Works (48)
2025 book
Human trafficking: Applying research, theory and case studies for criminal justice, law, and policymakers
2024 book
Human trafficking: Applying research, theory and case studies for social workers and the helping professions
2023 chapter
Sex and labor trafficking: The social work response
In T. Bent-Goodley (Ed.), Responding to Interpersonal Violence: The Social Work Response. NASW Press.
Ed(s): T. Bent-Goodley
2023 journal article
Undergraduate students’ perceptions of learning from foreign-born faculty in American university settings
Studies in Higher Education, 48(7), 1111–1122.

2022 chapter
Human trafficking and sexual exploitation
In S. Chama & D. Wick (Eds.), An International Approach to Social Work: Connecting Across Cultures to Inform Practice (pp. 151–162). San Diego, CA: Cognella.
Ed(s): S. Chama & D. Wick
2021 journal article
Perceptions, Knowledge, and Attitudes about Human Trafficking Questionnaire: Extending Its Utility with Social Work Students
SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH, 45(4), 257–268.

2021 magazine article
Social work’s mandate to look beneath the surface
Nsonwu, M., Nsonwu, A., & Busch-Armendariz, N. (2021, August). NASW, The North Carolina Social Work Newsletter.
2021 journal article
Using Community-Based Participatory Research to Characterize Health and Lifestyle Behaviors of Montagnards, a Refugee-Origin Asian-American Subgroup
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 24(5), 1103–1112.

2020 chapter
"It is like we have died, but we are still breathing”: The Trauma of Housing Resettled Refugees Within a Neoliberal Model
In J. Rinker & J. Lawler (Eds.), Realizing Nonviolent Resilience: Neoliberalism, Societal Trauma, and Marginalized Voice (pp. 79–98). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
Ed(s): J. Rinker & J. Lawler
2020 journal article
Fostering Inclusion through an Interinstitutional, Community-Engaged, Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience
Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, 21(1).

2020 journal article
Perspectives in <scp>AE — From “the bank” to “the kitchen”: Pedagogical reflections of a constructivist theory framed course
New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 32(2), 67–73.

2020 report
The intersection between human trafficking and substance use disorder
Opioid Workforce Expansion Program.
2020 chapter
Unique contributions of social work in combating human trafficking
In Routledge International Handbook of Human Trafficking (pp. 342–365). Routledge.
2019 journal article
"Unity is our strength”: perspectives on the recruitment and retention of African American male social work students
Urban Social Work, 3(S1), S129–S146.
2019 journal article
Human Trafficking of Immigrants and Refugees in North Carolina
North Carolina Medical Journal, 80(2), 101–103.

2019 chapter
Re-constructing Social Ties: The Multi-ethnic Engagement Patterns of Refugees Residing within a North Carolina Settlement House
In R. Willems, A. Nelson, & A. Roedlach (Eds.), The Crux of Refugee Resettlement Rebuilding Social Networks. Oxford: Berghahan Books.
Ed(s): R. Willems, A. Nelson & A. Roedlach
2019 chapter
Reconstructing Social Ties: The Multiethnic Engagement Patterns of Refugees Residing within a North Carolina Settlement House
In R. Willems, A. Nelson, & A. Roedlach (Eds.), The Crux of Refugee Resettlement: Rebuilding Social Networks (p. 4). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Ed(s): R. Willems, A. Nelson & A. Roedlach
2019 chapter book
Unique contributions of social work in combating human trafficking
2018 monograph
Human Trafficking: Applying Research, Theory, and Case Studies
2018 chapter
Supporting Sex-Trafficking Survivors Through a Collaborative Single- Point-of -Contact Model: Mezzo and Micro Considerations
In A. Nichols, T. Edmond, & E. Heil (Eds.), Social Work Practice with Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation (pp. 316–332).
Ed(s): A. Nichols, T. Edmond & E. Heil

2018 journal article
When Community Calls, We Collaborate ! Community-Based Participatory Research With the Multilanguage Montagnard Refugee Community

2017 journal article
Development and Validation of an Instrument to Assess Social Work Students’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Attitudes About Human Trafficking Questionnaire (PKA-HTQ)
Research on Social Work Practice, 27(5), 561–571.
2016 journal article
Responding to Domestic Minors Sex Trafficking (DMST): Developing Principle-Based Practices
Journal of Human Trafficking, 2(4), 259–271.
2016 journal article
Unsettled integration: Pre- and post-migration factors in Congolese refugee women’s resettlement experiences in the United States
International Social Work, 59(6), 875–889.
2016 chapter book
‘Something is missing here’
‘Something is missing here.’
2015 journal article
Foster Care Chronicles: Use of the Arts for Teens Aging Out of the Foster Care System
Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 10(1), 18–33.
2015 journal article
God-Talk in the Survival Epistemology of Liberian Refugee Women
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 34(3), 304–327.

2015 report
Refugee and cultural challenges for the great lakes region of Africa: Recommendations for service providers
Association of Refugee Service Professionals & the Center for New North Carolinians.
2014 journal article
A kaleidoscope: The role of the social work practitioner and the strength of social work theories and practice in meeting the complex needs of people trafficked and the professionals that work with them
International Social Work, 57(1), 7–18.
2014 journal article
Cross-Cultural “Allies” in Immigrant Community Practice: Roles of foreign-trained former Montagnard health professionals
Health, Culture and Society, 6(1), 62–72.
2014 chapter
Human Trafficking
In L. H. Cousins (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human Services and Diversity.
Ed(s): L. Cousins
2014 entry reference
Human Trafficking: Exploiting Labor
2014 report
The continuity of risk: A three city study of Congolese women-at-risk resettled in the US
Austin, Texas: The Institute on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault.
2013 journal article
Embodying Social Work as a Profession
SAGE Open, 3(3), 215824401350383.
2013 chapter
Examining the complexity of the nexus of poverty and health: Impact on immigrants and refugees
In K. Fitzpatrick (Ed.), Series on Poverty and Health in America (pp. 59–86). Praeger.
Ed(s): K. Fitzpatrick
2013 journal article
Lifestyle and Food-Related Challenges Refugee Groups Face Upon Resettlement: Do we Have to Move Beyond Job and Language Training Programs?
Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, 8(2), 187–199.
2013 journal article
Marital and Familial Strengths and Needs: Refugees Speak Out
Journal of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 22(2), 129–144.

2013 journal article
Moving past victimization and trauma toward restoration: Immigrant mother survivors of sex trafficking in the United States share their inspiration
International Perspectives on Victimology, 7(2), 46–55.
2012 chapter book
2012 chapter book
Narrative Research
2012 chapter
Trafficking in persons
In J. Postmus (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Sexual Violence and Abuse. ABC-CLIO.
Ed(s): J. Postmus
2011 journal article
Human trafficking victims and their children: Assessing needs and vulnerabilities and strengths and survivorhood
Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk, 2(1), 1–19.
2011 report
Surviving the dead-end road/camino sin salida: Service impacts on victims of human trafficking
(Grant No. 2006-VT-BX-K006). Refugee Services of Texas, Inc. by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
2010 journal article
The Urban Studio Project Recipe: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Feminist Practice Through Community Engagement
Affilia, 25(3), 307–312.

2009 report
Human trafficking victims: Survivors speak out about long-term needs
(Grant No. 2006-VT-BX-K006). Refugee Services of Texas, Inc. by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
2009 conference paper
Understanding human trafficking: Development of typologies of traffickers PHASE II
First Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, 1–13.
2009 report
Understanding human trafficking: Development of typologies of human trafficking
(Grant No. 2006-VT-BX- K006). Refugee Services of Texas, Inc. by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
2006 journal article
Operationalizing Diversity Issues in Lead Safety Education
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 4(3), 115–119.