Works (14)
2021 journal article
Identification of sources of resistance to gray leaf spot in Stenotaphrum germplasm
CROP SCIENCE, 61(5), 3069–3079.

2020 journal article
Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Gray Leaf Spot Resistance in St. Augustinegrass
PLANT DISEASE, 104(11), 2799–2806.

2019 journal article
Detection of quantitative trait loci associated with drought tolerance in St. Augustinegrass
PLOS ONE, 14(10).

2016 journal article
Combining ability for winter survival and turf quality traits in st. augustinegrass
HortScience, 51(7), 810–815.
2015 journal article
Registration of ‘Sugg’ peanut
J. Plant Reg., 9(1), 44–52.

2014 journal article
Overexpression of ubiquitin-like LpHUB1 gene confers drought tolerance in perennial ryegrass

2013 journal article
Cytological and Molecular Characterization of Genetic Diversity in Stenotaphrum
CROP SCIENCE, 53(1), 296–308.

2013 journal article
Use of AFLP Markers to Assess Genetic Diversity in Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) Populations from North Carolina and Georgia
WEED SCIENCE, 61(1), 136–145.

2012 journal article
Assessment of molecular variation within 'Raleigh' St. Augustinegrass using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers
HortScience, 47(7), 839–844.

2012 journal article
Development of SSR markers and the analysis of genetic diversity and ploidy level in a centipedegrass collection
Crop Science, 52(1), 360–370.

2011 journal article
Use of sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) markers for comparing levels of genetic diversity in centipedegrass germplasm
Genetic Resources and Crop Evaluation, 59(7), 1517–1526.

2010 journal article
Assessment of Genetic Diversity among U.S. Runner-Type Peanut Cultivars Using Simple Sequence Repeat Markers
CROP SCIENCE, 50(6), 2396–2405.

2010 journal article
Registration of ‘Bailey’ peanut
J. Plant Reg., 5(1), 27–39.

2010 journal article
Simple sequence repeat allelic diversity in virginia-type peanut cultivars released from 1943 to 2006
Crop Science, 50(4), 1348–1356.