journal article
Isotope Effects Reveal the Template Influence on the Crystal Growth of a Metal–Halide Network
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(12), 7475–7485.
2019 speech
Separating Diffuse from Bragg Scattering: Introducing the K-space Algorithmic REconstructioN (KAREN), First integrated workshop on neutron diffuse scattering from single crystals
Martin, J. (2019, June). Presented at the Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge, TN.
Event: Oak Ridge National Lab at Oak Ridge, TN
2019 conference paper
Understanding Cooperativity in Condensed Phase Reactions: Application of Kauzmann’s configurational entropy and Adam and Gibbs’ cooperativity to crystal growth
Martin, J. (2019, June). Poster presented at the Gordon Conference on Crystal Growth and Assembly, Southern New Hampshire University.
Event: Gordon Conference on Crystal Growth and Assembly at Southern New Hampshire University
2018 journal article
A Nonlinear, “Sticky” Web of Study for Chemistry: A Graphical Curricular Tool for Teaching and Learning Chemistry Built upon the Interconnection of Core Chemical Principles
Journal of Chemical Education, 95(12), 2134–2140.
2018 report
K-Space Algorithmic Reconstruction (KAREN)
In Mantid [Software].
2018 speech
Teaching and Learning through Exploration and Discovery
Martin, J., & Nock, K. A. (2018, November). Presented at the National Science Teachers Association, Charlotte, NC.
Event: National Science Teachers Association at Charlotte, NC
2018 journal article
Transition zone theory of the glass transition
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 491, 24–33.
2017 journal article
Aligning Practice to Policies: Changing the Culture to Recognize and Reward Teaching at Research Universities
CBE—Life Sciences Education, 16(4), es5.
Ed(s): C. Reiness
2017 speech
Aqueous solutions as ionic liquids that can function as tunable solvents. GRIP-NanoMaterials for Water Treatment
Martin, J. (2017, August). Presented at the NCSU interdisciplinary team meeting, Raleigh, NC.
Event: NCSU interdisciplinary team meeting at Raleigh, NC
2017 journal article
Let science be a springboard for politics
Nature, 546(7660), 577–577.
2017 speech
Teaching and Learning through Exploration and Discovery
Martin, J., & Nock, K. A. (2017, October). Presented at the North Carolina Science Teachers Association, Greensboro, NC.
Event: North Carolina Science Teachers Association at Greensboro, NC
2017 conference paper
The Chemistry of Governing
Martin, J. (2017, August). Presented at the American Chemical Society Fall Meeting, Washington D. C.
Event: American Chemical Society Fall Meeting at Washington D. C on August 20-24, 2017
2017 conference paper
Transition Zone Theory of Crystal Growth
Martin, J. (2017, November). Presented at the South East Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Charlotte, NC.
Event: South East Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society at Charlotte, NC
2017 conference paper
Transition Zone Theory of Crystal Growth for melt crystallization applied to low-dimensional, non-stoichiometric, and glass-to-crystal systems
Poster presented at the Gordon Conference on Crystal Growth and Assembly, University of New England, Portland, ME.
Event: Gordon Conference on Crystal Growth and Assembly at University of New England, Portland, ME
2016 journal article
From rate measurements to mechanistic data for condensed matter reactions: a case study using the crystallization of [Zn(OH2)(6)][ZnCl4]
Crystals, 7(1), 11.
Contributors: B. Hillis n, B. Losey n, J. Weng n, N. Ghaleb n, F. Hou n & n
2016 journal article
Ionic Liquid Character of Zinc Chloride Hydrates Define Solvent Characteristics that Afford the Solubility of Cellulose
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 120(6), 1134–1141.
Contributors: S. Sen n, B. Losey n, E. Gordon n, D. Argyropoulos n & n
2016 journal article
Nanostructure diffraction analysis of a copper/single walled carbon nanotube nanocomposite synthesized by Laser Surface Implanting
CARBON, 113, 1–9.
2016 journal article
Regulation in free amino acid profile and protein synthesis pathway of growing pig skeletal muscles by low-protein diets for different time periods1,2
Journal of Animal Science, 94(12), 5192–5205.
2015 journal article
Crystalline and Liquid Structure of Zinc Chloride Trihydrate: A Unique Ionic Liquid
Inorganic Chemistry, 54(3), 1109–1119.
2015 journal article
Improve undergraduate science education
Nature, 523(7560), 282–284.
2015 report
Searching for Better Approaches: Effective Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in STEM
Tuson, AZ: Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
2015 journal article
Synthesis of luminescent nitroxobenzene oligomers by aluminum chloride catalyzed dehydration of nitrobenzene
Polyhedron, 103(Part A), 35–43.
Contributors: R. Wilcox n, J. Folmer n, J. Kennemur n & n
2015 journal article
Transition Zone Theory of Crystal Growth and Viscosity
Chemistry of Materials, 27(9), 3526–3532.
2015 conference paper
Understanding the mechanism of crystallization, viscous relaxation and the glass transition
Poster presented at the Gordon Conference on Crystal Growth and Assembly, University of New England, Portland, ME.
Event: Gordon Conference on Crystal Growth and Assembly at University of New England, Portland, ME
2015 journal article
University learning: Improve undergraduate science education
Nature, 523(7560), 282–284.
Contributors: S. Bradforth *, E. Miller*, W. Dichtel *, A. Leibovich *, A. Feig *, n , K. Bjorkman *, Z. Schultz *, T. Smith*
2014 article
Crystalsim: Gui For Geometrical Simulations Of Crystal Growth
Dill, E., & Martin, J. D. (2014, October 16). (Vol. 10). Vol. 10.
2014 report
PlasticSim: Simulator For The Plastic Phase Of Carbon Tetrabromide And Calculator For 2-D Reciprocal Space Slices
2014 report
Ramdog: A Graphical User Interface Program To Interactively Analyze 2D Diffraction Images
2013 journal article
Crystal Growth Simulations To Establish Physically Relevant Kinetic Parameters from the Empirical Kolmogorov–Johnson–Mehl–Avrami Model
Chemistry of Materials, 25(20), 3941–3951.
Contributors: E. Dill n, J. Folmer n & n
2013 journal article
Experimental Determination of the Crystallization Phase-Boundary Velocity in the Halozeotype CZX-1
Chemistry of Materials, 25(20), 3932–3940.
2013 journal article
Review of Cellulose Non-Derivatizing Solvent Interactions with Emphasis on Activity in Inorganic Molten Salt Hydrates
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 1(8), 858–870.
Contributors: S. Sen*, * & D. Argyropoulos*
2012 journal article
Effect of Axial Interactions on the Formation of Mesophases: Comparison of the Phase Behavior of Dialkyl 2,2 '-bipyridyl-4,4 '-dicarboxylate Complexes of Pt(II), Pt(IV), and Pt(II)/Pt(IV) Molecular Alloys
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 24(23), 4517–4530.
Contributors: R. Allenbaugh *, C. Schauer*, A. Josey n, n , D. Anokhin * & D. Ivanov *
2012 conference paper
Hydrated Zinc Chloride, a Potential Solvent for Cellulose
Martin, J. (2012, June). Presented at the IUPAC World Polymer Congress, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA.
Event: IUPAC World Polymer Congress at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA on June 24-29, 2012
2012 conference paper
Undergraduate Science Education: Sustaining Reform Begins with Faculty
Presented at the Cottrell Scholars, Tucson, AZ.
Event: Cottrell Scholars at Tucson, AZ
2011 journal article
Reassessing the Regioregularity of N-(1-Naphthyl)-N '-(n-octadecyl)polycarbodiimide Using Solution Infrared Spectroscopy
MACROMOLECULES, 44(12), 5064–5067.
Contributors: J. Kennemur n, J. Desousa n, n & B. Novak n
2010 conference paper
A Mechanistic Study of Melting and Crystallization: phase transitions, nucleation and growth
Martin, J. (2010, August). Presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the North American Thermal Analysis Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Event: 38th Annual Conference of the North American Thermal Analysis Society at Philadelphia, PA
2010 conference paper
Aqueous Solutions of Zinc Chloride are Tunable Ionic Liquids
Martin, J. (2010, December 15). Presented at the Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem), Honolulu, HI.
Event: Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (Pacifichem) at Honolulu, HI. on December 15-20, 2010
2010 journal article
Goldilocks Effect in Magnetic Bistability: Remote Substituent Modulation and Lattice Control of Photoinduced Valence Tautomerism and Light-Induced Thermal Hysteresis
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132(17), 6261–6273.
Contributors: R. Schmidt n, D. Shultz n , n & P. Boyle n
2010 journal article
Magnetic Bistability in a Cobalt Bis(dioxolene) Complex: Long-Lived Photoinduced Valence Tautomerism
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 49(7), 3162–3168.
Contributors: R. Schmidt n, D. Shultz* & *
2010 journal article
Mixed Anion (Phosphate/Oxalate) Bonding to Iron(III) Materials
Contributors: F. Kizewski n, P. Boyle n, D. Hesterberg n & n
2010 report
Protecting the Academic Core
[Faculty Assembly Report]. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: The University of North Carolina System.
2010 newspaper article
School board policy and practice
Martin, J. (2010, March 31). News and Observer.
2009 newspaper article
Budgeting Past, Present and Future
Martin, J. (2009, January 27). Technician, p. 3.
2009 conference paper
Evolution of Structure in Condensed Matter: CrystalsPlastic Crystals Liquid Crystals Liquids
Martin, J. (2009, July 8). Presented at the CECAM conference on Structural Transitions in Solids, Lugano, Switzerland.
Event: CECAM conference on Structural Transitions in Solids at Lugano, Switzerland on July 8-11, 2009
2009 conference paper
Faculty Governance: Rediscovering the Collegiate Business Model for Higher Education
Martin, J. (2009, June). Presented at the National Meeting of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Washington, DC.
Event: National Meeting of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) at Washington, DC
2008 speech
A Chemist Becomes Chair of the Faculty: Using Science Demos as Object Lessons for Good University Policy
Martin, J. (2008, July). Presented at the Cottrell Scholars Conference, Tucson, AZ.
Event: Cottrell Scholars Conference at Tucson, AZ
2008 journal article
Coupled orientational and displacive degrees of freedom in the high-temperature plastic phase of the carbon tetrabromide alpha-CBr(4)
Contributors: J. Folmer n, R. Withers *, T. Welberry * & n
2008 conference paper
Relaxation and structural assembly control the mechanism of crystal growth in condensed matter
Martin, J. (2008, April 6). Presented at the 235th National American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Event: 235th National American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting at New Orleans, LA on April 6-10, 2008
2007 journal article
Effect of matrix crystal structure on ion abundance of carbohydrates by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
Contributors: T. Williams n , D. Saggese n, R. Wilcox n, n & D. Muddiman n
2007 conference paper
From order to disorder and back: melting and recrystallization of metal-halide networks
Presented at the Spallation neutrons and pressure (SNAP/NOMAD) annual meeting, Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN.
Event: Spallation neutrons and pressure (SNAP/NOMAD) annual meeting at Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
2007 conference paper
Independent Measurement of Nucleation and Crystal Growth in Condensed Matter: a new look at classic nucleation theory
Presented at the North American Solid State Chemistry Meeting, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.
Event: North American Solid State Chemistry Meeting at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
2007 journal article
Phosphate bonding configuration on ferrihydrite based on molecular orbital calculations and XANES fingerprinting
Contributors: N. Khare n, n & D. Hesterberg n
2007 journal article
Report from the third workshop on future directions of solid-state chemistry: The status of solid-state chemistry and its impact in the physical sciences
Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 36(1-2), 1–133.
Contributors: M. Kanatzidis *, K. Poeppelmeier *, S. Bobev, A. Guloy, S. Hwu, A. Lachgar, S. Latturner, Raymond
2007 journal article
Stability of organically modified montmorillonites and their polystyrene nanocomposites after prolonged thermal treatment
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 19(11), 2757–2767.
Contributors: D. Frankowski n, M. Capracotta n, n , S. Khan n & R. Spontak n
2007 conference paper
Time Resolved X-ray and Neutron Scattering: Probing Chemical Transformations and Structural Dynamics
Presented at the Advanced Photon Light Source User's Meeting, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL.
Event: Advanced Photon Light Source User's Meeting at Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL
2006 conference paper
Amorphous Materials Engineering: Designing Structure in Metal Halide Liquids and Glasses
Presented at the Spallation Neutrons at Pressure (SNAP) annual meeting, Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN.
Event: Spallation Neutrons at Pressure (SNAP) annual meeting at Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN
2006 book
Hydrogen Bonding in Metal Halides: Lattice Effects and Electronic Distortions
In Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III (pp. 267–277).
2006 report
Metallotropic Liquid Crystals: Surfactant Induced Order in Molten Metal Halides
In National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report (pp. 2–96-2–97). Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce.
2006 journal article
Metallotropic liquid crystals formed by surfactant templating of molten metal halides
NATURE MATERIALS, 5(4), 271–275.
Contributors: , C. Keary n, T. Thornton n, M. Novotnak n, J. Knutson n & J. Folmer n n
2006 conference paper
On the Fate of Crystalline Network Structures Upon Melting
Presented at the Materials Research Society National Meeting, Boston, MA.
Event: Materials Research Society National Meeting at Boston, MA
2006 journal article
Sorptive reconstruction of CuMCl4 (M = Al and Ga) upon small-molecule binding and the competitive binding of CO and ethylene
Contributors: M. Capracotta n, R. Sullivan n & n
2005 journal article
A structure and phase analysis investigation of the "1:1" ordered A2InNbO6 perovskites (A=Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 179(2), 551–562.
Contributors: V. Ting *, Y. Liu *, R. Withers *, L. Norén*, M. James* & J. Gerald*
2005 speech
Advice for the Chemistry of Life
Martin, J. (2005, May). Presented at the Professional Recognition Ceremony, AXE Gamma Xi Chapter, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Professional Recognition Ceremony, AXE Gamma Xi Chapter at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
2005 book
Amorphous materials engineering: Designing structure in liquid and glassy metal-halide networks
In Ceramic Transactions (Vol. 170, pp. 57–67).
2005 journal article
Benzene and ethylene binding to copper(I)-ziconium(IV) chloride materials: The crystal structure and solid-state reactivity of ((bz)(2)Cu)(2)Zr2Cl10 center dot bz
POLYHEDRON, 25(2), 349–359.
Contributors: A. Dattelbaum n & n
2005 journal article
Know what's in your bottle: The ring opening metathesis polymerization in aqueous medium by simple ruthenium complex
Polymer Preprints, 46(2), 931–932.
2005 report
Lewis acid catalyzed polymerization of nitro compounds
[Invention Disclosure]. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.
2005 conference paper
Probing the Mechanism of Small Molecule Sorption into Metal-Halide Crystalline Networks
Martin, J. (2005, December). Presented at the IX International Symposium on Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India.
Event: IX International Symposium on Modern Trends in Inorganic Chemistry at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
2005 journal article
Property and Morphology Development in Nanocomposite Thermoplastic Elastomer Gels
Langmuir, 21(7), 3106–3115.
Contributors: G. Van Maanen n, S. Seeley n, M. Capracotta n, S. White n, R. Bukovnik n, J. Hartmann n, n , R. Spontak n
2005 speech
Structure in Metal-Halide Melts: from Angstrom to Nanometer Scales
Martin, J. (2005, May). Presented at the 9th International Symposium on Metallomesogens, Lake Arrowhead, CA.
Event: 9th International Symposium on Metallomesogens at Lake Arrowhead, CA on May 31 - June 3, 2005
2005 journal article
Tuning the band gap in hybrid tin iodide perovskite semiconductors using structural templating
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 44(13), 4699–4705.
2005 journal article
XANES investigation of phosphate sorption in single and binary systems of iron and aluminum oxide minerals
Contributors: N. Khare n, D. Hesterberg n & n
2004 conference paper
Amorphous Materials Engineering in Metal-Halide Networks
Presented at the 106th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, Indianapolis, IN.
Event: 106th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society at Indianapolis, IN
2004 speech
Flexible Crystals and Structured Amorphous Materials
Presented at the Neutrons in Chemistry, Department of Energy, Arlington, VA.
Event: Neutrons in Chemistry at Department of Energy, Arlington, VA
2004 journal article
Morphological, mechanical and gas-transport characteristics of crosslinked poly(propylene glycol): homopolymers, nanocomposites and blends
POLYMER, 45(17), 5941–5950.
Contributors: N. Patel n, C. Aberg n, A. Sanchez n, M. Capracotta n, n & R. Spontak n
2004 conference paper
Olefin vs. Carbonyl Reactivity with Copper(I)/Lewis Acid Frameworks
Martin, J., & Capracotta, M. D. (2004, July 25). Presented at the Gordon Research Conference, Conference on Solid-State Chemistry, Colby-Sawyer College, New Hampshire.
Event: Gordon Research Conference, Conference on Solid-State Chemistry at Colby-Sawyer College, New Hampshire on July 25-30, 2004
2004 conference paper
On the Mechanism of Metal-Halide Network Formation and Crystal Growth
Martin, J. (2004, June 6). Presented at the Second American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Baltimore, MD.
Event: Second American Conference on Neutron Scattering at Baltimore, MD on June 6-10, 2004
2004 chapter
Solid State Devices
In J. J. Lagowski, A. J. Banks, T. Holme, & H. Silber (Eds.), Chemistry: foundations and applications (Vol. 4, pp. 142–148). New York: Macmillan.
Ed(s): J. Lagowski, A. Banks, T. Holme & H. Silber
2004 journal article
Synthesis of [NH4]MnCl2(OAc) and [NH4](2)MnCl4(H2O)(2) by solvothermal dehydration and structure/property correlations in a one-dimensional antiferromagnet
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 43(10), 3242–3247.
2004 report
Templated Compositions of Inorganic Liquids and Glasses
(U.S. Patent No. 6,790,382).
2004 patent
Templated compositions of inorganic liquids and glasses
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2003 journal article
Chemically tuning between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism by combining theory and synthesis in iron/manganese rhodium borides
Chemtracts, 16(8), 496–504.
2003 journal article
Dynamic disorder and conformer exchange in the crystalline monomer of polycarbonate
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B, 107(48), 13293–13299.
Contributors: J. Wolak n, J. Knutson n, n , P. Boyle n, A. Sargent n & J. White n
2003 conference paper
Educational Requirements/Opportunities at Neutron User Facilities
Presented at the NSFCHEMBIO, Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences, Tallahassee, FL.
Event: NSFCHEMBIO, Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences at Tallahassee, FL
2003 conference paper
Sorptive Reconstruction of a Metal-Halide Lattice on Small Molecule Sorption
Martin, J. (2003, November 16). Presented at the Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlanta, GA.
Event: Southeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society at Atlanta, GA on November 16-17, 2003
2003 journal article
Sorptive reconstruction of the CuAlCl4 framework upon reversible ethylene binding
Contributors: R. Sullivan n, H. Liu n, D. Smith n, J. Hanson n, D. Osterhout n, M. Ciraolo n, C. Grey n, n
2003 report
Templated Compositions of Inorganic Liquids and Glasses
(U.S. Patent No. 6,540,939).
2003 patent
Templated compositions of inorganic liquids and glasses
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
2003 journal article
Transport properties of hectorite based nanocomposite single ion conductors
JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 128(2), 247–255.
Contributors: R. Singhal n, M. Capracotta n, n , S. Khan n & P. Fedkiw n
2003 conference paper
Understanding the Mechanism of Metal-Halide Network Formation and Crystal Growth
Presented at the National Science Foundation Workshop on Inorganic Chemistry, Jackson Hole, WY.
Event: National Science Foundation Workshop on Inorganic Chemistry at Jackson Hole, WY
2002 journal article
Composition dependence of the nucleation energy of iron antimonides from modulated elemental reactants
Chemtracts, 15(1), 17–25.
2002 journal article
Designing intermediate-range order in amorphous materials
NATURE, 419(6905), 381–384.
Contributors: , S. Goettler n, N. Fossé n & L. Iton* n
2002 journal article
Electronic structure, electrical and magnetic properties of RMo8O14 compounds (R = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) containing bicapped Mo-8 clusters
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 41(18), 4689–4699.
Contributors: R. Gautier *, O. Andersen *, P. Gougeon *, J. Halet *, E. Canadell * & *
2002 conference paper
Evaluating and Refining Curricula
Presented at the Cottrell Scholars Conference, Tucson, AZ.
Event: Cottrell Scholars Conference at Tucson, AZ
2002 report
Kinetics and Mechanism of Network Formation in a Sodalite-type Halozeotype
In BNL National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report. Upton, New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory.
2002 conference paper
Morphing the Amorphous: Designing Structure in Amorphous Materials
Martin, J. (2002, June 23). Presented at the American Conference on Neutron Scattering, Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN.
Event: American Conference on Neutron Scattering at Oak Ridge Lab, Oak Ridge, TN on June 23-27, 2002
2002 book
Structure-Property Relationships in Ionic Liquids
In ACS Symposium Series (Vol. 818, pp. 413–427).
2002 journal article
Structure-property relationships in ionic liquids
Ionic Liquids: Industrial Applications for Green Chemistry, 818, 413–427.
Ed(s): . R. D Rogers & K. Seddon
2002 journal article
Synthesis and characterization of CU2ZrCl6: a thermochromic, van Vleck paramagnet
Contributors: A. Dattelbaum n, L. He *, F. Tsui * & n
2002 conference paper
The Salt-like Structure of Molten Salts
Keary, C. L., & Martin, J. D. (2002, July 28). Presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Solid State Chemistry, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire.
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Solid State Chemistry at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire on July 28 - August 2, 2002
2002 journal article
Toward separation and purification of olefins using dithiolene complexes: An electrochemical approach
Chemtracts, 15(1), 26–31.
2001 conference paper
Designing Structure in Ionic Liquids: A Consideration of Shape, Charge Density and Composition
Martin, J. (2001, May 1). Presented at the 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Event: 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting at San Diego, CA on May 1-5, 2001
2001 conference paper
From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering
Martin, J. (2001, May 1). Presented at the 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Event: 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting at San Diego, CA on May 1-5, 2001
2001 journal article
From the wood-shop to crystal engineering: Teaching three-dimensional chemistry
2001 journal article
Kinetics and mechanism of the beta- to alpha-CuAlCl4 phase transition: A time-resolved Cu-63 MAS NMR and powder X-ray diffraction study
Contributors: H. Liu n, R. Sullivan n, J. Hanson n, C. Grey n & n
2001 conference paper
Mechanism of the Solid-State Phase Transition and Small Molecule Sorption into CuAlCl4
Presented at the Gordon Conference on Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms, Ventura, CA.
Event: Gordon Conference on Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms at Ventura, CA
2001 journal article
Molecular scale characteristics of Cu(II) bonding in goethite-humate complexes
Contributors: T. Alcacio n, D. Hesterberg n , J. Chou n, n , S. Beauchemin * & D. Sayers n
2001 speech
Neutron Scattering in the Hands of a Synthetic Chemist
Presented at the Workshop on Southeast Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education Consortia, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.
Event: Workshop on Southeast Innovations in Nuclear Infrastructure and Education Consortia at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
2001 conference paper
Probing the Reactivity of Cu(I) in the Presence of Lewis Acids
Martin, J. D., Smith, D. S., & Dattelbaum, A. M. (2001, May 1). Presented at the 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, CA.
Event: 221st American Chemical Society National Meeting at San Diego, CA on May 1-5, 2001
2001 journal article
Synthesis and structural characterization of tricarbomethoxymethanate complexes of copper(II) and barium(II) and evaluation of their suitability for MOCVD applications
New Journal of Chemistry, 25(3), 400–407.
Contributors: D. Baxter *, K. Caulton *, W. Chiang*, M. Chisholm*, V. DiStasi*, S. Dutremez *, * , W. Streib*
2001 journal article
Templated synthesis of cuprous chloride networks: Synthesis and characterization of [Hpy]Cu3Cl6 and {[H3NMe](6)Cl}[M3NMe](2)Cu9Cl16
Contributors: , J. Yang n & A. Dattelbaum n n
2001 report
VT-XRD Study of the Liquid Crystalline Phases of Surfactant Templated Zinc Chloride
In National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report. Upton, New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory.
2000 journal article
Electronic fine tuning of the structures of reduced rare-earth metal halides
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 40(2), 389–395.
Contributors: M. Köckerling n & n
2000 conference paper
From the Wood-Shop to Crystal Engineering
Presented at the Cottrell Scholars Conference, Tucson, AZ.
Event: Cottrell Scholars Conference at Tucson, AZ
2000 conference paper
Templating Metal-Halide Crystals, Glasses and Liquids
Martin, J. (2000, March 26). Presented at the 219th American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Event: 219th American Chemical Society National Meeting at San Francisco, CA on March 26-30, 2000
2000 conference paper
Templating the Structure of Inorganic Networks
Martin, J. D., Keary, C. L., Goettler, S. J., & Fosse, N. (2000, July 30). Presented at the Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire.
Event: Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire on July 30 - August 4, 2000
2000 report
The Effect Of Low Pressures Of Ethylene On -CuAlCl4 R
In National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report. Upton, New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory.
1999 journal article
An illuminating framework: Understanding the photoluminescence of alpha-CuAlCl4
Contributors: R. Sullivan n & n
1999 journal article
Benzene-copper(I) coordination in a bimetallic chain complex
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 38(26), 6200–6205.
Contributors: A. Dattelbaum n & n
1999 journal article
Beyond the Textbook: A First Year Introduction to Research at a Research I University
Crucible, 30, 6–10.
1999 conference paper
Copper Zirconium Chloride Materials from Zero to Three Dimensions
Martin, J. D. (1999, March 21). Presented at the 217th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Event: 217th American Chemical Society National Meeting at Anaheim, CA on March 21-25, 1999
1999 conference paper
From Crystal Structures to Liquid Crystals: Templated Extend Structure in Molten Metal Halides
Martin, J. (1999, September 19). Presented at the International Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry, Queens College, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Event: International Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry at Queens College, Oxford, United Kingdom on September 19-24, 1999
1999 report
Halo-Zeotype Materials
(U.S. Patent No. 5,885,542).
1999 patent
Halo-zeo-type materials
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1999 conference paper
Liquid Crystalline Zinc Chloride
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 559, 243–248.
Event: Materials Research Society National Meeting at San Francisco, CA
1999 report
Luminescent Copper Aluminum Halide Materials
(U.S. Patent No. 5,876,637).
Event: on March 3, 1999
1999 patent
Luminescent copper aluminum halide materials
Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
1999 book
Metal halide framework solids: Analogs of aluminosilicates and aluminophosphates
In ACS Symposium Series (Vol. 727, pp. 28–38).
1999 report
Neutron Diffraction Studies Of The Structure Of Templated Zinc Chloride-Type Glasses And Melts
In Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Progress Report [IPNS Progress Report,].
1999 report
On The Hydration And Dehydration Of Zinc Chloride
In National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report. Upton, New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory.
1999 conference paper
Putting Chemistry Back into Freshman Chemistry
Presented at the Cottrell Scholars Conference, Tucson, AZ.
Event: Cottrell Scholars Conference at Tucson, AZ
1999 conference paper
Understanding the photoluminescence of copper aluminum halide phosphors
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 560, 39–44.
1999 journal article
[H2NMe2]CuZrCl6: Hydrogen-bond induced distortions in a copper zirconium chloride analogue of a thiophosphate
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 38(10), 2369–2374.
Contributors: A. Dattelbaum n & n
1999 journal article
α-K4R6I14Os (R = La, Pr): A novel iodine-rich structure with a layered network of electron-poor clusters. an incipient delocalized system with metal-like conductivity
Inorganic Chemistry, 38(17), 3825–3830.
1998 journal article
Beyond the Textbook: A First-Year Introduction to Research at a Research I University
Journal of Chemical Education, 75(3), 325.
1998 book
Chemistry: A Quantitative Science
Hillsborough, NC, USA: Patterson/Jones Publishing.
1998 journal article
Metal Halide Analogues of Chalcogenides: A Building Block Approach to the Rational Synthesis of Solid-State Materials
Chemistry of Materials, 10(10), 2699–2713.
1998 review
Metal halide analogues of chalcogenides: A building block approach to the rational synthesis of solid-state materials
[Review of ]. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, 10(10), 2699–2713.
1998 journal article
New Condensed Cluster Structure with Triple Metal Layers: La2INi2 and La2ICu2· Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding
Inorganic Chemistry, 37(13), 3385–3390.
1998 report
Observation of Reactive Intermediates on Sorption of Ethylene into CuAlCl4
In National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report. Upton, New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory.
1998 conference paper
Putting Chemistry Back into General Chemistry
Presented at the Gordon Conference on International Conference on Science Education: New Developments and Visualization in Chemistry and Science Education, Queens College, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Event: Gordon Conference on International Conference on Science Education: New Developments and Visualization in Chemistry and Science Education at Queens College, Oxford, United Kingdom
1998 conference paper
Templated Zinc Chloride: From Open Frameworks to Liquid Crystals
Presented at the Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Event: Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society at Research Triangle Park, NC
1998 journal article
The hydrogen-bonded framework of the first anti-zeotype: [{(H2NEt2)2}2(CuCl4)][AlCl4]
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 37(23), 3318–3320.
1998 journal article
alpha- and beta-CuAlCl4: Framework construction using corner-shared tetrahedral metal-halide building blocks
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 37(6), 1341–1346.
Contributors: , B. Leafblad n, R. Sullivan n & P. Boyle n n
1997 conference paper
HALOZEOTYPES: A Light at the End of the Tunnel
Martin, J. (1997, June 15). Presented at the Gordon Conference on Zeolitic and Layered Materials, Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH.
Event: Gordon Conference on Zeolitic and Layered Materials at Plymouth State College, Plymouth, NH on June 15-20, 1997
1997 conference paper
Halozeotypes: A New Generation of Zeolite-type Materials
Martin, J. (1997, September 7). Presented at the 214th National American Chemical Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
Event: 214th National American Chemical Society Meeting at Las Vegas, NV on September 7-11, 1997
1997 journal article
Halozeotypes: a new generation of zeolite-type materials
Contributors: & K. Greenwood n n
1997 report
In-Situ Studies of Ethylene Sorption in CuAlCl4
In National Synchrotron Light Source Activity Report. Upton, New York: Brookhaven National Laboratory.
1997 chapter
Inorganic Chemistry
In D. W. Wertz (Ed.), Chemistry: A molecular science. Hillsborough, NC.: Patterson/Jones Publishing:
Ed(s): D. Wertz
1997 chapter
States of Matter
In D. W. Wertz (Ed.), Chemistry A Molecular Science. Hillsborough, NC.: Patterson/Jones Publishing:
Ed(s): D. Wertz
1997 journal article
Syntheses, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of Sc(19)Br(28)Z(4) compounds with Z = Mn, Fe, Ru, or Os. Structural and bonding trends in R(16)X(20)Z(4)-type oligomers
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 36(27), 6413–6422.
1997 journal article
Three Types of Condensed Cluster Phases of Rare-Earth Metal Iodides with Transition Metal Interstitials: Pr4I5Ni, Pr3I3Os, Pr2INi2, and La2IZ2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 129(2), 277–286.
1997 journal article
Two closely related structure types with unprecedented bioctahedral rare-earth-metal clusters centered by transition metals: A2R10I17Z2 (A = Rb, Cs; R = La, Ce, Pr; Z = Co, Ni, Ru, Os) and La10I15Os2
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119(3), 513–520.
1996 conference paper
Martin, J., & Greenwood, K. B. (1996, July 14). Presented at the Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire.
Event: Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, New Hampshire on July 14-19, 1996
1996 conference paper
Metal Halide Analogs of Zeolites
Martin, J. (1996, August 25). Presented at the 212th National American Chemical Society Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Event: 212th National American Chemical Society Meeting at Orlando, FL on August 25-29, 1996
1996 journal article
Two new examples for the unusual R12L17z2-structure type: La12i17fe2 and ce12i17mn2
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 125(2), 249–254.
1996 journal article
β-Mn(O2CMe)2: Solvothermal synthesis and crystal structure of an unprecedented three-dimensional manganese(II) network
Chemical Communications, (21), 2419–2420.
1995 journal article
LaI: An unprecedented binary rare earth metal monohalide with a NiAs-type structure
Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English), 34(2), 233–235.
1995 conference paper
Solvothermal Synthesis of Anhydrous Mn(II) Extended Solids
Martin, J., & Hess, R. M. (1995, September 24). Presented at the Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry, Irsee, Germany.
Event: Gordon Conference on Solid-State Chemistry at Irsee, Germany on September 24-29, 1995
1995 journal article
π-Stabilized, yet reactive, half-sandwich Cp*Ru(PR3)X compounds: Synthesis, structure, and bonding
Inorganic Chemistry, 34(2), 488–499.
1994 journal article
Covalent linkage of [Mn4O2(O2CPh) 6(dbm)2] into a dimer and a one-dimensional polymer (dbmH = dibenzoylmethane)
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, (5), 671–673.
1994 journal article
Novel chain and oligomeric condensed cluster phases for gadolinium Iodides with manganese interstitials
Inorganic Chemistry, 33(10), 2079–2084.
1994 journal article
Preparation, crystal structures, conductivities and electronic structures of [et]3[NiCl4]·H2O and [et]3[AuBr4] [et = bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene]
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, (13), 1995–2004.
1994 journal article
Stepwise activation of σ-thienyl ligands at di-tungsten centres
Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, (6), 683–684.
1993 journal article
A comparison of heterometallic alkoxide molecules containing copper(I) or copper(II) and zirconium
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 449(1-2), 191–201.
Contributors: B. Vaartstra*, J. Samuels*, E. Barash*, * , W. Streib*, C. Gasser*, K. Caulton *
1993 journal article
A new vanadium(V) persulfide complex: (NEt4)[VO(S2)2(bpy)]
Inorganic Chemistry, 32(13), 2978–2980.
1993 journal article
A tetranuclear tungsten carbido alkoxide cluster with a hydride ligand: W4(μ-C)(NMe)(OCH2But)11(H)
Journal of Cluster Science, 4(2), 105–117.
1993 journal article
Carbon-carbon coupling of a μ-ethynyl ligand with an isocyanide at a ditungsten center. Preparation and structure of W2(μ-CCCNHXyl)(OSiMe2BUt) 5(CNXyl)4, where Xyl = 2,6-Me2C6H3
Organometallics, 12(6), 2354–2359.
1993 journal article
Doubly-hydrated hexafluoroacetylacetone as a tetradentate ligand: Synthesis, magnetochemistry, and thermal transformations of a MnIII 2 complex
Inorganic Chemistry, 32(16), 3463–3470.
Contributors: E. Bouwman, K. Caulton, G. Christou, K. Folting, C. Gasser, D. Hendrickson, J. Huffman, E. Lobkovsky
1993 journal article
Structural and electronic study of donors composed of two TTF moieties linked by tellurium bridges
Chemistry of Materials, 5(9), 1199–1203.
1993 journal article
Triple bonds between tungsten atoms with ancillary dimesitylboroalkoxide ligands. Preparations, properties and structures of W2(NMe2)4[OB(Mes)2]2 and W2(OBut)4[OB(Mes)2]2
Inorganica Chimica Acta, 213(1-2), 17–24.
1993 journal article
Two new structural types for d3-d3 dimers of molybdenum and tungsten: [K(18-crown-6)]+[Mo2(OCH2But)7]- and [W2{P(c-hexyl)2}3(OCH2But)3{HP(c-hexyl)2}]
Polyhedron, 12(3), 343–345.
Contributors: T. Budzichowski*, M. Chisholm*, * , J. Huffman*, K. Moodley * & W. Streib*
1993 journal article
[Et3PH][W4O3Cl7(PEt3)3]. A 12-electron tetrahedral tungsten cluster with an interesting arrangement of ligands
Journal of Cluster Science, 4(3), 259–269.
1992 journal article
A construction principle of the κ-phase based on the efficient (O-H)donor · · · Oanion structural functionality: The examples of κ-(EDT-TTF(CH2OH))2X (X = ClO4 ⊖ and ReO4 ⊖)
Advanced Materials, 4(9), 579–581.
1992 journal article
Molecular interactions, band structure, and BEDT-TTF oxidation states in the molecular conductor (BEDT-TTF)3[V(dmit)3]2
Inorganic Chemistry, 31(14), 3176–3178.
1992 journal article
Synthesis of Hexakis(dimethylamide)ditungsten
Inorganic Syntheses, 29, 137–140.
1992 journal article
The tungsten-tungsten triple bond. 17.1 mixed amido-phosphido compounds of formula M2(PR2)2(NMe2)4. Comparisons of amido and phosphido ligation and bridged and unbridged isomers
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114(2), 557–570.
1992 journal article
The tungsten-tungsten triple bond. 19. Preparation and characterization of W2 6+-containing compounds supported by amide/alkoxide and trifluoromethanesulfonate ligands
Inorganic Chemistry, 31(22), 4469–4474.
1991 journal article
Antiperovskite structure with ternary tetrathiafulvalenium salts: Construction, distortion, and antiferromagnetic ordering
Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English), 30(11), 1498–1500.
1991 journal article
Understanding reactivity trends by structural and theoretical studies of distortions in ground-state reagents
Organometallics, 10(9), 3062–3069.
1990 journal article
A visible spectrometer
Journal of Chemical Education, 67(12), 1061–1062.
1990 journal article
Twelve-electron tetranuclear tungsten alkoxide clusters are not tetrahedral. Preparation, structure and bonding in W4(O)(OPri)10 and W4(O)(Cl)(OPri)9. Comparisons with the bonding in carbonyl clusters
Polyhedron, 9(15-16), 1829–1841.
1989 journal article
Comments on the Molecular Structure and Bonding In [W4Cl(O)(OiPr)9] and [W4(O)(OiPr)10]. Analogies with Tetranuclear Carbonyl Clusters
Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English, 28(10), 1368–1370.
1989 journal article
Reactions involving carbon dioxide and mixed amido-phosphido dinuclear compounds: M2(NMe2)4(PR2) 2(M≡M), where M = Mo and W. Comparative study of the insertion of carbon dioxide into metal-nitrogen and metal-phosphorus bonds
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 111(21), 8149–8156.
1988 journal article
The tungsten-tungsten triple bondXVI. Bis(cyclopentadienyl)- and bis(indenyl)tetradimethylamidoditungsten (WW)
Polyhedron, 7(19-20), 1991–1999.
Contributors: M. Chisholm*, M. Hampden-Smith*, J. Huffman*, * , K. Stahl* & K. Moodley *
1988 journal article
Unbridged and bridged isomers of W2(PCy2)2(NMe2)4: preparations, characterizations, and comments on thermodynamic and activation parameters for the closing of phosphido bridges in d3-d3 dinuclear compounds
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 110(19), 6563–6565.
1987 journal article
NMR Spectroscopic and Theoretical Investigation of the Bonding in Ethylidyne capped tri-tungsten Nonaalkoxide and tricobalt Nonacarbonyl
Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 97, 189–194.
Updated: April 12th, 2016 08:57
2011 - present
1994 - present
Updated: April 12th, 2016 08:56
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1991 - 1991
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