@article{cockson_veazie_davis_barajas_post_crozier_leon_patterson_whipker_2021, title={The Impacts of Micronutrient Fertility on the Mineral Uptake and Growth of Brassica carinata}, volume={11}, ISBN={2077-0472}, url={https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11030221}, DOI={10.3390/agriculture11030221}, abstractNote={Many abiotic factors impact the yield and growth of Brassica carinata (commonly referred to as carinata or Ethiopian mustard). Very little is known about carinata and how mineral nutrients impact its growth, and more specifically, the sufficiency values for fertility over the plant’s growth cycle and life stages. This study explored the impacts that plant nutrients, specifically micronutrients, can have on the growth and development of carinata over its distinct life stages (rosette, bolting, flowering, and pod set). Plants were grown under varying micronutrient concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75, 87.5, and 100%) of a modified Hoagland’s solution. Data were collected on plant height, canopy diameter, leaf tissue mineral nutrient concentrations, and biomass. The results demonstrated that micronutrient fertility has profound impacts on the production of Brassica carinata during different life stages. Boron (B) exclusion had the greatest impact on the growth and reproduction of Brassica carinata, with the death of the apical meristem that resulted in a lack of siliques or seeds at the lowest rate. Optimal relative elemental leaf tissue concentrations varied among micronutrient fertility concentrations and life stages. Certain elements exhibited linear increases in nutrient leaf tissue accumulation as solution concentration increased without reaching a maximum concentration during specific life stages. Other life stages and/or elements produced distinct plateau leaf tissue mineral concentrations despite increasing fertility treatment concentrations such as B in the rosette stage (47.2–50.0 mg·kg−1), copper (Cu) (bolting stage at 6.62–7.57 mg·kg−1), zinc (Zn) (bolting stage at 27.47–39.87 and flowering at 33.98–43.50 mg·kg−1), molybdenum (Mo) (flowering stage at 2.42–3.23 mg·kg−1), and manganese (Mn) (bolting stage at 117.03–161.63 mg·kg−1). This work demonstrates that Brassica carinata has different fertility demands and will accumulate differing leaf tissue concentrations during its life stages. This work serves as a baseline for further uptake and portioning work for Brassica carinata.}, number={3}, journal={AGRICULTURE-BASEL}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Cockson, Paul and Veazie, Patrick and Davis, Matthew and Barajas, Gabby and Post, Angela and Crozier, Carl R. and Leon, Ramon G. and Patterson, Robert and Whipker, Brian E.}, year={2021}, month={Mar}, pages={221} } @article{cockson_schroeder-moreno_veazie_barajas_logan_davis_whipker_2020, title={Impact of Phosphorus on Cannabis sativa Reproduction, Cannabinoids, and Terpenes}, volume={10}, ISSN={["2076-3417"]}, DOI={10.3390/app10217875}, abstractNote={Many abiotic factors, such as mineral nutrients—including phosphorus (P)—fertility, can impact the yield and growth of Cannabis sativa. Given the economic portion of C. sativa is the inflorescence, the restriction of P fertility could impact floral development and quality could be detrimental. This study sought to track the impacts of varying P concentrations (3.75, 7.50, 11.25, 15.0, 22.50, and 30.0 mg·L−1) utilizing a modified Hoagland’s solution. This experiment examined plant height, diameter, leaf tissue mineral nutrient concentrations, and final fresh flower bud weight as well as floral quality metrics, such as cannabinoids and terpenes. The results demonstrated that during different life stages (vegetative, pre-flowering, flowering), P concentrations impact C. sativa growth and development and yield. Regarding the cannabinoid pools, results varied for the individual cannabinoid types. For the acid pools, increasing fertility concentrations above 11.25 mg·L−1 P did not result in any increase in cannabinoid concentrations. These results indicate that, if a crop is being produced under greenhouse conditions, specifically for cannabinoid production, an excessive P supply did not result in higher cannabinoid production. However, plants grown with a higher rate of P fertility (30.0 mg·L−1) had greater plant width and may result in more buds per plant.}, number={21}, journal={APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL}, author={Cockson, Paul and Schroeder-Moreno, Michelle and Veazie, Patrick and Barajas, Gabby and Logan, David and Davis, Matthew and Whipker, Brian E.}, year={2020}, month={Nov} } @article{davis_poole_poore_poole_pickworth_2019, title={Interaction of dietary protein and endophyte-infected Tall Fescue seed in stocker steers on finishing phase performance and carcass traits.}, volume={97}, ISBN={1525-3163}, DOI={10.1093/jas/skz053.086}, abstractNote={Abstract Fescue toxicosis is a multifaceted disease that negatively impacts cattle. It was hypothesized that exposure to endophyte-infected fescue during the stocker phase affects finishing phase growth and carcass characteristics. Eight-month-old steers were sorted by weight and randomly assigned to receive one of four treatments for 56 days in confinement: endophyte-free seed (0 ug/ kg ergovaline) with either 18% (EF-18; n = 9) or 14% dietary protein (EF-14; n = 9) and endophyte-infected seed (500 ug/kg ergovaline) with 18% (EI-18; n = 9) or 14% dietary protein (EI-14; n = 9). Following fescue exposure calves were backgrounded on novel endophyte fescue pastures for 8 mo. At 18 mo, all steers were vaccinated, implanted, and reentered the feedlot for a 112 d growing phase and 52 d finishing phase. Body weight was recorded every 28 d and carcass data was collected at slaughter. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS for effects of BW, ADG, dressing percentage (DP), HCW, backfat, ribeye area (REA), KPH, USDA Yield grade (YG), and USDA Quality grade (QG). Statistical significance was determined at P > 0.05) HCW, BW, backfat, REA, DP, or QG. TheEI-14 had a greater ADG (1.69 kg/d) during the feedlot growing phase compared to the other treatment groups (1.53, 1.47, 1.55 for EI-18, EF-14, EF-18, respectively; P > 0.05). Steers stockered on 18% dietary protein had greater BW compared to steers previously fed at 14% (501.3±3.8 vs. 489.7±3.8; P = 0.0339). In addition, 18% protein in stocker diet resulted in greater KPH (2.3±0.2 vs. 1.78±0.2; P = 0.0129) and YG (3.4±0.1 vs. 3.0±0.1; P = 0.0168) compared with steers fed 14% dietary protein. Finishing growth and carcass characteristics were not affected by exposure to ergot alkaloids at weaning as much as dietary protein when cattle had a background period prior to feedlot entry}, journal={JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE}, author={Davis, Matthew E. and Poole, Rebecca K. and Poore, Matthew H. and Poole, Daniel H. and Pickworth, Carrie L.}, year={2019}, month={Jul}, pages={38–38} }