Mengyue Chen
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Chen, M., Zhang, B., Kim, H., Sheng, Z., Chen, Q., Kim, K., … Jiang, X. (2022). Millisecond-Level Transient Temperature Monitoring Using an Ultra-Fast Response Thermocouple for Ultrasound-Induced Thermal Strain Imaging.
Chen, M., Peng, C., Wu, H., Huang, C. C., Kim, T., Traylor, Z., … Jiang, X. (2022). Numerical and experimental evaluation of low‐intensity transcranial focused ultrasound wave propagation using human skulls for brain neuromodulation. Medical Physics, 50(1), 38–49.
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Kim, T., Park, C., Chhatbar, P. Y., Feld, J., Mac Grory, B., Nam, C. S., … Feng, W. (2021). Effect of Low Intensity Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation on Neuromodulation in Animals and Humans: An Updated Systematic Review. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15.
Park, C., Chen, M., & Kim, T. (2021). Implication of auditory confounding in interpreting somatosensory and motor responses in low-intensity focused transcranial ultrasound stimulation. JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY, 125(6), 2356–2360.
Peng, C., Chen, M., & Jiang, X. (2021). Under-Display Ultrasonic Fingerprint Recognition With Finger Vessel Imaging. IEEE Sensors Journal, 21(6), 7412–7419.
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