Mary Haskett Haskett, M. E., Cooke, N. K., & Goodell, L. S. (2023, November 1). College Student Food and Housing Insecurity: Students' Perceived Determinants, Consequences, and Resilience. JOURNAL OF HUNGER & ENVIRONMENTAL NUTRITION, Vol. 11. Haskett, M. E., Hall, J. K., Finster, H. P., Owens, C., & Buccelli, A. R. (2022, April 19). "It brought my family more together": Mixed-methods study of low-income US mothers during the pandemic. FAMILY RELATIONS, Vol. 71. Owens, C. R., Stokes, M. K. N., & Haskett, M. E. (2022, April 27). 'I just want my parenting to be able to be better than what it is': A qualitative exploration of parenting strengths and needs of mothers experiencing homelessness. CHILD & FAMILY SOCIAL WORK. Haskett, M. E., Buccelli, A. R., & Renbarger, R. L. (2023). Higher Education Liaisons for Students Experiencing Homelessness: Role Preparation and Professional Development Needs. JOURNAL OF STUDENT FINANCIAL AID, 52(1). Armstrong, J. M., Owens, C. R., & Haskett, M. E. (2021, June 29). Effects of a Brief Parenting Intervention In Shelters For Mothers And Their Children Experiencing Homelessness. JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES. Haskett, M. E., Neal, S. C., & Norwalk, K. E. (2021). Exploring Variability in Social and Behavioral Adjustment Among Children in Head Start Experiencing Homelessness. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR STUDENTS PLACED AT RISK, 26(4), 337–351. Haskett, M. E., Kotter-Gruhn, D., & Majumder, S. (2020). Prevalence and Correlates of Food Insecurity and Homelessness Among University Students. JOURNAL OF COLLEGE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT, 61(1), 109–114. Haskett, M. E., Majumder, S., Kotter-Gruhn, D., & Gutierrez, I. (2021). The role of university students' wellness in links between homelessness, food insecurity, and academic success. JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DISTRESS AND THE HOMELESS, 30(1), 59–65. Owens, C. R., Haskett, M. E., & Norwalk, K. (2019). Peer Assisted Supervision and Support and Providers' Use of Triple P- Positive Parenting Program. JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES, 28(6), 1664–1672. Schilling, S., Fine, J., Ritter, V. S., & Haskett, M. E. (2019). Practitioners' Perceptions of and Use of Triple P. CHILD PSYCHIATRY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, 50(5), 738–745. Kamke, K., Widman, L., & Haskett, M. E. (2019). Safer Sex Communication and Sexual Health Behaviors Among a Representative Statewide Sample of Homeless Adolescents. The Journal of Sex Research, 57(2), 1–8. Devaney, A. A., Begeny, J. C., Haskett, M. E., & Ginns, D. S. (2018). Effects of a Reading Fluency Intervention on Middle School Students Attending a Residential Treatment Center for Youth with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. Contemporary School Psychology, 23(4), 367–378. Milojevich, H. M., & Haskett, M. E. (2018). Longitudinal associations between physically abusive parents' emotional expressiveness and children's self-regulation. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT, 77, 144–154. Armstrong, J. M., Owens, C. R., & Haskett, M. E. (2018). Mental Health of Homeless Youth: Moderation by Peer Victimization and Teacher Support. CHILD PSYCHIATRY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, 49(5), 681–687. Haskett, M. E., Armstrong, J., Neal, S. C., & Aldianto, K. (2018). Perceptions of Triple P-Positive Parenting Program Seminars among Parents Experiencing Homelessness. JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES, 27(6), 1957–1967. Armstrong, J. M., Haskett, M. E., & Hawkins, A. L. (2017). THE STUDENT-TEACHER RELATIONSHIP QUALITY OF ABUSED CHILDREN. PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS, 54(2), 142–151. Milojevich, H. M., & Haskett, M. E. (2018). Three-year Trajectories of Emotional Expressiveness among Maltreating Mothers: The Role of Life Changes. JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES, 27(1), 141–153. Haskett, M. E., Okoniewski, K. C., Armstrong, J. M., Galanti, S., Lowder, E., Loehman, J., & Lanier, P. J. (2017). Feasibility, acceptability, and effects of a peer support group to prevent child maltreatment among parents experiencing homelessness. CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW, 73, 187–196. Haskett, M. E., Armstrong, J. M., & Tisdale, J. (2016). Developmental Status and Social-Emotional Functioning of Young Children Experiencing Homelessness. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION JOURNAL, 44(2), 119–125. Donlon, P., Lake, J., Pope, E., Shaw, C., & Haskett, M. E. (2014). Community Action Targeting Children Who Are Homeless (CATCH): Addressing the Mental Health and Developmental Needs of Children Experiencing Homelessness. FAMILIES IN SOCIETY-THE JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL SERVICES, 95(3), 163–170. Haskett, M. E., Loehman, J., & Burkhart, K. (2016). [Review of Parenting interventions in shelter settings: a qualitative systematic review of the literature]. CHILD & FAMILY SOCIAL WORK, 21(3), 272–282. Carmody, K. A., Haskett, M. E., Loehman, J., & Rose, R. A. (2015). Physically Abused Children's Adjustment at the Transition to School: Child, Parent, and Family Factors. JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES, 24(4), 957–969. Haskett, M. E., Perlman, S., & Cowan, B. A. (Eds.). (2014). Supporting families experiencing homelessness: Current practices and future directions. New York, NY: Springer. Okado, Y., & Haskett, M. E. (2015). Three-Year Trajectories of Parenting Behaviors Among Physically Abusive Parents and Their Link to Child Adjustment. CHILD & YOUTH CARE FORUM, 44(5), 613–633. Haskett, M. E., Neupert, S. D., & Okado, Y. (2013). Factors Associated with 3-Year Stability and Change in Parenting Behavior of Abusive Parents. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(2), 263–274. Hawkins, A. L., & Haskett, M. E. (2014). Internal working models and adjustment of physically abused children: the mediating role of self-regulatory abilities. JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, 55(2), 135–143. Kim-Spoon, J., Haskett, M. E., Longo, G. S., & Nice, R. (2012). Longitudinal study of self-regulation, positive parenting, and adjustment problems among physically abused children. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT, 36(2), 95–107. Haskett, M. E., Stelter, R., Proffit, K., & Nice, R. (2012). Parent emotional expressiveness and children's self-regulation: Associations with abused children's school functioning. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT, 36(4), 296–307. Perlman, S., Cowan, B., Gewirtz, A., Haskett, M., & Stokes, L. (2012). Promoting Positive Parenting in the Context of Homelessness. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPSYCHIATRY, 82(3), 402–412. Barnett, M. A., Shanahan, L., Deng, M., Haskett, M. E., & Cox, M. J. (2010). Independent and Interactive Contributions of Parenting Behaviors and Beliefs in the Prediction of Early Childhood Behavior Problems. PARENTING-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 10(1), 43–59. Falconer, M. K., Haskett, M. E., McDaniels, L., Dirkes, T., & Siegel, E. C. (2008). Evaluation of Support Groups for Child Abuse Prevention: Outcomes of Four State Evaluations. Social Work With Groups, 31(2), 165–182. Ward, C. S., & Haskett, M. E. (2008, May). Exploration and validation of clusters of physically abused children. 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Factor structure and validity of the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY, 35(2), 302–312. Haskett, M. E., & Willoughby, M. (2007). Paths to child social adjustment: parenting quality and children's processing of social information. CHILD CARE HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT, 33(1), 67–77. Haskett, M. E., Scott, S. S., Willoughby, M., Ahern, L., & Nears, K. (2006). The parent opinion questionnaire and child vignettes for use with abusive parents: Assessment of psychometric properties. JOURNAL OF FAMILY VIOLENCE, 21(2), 137–151. Haskett, M. E., Scott, S. S., & Ward, C. S. (2004). Subgroups of physically abusive parents based on cluster analysis of parenting behavior and affect. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPSYCHIATRY, 74(4), 436–447. Haskett, M. E., Scott, S. S., Grant, R., Ward, C. S., & Robinson, C. (2003). Child-related cognitions and affective functioning of physically abusive and comparison parents. CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT, 27(6), 663–686. Wyatt, L. W., & Haskett, M. E. (2001). Aggressive and nonaggressive young adolescents' attributions of intent in teacher/student interactions. JOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE, 21(4), 425–446.