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Works (11)
2024 journal article
Influence of gender and glyphosate resistance on Palmer amaranth growth and interference with cotton

2022 article
Effect of cotton herbicide programs on weed population trajectories and frequency of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)
Oreja, F. H., Inman, M. D., Jordan, D. L., Vann, M., Jennings, K. M., & Leon, R. G. (2022, July 29). WEED SCIENCE, Vol. 7.

2022 article
Evaluations of S-Metolachlor in flue-cured tobacco weed management programs
Clapp, A. M., Vann, M. C., Cahoon, C. W., Jordan, D. L., Fisher, L. R., & Inman, M. D. (2022, February 6). AGRONOMY JOURNAL, Vol. 2.

2022 article
In-field assessment of EPSPS amplification on fitness cost in mixed glyphosate-resistant and glyphosate-sensitive populations of Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri)
Cahoon, C. W., Jordan, D. L., Tranel, P. J., York, A. C., Riggins, C., Seagroves, R., … Leon, R. (2022, October 24). WEED SCIENCE.

2022 journal article
Modeling weed community diversity based on species population density dynamics and herbicide use intensity

2021 journal article
Evaluation of dicamba retention in spray tanks and its impact on flue-cured tobacco
WEED TECHNOLOGY, 35(1), 35–42.

2021 article
Flue-cured tobacco holding-ability is affected by harvest timing
Vann, M. C., Inman, M. D., & Fisher, L. R. (2021, November 24). CROP FORAGE & TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT, Vol. 11.

2021 article
Population growth rates of weed species in response to herbicide programme intensity and their impact on weed community
Oreja, F. H., Inman, M. D., Jordan, D. L., & Leon, R. G. (2021, September 19). WEED RESEARCH, Vol. 9.

2020 journal article
Influence of timing and intensity of weed management on crop yield and contribution to weed emergence in cotton the following year

2017 journal article
Biology and management of Glyphosate-resistant and Glyphosate-susceptible Palmer Amaranth (&ITAmaranthus&IT &ITpalmeri&IT) phenotypes from a segregating population
Weed Science, 65(6), 755–768.
2016 journal article
Long-Term Management of Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in Dicamba-Tolerant Cotton
WEED SCIENCE, 64(1), 161–169.