Works (82)
2024 article
It's not just the farm: enterprise and household responses to the pandemic by North Carolina niche meat producers
Smolski, A. R., Schulman, M. D., Pietrosemoli, S., & Tiezzi, F. (2024, October 3). AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN VALUES, Vol. 10.

2023 article
Navigating Farm Stress: Traumatic and Resilient Dimensions of the Black Agrarian Frame
Smolski, A. R., & Schulman, M. D. (2023, November 16). JOURNAL OF AGROMEDICINE, Vol. 11.

2018 journal article
Bonding and bridging: Leveraging immigrant and refugee community assets to support healthy eating
Community Development, 49(2), 211–230.

2017 journal article
Racial Disparities in Context: Student-, School-, and County-Level Effects on the Likelihood of Obesity among Elementary School Students
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 4(2), 245–260.

2016 journal article
An accidental rural sociologist
Rural Sociologists at Work: Candid Accounts of Theory, Method, and Practice, 65–79.
2016 journal article
Local Food Access Among a Diverse Group of Immigrants and Refugees in North Carolina: A Qualitative Study
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48(7), S10–S11.
2016 journal article
School Context Matters: The Impacts of Concentrated Poverty and Racial Segregation on Childhood Obesity
Journal of School Health, 86(12), 864–872.

2014 journal article
Food Insecurity in Rural America
Contexts, 13(3), 75–77.

2014 journal article
Sociological Answers to “What’s the Matter with Rural____"
Sociological Forum, 29(1), 241–244.
2012 chapter
Adolescent Employment and Injury in the United States
In K. Liller (Ed.), Injury Prevention for Children and Adolescents: Integration of Research, Practice, and Advocacy (2nd ed., pp. 189–214). Washington: American Public Health Association.
Ed(s): K. Liller
2012 review
The Ashgate Companion to the History of Textile Workers, 1650-2000
[Review of ]. Labour (Halifax, N.S.), (69), 247–248.
2012 journal article
Young worker safety in construction: Do family ties and workgroup size affect hazard exposures and safety practices?
Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 42(4), 549–558.
2011 journal article
Experiential Learning and Research Ethics: Enhancing Knowledge through Action
TEACHING SOCIOLOGY, 39(3), 244–258.

2011 journal article
Parental Involvement With Their Working Teens
Journal of Adolescent Health, 49(1), 84–86.

2010 journal article
Awareness and Knowledge of the U.S. Child Labor Laws Among a National Sample of Working Adolescents and Their Parents

2010 journal article
Construction firm practices and manager beliefs regarding the employment and safety of teenaged employees: A North Carolina based study
Work-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 37(2), 145–154.
2010 journal article
Hazardous Task Recognition Among US Adolescents Working in the Retail or Service Industry

2009 journal article
Attitudes and Beliefs About Adolescent Work and Workplace Safety Among Parents of Working Adolescents
Journal of Adolescent Health, 44(4), 349–355.

2009 journal article
Political Economy of US States and Rates of Fatal Occupational Injury

2009 journal article
Risk factors for a farm vehicle public road crash

2008 chapter
Globalization and Worker Displacement: Is There a Life After Converse?
In M. Bertho, B. Crawford, & E. Fogarty (Eds.), The Impact of Globalization on the United States (pp. 187–214). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Ed(s): M. Bertho, B. Crawford & E. Fogarty
2008 journal article
Services Delivery for Displaced Rural Workers: A North Carolina Case Study of the Theory and Reality of One Stop: A research brief
Sociation Today, 6(2).
2008 journal article
Teen workers' exposures to occupational hazards and use of personal protective equipment
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 51(10), 735–740.
2008 journal article
US child labor violations in the retail and service industries: Findings from a national survey of working adolescents

2007 personal communication
Adolescents' descriptions of hazards in the workplace - Reply
Runyan, C. W., Ta, M., & Schulman, M. (2007, September).

2007 journal article
Work-related hazards and workplace safety of US adolescents employed in the retail and service sectors
PEDIATRICS, 119(3), 526–534.
2006 chapter
Adolescent employment: relationships to injury and violence
In K. Liller (Ed.), Injury Prevention for Children and Adolescents: Research, Practice, and Advocacy (pp. 163–190). Washington: American Public Health Association.
Ed(s): K. Liller
2006 journal article
Work hazards and workplace safety violations experienced by adolescent construction workers

2005 journal article
Adequacy of health and safety training among young Latino construction workers
2005 article
Challenges for rural America in the twenty-first century
Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 34, pp. 172–173.
2005 journal article
Potential for violence against teenage retail workers in the United States
Journal of Adolescent Health, 36(3), 267.e1–267.e5.
2004 chapter
Health Hazards of Rural Extractive Industries and Occupations
In N. Glasgow, N. E. Johnson, & L. W. Morton (Eds.), Critical Issues in Rural Health (pp. 49–60). Ames, IA: Blackwell Iowa State University Press.
Ed(s): N. Glasgow, N. Johnson & L. Morton
2003 book
Communities of Work: Rural Restructuring in Local and Global Contexts
Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
2003 chapter
Hogs and Citizens: A Report From the North Carolina Front
In W. W. Falk, M. D. Schulman, & A. R. Tickamyer (Eds.), Communities of Work : rural restructuring in local and global contexts (pp. 219–239). Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
2003 chapter
Place, Race, and State: Sustaining the Textile Security Zone in a Changing Southern Labor Market
In W. W. Falk, M. D. Schulman, & A. R. Tickamyer (Eds.), Communities of Work: rural restructuring in local and global contexts (pp. 31–54). Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press.
2003 journal article
Understanding and preventing violence against adolescent workers: what is known and what is missing?
Clinics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 3(4), 711–720.

2003 journal article
Understanding the public health impacts of farm vehicle public road crashes in North Carolina
Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 9(1), 19.
2001 review
Globalization and uncertainty: The restructuring of Southern textiles
[Review of ]. SOCIAL PROBLEMS, 48(4), 478–498.

2001 chapter
The Dark Side of the Force: Economic Restructuring and Social Capital in a Company Town
In B. Edwards, M. Foley, & M. Diani (Eds.), Beyond Tocqueville: Civil Society and the Social Capital Debate in Contemporary Perspective (pp. 112–124). Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.
Ed(s): B. Edwards, M. Foley & M. Diani
2000 review
Black unionism in the industrial south
[Review of ]. Labor History, 41(4), 527–528.
2000 article
In the wake of the giant: Multinational restructuring and uneven development in a New England community
Schulman, M. D. (2000, September). CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY-A JOURNAL OF REVIEWS, Vol. 29, pp. 727–728.
2000 journal article
The downside of adolescent employment: hazards and injuries among working teens in North Carolina
Journal of Adolescence, 23(5), 545–560.
1999 journal article
The dark side of the force: A case study of restructuring and social capital
Rural Sociology, 64(3), 351–372.

1999 chapter
Women, Restructuring and Textiles: The Increasing Complexity of Subordination and Struggle in a Southern Community
In B. E. Smith (Ed.), Neither Separate Nor Equal: Women, Race, and Class in the South (pp. 91–108). Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Ed(s): B. Smith
1998 journal article
Improving safety for teens working in the retail trade sector: Opportunities and obstacles

1998 journal article
Teens at work: A statewide study of jobs, hazards, and injuries

1997 journal article
Farm work is dangerous for teens: agricultural hazards and injuries among North Carolina teens
Journal of Rural Health, 13(4), 295–305.

1996 journal article
Work patterns and occupational hazard exposures of North Carolina adolescents in 4-H clubs.
Injury Prevention, 2(4), 274–277.
1994 journal article
SOCIOLOGIA RURALIS, 34(2-3), 229–251.

1993 journal article
Adaptations to the farm crisis: Macro level implications of micro level behaviors
Applied Behavioral Science Review, 1(1), 93–111.
1993 chapter
Political Economy and Local Labor Markets: Toward a Theoretical Synthesis
In J. Singelmann & F. A. Deseran (Eds.), Inequalities in Labor Market Areas (pp. 33–47).
Ed(s): J. Singelmann & F. Deseran

1993 journal article
Still Going: Recent Debates on the Goldschmidt Hypothesis
Rural Sociology, 58(2), 277–288.
1993 chapter
Theories in the Study of Natural Resource-Dependent Communities and Persistent Rural Poverty in the United States
In E. N. Castle (Ed.), Persistent Poverty in Rural America (pp. 136–172).
Ed(s): E. Castle

1991 journal article
Farming Patterns, Rural Restructuring, and Poverty: A Comparative Regional Analysis
Rural Sociology, 56(4), 565–602.

1991 book
Hanging by a thread social change in southern textiles
Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.
1991 chapter
Saving the farm: Strategies for success or distress
In D. C. Clay & H. K. Schwarzweller (Eds.), Household strategies (Vol. 5, p. 241). Greenwich, Conn. : Jai Press Inc.
Ed(s): . D. C. Clay & H. Schwarzweller
1991 journal article
The persistence of the black farmer: The contemporary relevance of the Lenin-Chayanov debate
Rural Sociology, 56(2), 264.
1991 journal article
The survival of the black tobacco farmer: Empirical results and policy dilemmas
Agriculture and Human Values, 8(3), 46–52.
1990 journal article
Cluster analysis and typology construction; the case of small‐scale tobacco farmers: A research note
Sociological Spectrum, 10(3), 413–428.

1990 journal article
Financial Strain and Depression Among Farm Operators: The Role of Perceived Economic Hardship and Personal Control
Rural Sociology, 55(4), 475–493.
1990 journal article
Perceived Stress, Social Support and Survival: North Carolina Farm Operators and the Farm Crisis
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 17, 3–22.
1990 chapter
Socioeconomic and Demographic Differentiation Among Smallholders: Implications for Technology Development and Transfer
In H. Bakker (Ed.), The World Food Crisis: Food Security in Comparative Perspective (pp. 135–151). Toronto, Canada: Canadian Scholars Press.
Ed(s): H. Bakker
1990 journal article
Targeting Farmers for Stress Reduction
Journal of Extension, 28(2), 10–13.
1990 journal article
White and Non-White North Carolina Farm Operators: A Comparison
Journal of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 35, 9–23.
1989 journal article
Agrarian origins, industrial experience, and militancy: An analysis of textile workers
Sociological Spectrum, 9(4), 379–401.

1989 journal article
Differentiation and survival among North Carolina smallholders: An empirical perspective on the Lenin‐Chayanov debate
The Journal of Peasant Studies, 16(4), 523–541.

1989 journal article
Family Division of Labor and Decision Making Among Smallholders
Sociology and Social Research, 74, 16–21.
1989 journal article
The farm crisis: An analysis of social psychological distress among North Carolina farm operators
American Journal of Community Psychology, 17(4), 423–441.

1988 journal article
The Social Bases of Union Support: An Analysis of Southern Textile Workers
Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 16(1), 57–75.
1986 chapter
Factors in the Success and Survival of Smallholders: A North Carolina Case Study
In J. J. Molnar (Ed.), Agricultural Change (pp. 201–222).
Ed(s): J. Molnar
1986 chapter
Stratification and Differentiation Within Smallholder Strata: A North Carolina Case Study
In C. B. Flora & M. Tomecek (Eds.), Farming Systems Research and Extension: Implementation and Monitoring (pp. 557–571). Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University.
Ed(s): C. Flora & M. Tomecek
1985 journal article
Agrarian and Political Attitudes Among Small-Scale Farmers: A North Carolina Case Study
Southern Rural Sociology, 3, 42–45.
1985 journal article
Dimensions of the internal stratification of smallholders: Insights from North Carolina Piedmont counties
Rural Sociology, 50(2), 251.
1985 journal article
Problems of landownership and inheritance among black smallholders
Agriculture and Human Values, 2(3), 40–44.
1985 journal article
Race, Gender, Class Consciousness and Union Support: An Analysis of Southern Textile Workers
The Sociological Quarterly, 26(2), 187–204.

1984 journal article
Social Bases of Class Consciousness: A Study of Southern Textile Workers with a Comparison by Race
Social Forces, 63(1), 98.
1981 journal article
Ownership and control in agribusiness corporations
Rural Sociology, 46(4), 652.
1978 journal article
Class Conflict Consciousness and the Consistency of Political-Economic Attitudes Among the Working Class
Journal of Political and Military Sociology, 6, 205–217.
1977 journal article
Support for Growth Centers: The Case of Rural Northwest Wisconsin
Growth and Change, 8(2), 31–37.
1976 journal article
An Empirical Examination of Order and Conflict Theories of Social Problems as Competing Ideologies
Sociological Symposium, 16, 45–62.
1976 journal article
Pedagogy in Prisons: The Structure and Practice of Teaching Sociology in a `Total Institution'
The Wisconsin Sociologist, 13, 30–38.