Works (4)
2019 journal article
Balancing carbon dioxide: a case study of forest preservation, out-migration, and afforestation in the Pueblos Mancomunados of Oaxaca, Mexico
Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 38(7), 697–714.

2019 journal article
Influences on coastal tourism demand and substitution behaviors from climate change impacts and hazard recovery responses
Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(5), 629–648.

2019 journal article
Linking residential saltwater intrusion risk perceptions to physical exposure of climate change impacts in rural coastal communities of North Carolina
Natural Hazards, 97(3), 1277–1295.
Contributors: A. Bhattachan n, n, P. Morris n, P. Taillie n, L. Smart n , R. Emanuel n , E. Seekamp n

2016 journal article
Potential links between certified organic coffee and deforestation in a protected area in Chiapas, Mexico
World Development, 78, 13–21.