@article{boodhoo_flickinger_woodley_emanuelsson_2022, title={Bioprocess intensification: A route to efficient and sustainable biocatalytic transformations for the future}, volume={172}, ISSN={["1873-3204"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.cep.2022.108793}, abstractNote={With the current pressing need to rise to the ambition of net zero targets to mitigate carbon emissions and climate change impacts, sustainable processing has never been more critical. Bioprocessing has all the desirable attributes to respond to the sustainable processing challenge: use of cheap, renewable resources, nature-inspired, highly selective biocatalysts operating optimally under mild conditions and reduced energy consumption/carbon footprint. With bioprocessing productivity being far from ideal to meet the large-scale need for food, drugs, biofuels and bio-based chemicals, there has been tremendous interest of late in developing intensified bioprocesses, with significant advancement achieved in tailoring and utilising the technologies in the toolbox traditionally applied in chemical process intensification. This review highlights the wide range of activities currently on-going in bioprocess intensification, focusing on upstream, bioreactor/fermentation and downstream separation steps. Great strides have been made in biocatalyst engineering and high density cell immobilisation for significant productivity enhancement, which, in conjunction with elegant process innovations such as novel bioreactor technologies and in-situ product separations, are enabling bioprocesses to become more competitive than ever before. The future prospects of bioprocess intensification are promising but there are still challenges that need to be overcome to fully exploit this technology.}, journal={CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION}, author={Boodhoo, K. V. K. and Flickinger, M. C. and Woodley, J. M. and Emanuelsson, E. A. C.}, year={2022}, month={Feb} } @article{duffy_overton_flickinger_2022, title={A concept for continuous virus manufacture using a moving bed bioreactor: Growth of MDCK cells to confluence on paper as a model support}, volume={170}, ISSN={["1873-3204"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.cep.2021.108667}, abstractNote={A moving-bed bioreactor (MBB) could intensify growth of adherent mammalian cells for viral vaccines. A continuously fed sterile paper passing through a thin liquid layer as a flexible cell substrate is a new concept for bioprocess intensification (BPI). Paper could enable cell expansion with reduced footprint and reduced media consumption as the first stage of a 2-stage growth + infection continuous process. This study focused only on cell growth (stage 1). We report a simple 32 mm paper disc method to evaluate growth of adherent Madin Darby canine kidney cells (MDCK CCL-34) adapted to 5% FBS to confluence on unmodified papers to screen substrates. Bibulous paper was found to be the best substrate for proliferation of MDCK. An MBB process was simulated using paper discs to test growth to confluence (stage 1). Growth was characterized using staining, image analysis; confocal microscopy. Cells grew on the surface of bibulous paper to a confluence of >90% in 192 h. Extending this concept by stabilizing MDCK on paper (end of stage 1) by engineering cells to survive freezing or lyoprotection would enable live cells to be shipped as modules to multiple manufacturing sites for infection resulting in rapid, reproducible viral vaccine manufacture.}, journal={CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION}, author={Duffy, Colleen M. and Overton, Laurie and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2022}, month={Jan} } @article{barton_vantreeck_duran_schulte_flickinger_2020, title={A falling film bioreactor (FFBR) for generating effective gas-to-liquid mass transfer using wavy laminar flow for continuous microbial gas processing}, volume={219}, ISSN={["1873-4405"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ces.2020.115592}, abstractNote={Efficient recycling of gaseous carbon to chemicals using immobilized microorganisms is possible with reduced water use and power input for gas-liquid (GL) mass transfer using a falling film bioreactor (FFBR). In a FFBR, a wavy laminar liquid film (Re < 200) descends over a cylindrical paper biocatalyst support to (1) provide efficient GL mass transfer without bubbles, (2) provide hydration and nutrients, and (3) remove secreted liquid products. Paper roughness had previously been shown to enhance GL mass transfer. FFBRs (~1 m and ~0.1 m) without cells were constructed as prototypes for continuous bioprocessing of gas and evaluated for mass transfer based on liquid film thickness and O2 kLa. Prototype flow distributors for the FFBR were generated by 3D printing. Average liquid film thicknesses of ~0.080–0.300 mm and O2 kLa values >103 h−1 were achieved. Liquid film thickness was measured by a novel image analysis method using 4K photography.}, journal={CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE}, author={Barton, Ryan R. and VanTreeck, Kelly E. and Duran, Christopher J. and Schulte, Mark J. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2020}, month={Jun} } @article{in-na_umar_wallace_flickinger_caldwell_lee_2020, title={Loofah-based microalgae and cyanobacteria biocomposites for intensifying carbon dioxide capture}, volume={42}, ISSN={["2212-9839"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcou.2020.101348}, abstractNote={Microalgae and cyanobacteria have been evaluated for biological CO2 capture from flue gases for over 40 years; however, commercial open ponds and photobioreactors suffer many drawbacks including a slow rate of CO2 capture and high water usage. We evaluate an intensified 3D cell immobilisation approach with a small water demand, by coating latex binders onto defined surface area (947 m2 m−3) and void space (81.78 ± 4.41 %) loofah sponge scaffolds, forming porous 3D biocomposites with three microalgae species; freshwater Chlorella vulgaris, marine Dunaliella salina and Nannochloropsis oculata, and two strains of freshwater Synechococcus elongatus cyanobacteria. Binder toxicity and adhesion screening protocols were established ahead of eight weeks semi-batch and six weeks continuous CO2 fixation trials. Acrylic and polyurethane binders were effective for microalgae, and bio-based (Replebin®) binders were suited for cyanobacteria. The highest average net CO2 fixation rates from each species were 0.17 ± 0.01, 0.25 ± 0.01, 0.12 ± 0.01, 0.68 ± 0.18 and 0.93 ± 0.30 g CO2 g-1biomass d-1 for C. vulgaris, D. salina, N. oculata, S. elongatus PCC 7942 and S. elongatus CCAP 1479/1A respectively. This equates to predicted CO2 capture from scaled systems of up to 340.11 ± 110 tCO2 t-1biomass yr-1. Analysis of the kinetics of CO2 absorbtion and SEM imaging suggests that the cells were embedded within a polymer film that covered the scaffold. Biocomposites continuously fed with 5% CO2 had high lipid contents approaching 70 % dry weight. This biocomposite approach shows promise to intensify biological CO2 capture and possible application in bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS).}, journal={JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION}, author={In-na, Pichaya and Umar, Abbas A. and Wallace, Adam D. and Flickinger, Michael C. and Caldwell, Gary S. and Lee, Jonathan G. M.}, year={2020}, month={Dec} } @article{ekins-coward_boodhoo_velasquez-orta_caldwell_wallace_barton_flickinger_2019, title={A Microalgae Biocomposite-Integrated Spinning Disk Bioreactor (SDBR): Toward a Scalable Engineering Approach for Bioprocess Intensification in Light-Driven CO2 Absorption Applications}, volume={58}, ISSN={["0888-5885"]}, DOI={10.1021/acs.iecr.8b05487}, abstractNote={A scalable, solar-energy-driven microbial spinning disk gas absorber–converter technology has been developed by a novel combination of advanced photoreactive biocomposite materials with a continuous thin film flow spinning disc bioreactor (SDBR). Chlorella vulgaris microalgae were incorporated into a porous paper biocomposite for the first time with the addition of chitosan for cell integration within the paper matrix. A 10-cm-diameter SDBR with an immobilized C. vulgaris biocomposite paper enabled high photoactivity and CO2 biofixation at a spin speed of 300 rpm over 15 h of operation in the presence of bicarbonate in the liquid medium and 5% CO2 in the gas environment. Practically all C. vulgaris cells in the biocomposite successfully remained attached to the disk under conditions equivalent to 5g at the disc edge. Overall, the increased CO2 biofixation with a greatly reduced biocomposite surface area and the high cell retention in this proof-of-concept technology highlight the bioprocess intensificatio...}, number={15}, journal={INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH}, author={Ekins-Coward, Thea and Boodhoo, Kamelia V. K. and Velasquez-Orta, Sharon and Caldwell, Gary and Wallace, Adam and Barton, Ryan and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2019}, month={Apr}, pages={5936–5949} } @article{schulte_robinett_weidle_duran_flickinger_2019, title={Experiments and finite element modeling of hydrodynamics and mass transfer for continuous gas-to-liquid biocatalysis using a biocomposite falling film reactor}, volume={209}, ISSN={["1873-4405"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.ces.2019.115163}, abstractNote={We investigated the hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance of falling liquid films over a rough, hydrophilic paper surface with experiments and finite element modeling. These results are critical for designing a novel gas-to-liquid continuous bioreactor with cells immobilized on the vertical surface of a paper biocomposite. The paper substrate allows investigations at very low Reynolds numbers while maintaining an unbroken liquid film. A finite element model was developed to give 10 fold faster simulation result for designing a prototype laboratory scale bioreactor. Excellent agreement was found in both the film properties and mass transfer performance between experiments and simulations. At Re < 100, mass transfer coefficients kL and kLa were ∼1E-4 m/s and ∼1000 h−1, respectively, at ∼10 W/m3. That power input is 10–1000 fold less than most gas stripping bioreactors. This work highlights the potential of this finite element method for falling film, gas absorbing, bioreactor design and analysis.}, journal={CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE}, author={Schulte, Mark J. and Robinett, Michael and Weidle, Nick and Duran, Christopher J. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2019}, month={Dec} } @article{schulte_solocinski_wang_kovacs_kilgore_osgood_underwood_flickinger_chakraborty_2017, title={A technique for lyopreservation of Clostridium ljungdahlii in a biocomposite matrix for CO absorption}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1932-6203"]}, DOI={10.1371/journal.pone.0180806}, abstractNote={A system capable of biocatalytic conversion of distributed sources of single carbon gases such as carbon monoxide into hydrocarbons can be highly beneficial for developing commercially viable biotechnology applications in alternative energy. Several anaerobic bacterial strains can be used for such conversion. The anaerobic carbon monoxide-fixing bacteria Clostridium ljungdahlii OTA1 is a model CO assimilating microorganism that currently requires cryogenic temperature for storage of the viable strains. If these organisms can be stabilized and concentrated in thin films in advanced porous materials, it will enable development of high gas fraction, biocomposite absorbers with elevated carbon monoxide (CO) mass transfer rate, that require minimal power input and liquid, and demonstrate elevated substrate consumption rate compared to conventional suspended cell bioreactors. We report development of a technique for dry-stabilization of C. ljungdahlii OTA1 on a paper biocomposite. Bacterial samples coated onto paper were desiccated in the presence of trehalose using convective drying and stored at 4°C. Optimal dryness was ~1g H2O per gram of dry weight (gDW). CO uptake directly following biocomposite rehydration steadily increases over time indicating immediate cellular metabolic recovery. A high-resolution Raman microspectroscopic hyperspectral imaging technique was employed to spatially quantify the residual moisture content. We have demonstrated for the first time that convectively dried and stored C. ljungdahlii strains were stabilized in a desiccated state for over 38 days without a loss in CO absorbing reactivity. The Raman hyperspectral imaging technique described here is a non-invasive characterization tool to support development of dry-stabilization techniques for microorganisms on inexpensive porous support materials. The present study successfully extends and implements the principles of dry-stabilization for preservation of strictly anaerobic bacteria as an alternative to lyophilization or spray drying that could enable centralized biocomposite biocatalyst fabrication and decentralized bioprocessing of CO to liquid fuels or chemicals.}, number={7}, journal={PLOS ONE}, author={Schulte, Mark J. and Solocinski, Jason and Wang, Mian and Kovacs, Michelle and Kilgore, Ryan and Osgood, Quinn and Underwood, Lukas and Flickinger, Michael C. and Chakraborty, Nilay}, year={2017}, month={Jul} } @misc{cortez_nicolau_flickinger_mota_2017, title={Biocoatings: A new challenge for environmental biotechnology}, volume={121}, ISSN={["1873-295X"]}, DOI={10.1016/j.bej.2017.01.004}, abstractNote={Adhesive biocatalytic coatings (biocoatings) have a nanoporous microstructure generated by partially coalesced waterborne polymer particles that entrap highly concentrated living cells in a dry state stabilized by carbohydrate osmo-protectants. Biocoatings can be deposited by high speed coating technologies, aerosol delivery or ink-jet printed in multilayered, patterned coatings on flexible nonporous or nonwoven substrates, preserving 1010–1012 non-growing viable microorganisms per m2 in 2–50 μm thick layers. Cells are rehydrated to restore their metabolism. The layers reactive half-life following rehydration can be 1000 s of hours. The planar structure of biocoatings enable uniform illumination of a high concentration of photo-reactive microorganisms or algae and contact these microbe with thin liquid films for efficient mass transfer. This review highlights recent advances in biocoating technology for pollutants degradation, photo-reactive coatings, stabilization of hyperthermophiles for biocatalysis, environmental biosensors, and biocomposite fuel cells. Engineering cells for desiccation tolerance, unveiling the metabolism of non-growing cells, and engineering the interaction between the cell surface and adhesive polymer binders are fundamental challenges to open the door to vast future applications of biocoatings for environmental sensing and remediation.}, journal={BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL}, author={Cortez, Susana and Nicolau, Ana and Flickinger, Michael C. and Mota, Manuel}, year={2017}, month={May}, pages={25–37} } @article{flickinger_bernal_schulte_broglie_duran_wallace_mooney_velev_2017, title={Biocoatings: challenges to expanding the functionality of waterborne latex coatings by incorporating concentrated living microorganisms}, volume={14}, ISSN={["1935-3804"]}, DOI={10.1007/s11998-017-9933-6}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF COATINGS TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH}, author={Flickinger, Michael C. and Bernal, Oscar I. and Schulte, Mark J. and Broglie, Jessica Jenkins and Duran, Christopher J. and Wallace, Adam and Mooney, Charles B. and Velev, Orlin D.}, year={2017}, month={Jul}, pages={791–808} } @article{amid_maze_flickinger_pourdeyhimi_2017, title={Dynamic adsorption of ammonia: apparatus, testing conditions, and adsorption capacities}, volume={28}, ISSN={["1361-6501"]}, DOI={10.1088/1361-6501/aa6236}, abstractNote={There is a growing need for adsorbents with high capacities for adsorption of toxic gas molecules. Methods and conditions to test these materials introduce large discrepancies and overestimates (~90%) in the reported literature. This study describes a simple apparatus utilizing hand-held inexpensive gas sensors for testing adsorbents and hybrid adsorbent materials, explains possible sources for the observed discrepancies based on how the measurements are made, and provides guidelines for accurate measurements of adsorption capacity. Ammonia was the model gas and Ammonasorb™ activated carbon was the model commercial adsorbent. Inlet ammonia concentration, residence time, adsorbent pre-treatment (baking) and humidity, affected the measured adsorption capacities. Results suggest that the time lag in gas detection sensors leads to overestimated capacities. Monitoring both inlet and outlet concentrations using two calibrated sensors solved this issue. There was a direct relationship between adsorption capacity and residence time and capacities were higher at higher inlet concentrations. The size of the adsorbent particles did not show a significant effect on adsorption breakthrough, and the apparatus was able to quantify how humidity reduced the adsorption capacity.}, number={5}, journal={MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}, author={Amid, Hooman and Maze, Benoit and Flickinger, Michael C. and Pourdeyhimi, Behnam}, year={2017}, month={May} } @article{bernal_bharti_flickinger_velev_2017, title={Fabrication of Photoreactive Biocomposite Coatings via Electric Field-Assisted Assembly of Cyanobacteria}, volume={33}, ISSN={0743-7463 1520-5827}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ACS.LANGMUIR.7B00335}, DOI={10.1021/ACS.LANGMUIR.7B00335}, abstractNote={We report how dielectrophoresis (DEP) can be used as a tool for the fabrication of biocomposite coatings of photoreactive cyanobacteria (Synechococcus PCC7002) on flexible polyester sheets (PEs). The PE substrates were precoated by a layer-by-layer assembled film of charged polyelectrolytes. In excellent agreement between experimental data and numerical simulations, the directed assembly process driven by external electric field results in the formation of 1D chains and 2D sheets by the cells. The preassembled cyanobacteria chains and arrays became deposited on the substrate and remained in place after the electric field was turned off due to the electrostatic attraction between the negatively charged cell surfaces and the positively charged polyelectrolyte-coated PE. The DEP-assisted packing of cyanobacteria is close to the maximal surface coverage of ∼70% estimated from convectively assembled monolayers. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and spectrophotometry confirm that the photosynthetic pigment integrity of the Synechococcus cells is preserved after DEP immobilization. The significant decrease of the light scattering and the enhanced transmittance of these field-assembled cyanobacteria coatings demonstrate reduced self-shading compared to suspension cultures. Thus, we achieved the assembly of structured cyanobacteria coatings that optimize cell surface coverage and preserve cell viability after immobilization. This is a step toward the development of flexible multilayered cell-based photoabsorbing biomaterials that can serve as components of "biomimetic leaves" for utilizing solar energy to recycle CO2 into fuels or chemicals.}, number={21}, journal={Langmuir}, publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)}, author={Bernal, Oscar I. and Bharti, Bhuvnesh and Flickinger, Michael C. and Velev, Orlin D.}, year={2017}, month={May}, pages={5304–5313} } @article{bernal_pawlak_flickinger_2017, title={Microbial Paper: Cellulose Fiber-based Photo-Absorber Producing Hydrogen Gas from Acetate using Dry-Stabilized Rhodopseudomonas palustris}, volume={12}, ISSN={["1930-2126"]}, DOI={10.15376/biores.12.2.4013-4030}, abstractNote={The microstructure and reactivity of a novel nonwoven cellulose fiber cellular biocomposite (microbial paper) was studied relative to long-term stabilization of potentially any microorganism. Cells were incorporated during the papermaking process as an integral component of a highly porous cellular biocomposite that can be dry stabilized. Hydrogen gas production from acetate via the activity of the nitrogenases in Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009, entrapped at a very high concentration, in hand-made microbial paper was sustained for > 1000 h at a rate of 4.0 ± 0.28 mmol H2/m2 h-1 following rehydration. This rate is 2x and 10x greater than previously reported H2 production rates by Rps. palustris latex coatings that were dried on polyester and non-dried formulations applied to the surface of paper, respectively. By vacuum-dewatering and controlled drying steps to the microbial papermaking process and incorporating blends of microfibrillar (MFC), softwood (SW), and hardwood (HW) cellulose fibers, microbial paper films were fabricated that produced H2 gas at 3.94 ± 1.07 mmol H2/m2 h-1 and retain up to 60 mg/m-2 dry cell weight (DCW) of Rps. palustris. The MFC content appears to determine the final cell load and may affect gas/moisture mass transfer properties of the biocomposite.}, number={2}, journal={BIORESOURCES}, author={Bernal, Oscar I. and Pawlak, Joel J. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2017}, pages={4013–4030} } @article{schulte_wiltgen_ritter_mooney_flickinger_2016, title={A High Gas Fraction, Reduced Power, Syngas Bioprocessing Method Demonstrated With a Clostridium ljungdahlii OTA1 Paper Biocomposite}, volume={113}, ISSN={["1097-0290"]}, DOI={10.1002/bit.25966}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTWe propose a novel approach to continuous bioprocessing of gases. A miniaturized, coated‐paper strip, high gas fraction, biocomposite absorber has been developed using slowly shaken horizontal anaerobic tubes. Concentrated Clostridium ljungdahlii OTA1 was used as a model system. These gas absorbers demonstrate elevated CO mass transfer with low power input, reduced liquid requirements, elevated substrate consumption, and increased product secretion compared to shaken suspended cells. Concentrated OTA1 cell paste was coated by extrusion onto chromatography paper. The immobilized system shows high, constant reactivity immediately upon rehydration. Cell adhesion was by adsorption to the cellulose fibers; visualized by SEM. The C. ljungdahlii OTA1 coated paper mounted above the liquid level absorbs CO and H2 from a model syngas secreting acetate with minimal ethanol. At 100 rpm shaking speed (7.7 Wm−3) the optimal cell loading is 6.5 gDCW m−2 to maintain high CO absorbing reactivity without the cells coming off of the paper into the liquid phase. Reducing the medium volume from 10 mL to 4 mL (15% of tube volume) did not decrease CO reactivity. The reduced liquid volume increased secreted product concentration by 80%. The specific CO consumption by paper biocomposites was higher at all shaking frequencies <100 rpm than suspended cells under identical incubation conditions. At 25 rpm the biocomposite outperforms suspended cells for CO absorption by 2.5‐fold, with an estimated power reduction of 97% over the power input at 100 rpm. The estimated minimum kLa for miniaturized biocomposite gas‐absorbers is ∼100 h−1, 10 to 104 less power input than other syngas fermentation systems reported in the literature at similar kLa. Specific consumption rates in a biocomposite were ∼14 mmol h−1. This work intensified CO absorption and reactivity by 14‐fold to 94 mmol CO m−2 h−1 over previous C. ljungdahlii OTA1 work by our group. Specific acetate production rates were 23 mM h−1 or 46 mmol m−2 h−1. The specific rates and apparent kLa scaled linearly with biocomposite coating area. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2016;113: 1913–1923. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.}, number={9}, journal={BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING}, author={Schulte, Mark J. and Wiltgen, Jeff and Ritter, John and Mooney, Charles B. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2016}, month={Sep}, pages={1913–1923} } @article{whitham_schulte_bobay_bruno-barcena_chinn_flickinger_pawlak_grunden_2016, title={Characterization of Clostridium ljungdahlii OTA1: a non-autotrophic hyper ethanol-producing strain}, volume={101}, ISSN={0175-7598 1432-0614}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S00253-016-7978-6}, DOI={10.1007/s00253-016-7978-6}, abstractNote={A Clostridium ljungdahlii lab-isolated spontaneous-mutant strain, OTA1, has been shown to produce twice as much ethanol as the C. ljungdahlii ATCC 55383 strain when cultured in a mixotrophic medium containing fructose and syngas. Whole-genome sequencing identified four unique single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the C. ljungdahlii OTA1 genome. Among these, two SNPs were found in the gene coding for AcsA and HemL, enzymes involved in acetyl-CoA formation from CO/CO 2 . Homology models of the respective mutated enzymes revealed alterations in the size and hydrogen bonding of the amino acids in their active sites. Failed attempts to grow OTA1 autotrophically suggested that one or both of these mutated genes prevented acetyl-CoA synthesis from CO/CO 2 , demonstrating that its activity was required for autotrophic growth by C. ljungdahlii. An inoperable Wood-Ljungdahl pathway resulted in higher CO 2 and ethanol yields and lower biomass and acetate yields compared to WT for multiple growth conditions including heterotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. The two other SNPs identified in the C. ljungdahlii OTA1 genome were in genes coding for transcriptional regulators (CLJU_c09320 and CLJU_c18110) and were found to be responsible for deregulated expression of co-localized arginine catabolism and 2-deoxy-D-ribose catabolism genes. Growth medium supplementation experiments suggested that increased arginine metabolism and 2-deoxy-D-ribose were likely to have minor effects on biomass and fermentation product yields. In addition, in silico flux balance analysis simulating mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions showed no change in flux to ethanol when flux through HemL was changed whereas limited flux through AcsA increased the ethanol flux for both simulations. In characterizing the effects of the SNPs identified in the C. ljungdahlii OTA1 genome, a non-autotrophic hyper ethanol-producing strain of C. ljungdahlii was identified that has utility for further physiology and strain performance studies and as a biocatalyst for industrial applications.}, number={4}, journal={Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, publisher={Springer Nature}, author={Whitham, Jason M. and Schulte, Mark J. and Bobay, Benjamin G. and Bruno-Barcena, Jose M. and Chinn, Mari S. and Flickinger, Michael C. and Pawlak, Joel J. and Grunden, Amy M.}, year={2016}, month={Nov}, pages={1615–1630} } @misc{amid_maze_flickinger_pourdeyhimi_2016, title={Hybrid adsorbent nonwoven structures: a review of current technologies}, volume={51}, ISSN={["1573-4803"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10853-016-9741-x}, number={9}, journal={JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE}, author={Amid, Hooman and Maze, Benoit and Flickinger, Michael C. and Pourdeyhimi, Behnam}, year={2016}, month={May}, pages={4173–4200} } @article{bozdag_komives_flickinger_2015, title={Growth of Bacillus methanolicus in 2 M methanol at 50 A degrees C: the effect of high methanol concentration on gene regulation of enzymes involved in formaldehyde detoxification by the ribulose monophosphate pathway}, volume={42}, ISSN={["1476-5535"]}, DOI={10.1007/s10295-015-1623-8}, abstractNote={Abstract Bacillus methanolicus MGA3 is a Gram-positive aerobic methylotroph growing optimally at 50–53 °C. Methylotrophy in B. methanolicus is encoded on pBM19 and by two chromosomal copies of the methanol dehydrogenase (mdh), hexulose phosphate synthase (hps) and phosphohexuloisomerase (phi) genes. However, there are no published studies on the regulation of methylotrophy or the dominant mechanism of detoxification of intracellular formaldehyde in response to high methanol concentration. The µ  max of B. methanolicus MGA3 was assessed on methanol, mannitol and glucose. B. methanolicus achieved a µ  max at 25 mM initial methanol of 0.65 ± 0.007 h−1, which decreased to 0.231 ± 0.004 h−1 at 2 M initial methanol. Slow growth was also observed with initial methanol concentrations of >2 M. The µ  max on mannitol and glucose are 0.532 ± 0.002 and 0.336 ± 0.003 h−1, respectively. Spiking cultures with additional methanol (100 mM) did not disturb the growth rate of methanol-grown cells, whereas, a 50 mM methanol spike halted the growth in mannitol. Surprisingly, growth in methanol was inhibited by 1 mM formaldehyde, while mannitol-grown cells tolerated 2 mM. Moreover, mannitol-grown cells removed formaldehyde faster than methanol-grown cells. Further, we show that methanol oxidation in B. methanolicus MGA3 is mainly carried out by the pBM19-encoded mdh. Formaldehyde and formate addition down-regulate the mdh and hps genes in methanol-grown cells. Similarly, they down-regulate mdh genes in mannitol-grown cells, but up-regulate hps. Phosphofructokinase (pfk) is up-regulated in both methanol and mannitol-grown cells, which suggests that pfk may be a possible synthetic methylotrophy target to reduce formaldehyde growth toxicity at high methanol concentrations.}, number={7}, journal={JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY}, author={Bozdag, Ahmet and Komives, Claire and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2015}, month={Jul}, pages={1027–1038} } @article{estrada_bernal_flickinger_munoz_deshusses_2015, title={Biocatalytic Coatings for Air Pollution Control: A Proof of Concept Study on VOC Biodegradation}, volume={112}, ISSN={["1097-0290"]}, DOI={10.1002/bit.25353}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTAlthough biofilm‐based biotechnologies exhibit a large potential as solutions for off‐gas treatment, the high water content of biofilms often causes pollutant mass transfer limitations, which ultimately limit their widespread application. The present study reports on the proof of concept of the applicability of bioactive latex coatings for air pollution control. Toluene vapors served as a model volatile organic compound (VOC). The results showed that Pseudomonas putida F1 cells could be successfully entrapped in nanoporous latex coatings while preserving their toluene degradation activity. Bioactive latex coatings exhibited toluene specific biodegradation rates 10 times higher than agarose‐based biofilms, because the thin coatings were less subject to diffusional mass transfer limitations. Drying and pollutant starvation were identified as key factors inducing a gradual deterioration of the biodegradation capacity in these innovative coatings. This study constitutes the first application of bioactive latex coatings for VOC abatement. These coatings could become promising means for air pollution control. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2015;112: 263–271. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.}, number={2}, journal={BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING}, author={Estrada, Jose M. and Bernal, Oscar I. and Flickinger, Michael C. and Munoz, Raul and Deshusses, Marc A.}, year={2015}, month={Feb}, pages={263–271} } @article{bernal_mooney_flickinger_2014, title={Specific Photosynthetic Rate Enhancement by Cyanobacteria Coated Onto Paper Enables Engineering of Highly Reactive Cellular Biocomposite "Leaves"}, volume={111}, ISSN={["1097-0290"]}, DOI={10.1002/bit.25280}, abstractNote={ABSTRACTWe describe a latex wet coalescence extrusive coating method that produces up to 10‐fold specific photosynthetic rate enhancements by nitrate‐limited non‐growing cyanobacteria deposited onto paper, hydrated and placed in the gas‐phase of small tube photobioreactors. These plant leaf‐like biocomposites were used to study the tolerance of cyanobacteria strains to illumination and temperature using a solar simulator. We report sustained CO2 absorption and O2 production for 500 h by hydrated gas‐phase paper coatings of non‐growing Synechococcus PCC7002, Synechocystis PCC6803, Synechocystis PCC6308, and Anabaena PCC7120. Nitrate‐starved cyanobacteria immobilized on the paper surface by the latex binder did not grow out of the coatings into the bulk liquid. The average CO2 consumption rate in Synechococcus coatings is 5.67 mmol m−2 h−1 which is remarkably close to the rate reported in the literature for Arabidopsis thaliana leaves under similar experimental conditions (18 mmol m−2 h−1). We observed average ratios of oxygen production to carbon dioxide consumption (photosynthetic quotient, PQ) between 1.3 and 1.4, which may indicate a strong dependence on nitrate assimilation during growth and was used to develop a non‐growth media formulation for intrinsic kinetics studies. Photosynthetic intensification factors (PIF) (O2 production by nitrate‐limited cyanobacteria in latex coatings/O2 produced by nitrate‐limited cell suspensions) in cyanobacteria biocomposites prepared from wet cell pellets concentrated 100‐ to 300‐fold show 7–10 times higher specific reactivity compared to cells in suspension under identical nitrate‐limited non‐growth conditions. This is the first report of changes of cyanobacteria tolerance to temperature and light intensities after deposition as a thin coating on a porous matrix, which has important implications for gas‐phase photobioreactor design using porous composite materials. Cryo‐fracture SEM and confocal microscopy images of cell coating distribution on the paper biocomposite suggest that the spatial arrangement of the cells in the coating can affect photoreactivity. This technique could be used to fabricate very stable, multi‐organism composite coatings on flexible microfluidic devices in the gas‐phase capable of harvesting light in a broader range of wavelengths, to optimize thermotolerant, desiccation tolerant, or halotolerant cyanobacteria that produce O2 with secretion of liquid‐fuel precursors synthesized from CO2. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2014;111: 1993–2008. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.}, number={10}, journal={BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING}, author={Bernal, Oscar I. and Mooney, Charles B. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2014}, month={Oct}, pages={1993–2008} } @book{encyclopedia of industrial biotechnology. selections_2013, publisher={Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley}, year={2013} } @misc{jenkins_flickinger_velev_2013, title={Engineering Cellular Photocomposite Materials Using Convective Assembly}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1996-1944"]}, url={http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84881288013&partnerID=MN8TOARS}, DOI={10.3390/ma6051803}, abstractNote={Fabricating industrial-scale photoreactive composite materials containing living cells, requires a deposition strategy that unifies colloid science and cell biology. Convective assembly can rapidly deposit suspended particles, including whole cells and waterborne latex polymer particles into thin (<10 µm thick), organized films with engineered adhesion, composition, thickness, and particle packing. These highly ordered composites can stabilize the diverse functions of photosynthetic cells for use as biophotoabsorbers, as artificial leaves for hydrogen or oxygen evolution, carbon dioxide assimilation, and add self-cleaning capabilities for releasing or digesting surface contaminants. This paper reviews the non-biological convective assembly literature, with an emphasis on how the method can be modified to deposit living cells starting from a batch process to its current state as a continuous process capable of fabricating larger multi-layer biocomposite coatings from diverse particle suspensions. Further development of this method will help solve the challenges of engineering multi-layered cellular photocomposite materials with high reactivity, stability, and robustness by clarifying how process, substrate, and particle parameters affect coating microstructure. We also describe how these methods can be used to selectively immobilize photosynthetic cells to create biomimetic leaves and compare these biocomposite coatings to other cellular encapsulation systems.}, number={5}, journal={MATERIALS}, author={Jenkins, Jessica S. and Flickinger, Michael C. and Velev, Orlin D.}, year={2013}, month={May}, pages={1803–1825} } @article{piskorska_soule_gosse_milliken_flickinger_smith_yeager_2013, title={Preservation of H-2 production activity in nanoporous latex coatings of Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009 during dry storage at ambient temperatures}, volume={6}, ISSN={["1751-7907"]}, DOI={10.1111/1751-7915.12032}, abstractNote={SummaryTo assess the applicability of latex cell coatings as an ‘off‐the‐shelf’ biocatalyst, the effect of osmoprotectants, temperature, humidity and O2 on preservation of H2 production in Rhodopseudomonas palustris coatings was evaluated. Immediately following latex coating coalescence (24 h) and for up to 2 weeks of dry storage, rehydrated coatings containing different osmoprotectants displayed similar rates of H2 production. Beyond 2 weeks of storage, sorbitol‐treated coatings lost all H2 production activity, whereas considerable H2 production was still detected in sucrose‐ and trehalose‐stabilized coatings. The relative humidity level at which the coatings were stored had a significant impact on the recovery and subsequent rates of H2 production. After 4 weeks storage under air at 60% humidity, coatings produced only trace amounts of H2 (0–0.1% headspace accumulation), whereas those stored at < 5% humidity retained 27–53% of their H2 production activity after 8 weeks of storage. When stored in argon at < 5% humidity and room temperature, R. palustris coatings retained full H2 production activity for 3 months, implicating oxidative damage as a key factor limiting coating storage. Overall, the results demonstrate that biocatalytic latex coatings are an attractive cell immobilization platform for preservation of bioactivity in the dry state.}, number={5}, journal={MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY}, author={Piskorska, M. and Soule, T. and Gosse, J. L. and Milliken, C. and Flickinger, M. C. and Smith, G. W. and Yeager, C. M.}, year={2013}, month={Sep}, pages={515–525} } @book{upstream industrial biotechnology_2013, publisher={Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc.}, year={2013} } @article{gosse_chinn_grunden_bernal_jenkins_yeager_kosourov_seibert_flickinger_2012, title={A versatile method for preparation of hydrated microbial–latex biocatalytic coatings for gas absorption and gas evolution}, volume={39}, ISSN={1367-5435 1476-5535}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S10295-012-1135-8}, DOI={10.1007/s10295-012-1135-8}, abstractNote={Abstract We describe a latex wet coalescence method for gas-phase immobilization of microorganisms on paper which does not require drying for adhesion. This method reduces drying stresses to the microbes. It is applicable for microorganisms that do not tolerate desiccation stress during latex drying even in the presence of carbohydrates. Small surface area, 10–65 μm thick coatings were generated on chromatography paper strips and placed in the head-space of vertical sealed tubes containing liquid to hydrate the paper. These gas-phase microbial coatings hydrated by liquid in the paper pore space demonstrated absorption or evolution of H2, CO, CO2 or O2. The microbial products produced, ethanol and acetate, diffuse into the hydrated paper pores and accumulate in the liquid at the bottom of the tube. The paper provides hydration to the back side of the coating and also separates the biocatalyst from the products. Coating reactivity was demonstrated for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC124, which consumed CO2 and produced 10.2 ± 0.2 mmol O2 m−2 h−1, Rhodopseudomonas palustris CGA009, which consumed acetate and produced 0.47 ± 0.04 mmol H2 m−2 h−1, Clostridium ljungdahlii OTA1, which consumed 6 mmol CO m−2 h−1, and Synechococcus sp. PCC7002, which consumed CO2 and produced 5.00 ± 0.25 mmol O2 m−2 h−1. Coating thickness and microstructure were related to microbe size as determined by digital micrometry, profilometry, and confocal microscopy. The immobilization of different microorganisms in thin adhesive films in the gas phase demonstrates the utility of this method for evaluating genetically optimized microorganisms for gas absorption and gas evolution.}, number={9}, journal={Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Gosse, Jimmy L. and Chinn, Mari S. and Grunden, Amy M. and Bernal, Oscar I. and Jenkins, Jessica S. and Yeager, Chris and Kosourov, Sergey and Seibert, Michael and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2012}, month={May}, pages={1269–1278} } @article{jenkins_flickinger_velev_2012, title={Deposition of composite coatings from particle–particle and particle–yeast blends by convective-sedimentation assembly}, volume={380}, ISSN={0021-9797}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2012.04.060}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcis.2012.04.060}, abstractNote={The structures resulting from convective-sedimentation assembly (CSA) of bimodal suspensions (4.1-10% solids) of strongly charged sulfate latex microspheres (zeta potential -55.9±1.8 mV at pH 8.0) and weakly charged Saccharomyces cerevisiae (zeta potential -18.7±0.71 mV at pH 8.0) on glass, polyester, polypropylene, and aluminum foil substrates was evaluated. This study shows how substrate wettability, suspension composition, particle size ratio and surface charge affect the deposition process and resulting coating microstructure (particle ordering and void space). Size ratio and charge influence deposition, convective mixing or demixing and relative particle locations. Substrate wettability and suspension composition influence coating microstructure by controlling suspension delivery and spreading across the substrate. S. cerevisiae behave like negatively-charged colloidal particles during CSA. CSA of particle-yeast blends result in open-packed structures (15-45% mean void space), instead of tightly packed coatings attainable with single component systems, confirming the existence of significant polymer particle-yeast interactions and formation of particle aggregates that disrupt coating microstructure during deposition. Further optimization of the process should allow void space reduction and deposition of cells plus adhesive polymer particles into tightly packed adhesive monolayer coatings for biosensors, biophotoabsorbers, energy applications, and highly reactive microbial absorbers.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Jenkins, Jessica S. and Flickinger, Michael C. and Velev, Orlin D.}, year={2012}, month={Aug}, pages={192–200} } @article{mota_flickinger_2012, title={Modeling the influence of slurry concentration on Saccharomyces cerevisiae cake porosity and resistance during microfiltration}, volume={28}, ISSN={["8756-7938"]}, DOI={10.1002/btpr.1636}, abstractNote={AbstractFiltration of an isotonic suspension of baker's yeast through a 0.45‐μm membrane was studied at two different pressures, 40 and 80 kPa, for yeast concentrations ranging from 0.14 to 51 kg/m3 (dry weight). For a yeast volume fraction above 0.06 (∼21.8 kg/m3), the porosity of the yeast cake is less dependent on the suspension concentration. For highly diluted suspensions, the specific cake resistance approaches a minimum that depends on the filtration pressure. Correlation functions of cake porosity and specific cake resistance were obtained for the concentration range investigated showing that the Kozeny–Carman coefficient increases when the applied pressure increases. Both filtration pressure and slurry concentration can be process controlled. In the range of moderate yeast concentration, the filtrate flux may be increased by manipulating the filtration pressure and the slurry concentration, thereby improving the overall process efficiency. The complex behavior of yeast cakes at high slurry concentration can be described by a conventional model as long as part of yeast cells are assumed to form aggregates, which behave as single bigger particles. The aggregation effect may be accounted for using a binary mixture model. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012}, number={6}, journal={BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS}, author={Mota, Manuel and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2012}, pages={1534–1541} } @article{fidaleo_flickinger_2011, title={Engineering and modeling of thin, adhesive, microbial biocatalytic coatings for high intensity oxidations in multi-phase microchannel bioreactors}, volume={66}, ISSN={0009-2509}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2011.02.020}, DOI={10.1016/j.ces.2011.02.020}, abstractNote={A model-based investigation of the reactivity of a multi-phase microchannel bioreactor for the oxidation of d-sorbitol to l-sorbose by viable Gluconobacter oxydans entrapped in an adhesive, bilayer, and nano-porous latex coating has been performed. Using kinetics and mass-transfer information from literature, the overall productivity of a single microchannel was determined. For liquid and gas superficial velocities typical for monoliths and channel diameters smaller than 1000 μm, volumetric l-sorbose formation rates larger than 30 g l−1 h−1 were predicted. Since the system was approximately kinetically controlled any effort to increase the coating reactivity, for example by using thinner topcoats or improving cell viability should result in a further increase of the overall reactivity. These modeling studies should provide the basis for engineering of channel geometry, biocatalytic coating nano-porosity and thickness, coating stability, optimal reactivity and multi-phase channel flow properties for future microchannel bioreactors for high intensity microbial oxidations.}, number={14}, journal={Chemical Engineering Science}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Fidaleo, M. and Flickinger, M.C.}, year={2011}, month={Jul}, pages={3251–3257} } @misc{flickinger_rey_harwood_2010, title={A Structured Microbial Material for the Production of Hydrogen}, volume={7,745,023}, number={2010 Jun. 29}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Flickinger, M.C. and Rey, F. and Harwood, C.}, year={2010} } @article{brautaset_jakobsen_degnes_netzer_nærdal_krog_dillingham_flickinger_ellingsen_2010, title={Bacillus methanolicus pyruvate carboxylase and homoserine dehydrogenase I and II and their roles for l-lysine production from methanol at 50°C}, volume={87}, ISSN={0175-7598 1432-0614}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S00253-010-2559-6}, DOI={10.1007/S00253-010-2559-6}, abstractNote={We here present the pyc gene encoding pyruvate carboxylase (PC), and the hom-1 and hom-2 genes encoding two active homoserine dehydrogenase (HD) proteins, in methylotrophic Bacillus methanolicus MGA3. In general, both PC and HD are regarded as key targets for improving bacterial L-lysine production; PC plays a role in precursor oxaloacetate (OAA) supply while HD controls an important branch point in the L-lysine biosynthetic pathway. The hom-1 and hom-2 genes were strongly repressed by L-threonine and L-methionine, respectively. Wild-type MGA3 cells secreted 0.4 g/l L-lysine and 59 g/l L-glutamate under optimised fed batch methanol fermentation. The hom-1 mutant M168-20 constructed herein secreted 11 g/l L-lysine and 69 g/l of L-glutamate, while a sixfold higher L-lysine overproduction (65 g/l) of the previously constructed classical B. methanolicus mutant NOA2#13A52-8A66 was accompanied with reduced L-glutamate production (28 g/l) and threefold elevated pyc transcription level. Overproduction of PC and its mutant enzyme P455S in M168-20 had no positive effect on the volumetric L-lysine yield and the L-lysine yield on methanol, and caused significantly reduced volumetric L-glutamate yield and L: -glutamate yield on methanol. Our results demonstrated that hom-1 represents one key target for achieving L-lysine overproduction, PC activity plays an important role in controlling L-glutamate production from methanol, and that OAA precursor supply is not a major bottleneck for L-lysine overproduction by B. methanolicus.}, number={3}, journal={Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Brautaset, Trygve and Jakobsen, Øyvind M. and Degnes, Kristin F. and Netzer, Roman and Nærdal, Ingemar and Krog, Anne and Dillingham, Rick and Flickinger, Michael C. and Ellingsen, Trond E.}, year={2010}, month={Apr}, pages={951–964} } @article{gosse_engel_hui_harwood_flickinger_2010, title={Progress toward a biomimetic leaf: 4,000 h of hydrogen production by coating-stabilized nongrowing photosyntheticRhodopseudomonas palustris}, ISSN={8756-7938 1520-6033}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/btpr.406}, DOI={10.1002/btpr.406}, abstractNote={AbstractIntact cells are the most stable form of nature's photosynthetic machinery. Coating‐immobilized microbes have the potential to revolutionize the design of photoabsorbers for conversion of sunlight into fuels. Multi‐layer adhesive polymer coatings could spatially combine photoreactive bacteria and algae (complementary biological irradiance spectra) creating high surface area, thin, flexible structures optimized for light trapping, and production of hydrogen (H2) from water, lignin, pollutants, or waste organics. We report a model coating system which produced 2.08 ± 0.01 mmol H2 m−2 h−1 for 4,000 h with nongrowing Rhodopseudomonas palustris, a purple nonsulfur photosynthetic bacterium. This adhesive, flexible, nanoporous Rps. palustris latex coating produced 8.24 ± 0.03 mol H2 m−2 in an argon atmosphere when supplied with acetate and light. A simple low‐pressure hydrogen production and trapping system was tested using a 100 cm2 coating. Rps. palustris CGA009 was combined in a bilayer coating with a carotenoid‐less mutant of Rps. palustris (CrtI−) deficient in peripheral light harvesting (LH2) function. Cryogenic field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (cryo‐FEG‐SEM) and high‐pressure freezing were used to visualize the microstructure of hydrated coatings. A light interaction and reactivity model was evaluated to predict optimal coating thickness for light absorption using the Kubelka‐Munk theory (KMT) of reflectance and absorptance. A two‐flux model predicted light saturation thickness with good agreement to observed H2 evolution rate. A combined materials and modeling approach could be used for guiding cellular engineering of light trapping and reactivity to enhance overall photosynthetic efficiency per meter square of sunlight incident on photocatalysts. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Gosse, Jimmy L. and Engel, Brian J. and Hui, Jeremy C.-H. and Harwood, Caroline S. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2010}, pages={NA-NA} } @article{baskaya_zhao_flickinger_wang_2009, title={Thermodynamic Feasibility of Enzymatic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol}, volume={162}, ISSN={0273-2289 1559-0291}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S12010-009-8758-X}, DOI={10.1007/S12010-009-8758-X}, abstractNote={Production of valuable chemicals from CO(2) is highly desired for the purpose of controlling CO(2) emission. Toward that, enzymatic reduction of CO(2) for the production of methanol appeared to be especially promising. That has been achieved by reversing the biological metabolic reaction pathways. However, hitherto, there has been little discussion on the thermodynamic feasibility of reversing such biological pathways. The reported yields of methanol have been generally very low under regular reaction conditions preferred by naturally evolved enzymes. The current work examines the sequential enzymatic conversion of CO(2) into methanol from a thermodynamic point of view with a focus on factors that control the reaction equilibrium. Our analysis showed that the enzymatic conversion of carbon dioxide is highly sensitive to the pH value of the reaction solution and, by conducting the reactions at low pHs (such as pH 6 or 5) and ionic strength, it is possible to shift the biological methanol metabolic reaction equilibrium constants significantly (by a factor of several orders of magnitude) to favor the synthesis of methanol.}, number={2}, journal={Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Baskaya, F. Suhan and Zhao, Xueyan and Flickinger, Michael C. and Wang, Ping}, year={2009}, month={Sep}, pages={391–398} } @article{schottel_orwin_anderson_flickinger_2008, title={Spatial expression of a mercury-inducible green fluorescent protein within a nanoporous latex-based biosensor coating}, volume={35}, ISSN={1367-5435 1476-5535}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S10295-007-0288-3}, DOI={10.1007/S10295-007-0288-3}, abstractNote={Optimizing the reactivity of cell coatings developed as biosensors or biocatalysts requires measurements of gene expression in the immobilized cells. To quantify and localize gene expression within a latex-based mercury biosensor, a plasmid, pmerGFP, was constructed, which contains the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene under transcriptional control of the mercury resistance operon regulatory sequences. When cells containing this plasmid were exposed to mercuric chloride, GFP synthesis was induced and could be quantified by fluorescence. E. coli strain JM109 (pmerGFP) was mixed with SF091 latex (Rohm & Haas), Tween 20, and glycerol, and coated as an approximate 20-microm thick nanoporous adhesive coating on a polyester substrate. The cell coat was overlaid with a nanoporous topcoat of latex, Tween 20, and glycerol. Different fluorescent microspheres were used to mark the topcoat and cell coat layers of the coating. Upon exposure to mercury(II), cells within the coating were induced to synthesize GFP, and laser scanning confocal microscopy was used to quantify expression spatially within the cell coat. GFP expression in the coatings increased with increasing mercury concentration (2-20 microM), temperature (21-37 degrees C), and time of incubation (0-39 h). There was a gradient of GFP expression through the cell coat with expression higher near the topcoat-cell coat interface relative to the bottom of the cell coat. The topcoat thickness did not significantly affect GFP expression indicating that diffusion of mercury(II) and oxygen through the topcoat was not limiting.}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Schottel, Janet L. and Orwin, Paul M. and Anderson, C. Ron and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2008}, month={Jan}, pages={283–290} } @article{brautaset_jakobsen_josefsen_flickinger_ellingsen_2007, title={Bacillus methanolicus: a candidate for industrial production of amino acids from methanol at 50°C}, volume={74}, ISSN={0175-7598 1432-0614}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S00253-006-0757-Z}, DOI={10.1007/S00253-006-0757-Z}, abstractNote={Amino acids are among the major products in biotechnology in both volume and value, and the global market is growing. Microbial fermentation is the dominant method used for industrial production, and today the most important microorganisms used are Corynebacteria utilizing sugars. For low-prize bulk amino acids, the possibility of using alternative substrates such as methanol has gained considerable interest. In this mini review, we highlight the unique genetics and favorable physiological traits of thermotolerant methylotroph Bacillus methanolicus, which makes it an interesting candidate for overproduction of amino acids from methanol. B. methanolicus genes involved in methanol consumption are plasmid-encoded and this bacterium has a high methanol conversion rate. Wild-type strains can secrete 58 g/l of L: -glutamate in fed-batch cultures at 50 degrees C and classical mutants secreting 37 g/l of L: -lysine have been selected. The relative high growth temperature is an advantage with respect to both reactor cooling requirements and low contamination risks. Key genes in L: -lysine and L: -glutamate production have been cloned, high-cell density methanol fermentation technology established, and recently a gene delivery method was developed for this organism. We discuss how this new knowledge and technology may lead to the construction of improved L: -lysine and L: -glutamate producing strains by metabolic engineering.}, number={1}, journal={Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Brautaset, Trygve and Jakobsen, Øyvind M. and Josefsen, Kjell D. and Flickinger, Michael C. and Ellingsen, Trond E.}, year={2007}, month={Jan}, pages={22–34} } @article{srikanth_marsili_flickinger_bond_2008, title={Electrochemical characterization ofGeobacter sulfurreducens cells immobilized on graphite paper electrodes}, volume={99}, ISSN={0006-3592 1097-0290}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bit.21671}, DOI={10.1002/bit.21671}, abstractNote={AbstractBacteria able to transfer electrons to conductive surfaces are of interest as catalysts in microbial fuel cells, as well as in bioprocessing, bioremediation, and corrosion. New procedures for immobilization of Geobacter sulfurreducens on graphite electrodes are described that allow routine, repeatable electrochemical analysis of cell–electrode interactions. Immediately after immobilizing G. sulfurreducens on electrodes, electrical current was obtained without addition of exogenous electron shuttles or electroactive polymers. Voltammetry and impedance analysis of pectin‐immobilized bacteria transferring electrons to electrode surfaces could also be performed. Cyclic voltammetry of immobilized cells revealed voltage‐dependent catalytic current similar to what is commonly observed with adsorbed enzymes, with catalytic waves centered at −0.15 V (vs. SHE). Electrodes maintained at +0.25 V (vs. SHE) initially produced 0.52 A/m2 in the presence of acetate as the electron donor. Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy of coatings was also consistent with a catalytic mechanism, controlled by charge transfer rate. When electrodes were maintained at an oxidizing potential for 24 h, electron transfer to electrodes increased to 1.75 A/m2. These observations of electron transfer by pectin‐entrapped G. sulfurreducens appear to reflect native mechanisms used for respiration. The ability of washed G. sulfurreducens cells to immediately produce electrical current was consistent with the external surface of this bacterium possessing a pathway linking oxidative metabolism to extracellular electron transfer. This electrochemical activity of pectin‐immobilized bacteria illustrates a strategy for preparation of catalytic electrodes and study of Geobacter under defined conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2008;99: 1065–1073. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.}, number={5}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Srikanth, Shweta and Marsili, Enrico and Flickinger, Michael C. and Bond, Daniel R.}, year={2008}, pages={1065–1073} } @article{mota_yelshin_fidaleo_flickinger_2007, title={Modelling diffusivity in porous polymeric membranes with an intermediate layer containing microbial cells}, volume={37}, ISSN={1369-703X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bej.2007.05.008}, DOI={10.1016/j.bej.2007.05.008}, abstractNote={Three-layer systems (membrane – composite layer (cells + polymer) – membrane) are important in different biochemical applications. Models of latex layered-membranes were evaluated and compared with experimental data in order to predict the diffusivity of substrates in the composite layer containing living E.coli microbial cells. Diffusivity predictions are dependent on the presence or the absence of a ‘skin’ layer, on the degree of polymer particle coalescence and on the thickness of each layer. Simulations with layered models were made to identify the dominant mechanisms in the three-layer system. It was found that the layered system is sensitive to the latex coatings porosity when the composite layer occupies less than 50% of the total membrane system thickness. Whenever the control of polymer particle coalescence and of the layers (coating/composite layer) thickness may be achieved, multi-layer systems presenting a wide range of relative diffusion conductivities may be built for different types of living cells and for a wide variety of practical applications. The diffusivity of the latex layer is proportional to the square of latex porosity. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.}, number={3}, journal={Biochemical Engineering Journal}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Mota, Manuel and Yelshin, Alexander and Fidaleo, Marcello and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2007}, month={Dec}, pages={285–293} } @article{flickinger_schottel_bond_aksan_scriven_2007, title={Painting and Printing Living Bacteria: Engineering Nanoporous Biocatalytic Coatings to Preserve Microbial Viability and Intensify Reactivity}, volume={23}, ISSN={8756-7938}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bp060347r}, DOI={10.1021/bp060347r}, abstractNote={AbstractLatex biocatalytic coatings containing ∼50% by volume of microorganisms stabilize, concentrate and preserve cell viability on surfaces at ambient temperature. Coatings can be formed on a variety of surfaces, delaminated to generate stand‐alone membranes or formulated as reactive inks for piezoelectric deposition of viable microbes. As the latex emulsion dries, cell preservation by partial desiccation occurs simultaneously with the formation of pores and adhesion to the substrate. The result is living cells permanently entrapped, surrounded by nanopores generated by partially coalesced polymer particles. Nanoporosity is essential for preserving microbial viability and coating reactivity. Cryo‐SEM methods have been developed to visualize hydrated coating microstructure, confocal microscopy and dispersible coating methods have been developed to quantify the activity of the entrapped cells, and FTIR methods are being developed to determine the structure of vitrified biomolecules within and surrounding the cells in dry coatings. Coating microstructure, stability and reactivity are investigated using small patch or strip coatings where bacteria are concentrated 102‐ to 103‐fold in 5–75 μm thick layers with pores formed by carbohydrate porogens. The carbohydrate porogens also function as osmoprotectants and are postulated to preserve microbial viability by formation of glasses inside the microbes during coat drying; however, the molecular mechanism of cell preservation by latex coatings is not known. Emerging applications include coatings for multistep oxidations, photoreactive coatings, stabilization of hyperthermophiles, environmental biosensors, microbial fuel cells, as reaction zones in microfluidic devices, or as very high intensity (>100 g·L‐1 coating volume·h‐1) industrial or environmental biocatalysts. We anticipate expanded use of nanoporous adhesive coatings for prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell preservation at ambient temperature and the design of highly reactive “living” paints and inks.}, number={1}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Flickinger, M.C. and Schottel, J.L. and Bond, D.R. and Aksan, A. and Scriven, L.E.}, year={2007}, month={Feb}, pages={2–17} } @article{ragoonanan_srikanth_wolkers_bond_flickinger_aksan_2006, title={68. Quantification of the desiccation response of Geobacter sulfurreducens at the molecular level}, volume={53}, ISSN={0011-2240}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cryobiol.2006.10.069}, DOI={10.1016/j.cryobiol.2006.10.069}, number={3}, journal={Cryobiology}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Ragoonanan, Vishard and Srikanth, Shweta and Wolkers, Willem F. and Bond, Daniel R. and Flickinger, Michael C. and Aksan, Alptekin}, year={2006}, month={Dec}, pages={396–397} } @article{fidaleo_charaniya_solheid_diel_laudon_ge_scriven_flickinger_2006, title={A model system for increasing the intensity of whole-cell biocatalysis: Investigation of the rate of oxidation ofD-sorbitol toL-sorbose by thin bi-layer latex coatings of non-growingGluconobacter oxydans}, volume={95}, ISSN={0006-3592 1097-0290}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bit.21051}, DOI={10.1002/bit.21051}, abstractNote={We developed a novel <50‐µm thick nano‐porous bi‐layer latex coating for preserving Gluconobacter oxydans, a strict aerobe, as a whole cell biocatalyst. G. oxydans was entrapped in an acrylate/vinyl acetate co‐polymer matrix (T g∼10°C) and cast into 12.7‐mm diameter patch coatings (cellcoat) containing ∼109 CFU covered by a nano‐porous topcoat. The oxidation of D‐sorbitol to L‐sorbose was used to investigate the coating catalytic properties. Intrinsic kinetics was studied in microbioreactors using a pH 6.0 D‐sorbitol, phosphate, pyruvate (SPP) non‐growth medium at 30°C, and the Michaelis–Menten constants determined. By using a diffusion cell, cellcoat and topcoat diffusivities, optimized by arresting polymer particle coalescence by glycerol and/or sucrose addition, were determined. Cryo‐FESEM images revealed a two‐layer structure with G. oxydans surrounded by <40‐nm pores. Viable cell density, cell leakage, and oxidation kinetics in SPP medium for >150 h were investigated. Even though the coatings were optimized for permeability, ∼50% of G. oxydans viability was lost during cellcoat drying and further reduction was observed as the topcoat was added. High reaction rates per unit volume of coating (80–100 g/L · h) were observed which agreed with predictions of a diffusion‐reaction model using parameters estimated by independent experiments. Cellcoat effectiveness factors of 0.22–0.49 were observed which are 20‐fold greater than any previously reported for this G. oxydans oxidation. These nano‐structured coatings and the possibility of improving their ability to preserve G. oxydans viability may be useful for engineering highly reactive adhesive coatings for multi‐phase micro‐channel and membrane bioreactors to dramatically increase the intensity of whole‐cell oxidations. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.}, number={3}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Fidaleo, M. and Charaniya, S. and Solheid, C. and Diel, U. and Laudon, M. and Ge, H. and Scriven, L.E. and Flickinger, M.C.}, year={2006}, pages={446–458} } @misc{lyngberg_flickinger_scriven_anderson_2006, title={Composite Devices Incorporating Biological Material and Methods}, volume={7,132,247}, number={2006 Nov. 7}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Lyngberg, O.K. and Flickinger, M.C. and Scriven, L.E. and Anderson, C.R.}, year={2006} } @article{ragoonanan_srikanth_wolkers_bond_flickinger_aksan_2006, title={Effect of carbohydrates on biothermodynamic properties of bacteria}, volume={39}, ISSN={0021-9290}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0021-9290(06)84532-X}, DOI={10.1016/S0021-9290(06)84532-X}, journal={Journal of Biomechanics}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Ragoonanan, V. and Srikanth, S. and Wolkers, W. and Bond, D.R. and Flickinger, M.C. and Aksan, A.}, year={2006}, month={Jan}, pages={S380} } @article{komives_cheung_pluschkell_flickinger_2005, title={Growth of Bacillus methanolicus in seawater-based media}, volume={32}, ISSN={1367-5435 1476-5535}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S10295-004-0195-9}, DOI={10.1007/S10295-004-0195-9}, abstractNote={Bacillus methanolicus has been proposed as a biocatalyst for the low cost production of commodity chemicals. The organism can use methanol as sole carbon and energy source, and it grows aerobically at elevated temperatures. Methanol can be made available from off-shore conversion of natural gas to methanol, through gas-to-liquid technology. Growth of the organism in seawater-based medium would further reduce the costs of chemical production performed near an off-shore natural gas source. The growth of strain PB1 (ATCC 51375) in shake flask experiments with trypticase soy broth medium showed minimal salt-inhibition at the concentration of NaCl in seawater. The ability of B. methanolicus PB1 to grow in Pacific Ocean water using methanol as a carbon and energy source was also tested. Following a simple adaptation procedure, PB1 was able to grow on methanol in semi-defined medium with 100% seawater with good growth yields and similar growth rates compared with those achieved on media prepared in deionized water.}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Komives, Claire F. and Cheung, Louis Yip-Yan and Pluschkell, Stefanie B. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2005}, month={Feb}, pages={61–66} } @article{lyngberg_solheid_charaniya_ma_thiagarajan_scriven_flickinger_2005, title={Permeability and reactivity of Thermotoga maritima in latex bimodal blend coatings at 80°C: a model high temperature biocatalytic coating}, volume={9}, ISSN={1431-0651 1433-4909}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/S00792-005-0434-7}, DOI={10.1007/S00792-005-0434-7}, abstractNote={Thermostable polymers cast as thin, porous coatings or membranes may be useful for concentrating and stabilizing hyperthermophilic microorganisms as biocatalysts. Hydrogel matrices can be unstable above 65 degrees C. Therefore a 55-microm thick, two layer (cell coat + polymer top coat) bimodal, adhesive latex coating of partially coalesced polystyrene particles was investigated at 80 degrees C using Thermotoga maritima as a model hyperthermophile. Coating permeability (pore structure) was critical for maintaining T. maritima viability. The permeability of bimodal coatings generated from 0.8 v/v of a suspension of non-film-forming 800 nm polystyrene particles with high glass transition temperature (T(g) = 94 degrees C, 26.9% total solids) blended with 0.2 v/v of a suspension of film-forming 158 nm polyacrylate/styrene particles (T(g) approximately -5 degrees C, 40.9% total solids) with 0.3 g sucrose/g latex was measured in a KNO3 diffusion cell. Diffusivity ratio remained above 0.04 (D(eff)/D) when incubated at 80 degrees C in artificial seawater (ASW) for 5 days. KNO3 permeability was corroborated by cryogenic-SEM images of the pore structure. In contrast, the permeability of a mono-dispersed acrylate/vinyl acetate latex Rovace SF091 (T(g) approximately 10 degrees C) rapidly decreased and became impermeable after 2 days incubation in ASW at 80 degrees C. Thermotoga maritima were entrapped in these coatings at a cell density of 49 g cell wet weight/liter of coating volume, 25-fold higher than the density in liquid culture. Viable T. maritima were released from single-layer coatings at 80 degrees C but accurate measurement of the percentage of viable entrapped cells by plate counting was not successful. Metabolic activity could be measured in bilayer coatings by utilization of glucose and maltose, which was identical for latex-entrapped and suspended cells. Starch was hydrolyzed for 200 h by latex-entrapped cells due to the slow diffusion of starch through the polymer top coat compared to only 24 h by suspended T. maritima. The observed reactivity and stability of these coatings was surprising since cryo-SEM images suggested that the smaller low T(g) polyacrylate/styrene particles preferentially bound to the T. maritima toga-sheath during coat formation. This model system may be useful for concentrating, entrapment and stabilization of metabolically active hyperthermophiles at 80 degrees C.}, number={3}, journal={Extremophiles}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Lyngberg, Olav K. and Solheid, Chris and Charaniya, Salim and Ma, Yue and Thiagarajan, Venkata and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, Michael C.}, year={2005}, month={Mar}, pages={197–207} } @misc{sherman_august_flickinger_2003, title={Genes Encoding Resistance to DNA Bioreductive Alkylation of Cleaving Agents and Method for Identification of Compounds that Inhibit Resistance to DNA Bioreductive Alkylating and Cleaving Agents}, volume={6,524,812}, number={2003 Feb. 25}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Sherman, D.S. and August, P.A. and Flickinger, M.C.}, year={2003} } @misc{hanson_flickinger_schendel_guettler_2001, title={Production of Amino Acids using Auxotrophic Mutants of Methylotrophic Bacillus}, volume={6,261,825}, number={2001 Jul. 17}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Hanson, R.S. and Flickinger, M.C. and Schendel, F.J. and Guettler, M.V.}, year={2001} } @misc{hanson_flickinger_olson_hur_al-tahoo_bremmon_2000, title={Production of Amino Acids using Auxotrophic Mutants of Methylotrophic Bacillus}, volume={6,110,713}, number={2000 Aug. 29}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Hanson, R.S. and Flickinger, M.C. and Olson, P. and Hur, W. and Al-Tahoo, N. and Bremmon, C.}, year={2000} } @misc{flickinger_griffith_robichaud_morris_annen_dunlop_mccormick_carr_2000, title={Protein Adsorption by Very Dense Porous Zirconium Oxide Particles in Expanded Beds}, volume={6,036,861}, number={2000 Mar. 24}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Flickinger, M.C. and Griffith, C. and Robichaud, M. and Morris, J. and Annen, M. and Dunlop, C. and McCormick, A. and Carr, P.W.}, year={2000} } @misc{hanson_flickinger_schendel_guettler_1999, title={Production of Amino Acids by Methylotrophic Bacillus}, volume={2,030,529}, number={1999 Oct. 19}, publisher={Canadian Patent}, author={Hanson, R.S. and Flickinger, M.C. and Schendel, F.J. and Guettler, M.V.}, year={1999} } @misc{flickinger_griffith_robichaud_morris_annen_dunlop_mccormick_carr_1998, title={Protein Adsorption by Very Dense Porous Zirconium Oxide Particles in Expanded Beds}, volume={5,837,826}, number={1998 Nov. 17}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Flickinger, M.C. and Griffith, C. and Robichaud, M. and Morris, J. and Annen, M. and Dunlop, C. and McCormick, A. and Carr, P.W.}, year={1998} } @article{lin_pentel_shelver_keyler_ross_hieda_flickinger_pennell_murtaugh_1997, title={Bacterial expression and characterization of an anti-desipramine single-chain antibody fragment}, volume={19}, number={12}, journal={International Journal of Immunopharmacology}, author={Lin, G. and Pentel, P. R. and Shelver, W. L. and Keyler, D. E. and Ross, C. A. and Hieda, Y. and Flickinger, M. C. and Pennell, C. A. and Murtaugh, M. P.}, year={1997}, pages={729–738} } @article{griffith_morris_robichaud_annen_mccormick_flickinger_1997, title={Fluidization characteristics of and protein adsorption on fluoride-modified porous zirconium oxide particles}, volume={776}, ISSN={["1873-3778"]}, DOI={10.1016/s0021-9673(97)00282-3}, abstractNote={Porous zirconia particles of specific gravity approximately 3.2 g/ml, mean particle sizes of approximately 50 microns, and terminal settling velocity of approximately 2.8 mm/s in water, were synthesized using an oil emulsion method from 1000 A colloids and were evaluated for their potential use in expanded bed protein adsorption. Expanded beds of particles were stable even for small volume, shallow beds (settled bed: 10 ml, height to diameter ratio < 1.0) and even for fluidization velocities common to much larger particles (210 cm/h for a three-fold bed expansion). When the surface of these particles was modified by fluoride adsorption, the total bed capacity for bovine serum albumin (BSA) adsorption was 42 +/- 2 mg BSA/ml of settled bed volume at linear velocities of 109-210 cm/h. Residence time distribution studies of several solutes under non-binding conditions were performed to assess the degree of liquid mixing and channeling in the expanded bed as a function of fluidization velocity. Liquid mixing and channeling were also studied as a function of distributor design. With these very dense particles, the degree of channeling and mixing did not worsen with the degree of expansion. Elution of adsorbed BSA while the bed was expanded (by a step increase in ionic strength) was rapid resulting in a narrow peak at high fluidization velocities without resorting to settling of the bed. The dynamic binding capacity of BSA at 5% breakthrough (protein effluent concentration equal to 5% of the inlet concentration) was the same for a two-fold expanded bed as for a settled bed (22 +/- 2 mg BSA/ml of settled bed volume), though it decreased for higher bed expansions. BSA binding was reproducible following repeated cleaning of the adsorbent with 0.25 M sodium hydroxide.}, number={2}, journal={JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A}, author={Griffith, CM and Morris, J and Robichaud, M and Annen, MJ and McCormick, AV and Flickinger, MC}, year={1997}, month={Aug}, pages={179–195} } @article{reeder_li_carr_flickinger_mccormick_1997, title={Models for polybutadiene pore wall coatings in porous zirconia}, volume={760}, ISSN={["0021-9673"]}, DOI={10.1016/s0021-9673(96)00623-1}, abstractNote={We present three models of the changes in measured pore size distribution for cylindrical pores when a polymer is deposited in the pores by evaporation from a volatile solvent. The predicted results serve as an aid in interpreting experimental nitrogen adsorption data for polybutadiene (PBD) coatings on porous zirconia. At low loadings, PBD appears to deposit in thin layers on the surface with no preference for filling either large or small pores. At higher PBD loadings, the polymer deposits preferentially in smaller pores. This is in qualitative agreement with PBD coatings on porous silica.}, number={1}, journal={JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A}, author={Reeder, DH and Li, JW and Carr, PW and Flickinger, MC and McCormick, AV}, year={1997}, month={Jan}, pages={71–79} } @article{thiagarajan_ming_scriven_flickinger_1996, title={Cryo-electron microscopy of polymer particles in a high cell density synthetic biofilm}, volume={11}, number={Immobilized Cells}, journal={Progress in Biotechnology}, author={Thiagarajan, V. and Ming, Y. and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, year={1996}, pages={298–303} } @misc{hanson_flickinger_schendel_guettler_1996, title={Production of Amino Acids Using Methylotrophic Bacillus}, volume={69022522.9-08}, number={1996 Feb. 1}, publisher={German National Patent}, author={Hanson, R.S. and Flickinger, M.C. and Schendel, F.J. and Guettler, M.V.}, year={1996} } @misc{mills_flickinger_1995, title={Bacillus MGA3 Diaminopimelate Decarboxylase}, volume={5,426,052}, number={1995 Jun. 20}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Mills, D.A. and Flickinger, M.C.}, year={1995} } @misc{hanson_flickinger_schendel_guettler_1995, title={Production of Amino Acids Using Methylotrophic Bacillus}, volume={0422187}, number={1995 Sep. 20}, publisher={European Patent}, author={Hanson, R.S. and Flickinger, M.C. and Schendel, F.J. and Guettler, M.V.}, year={1995} } @misc{flickinger_hanson_schendel_anderson_august_1994, title={Direct Calcium Magnesium Acetate Production}, volume={5,316,928}, number={1994 May 31}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Flickinger, M.C. and Hanson, R.S. and Schendel, F.J. and Anderson, C.R. and August, P.R.}, year={1994} } @misc{schendel_flickinger_1993, title={Bacillus MGA3 Aspartokinase II}, volume={5,243,039}, number={1993 Sep. 7}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Schendel, F.J. and Flickinger, M.C.}, year={1993} } @misc{hanson_flickinger_schendel_guettler_1993, title={Production of Amino Acids by Methylotrophic Bacillus}, volume={631640}, number={1993 Mar. 26}, publisher={Australia}, author={Hanson, R.S. and Flickinger, M.C. and Schendel, F.J. and Guettler, M.V.}, year={1993} } @misc{gong_chen_flickinger_tsao_1985, title={Production of Ethanol by Yeasts Using Xylulose}, volume={1, 195,939}, number={1985 Oct. 29}, publisher={Canada}, author={Gong, C.S. and Chen, L.F. and Flickinger, M.C. and Tsao, G.T.}, year={1985} } @misc{gong_chen_flickinger_tsao_1984, title={Production of Ethanol by Yeasts Using Xylulose}, volume={4, 490, 468}, number={1984 Dec. 25}, publisher={Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office}, author={Gong, C.S. and Chen, L.F. and Flickinger, M.C. and Tsao, G.T.}, year={1984} } @misc{gong_chen_flickinger_tsao_1981, title={Production of Ethanol by Yeasts Using Xylulose}, volume={812,676}, number={1981 Apr. 23}, publisher={Republic of South Africa}, author={Gong, C.S. and Chen, L.F. and Flickinger, M.C. and Tsao, G.T.}, year={1981} } @article{flickinger_perlman_1980, title={The effect of oxygen-enriched aeration on neomycin production by Streptomyces fradiae}, volume={2}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Applied Biochemistry}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Perlman, D.}, year={1980}, pages={280–291} } @article{flickinger_perlman_1975, title={MICROBIAL DEGRADATION OF ERYTHROMYCINS A AND B}, volume={28}, ISSN={["0021-8820"]}, DOI={10.7164/antibiotics.28.307}, abstractNote={Growing cultures, as well as broken and lyophilized cells of pseudomonas 56 were found to degrade erythromycin A, and lyophilized cells inactivated erythromycins A and B. The enzyme system involved in this degradation was constitutive and the enzyme level in the cells could be increased about 8-fold when oleandomycin or erythromycin B was added to the growth medium. The ability of whole or broken cells to inactivate erythromycin A was completely lost when these preparations were boiled, and the erythromycin A-inactivating activity was localized in the cell membrane fraction. The lyophilized cells did not degrade oleandomycin, methymycin, tylosin, a mixture of leucomycins, josamycin, or maridomycin III.}, number={4}, journal={JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS}, author={FLICKINGER, MC and PERLMAN, D}, year={1975}, pages={307–311} } @article{dhurjati_ramkrishna_flickinger_tsao, title={A cybernetic view of microbial growth: modeling of cells as optimal strategists}, volume={27}, number={1}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Dhurjati, P. and Ramkrishna, D. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={1–9} } @article{bibila_flickinger, title={A model of interorganelle monoclonal antibody transport and secretion in mouse hybridoma cells}, volume={38}, number={7}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Bibila, T. A. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={767–780} } @article{fidaleo_charaniya_solheid_diel_laudon_ge_scriven_flickinger, title={A model system for increasing the intensity of whole-cell biocatalysis: investigation of the rate of oxidation of D-sorbitol to L-sorbose by thin bi-layer latex coatings of non-growing Gluconobacter oxydans.}, volume={95}, number={3}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Fidaleo, M. and Charaniya, S. and Solheid, C. and Diel, U. and Laudon, M. and Ge, H. and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={446–448} } @article{lyngberg_thiagarajan_stemke_schottel_scriven_flickinger, title={A patch coating method for preparing biocatalytic films of Escherichia coli}, volume={62}, number={1}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Lyngberg, O. K. and Thiagarajan, V. and Stemke, D. J. and Schottel, J. L. and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={44–45} } @article{forrest_jansen_flickinger_tsao, title={A simple hobby computer-based off-gas analysis system}, volume={23}, number={2}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Forrest, E. H. and Jansen, N. B. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={455–460} } @article{lyngberg_stemke_schottel_flickinger, title={A single-use luciferase-based mercury biosensor using Escherichia coli HB101 immobilized in a latex copolymer film}, volume={23}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology}, author={Lyngberg, O. K. and Stemke, D. J. and Schottel, J. L. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={668–676} } @article{bibila_flickinger, title={A structured model for monoclonal antibody synthesis in exponentially growing and stationary phase hybridoma cells}, volume={37}, number={3}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Bibila, T. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={210–226} } @article{martinez_flickinger_nelsestuen, title={Accurate kinetic modeling of alkaline phosphatase in the escherichia coli periplasm: Implications for enzyme properties and substrate diffusion}, volume={35}, number={4}, journal={Biochemistry}, author={Martinez, M. B. and Flickinger, M. C. and Nelsestuen, G. L.}, pages={1179–1186} } @article{swope_flickinger, title={Activation and regeneration of whole cell biocatalysts: initial and periodic induction behavior in starved Escherichia coli after immobilization in thin synthetic films}, volume={51}, number={3}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Swope, K. L. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={360–370} } @article{kitchin_flickinger, title={Alteration of hybridoma viability and antibody secretion in transfectomas with inducible overexpression of protein disulfide isomerase}, volume={11}, number={5}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, author={Kitchin, K. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={565–574} } @article{reeder_clausen_annen_carr_flickinger_mccormick, title={An approach to hierarchically structured porous zirconia aggregates}, volume={184}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, author={Reeder, D. H. and Clausen, A. M. and Annen, M. J. and Carr, P. W. and Flickinger, M. C. and McCormick, A. V.}, pages={328–330} } @article{dertzbaugh_flickinger_lebherz, title={An enzyme immunoassay for the detection of staphylococcal protein A in affinity-purified products}, volume={83}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Immunological Methods}, author={Dertzbaugh, M. T. and Flickinger, M. C. and Lebherz, W. B., III.}, pages={167–177} } @article{robichaud_sathyagal_carr_mccormick_flickinger, title={An improved oil emulsion synthesis method for large, porous zirconia particles for packed- or fluidized-bed protein chromatography}, volume={32}, number={15}, journal={Separation Science and Technology}, author={Robichaud, M. J. and Sathyagal, A. N. and Carr, P. W. and Mccormick, A. V. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={2547–2559} } @article{jansen_flickinger_tsao, title={Application of bioenergetics to modeling the microbial conversion of D-xylose to 2,3-butanediol}, volume={26}, number={6}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Jansen, N. B. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={573–582} } @article{flickinger_perlman, title={Application of oxygen-enriched aeration in the conversion of glycerol to dihydroxyacetone by Gluconobacter melanogenus IFO 3293}, volume={33}, number={3}, journal={Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Perlman, D.}, pages={706–712} } @article{flickinger_perlman, title={Application of oxygen-enriched aeration in the production of bacitracin by Bacillus licheniformis}, volume={15}, number={2}, journal={Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Perlman, D.}, pages={182–293} } @article{brautaset_jakobsen_degnes_netzer_naerdal_krog_dillingham_flickinger_ellingsen, title={Bacillus methanolicus pyruvate carboxylase and homoserine dehydrogenase I and II and their roles for l-lysine production from methanol at 50A degrees C}, volume={87}, number={3}, journal={Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, author={Brautaset, T. and Jakobsen, O. M. and Degnes, K. F. and Netzer, R. and Naerdal, I. and Krog, A. and Dillingham, R. and Flickinger, M. C. and Ellingsen, T. E.}, pages={951–964} } @article{brautaset_jakobsen_josefsen_flickinger_ellingsen, title={Bacillus methanolicus: A candidate for industrial production of amino acids from methanol at 50 degrees C}, volume={74}, number={1}, journal={Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology}, author={Brautaset, T. and Jakobsen, O. M. and Josefsen, K. D. and Flickinger, M. C. and Ellingsen, T. E.}, pages={22–34} } @article{lin_pentel_shelver_keyler_ross_hieda_flickinger_pennell_murtaugh, title={Bacterial expression and characterization of an anti-desipramine single-chain antibody fragment}, volume={18}, number={12}, journal={International Journal of Immunopharmacology}, author={Lin, G. and Pentel, P. R. and Shelver, W. L. and Keyler, D. E. and Ross, C. A. and Hieda, Y. and Flickinger, M. C. and Pennell, C. A. and Murtaugh, M. P.}, pages={729–738} } @article{cue_lam_hanson_flickinger, title={Characterization of a restriction-modification system of the thermotolerant methylotroph Bacillus methanolicus}, volume={62}, number={3}, journal={Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, author={Cue, D. and Lam, H. and Hanson, R. S. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={1107–1111} } @article{kitchin_lin_shelver_murtaugh_pentel_pond_oberst_humphrey_smith_flickinger, title={Cloning, expression, and purification of an anti-desipramine single chain antibody in NS/0 myeloma cells}, volume={84}, number={10}, journal={Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences}, author={Kitchin, K. and Lin, G. and Shelver, W. L. and Murtaugh, M. P. and Pentel, P. R. and Pond, S. M. and Oberst, J. C. and Humphrey, J. E. and Smith, J. M. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={1184–1189} } @article{mullick_griffith_flickinger_a._flickinger, title={Comparison of fluoride modified zirconia with ceramic hydroxyapatite for preparative scale purification of immunoglobulin from serum albumin}, volume={28}, number={1}, journal={Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology}, author={Mullick, A. and Griffith, C. M. and Flickinger, M. C. Mullick and A. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={1–21} } @article{gong_chen_flickinger_tsao, title={Conversion of hemicellulose carbohydrates}, volume={20}, journal={Advances in Biochemical Engineering}, author={Gong, C. S. and Chen, L. F. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={93–118} } @article{schendel_baude_flickinger, title={Determination of protein expression and plasmid copy number from cloned genes in Escherichia coli by flow injection analysis using an enzyme indicator vector}, volume={34}, number={8}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Schendel, F. J. and Baude, E. J. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={1023–1036} } @article{flickinger_goebel_bohn, title={Determination of specific monoclonal antibody secretion rate during very slow hybridoma growth}, volume={5}, number={4}, journal={Bioprocess Engineering}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Goebel, N. K. and Bohn, M. A.}, pages={155–164} } @article{reeder_carr_flickinger_mccormick, title={Diffusion of nonadsorbing polymers within hierarchically structured colloidal aggregates.}, volume={226}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, author={Reeder, D. H. and Carr, P.W. and Flickinger, M. C. and McCormick, A. V.}, pages={277–285} } @article{shelver_keyler_lin_murtaugh_flickinger_ross_pentel, title={Effects of recombinant drug-specific single chain antibody Fv fragment on [3H]-desipramine distribution in rats}, volume={51}, number={4}, journal={Biochemical Pharmacology}, author={Shelver, W. L. and Keyler, D. E. and Lin, G. and Murtaugh, M. P. and Flickinger, M. C. and Ross, C. A. and Pentel, P. R.}, pages={531–537} } @article{srikanth_marsili_flickinger_bond, title={Electrochemical characterization of Geobacter sulfurreducens cells immobilized on graphite paper electrodes.}, volume={99}, number={5}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Srikanth, S. and Marsili, E. and Flickinger, M. C. and Bond, D. R.}, pages={1065–1073} } @article{fidaleo_flickinger, title={Engineering and modeling of thin, adhesive, microbial biocatalytic coatings for high intensity oxidations in multi-phase microchannel bioreactors}, volume={66}, number={14}, journal={Chemical Engineering Science}, author={Fidaleo, M. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={3251–3257} } @article{lyngberg_ng_thiagarajan_scriven_flickinger, title={Engineering the microstructure and permeability of thin multilayer latex biocatalytic coatings containing E. coli.}, volume={17}, number={6}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, author={Lyngberg, O. K. and Ng, C. P. and Thiagarajan, V. and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={1169–1179} } @article{chiang_hsiao_flickinger_chen_tsao, title={Ethanol production from pentoses by immobilized microorganisms}, volume={4}, number={2}, journal={Enzyme and Microbial Technology}, author={Chiang, L. C. and Hsiao, H. Y. and Flickinger, M. C. and Chen, L. F. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={93–95} } @article{flickinger_goebel_bibila_boyce-jacino, title={Evidence for posttranscriptional stimulation of monoclonal antibody secretion by L-glutamine during slow hybridoma growth}, volume={22}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Biotechnology}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Goebel, N. K. and Bibila, T. and Boyce-Jacino, S.}, pages={201–226} } @article{mullick_flickinger, title={Expanded bed adsorption of human serum albumin from very dense Saccharomyces cerevisiae suspensions on fluoride-modified zirconia}, volume={65}, number={3}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Mullick, A. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={282–290} } @article{ladisch_flickinger_tsao, title={Fuels and chemicals from biomass}, volume={4}, number={2}, journal={Energy (Oxford, England)}, author={Ladisch, M. R. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={263–275} } @article{cue_lam_dillingham_hanson_flickinger, title={Genetic manipulation of Bacillus methanolicus, a gram-positive, thermotolerant methylotroph}, volume={63}, number={4}, journal={Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, author={Cue, D. and Lam, H. and Dillingham, R. L. and Hanson, R. S. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={1406–1420} } @article{komives_cheung_pluschkell_flickinger, title={Growth of Bacillus methanolicus in seawater-based media.}, volume={32}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology}, author={Komives, C. F. and Cheung, L. Y.-Y. and Pluschkell, S. B. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={61–66} } @article{rao_driver_lauffenburger_wittrup, title={High-affinity CD25-binding IL-2 mutants potently stimulate persistent T Cell growth}, volume={44}, number={31}, journal={Biochemistry}, author={Rao, B. M. and Driver, I. and Lauffenburger, D. A. and Wittrup, K. D.}, pages={10696–10701} } @article{gosse_engel_rey_harwood_scriven_flickinger, title={Hydrogen production by photoreactive nanoporous latex coatings of nongrowing Rhodo-pseudomonas palustris CGA009}, volume={23}, number={1}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, author={Gosse, J. L. and Engel, B. J. and Rey, F. E. and Harwood, C. S. and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, M. C..}, pages={124–130} } @article{pluschkell_flickinger, title={Improved methods for investigating the external redox potential in hybridoma cell culture}, volume={19}, number={1}, journal={Cytotechnology}, author={Pluschkell, S. B. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={11–26} } @article{august_rahn_flickinger_sherman, title={Inducible synthesis of the Mitomycin C resistance gene product (MCRA) from Streptomyces lavendulae}, volume={175}, number={1/2}, journal={Gene}, author={August, P. R. and Rahn, J. A. and Flickinger, M. C. and Sherman, D. H.}, pages={261–267} } @article{martinez_schendel_flickinger_nelsestuen, title={Kinetic properties of enzyme populations in vivo: alkaline phosphatase of the Escherichia coli periplasm}, volume={31}, number={46}, journal={Biochemistry}, author={Martinez, M. B. and Schendel, F. J. and Flickinger, M. C. and Nelsestuen, G. L.}, pages={11500–11509} } @article{emerson_flickinger_tsao, title={Kinetics of dehydration of aqueous 2,3-butanediol to methyl ethyl ketone}, volume={21}, number={3}, journal={Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research and Development}, author={Emerson, R. R. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={473–477} } @article{lee_gustafson_pickle_flickinger_muschik_morgan, title={Large-scale purification of a murine antimelanoma monoclonal antibody}, volume={4}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Biotechnology}, author={Lee, S. M. and Gustafson, M. E. and Pickle, D. J. and Flickinger, M. C. and Muschik, G. M. and Morgan, A. C., Jr.}, pages={189–204} } @article{lee_hur_bremmon_flickinger, title={Lysine production from methanol at 50 degrees C using Bacillus methanolicus: Modeling volume control, lysine concentration, and productivity using a three-phase continuous simulation}, volume={49}, number={6}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Lee, G. H. and Hur, W. and Bremmon, C. E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={639–653} } @article{flickinger_mullick_ollis, title={Method for construction of a aimple laboratory-scale nonwoven filament biocatalytic filter}, volume={14}, number={4}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Mullick, A. and Ollis, D. F.}, pages={664–666} } @article{huang_thiagarajan_lyngberg_scriven_flickinger, title={Microstructure evolution in polymer latex coatings for whole-cell biocatalyst application}, volume={215}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, author={Huang, Z. and Thiagarajan, V. S. and Lyngberg, O. K. and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={226–243} } @article{thiagarajan_huang_scriven_schottel_flickinger, title={Microstructure of a biocatalytic latex coating containing viable Escherichia coli cells}, volume={215}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, author={Thiagarajan, V. S. and Huang, Z. and Scriven, L. E. and Schottel, J. L. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={244–257} } @article{flickinger_jansen_forrest, title={Mobile self-contained off-gas analysis units for fermentation pilot plants}, volume={22}, number={6}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Jansen, N. B. and Forrest, E. H.}, pages={1279–1276} } @article{mota_yelshin_fidaleo_flickinger, title={Modelling diffusivity in porous polymeric membranes with an intermediate layer containing microbial cells.}, volume={37}, number={3}, journal={Biochemical Engineering Journal}, author={Mota, M. and Yelshin, A. and Fidaleo, M. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={285–293} } @article{anderson_flickinger, title={Monitoring growth and acetic acid secretion by a thermotolerant Bacillus using conduction microcalorimetry}, volume={12}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Industrial Microbiology}, author={Anderson, C. R. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={114–120} } @article{williams_fuchs_flickinger, title={Null mutation in the stringent starvation protein of Escherichia coli disrupts lytic development of bacteriophage P1}, volume={109}, number={1}, journal={Gene}, author={Williams, M. D. and Fuchs, J. A. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={21–30} } @article{jakobsen_brautaset_degnes_heggeset_balzer_flickinger_valla_ellingsen, title={Overexpression of wild-type aspartokinase increases L-lysine production in the thermotolerant methylotrophic bacterium Bacillus methanolicus.}, volume={75}, number={3}, journal={Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, author={Jakobsen, O. M. and Brautaset, T. and Degnes, K. F. and Heggeset, T. M. B. and Balzer, S. and Flickinger, M. C. and Valla, S. and Ellingsen, T. E.}, pages={652–661} } @article{flickinger_schottel_bond_aksan_scriven, title={Painting and printing living bacteria: Engineering nanoporous biocatalytic coatings to preserve microbial viability and intensify reactivity.}, volume={23}, number={1}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Schottel, J. L. and Bond, D. R. and Aksan, A. and Scriven, L. E.}, pages={2–17} } @article{lyngberg_solheid_charaniya_ma_thiagarajan_scriven_flickinger, title={Permeability and reactivity of Thermotoga maritima in latex bimodal blend coatings at 80 degrees C: a model high temperature biocatalytic coating.}, volume={9}, number={3}, journal={Extremophiles}, author={Lyngberg, O. K. and Solheid, C. and Charaniya, S. and Ma, Y. and Thiagarajan, V. and Scriven, L. E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={197–207} } @article{flickinger_sansone, title={Pilot- and production-scale containment of cytotoxic and oncogenic fermentation processes}, volume={26}, number={8}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Sansone, E. B.}, pages={860–870} } @article{brautaset_jakobsen_flickinger_valla_ellingsen, title={Plasmid-dependent methylotrophy in thermotolerant Bacillus methanolicus.}, volume={186}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Bacteriology}, author={Brautaset, T. and Jakobsen, O. M. and Flickinger, M. C. and Valla, S. and Ellingsen, T. E.}, pages={1229–1238} } @article{lorenzano-porras_annen_flickinger_carr_mccormick, title={Pore structure and diffusion tortuosity of porous ZrO2 synthesized by two different colloid-aggregation processes}, volume={170}, number={2}, journal={Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}, author={Lorenzano-Porras, C. F. and Annen, M. J. and Flickinger, M. C. and Carr, P. W. and McCormick, A. V.}, pages={299–307} } @article{karl_magnusson_carr_flickinger, title={Preliminary assessment of removal of pyrogenic lipopolysaccharides with colloidal zirconia adsorbents}, volume={13}, number={9}, journal={Enzyme and Microbial Technology}, author={Karl, D. W. and Magnusson, J. C. and Carr, P. W. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={708–715} } @article{jansen_flickinger_tsao, title={Production of 2,3-butanediol from D-xylose by Klebsiella oxytoca ATCC 8724}, volume={26}, number={4}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Jansen, N. B. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={362–368} } @article{gosse_engel_hui_harwood_flickinger, title={Progress toward a biomimetic leaf: 4,000 h of hydrogen production by coating-stabilized Nongrowing Photosynthetic Rhodopseudomonas palustris}, volume={26}, number={4}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, author={Gosse, J. L. and Engel, B. J. and Hui, J. C. H. and Harwood, C. S. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={907–918} } @article{flickinger_tsao, title={Rapid analytical extraction of volatile fermentation products}, volume={21}, number={10}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T.}, pages={1881–1883} } @article{martinez_flickinger_higgins_krick_nelsestuen, title={Reduced outer membrane permeability of escherichia coli O157:H7: Suggested role of modified outer membrane porins and theoretical function in resistance to antimicrobial agents.}, volume={40}, number={40}, journal={Biochemistry}, author={Martinez, M. B. and Flickinger, M. and Higgins, L. and Krick, T. and Nelsestuen, G. L.}, pages={11965–11974} } @article{brautaset_williams_dillingham_kaufmann_bennaars_crabbe_flickinger, title={Role of the Bacillus methanolicus citrate synthase II gene, citY, in regulating the secretion of glutamate in L-lysine-secreting mutants.}, volume={69}, number={7}, journal={Applied and Environmental Microbiology}, author={Brautaset, T. and Williams, M. D. and Dillingham, R. D. and Kaufmann, C. and Bennaars, A. and Crabbe, E. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={3986–3995} } @article{schottel_orwin_anderson_flickinger, title={Spatial expression of a mercury-inducible green fluorescent protein within a nanoporous latex-based biosensor coating}, volume={35}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology}, author={Schottel, J. L. and Orwin, P. M. and Anderson, C. R. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={283–290} } @article{williams_ouyang_flickinger, title={Starvation-induced expression of SspA and SspB: the effects of a null mutation in sspA on Escherichia coli protein synthesis and survival during growth and prolonged starvation}, volume={11}, number={6}, journal={Molecular Microbiology}, author={Williams, M. D. and Ouyang, T. X. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={1039–1043} } @article{martinez_flickinger_nelsestuen, title={Steady-state enzyme kinetics in the Escherichia coli periplasm: a model of a whole cell biocatalyst}, volume={71}, number={1-3}, journal={Journal of Biotechnology}, author={Martinez, M. B. and Flickinger, M. C. and Nelsestuen, G. L.}, pages={59–66} } @article{flickinger_greenstein_bremmon_conlin, title={Strain selection, medium development and scale-up of toyocamycin production by Streptomyces chrestomyceticus}, volume={5}, number={4}, journal={Bioprocess Engineering}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Greenstein, M. and Bremmon, C. and Conlin, J.}, pages={143–153} } @article{flickinger_rouse, title={Sustaining protein synthesis in the absence of rapid cell division: An investigation of plasmid-encoded protein expression in Escherichia coli during very slow growth}, volume={9}, number={6}, journal={Biotechnology Progress}, author={Flickinger, M. C. and Rouse, M. P.}, pages={555–572} } @article{cannon_chen_flickinger_tsao, title={The development of an immobilized lactate oxidase system for lactic acid analysis}, volume={26}, number={2}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Cannon, J. J. and Chen, L. F. and Flickinger, M. C. and Tsao, G. T}, pages={167–173} } @article{mcneff_zhao_almlof_flickinger_carr, title={The efficient removal of endotoxins from insulin using quaternized polyethylenimine-coated porous zirconia}, volume={274}, number={2}, journal={Analytical Biochemistry}, author={McNeff, C. and Zhao, Q. and Almlof, E. and Flickinger, M. and Carr, P. W.}, pages={181–187} } @article{swope_flickinger, title={The use of confocal scanning laser microscopy and other tools to characterize Escherichia coli in a high-cell-density synthetic biofilm}, volume={52}, number={2}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Swope, Kristi and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={340–356} } @article{baskaya_zhao_flickinger_wang, title={Thermodynamic feasibility of enzymatic reduction of carbon dioxide to methanol}, volume={162}, number={2}, journal={Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology}, author={Baskaya, F. S. and Zhao, X. Y. and Flickinger, M. C. and Wang, P.}, pages={391–398} } @article{gosse_flickinger, title={Uniform lab-scale biocatalytic nanoporous latex coatings for reactive microorganisms}, volume={743}, journal={Methods in Molecular Biology}, author={Gosse, J. L. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={213–222} } @article{jakobsen_benichou_flickinger_valla_ellingsen_brautaset, title={Upregulated transcription of plasmid and chromosomal ribulose monophosphate pathway genes is critical for methanol assimilation rate and methanol tolerance in the methylotrophic bacterium Bacillus methanolicus}, volume={188}, number={8}, journal={Journal of Bacteriology}, author={Jakobsen, O. M. and Benichou, A. and Flickinger, M. C. and Valla, S. and Ellingsen, T. E. and Brautaset, T.}, pages={3063–3072} } @article{bibila_flickinger, title={Use of a structured kinetic model of antibody synthesis and secretion for optimization of antibody production systems: I. Steady-state analysis}, volume={39}, number={3}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Bibila, T. A. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={251–261} } @article{bibila_flickinger, title={Use of a structured kinetic model of antibody synthesis and secretion for optimization of antibody production systems: II. Transient analysis}, volume={39}, number={3}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Bibila, T. A. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={262–272} } @article{yang_oehlert_flickinger, title={Use of the weighted jackknife method to calculate the variance in cellular-specific protein secretion rate: application to monoclonal antibody secretion rate kinetics in response to osmotic stress}, volume={50}, number={2}, journal={Biotechnology and Bioengineering}, author={Yang, X. and Oehlert, G. W. and Flickinger, M. C.}, pages={184–196} }