@article{limke_lytle_mahmoud_lin_hill_catete_barnes_2023, title={Participatory Design with Teachers for Block-based Learning with SnapClass}, ISSN={["1943-6092"]}, DOI={10.1109/VL-HCC57772.2023.00028}, abstractNote={As computer science is increasingly taught in secondary schools, tools need to integrate block-based environments into learning platforms. This way, teachers can more effectively lead lessons, help students, and assess students' programs in their classrooms. We conducted a participatory design process with three K-12 computing teachers to understand their struggle and needs for block coding within their classrooms. The teachers identified 14 needs that were not already addressed by our tool, SnapClass. SnapClass, a new web-based learning platform for Snap!, integrates assignments with starter code, executable student submissions, rubric-based assessment, and a gradebook into one platform. The teachers designed prototypes for three features important to their classrooms: assignment differentiation, help-requests, and peer and self-assessment. This paper begins by introducing SnapClass and the motivation for its development. Then through thematic analysis of the session transcripts, we identify the common struggles teachers face while instructing programming and summarize how they would address those struggles through the design of SnapClass.}, journal={2023 IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON VISUAL LANGUAGES AND HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING, VL/HCC}, author={Limke, Ally and Lytle, Nicholas and Mahmoud, Sana and Lin, Maggie and Hill, Marnie and Catete, Veronica and Barnes, Tiffany}, year={2023}, pages={173–178} }