Works (25)
2024 article
High-quality draft genome sequence of <i>Paenibacillus</i> sp. RC80, a candidate for biofuel production
Rizzo, G., Choudoir, M., Simoes, R., Dayarathne, N., & Deangelis, K. M. (2024, June 7). (J. C. Thrash, Ed.). MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCE ANNOUNCEMENTS, Vol. 6.
Ed(s): J. Thrash

2024 journal article
Seasonal effects of long-term warming on ecosystem function and bacterial diversity
PLOS ONE, 19(10).
Ed(s): M. Vestergård
2023 article
Complete genome sequence of <i>Bacillus thuringiensis</i> strain RC340, isolated from a temperate forest soil sample in New England
Sullivan, B., Kitzmiller, C. E., Tran, W. C., Choudoir, M., Simoes, R., Dayarathne, N., & DeAngelis, K. M. (2023, October 31). (D. Rasko, Ed.). MICROBIOLOGY RESOURCE ANNOUNCEMENTS, Vol. 10.
Ed(s): D. Rasko

2023 journal article
Draft genome sequence of <i>Paenibacillus</i> sp. strain RC67, an isolate from a long-term forest soil warming experiment in Petersham, Massachusetts

2023 journal article
High-quality genomes of Paenibacillus spp. RC334 and RC343, isolated from a long-term forest soil warming experiment
Ed(s): D. Baltrus

2023 article
Pangenomes reveal genomic signatures of microbial adaptation to experimental soil warming
Choudoir, M. J., Narayanan, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, D., Simoes, R., Efroni, A., Sondrini, A., & DeAngelis, K. M. (2023, March 17).

2022 journal article
A framework for integrating microbial dispersal modes into soil ecosystem ecology
IScience, 25(3), 103887.

2022 article
Chitosan diet alters the microbiome of adult house flies
Schaal, H., Choudoir, M. J., Diwanji, V., Stoffolano, J., Jr., & DeAngelis, K. M. (2022, August 31).

2022 journal article
Reciprocal Inclusion of Microbiomes and Environmental Justice Contributes Solutions to Global Environmental Health Challenges
MSystems, 7(3).
Ed(s): S. Ishaq
2022 journal article
Streptomyces apricus sp. nov., isolated from soil
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72(1).

2021 article
A non-adaptive demographic mechanism for genome expansion in <i>Streptomyces</i>
Choudoir, M. J., Järvenpää, M. J., Marttinen, P., & Buckley, D. H. (2021, January 11). (Vol. 1). Vol. 1.
2021 journal article
Introducing the Microbes and Social Equity Working Group: Considering the Microbial Components of Social, Environmental, and Health Justice
MSystems, 6(4).
Ed(s): J. Gilbert
2020 journal article
Volatile organic compounds from leaf litter decomposition alter soil microbial communities and carbon dynamics

2019 journal article
A Phylogenetic and Functional Perspective on Volatile Organic Compound Production by Actinobacteria
MSystems, 4(2).
Ed(s): K. Whiteson
2018 journal article
Diversification of Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters Coincides with Lineage Divergence in <em>Streptomyces</em>
Antibiotics, 7(1), 12.
2018 journal article
Phylogenetic conservatism of thermal traits explains dispersal limitation and genomic differentiation of Streptomyces sister-taxa
The ISME Journal, 12(9), 2176–2186.

2018 journal article
Variation in range size and dispersal capabilities of microbial taxa
ECOLOGY, 99(2), 322–334.
Contributors: , A. Barberán *, H. Menninger n, R. Dunn n & N. Fierer * *

2018 journal article
Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Soil Following Wetting Events
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.
2017 journal article
Genome Surfing As Driver of Microbial Genomic Diversity
Trends in Microbiology, 25(8), 624–636.

2016 journal article
A Latitudinal Diversity Gradient in Terrestrial Bacteria of the Genus Streptomyces
MBio, 7(2), e02200–15.
2016 journal article
Contributions of ancestral inter-species recombination to the genetic diversity of extant Streptomyces lineages
The ISME Journal.
2016 journal article
Latitude delineates patterns of biogeography in terrestrial Streptomyces
Environmental Microbiology, 18, 4931–4945.

2012 journal article
Grappling with Proteus: population level approaches to understanding microbial diversity
Frontiers in Microbiology, 3, 336.
2010 journal article
Sequence diversity of genes encoding botulinum neurotoxin type F
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76(14), 4805–4812.
2009 journal article
Correlation between transcript abundance of the RB gene and the level of the RB-mediated late blight resistance in potato
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 22(4), 447–455.
Updated: September 18th, 2022 17:02
2022 - present
2020 - 2022
2016 - 2018