Works (3)
2016 journal article
Moving targets: Promoting physical activity in public spaces via open streets in the US
Preventive Medicine, 103, S15–S20.
Contributors: J. Hipp n, A. Bird, n & E. Yarnall*
![UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel](/assets/un-sdg/SDG-Wheel_WEB-small-9baffff2694056ba5d79cdadadac07d345a206e13477bd1034bd8925f38f3c4b.png)
2016 journal article
Objective reports versus subjective perceptions of crime and their relationships to accelerometer-measured physical activity in Hispanic caretaker-child dyads
Preventive Medicine, 95, S68–S74.
Contributors: J. Hipp n & S. Barkin * n,
![UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel](/assets/un-sdg/SDG-Wheel_WEB-small-9baffff2694056ba5d79cdadadac07d345a206e13477bd1034bd8925f38f3c4b.png)
2016 journal article
Parental perception of built environment characteristics and built environment use among Latino families: a cross-sectional study
![UN Sustainable Development Goals Color Wheel](/assets/un-sdg/SDG-Wheel_WEB-small-9baffff2694056ba5d79cdadadac07d345a206e13477bd1034bd8925f38f3c4b.png)